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Twitch Build Guide by TheMrDarkness

Jungle Carry Yourself with AD/AP Twitch jungle [In-Depth] [11.13]

Jungle Carry Yourself with AD/AP Twitch jungle [In-Depth] [11.13]

Updated on June 13, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheMrDarkness Build Guide By TheMrDarkness 57 8 189,227 Views 5 Comments
57 8 189,227 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheMrDarkness Twitch Build Guide By TheMrDarkness Updated on June 13, 2021
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Runes: Lethal tempo (Late game carry)

1 2 3 4
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


summoner spells (notes)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Ability Order Normal max order (notes)

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Carry Yourself with AD/AP Twitch jungle [In-Depth] [11.13]

By TheMrDarkness
Pros & Cons
So first of all, let's talk about pros and cons of twitch


+ hypercarry
+ Ranged Champion
+ Invisibility
+ Ability to snowball
+ Poison
+ Scales really well into games
+ Brings Great preasure to lanes
+ Excellent ganker


- High Skill Cap
- Early invades usually end poorly
- Need lots of practice to jungle
- Extremely Squishy
- Control Wards
- Hard to come back if behind
- Struggles a bit as a jungler
- Has no real escape
- Need perfect positioning in fights
- If you fall behind early, you're in big trouble
Ganking and taxing

For the gank to be succesful you need to make sure that there are not any wards around, then try to sneak up wth your Q Them do AA-W because your W casts faster after you auto attack and them just keep auto attacking, if the enemy laner is low hp use your E to kill him


After a successful gank, generally when your wave is pushing into the enemy tower you can take a minion tax. Generally your teammates will not like when you tax their lane but sadly it's a must-do with Twitch jungle. If you spend the time ganking a lane, this means that you are not farming - therefore you need to tax the lane a little to make up for what you lost. Some people, no matter what ELO they are in will simply not understand your reasoning for taxing their lane, so be careful of the rage kids and be mindful of an allied champion that is looking to freeze their lane. If they are trying to freeze their lane and you tax 2-3 minions ... you can put them in an awkward position.
The first jungle clear
So when playing twitch, there are 2 good jungle clears

The First one is: Red-gank mid(optional) - blue buff - gromp - scuttle crab

and the second one: blue buff - gromp - red - gank - scuttle crab

Of course there are many other clears, but I only covered the most 2 important clears
Early game as twitch jungle
At the start of the game, you have 3 choices 1. Start your clear normall go get your scuttle and gank. second choice: get your red buff and gank mid lvl 2 I don't usually do this because if it will not work this will put you far behind. and the 3rd choice is invade, I think I don't need to explain it

The Early game is the stage where you can get super fed and them carry late game, or you go 0/12.
Mid game as twitch jungle
So in the mid game, your goal is to take objectives like herald, drakes and towers

unfortunately twitch can only take solo heralds, so you need help to take down drake so ask your botlane/ your midlaner to zed you with it

Before raking herald/drake you need to know where the enemy jungler is, so he wont just smite it and take it. for example: the enemy jungler (kha'zix) is now diving your botlane, so ofc they will blame you for nothing. but since HE IS diving bot, you can take herald for free without risking he will kill you and take the herald

When no objective is up just farm or gank, if you are getting really low while farming buy tiamat this will help you a little, not a lot, but still a little help
Late game as Twitch jungle
In late game, your main objective is to stay with your team and carry teamfights,

But how to WIN teamfight?

when playing rat, you can sneak up with your Q them go all in with your W and utl, and when everyone is enemy team is low hp use your E to execute them. Be sure to not get CC'ed cuz if u get cc'ed your dead and your team can't help you so watch out for cc such like, blitz Q kayn W and morgana Q. If you are having trouble dodging those, get yourself a qss so even when you get cc'ed you can just use qss and get back to teamfight
How to kite jungle camps as twitch
I was too lazy to record it xD, so I found one on youtube. check it out if you have problems with kiting
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