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Rell Build Guide by Doglightning

Support [Challenger]Rell Support Guide👱🏼‍♀️

Support [Challenger]Rell Support Guide👱🏼‍♀️

Updated on February 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Build Guide By Doglightning 458 44 1,386,802 Views 10 Comments
458 44 1,386,802 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Rell Build Guide By Doglightning Updated on February 14, 2024
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Runes: Aftershock - Engage Page

1 2
Font of Life
Bone Plating

Hextech Flashtraption
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2
Aggro Summs
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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[Challenger]Rell Support Guide👱🏼‍♀️

By Doglightning


I am updating one guide a week for the next 10 weeks. If this message is not at the top of the guide then it has been updated
Welcome! I am Doglightning an grandmaster Neeko Support main. I stream off meta supports like Neeko, Taliyah, Anivia, Zoe, Ivern and Seraphine! My goal is to make off meta supports viable in high elo and be an inspiration for people who like to think outside the box but get put down in solo queue. Although Rell isn't off meta as she is released as a support she is hella fun and I've played her a bunch on PBE so I'm making a guide.

Why Rell support?
Rell has everything you could want in a support. She has tons of crowd control making it hard for the enemy team to dive your adc while still maintaining some engage potential. Rell has a shield break on her Q Shattering Strike. I've found that Rell isn't that great into enchanters like Janna because it's really hard for her to get in even though you would think with a shield break that these are good matchups. That being said she is great into tank lanes and I can see her shield break being great into Nautilus or Tahm Kench
Please check out my twitch it really helps support me in making content like this:

+ Good Peel
+ Decent engage
+ Shield break
+ Unique playstyle
+ Tons of disruption
+ Good anti tank

Rell has a ton of low range CC which is great for peel. When going into [[
FERROMANCY - CRASH DOWN / MOUNT UP]] (crash down) you move very slow and can be dangerous to use offensively. That being said if you are going into Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (mount up) then she still has decent engage potential with great disruption to the enemy team when using Full Tilt and Magnet Storm in the back line. She has a shield break on Shattering Strike which can be clutch and is a great anti tank due to her passive Break the Mold stealing tank stats from enemies she auto attacks.

- Easy to dodge combos
- Low impact ult
- very slow in melee form
- struggles vs CC
- Not great from behind

A problem with Rell is going into Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (crash down) as engage is very easy to dodge and leaves you in a awkward position as you move very slowly in this form. On top of that her W Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (crash down)can be canceled from cc and I think its best to use this for peel rather then engage. Her ult Full Tilt feels really hard to use well as enemies can dash or Flash out of it.
It feels more like a peel ult rather then a Skarner engage ult. On top of all this she really doesn't feel fun to play from behind because of how easy her kit is to play around.

FLASH: This is an mandatory summoner spell. The best combo is using Flash with your Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (mount up) to surprise the enemy with a clutch engage.
IGNITE: Ignite is a direct counter to Heal which almost every adc takes so be sure to use it before the enemy Heals for some early kills. In team fights put it on whoever is getting the most healing.
EXHAUST: If you don't have kill pressure in your lane then Exhaust is great. The ability to shut down a carries damage is insane in team fights.


I personally think Guardian works really well on Rell. She imo is a peel support champ and guardian really suits that playstyle. Of course with this rune set you can still engage but it really highlights the peeling of her kit.

If you have no engage on your team then Aftershock is going to be your go to rune. The reason I don't like it is that your Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (crash down) is very easy to dodge making it hard to proc aftershock. In contrast if you use Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (mount up)and run in to land a flip she can very constantly proc her Aftershock
Shield Bash is very good because when Rell uses Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (crash down) she is very slow and easy to focus but she gains a shield. Gaining extra armor and mr just feels really good.

Font of Life is good if you only plan on peeling backline offering more healing to your carries when they attack your cc'd targets.

Conditioning is good if you have an easy lane and plan to just scale into late game.

Second Wind is good into poke lanes where you are just constantly taking damage.

Bone Plating is good vs all in lanes where you wanna avoid getting bursted.
Overgrowth is just a great scaling rune which will give you about 200 extra hp later in the game.

If enemy has a lot of cc than Unflinching is really good. You can get this and Mercury's Treads to avoid getting cc chained.
I'm kind of obsessed with the late game vision control that Zombie Ward offers but I do think it falls off in lower levels of play where the enemies aren't warding as consistently. Ghost Poro is also a great option for lower levels for early vision control.

Hextech Flashtraption is a fun rune for lane phase. hex-flashing out of a bush into Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up can really catch the enemy off guard and score you some free kill.
Relentless Hunter is just a staple when it comes to support roaming ability. If you are not getting Mobility Boots then you should consider this rune.

Currently Cosmic Insight reduces Flash cd by 40 sec which is a lot. I would recommend this anytime you feel that you are your teams primary engage as this will allow you to flash engage more often.
Rell has extremely slow attack speed and with her passive Break the Mold I think its important to pick up Attack Speed to be able to get autos off on as many different targets as possible. Also helps kill wards faster which is nice bonus :D
Break the Mold (Passive): Rells passive makes it when she auto attacks a new target she steals 10% of their armor and mr. This basically has the effect of making Rell tankier while making the enemy squishier. Its really good for peeling tanks in a teamfight. Also Shattering Strike applies the passive to enemies hit.

Shattering Strike (Q): Shattering Strike is a skill shot that damages the enemy in a line in front of her. The cool this is Shattering Strike removes all shields from a target and is good to hold onto in a teamfight to destroy shields. Also Shattering Strike heals you and an ally you have bound yourself to with Full Tilt.

Ferromancy - Crash Down (W1): When Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up is casted Rell will dismount and turn into a Armor form. As shes turning into this form she dashes forwards and knocks up enemies caught in the area. While she is in her Armor form she has extremely slow move speed and gains a shield making her tanky.

Ferromancy - Mount Up (W2): When Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up is casted Rell goes back into her mounted form on her horse. After turning into her mount form she gets bonus move speed and flips the next target she auto attacks over her head like a Singed

Attract and Repel (E):
Full Tilt connects you to an ally of choice. Every time you change you connection to someone new the ability goes on a 3 sec CD. Your linked ally gets 10% bonus mr and armor. If you recast Full Tilt you will stun all enemies on top of you or your ally while also stunning enemies in between you.

Magnetic Overload (R): Rells ult Magnet Storm appears as an AoE circle around her. Enemies caught inside the circle cannot move and get dragged around like a Skarner ult. The major difference is people can in Magnet Storm can still cast spells. This means they can use dashes or ult outside of the ult. I think this spell is Rells hardest spell to use well and has a extremely high skill cap as you have to keep track of Flashes and other movement spell. This ult can also cancel dashes if used at the correct time.

Frontline Playstyle

I have called this the frontline playstyle as we max Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up
first. Every point in it increases the shield size when going into armor form which is really good
if you are going to be front lining for your team. Also when you get on your mounted form with
Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up you have bonus movespeed which makes engaging easier.

Disruption Playstyle

In the disruption playstyle I max Full Tilt because the cooldown gets greatly reduced
while increasing the damage significantly. Maxing this over Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up
will make you less tanky with worse engage but will allow you to get more stuns in the fight which
is why I call it the disruption playstyle. :D

Starting Items


  • Vs heavy attack damage teams these boots are great.
  • If the enemy team has a ton of crowd control then merc treds is a good option
  • Really good if you know you are going to be roaming a lot in your game.
  • If you want to roam but don't back with enough for Mobility Boots. Also really good into teams with a lot of slows as it gives slow resistance.

Core Items

  • Great item that makes Rell extremely tanky. Also really good for peeling as it gives allies armor and mr plus an active shield for that clutch factor.
  • If you want to roam or if you are primary engage then Shurelya's Battlesong is your primary choice. If gives move speed to help you rotate the map and can use the active for a burst of move speed help engage.
  • If you are the only frontliner on your team or the enemy is heavy ap stacked then I think Turbo Chemtank. When you pop the active you get a large boost of movespeed towards enemies and when you arrive you unleash an AoE slow.

Situational Items

  • Just a cheap item for the stats it provides. It has health, armor and ability haste. When you link it to an ally then they get bonus damage when hitting someone that you've recently CC'd.
  • If your adc is getting 1 shot by assassins' like Rengar or Zed then grab this so they don't rage quit babaHype
  • If the enemy team is poking your team out really hard before team fights then you cannot go wrong with Redemption. Pop it to heal your team but you can also use it to help split pushers win a 1v1 or scout the baron.
  • If you need an magic resist item then this is great. When you cc the enemy your whole team does 10% more damage.
  • If you need anti heal on your team then this is your go to.
  • Great item for roaming around the map faster if you are snowballing. Extra move speed helps close games out more cleanly.
  • Great item for roaming around the map faster if you are snowballing. Extra move speed helps close games out more cleanly. (copy pasta) :)
When leashing level 1 make sure you are in armor form. This way you can tank with your shield and go back into mounted form with Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (mount up)to get back to lane quickly.

As you come into lane level one you should look for an aggressive Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (crash down). Since it gives you a big shield its hard not to get a good trade off if you land it. Then when you hit level 2 you can use Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (mount up) to charge the enemy and flip them over your head into a Full Tilt stun. Once you are level 3 you can either use Shattering Strike as a tool for sustain in healing or hold it to break enemy shields.

Make sure you are in the correct stance for what you want to be doing. In general I want to be mounted if I want to peel my adc as the big AoE knock up from Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (crash down) is easy to hit when peeling. When you are looking to engage you want to be in armor form so you have access to Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (mount up) for engage.

Finally when you hit 6 you unlock Full Tilt. This spell is really hard to use like a Skarner ult I've found. Since its useable while casting Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up (crash down)I've found its a good combo because it pulls the enemy into the knock up. Then once you land you can try to pull them back as far as possible. It's also worth mentioning that Full Tilt can be used to cancel dashes if used at the correct time like a Threshs Flay.

I used JHOIJHOI guide Making a Guide to create this.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning
Doglightning Rell Guide
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[Challenger]Rell Support Guide👱🏼‍♀️

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