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Akshan Build Guide by DixonTheGuideMaker

Top 💡Complete Akshan Guide by Dixon [TOP\MID\ADC] ☑️

Top 💡Complete Akshan Guide by Dixon [TOP\MID\ADC] ☑️

Updated on November 9, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker 8,186 Views 0 Comments
8,186 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker Akshan Build Guide By DixonTheGuideMaker Updated on November 9, 2023
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Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Shield Bash
Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Flash + Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

💡Complete Akshan Guide by Dixon [TOP\MID\ADC] ☑️

By DixonTheGuideMaker
Hello everyone and welcome to one of my guides! This guide contains useful information and general knowledge based on my own game experience + open source info from Internet about the champ 💡📚📈🔍

My name is Max Dixon and i'm League of Legends content creator. I started to play LoL in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is 💎Diamond 1 (soloQ) and 💎Diamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server. I've got three times to Diamond in different season and now I'm more focused on creating guides and videos with reviews of the strongest players in the world, growing my channel by sharing my experience and training new champions for the marathone to Master+ in the future.

I also want to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make League of Legends content:
I would be very happy to build my first audience with 1000+ subscribers and start streaming😊

I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!

Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!

Have a nice reading! 📖🤓
- Strong early game and snowball potential
- Reviving teammates makes him useful in the late game too
- Theoretically infinite invisibility (disguise)
- Good mobility
- Good ganking potential due-to invisibility + mobility

- His Heroic Swing is an ability that hard to master
- His ult Comeuppance is hard to hit as well since the target can hide not only behind champions, but towers and minions as well
- It's hard to play against champions with great wave clearing and good poke

Every three hits from Akshan’s attacks and damaging abilities deal a burst of physical damage. If the target was a champion, Akshan also gains a shield.

After attacking, Akshan fires a second attack that deals reduced physical damage. The second shot can be canceled like a regular basic attack. If Akshan cancels the second shot he gains a burst of move speed.

Akshan throws a boomerang that deals physical damage and reveals enemies hit, extending its range each time it hits an enemy. Enemies can be hit once as the boomerang goes out and once as it returns.

You can use this ability to constantly poke enemies and for fast push of minion waves.

Passive: When enemy champions kill one of Akshan’s allies, they are marked as Scoundrels. When Akshan gets a takedown on a Scoundrel he gains bonus gold, all allies killed by the Scoundrel are resurrected at their base, and Scoundrel status is removed from all other enemies.

Active: Akshan becomes camouflaged for a short duration, or indefinitely while near terrain. During this time, Akshan can see trails leading toward Scoundrels and gains move speed and mana regeneration while moving toward them.

This ability is perfect to make stealth ganks and catch enemies off guards. Reviving part of the ability can be a game changer in the late stage of the game.

Akshan fires a hookshot that embeds in the first terrain hit. While embedded, he can recast to swing around the terrain in the cast direction, firing physical damage bullets at the nearest enemy while swinging. While swinging, he can recast again to jump off in the direction of the cursor and fire a final shot.

Heroic Swing's cooldown resets when Akshan earns a takedown on an enemy champion.

This ability need time to practice. Wrong usage of the ability can get your champion killed. I strongly recommend you to not pick Akshan in ranked games before you practice this ability enough to not do deadly mistakes.

Akshan locks onto an enemy champion and begins channeling power into his gun to store bullets. At the end of the duration or after recasting Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing physical damage based on missing health to the first minion, champion, or structure hit.

Akshan can move normally and cast Heroic Swing while channeling and firing Comeuppance. It's better to use this ability mostly to finish off enemies with low HP.
is one of core items for ADC builds with attack speed and critical strike damage. This item provides a lot of attack speed and synergizes well with the rune Lethal Tempo and Press the Attack. The item is especially good for critical and on-hit builds for extended fights.

This item is often built as a form of "anti-tank" item used to counter health-stacking champions (or champions that scale well in health) such as Shen, Dr. Mundo, Sion, Volibear, Zac etc.

It is the best item for basic attack-based champions who benefit from on-hit effects for a major portion of their damage.

is a core item for most AD crit builds. It provides very high damage.

the main goal of this item is to increase your damage to tanks and other enemies who bought some items for armor.

this item is very good to be bought as 5th and 6th item since it will protect your champion from hostile bursting physical damage and most important it allows to ressurect after being killed which is super important in the late game, when the respawning timer is the longest. Sometimes it also makes sense to sell the item after the REBIRTH being used since it has very long cooldown time.

Many tanky champions are still sustain reliant, such as Dr. Mundo and Trundle. Mortal Reminder may be a better general purchase against those champions, since it applies Grievous Wounds during teamfights, allowing your entire team to combat them. Buy this item if you want to cut enemy's healings, life steal and vampirism. Plus your champion will get 30% armor penetration which is overall good for late game and especially against tanks and heavy bruisers.

is one of the best items for your champion if you want to have strong vampirism, crit damage and your champion can deal most of the damage while staying above 70% HP.

This item allows you to land a basic attack outside of your basic attack range. You can also use it to poke your enemies from a safe distance, before engaging into a fight, which is especially useful if the enemies are strong enough to engage you if you enter into your basic attack range. This item is also very powerful for champions whose ranged basic attacks can apply crowd control in order to increase their effective engagement range. This item is most commonly paired with Stormrazor, which can apply the Stormrazor's slowing passive at a higher range, in addition to both item's energized damage stacking.

are most commonly purchased by auto-attack based champions, who can make the most of the attack speed and forgo other more defensive boots options due to their backline playstle.

This rune helps your champion to deal good amount of extra damage in early game short trades. The rune is also very useful in team fights since it increases damage that enemy receives from all sources, including your allies.

This rune is able to help you a lot with your mana or energy problems during team fights when you get lots of takedowns.

The rune simply increases your vampirism, so you would be able to heal yourself during the process of farming minions or jungle monsters. It can also be helpful in extended team fights and become a reason why your champion survives with 1-3% HP.

The rune increases your damage to enemies with low amount of HP. This rune is better that Cut Down and Last Stand if you can decrease health points of your enemy fast enough.

This rune can be a good choice against teams or champions with lots of burst damage

This rune is a great and the best option against hard poking champions like Teemo, Jayce, Cassiopeia, Vladimir, Kayle, Kennen etc. This rune is very useful for champions with no good HP regeneration in their Renekton, Riven or Rengar. However, it doesn't scale as good into the late game as Conditioning or Second Wind. This rune is better option for squishy champions so they would be better protected from a threat to be one shot by some enemy combo.

The rune gives you little protection while your champion is covered by a shield and your next basic attack can deal some extra damage. It cat be useful to dominate over your opponent in short trades.


Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that Flash is able to instantly teleport you on a short distance. This distance is enough to dodge some hostile abilities or to jump back and avoid an unexpected gank. With the help of Flash, you can overcome various obstacles like walls, pillars and other different obstacles. Flash is equally good to use for both attack and defense. This gives the spell some versatility. The summoner spell cannot be used if you have been silenced (you cannot use skills for some time). Also, Flash cannot be used under the effect of hard control abilities such as stun or fear.

Teleport is mainly used to minimize laning downtime after Recall or respawning, to prevent enemy laners from gaining an advantage. Teleport is also used to quickly switch lanes to defend an unguarded turret. Unleashed Teleport is great for ganking if the enemy commits to a fight and is around friendly minions, turrets, or wards. Another use for Unleashed Teleport is a backdoor maneuver where a high damage per second champion places a ward inside or near the enemy base and teleports himself to that ward. From there that champion will attempt to bring down as many turrets and inhibitors as possible. Unleashed Teleport can be used to prolong or save the life of an allied Zac by making one of Zac's Passive's drops ( Cell Division) invulnerable for the Teleport duration.

Ignite provides players an offensive utility and damage spell that scales with level. A well-placed healing reduction debuff from Ignite can severely limit the effectiveness of enemy healing items, as well as healing abilities from champions like Soraka, Aatrox, Vladimir, Volibear and Warwick. It is considered a direct counter to Dr. Mundo, Soraka, Aatrox and Swain because they are reliant on their healing-based abilities. The healing reduction debuff also applies to life steal, omnivamp, etc.
At first, playing as Akshan may seem quite challenging to a new player. Akshan is able to play aggressively on the line from the start and make short skirmishes with the enemy champion. He quickly deals damage to the enemy with skills, auto attacks, passive and Press the Attack, and then retreats. However, it is necessary to imagine and correctly assess the possibility of the opposite side. Akshan's auto attack range is 500, which is often lower than other marksmen and mages ability range. So just walking up and attacking without getting a significant response is going to be difficult.

Damage enemies from afar can be done with Avengerang and if you feel that you have enough damage to finish the enemy, then shortening the distance will help Heroic Swing. It is important to use the Heroic Swing wisely, because it is the only escape ability Akshan has, in case of a sudden attack by an enemy jungler or someone else.

If you manage to dominate a line, you can use two tactics: either create a freezing wave of minions near your tower, threatening the enemy every time he wants to finish a minion and thus keeping him away from farming gold, or quickly destroy the waves of minions and go to attack neighboring lines. Akshan's disguise allows him to easily sneak up on junglers and champions on other lines, unless he gets spotted by wards.

Against opponents with high ranged autoattacks or abilities, it will make more sense to focus on farming minions. You can attack them for some mistakes, like using their skills to get minions or just when they tried to hit with Akshan's skills but missed and you know that their main combat skills are on cooldown and if they are not standing under their tower and if no enemy ranger is detected nearby. The best time to catch such champions is when the wave has shifted towards your tower and they are forced to move away from theirs to continue farming minions.

But games against mid-range and close-range champions can be both easy and very difficult. Everything here will depend on the specific matchup and the state of the game meta at the moment. If you have strong melee champions against you, you can try to freeze the line closer to your tower and wait for an allied jungler to arrive to send the enemy to the fountain with a joint effort. Learning matchups is something that can't be mastered by watching one or more guides or videos.

You need to constantly play and practice, as well as watch the games of masters on Akshan to see and evaluate both the correct actions of experienced masters and their mistakes.

In the mid-game stage, Akshan continues to eliminate waves of minions like other marksmen do, but he can also attack weaker or low HP opponents more often by sneaking up on them in disguise. It is necessary to seek some kind of balance between one activity and the other. That is, when we run from the fountain, we evaluate on the mini-map the possibility of our further actions. We look and think about which line we can safely pick up minions without going very far into dark enemy territory, where we might need to protect a tower from an enemy champ, or where we can send one of the red team's champions to the fountain.

Ideally, you can do all three options at the same time, i.e. attack and kill a champion who has gone far into your territory and is threatening the tower, and then you can walk along the same line and pick up one or two waves of minions, while thinking about what to do next: maybe continue the pressure on the same line, or maybe your allies need help attacking a dragon or Baron Nashor, maybe there is an opportunity to attack another champion on the neighboring line from disguise, and so on.

The style of macro play for Akshan depends, among other things, on the summoner spells you choose at the beginning of the game. With Ignite, it makes sense to emphasize hunting down and killing enemy champions. And you should stay on one of the lines, next to the epic monster, which is already on the map, or soon to appear. Playing with Teleport, on the other hand, allows you to split-push and create line pressure that's on the opposite end of the map from an important epic monster.

Carefully use Heroic Swing to attack, and preferably in a way that maximizes the likelihood of getting a kill or assist and your Akshan has the opportunity to immediately fly back to a safe distance.

In teamfights, Akshan can position himself either according to the principle of most ADC, i.e. "stand away from enemies and shoot at the one closest to you", or play the role of an assassin and be something like Tristana, i.e. fly into the enemy, then fly into another one in the same way, or fly back to the allies, because Heroic Swing instantly reloads when making a kill or receiving assists. The style of behavior in a teamfight you will have to adjust individually to each unique situation.

Akshan should dish out tons of damage in the late game, but can also die quickly himself if caught off guard or picks a bad moment to fly in with poor positioning. In this stage, the revival period of champions on the fountain is the longest, so you should not run far away from the team to avoid being ambushed. The ability to resurrect allies makes Akshan a very valuable teammate in the late game.

You can walk close to the team and where there is a view of the area due to pre-installed wards. Before the battle begins, you can go into disguise to suddenly attack enemies using the surprise effect. This is generally the kind of Akshan trick that can be used from time to time. We just stay invisible next to an allied champion that is supposed to be attacked. The opponent can expect a fair gentlemanly 1-on-1 fight, and we can catch him at it. The same goes for situations where enemies may be planning to double attack one of your allies, but Akshan is standing nearby ready to fly in to help. However, you should be sure that the odds of winning 2na2 will be on your side in such a case.

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Dashing through the shadows of eastern Shurima, a righteous avenger stalks those who have harmed others. His punishment is swift, certain, and exacted by a curious weapon that rights the wrongs of his foes.

Raised on the streets of the city of Marwi, Akshan was introduced to injustice at birth. In a place where local warlords took what they wanted, most people survived by keeping their heads down and minding their own affairs. Try as he might, young Akshan could never manage to let bad deeds go unnoticed and was often quick to intervene when he saw someone being mistreated. This approach made the boy many powerful enemies, and on one fateful occasion, left him beaten within an inch of his life.

But luck was on his side. An old woman named Shadya found the boy unconscious in the street outside her dwelling. Though Marwian custom said she should not get involved, she took young Akshan inside and, against all odds, he pulled through.

As Akshan regained his faculties, he realized his savior was no ordinary woman. Shadya was a member of the Sentinels of Light, an ancient order committed to fighting Harrowings and eradicating agents of the Black Mist. She saw Akshan as a troubled youth, stubborn and defiant, but vulnerable. After butting heads with the boy over her numerous sentinel house rules, Shadya quickly discovered there was much to like about him. He had guts and a conscience—a combination seldom found in Marwi. Seeing the immense potential in the young man, Shadya made a deal with him: she would allow him to stay, free from the grasp of his countless enemies, and, in return, he would dedicate himself to the sentinel order.

Shadya and Akshan formed a fast bond as she taught him everything she knew about surviving as a solo sentinel. Akshan the scrappy street urchin grew into Akshan the full-grown bane of scoundrels. But even as Akshan’s skills grew by the day, he could see his mentor growing more distant, and more troubled.

At last, Shadya told her pupil the reason for her concern: A Harrowing was coming, bigger than any the world had ever seen, bearing an army of wraiths and ghouls from the Shadow Isles. Their only hope of stopping the cataclysm rested with the ancient sentinel weapons that lay buried within Shurima's crypts and tombs. If the world was to be saved from ruination, they needed to collect these weapons, and quickly.

To Shadya’s dismay, she found that the ancient weapons had already been plundered by local warlords. She pleaded with them to relinquish the artifacts for the fight against the inevitable Harrowing, but the warlords refused, determined to unlock the weapons’ mysterious power for themselves.

With time running out, Akshan and Shadya were forced to make do with what they had. As they took stock of their arsenal, Akshan discovered a particularly striking gun hidden away in the base’s vault. Alarmed, his mentor snatched it away and forbade Akshan from ever using it. The weapon, known as the Absolver, was imbued with an ancient enchantment that granted it a strange, unspeakable power—it could take the life of a killer and, by doing so, restore their most recent victims to life.

“It must not be wielded by anyone,” said Shadya. “Such matters of life and death are best left in the hands of fate.”

But Akshan still bristled at sentinel rules, and he had even stronger opinions on fate. He had spent his whole life seeing good people horribly mistreated while bad people did as they pleased without consequence. If fate was real, it definitely needed help—help that the Absolver could provide.

As his interest in the weapon deepened, Akshan continued to pry its history from Shadya and came to a shocking discovery: She had used the gun to save Akshan when she found him unconscious in the street all those years ago. With it, she’d slain the criminal who had nearly killed him, and in doing so, restored young Akshan to life. He wondered: Why did he alone deserve to be revived by the gun? Surely there were others who were more worthy.

While Akshan questioned the antiquated rules of his order, his mentor continued to press the warlords to turn over their stolen weapons. Tensions between the two parties built until one tragic day Akshan returned home to find Shadya murdered in the street, almost exactly where he had fallen all those years ago.

Akshan knew what he had to do. He made some key alterations to the Absolver and set out into the scorching desert with the forbidden weapon, hungry for vengeance. Though he could not determine which of the warlords had killed his mentor, he knew one way to be certain: he would pick them off one by one until Shadya was returned to Runeterra.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DixonTheGuideMaker
DixonTheGuideMaker Akshan Guide
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💡Complete Akshan Guide by Dixon [TOP\MID\ADC] ☑️

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