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Veigar Build Guide by TucuReborn

AP Carry Comprehensive Veigar Guide

AP Carry Comprehensive Veigar Guide

Updated on December 5, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TucuReborn Build Guide By TucuReborn 15,075 Views 2 Comments
15,075 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TucuReborn Veigar Build Guide By TucuReborn Updated on December 5, 2016
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Who Am I?

My name is TucuReborn, as I am sure you can tell. I won't pretend I'm a god at League or that I am some challenger player. I'm pretty normal, and I like fun, wacky characters. When I first started playing I found a liking for mages, and soon found Veigar. My god, this guy hit me right in my little dark heart. His lines, his personality, and the fact he automatically spams his laugh when he gets a kill. I love Veigar. For a long time I was testing things out with other champs, not entirely sure what my place in the game was. Then, out of the blue, I remembered the little evil overlord and picked him back up.

I'm a Veigar main and I'm proud.
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Why Play Veigar?

Aside from being a cute little ball of evil, why would you want to play Veigar? Well now, that's what this section is about.

The main reason is that he has the potential to have near infinite damage. By stacking your Q, you get 1 AP for every minion kill, and two for every cannon. You also get 1 AP for every time you hit a champion with a skill, including your stun, and every kill nets you 6 AP. Tiny numbers, but it adds up. For just laning, you can have over 200 bonus AP. This makes Veigar a super snowbally champion just by the sheer amount of AP you can get! Even without kills, no other champion can get as much AP as Veigar. He is one of four champions who infinitely stack, and his W alone can get literal oneshots. My record is 1800 AP total, and the longer a game goes on, the stronger he gets. Especially in lower levels where games struggle to close, Veigar allows a comeback from just farming and defending base.

Another reason is that he practically has three ults. His Dark Matter has 300 base damage and 100% AP scaling. Even with just items, this does almost 1000 damage! At 40% CDR this is up about every four seconds, and it hits in AoE. 1.8K AP means over 2000 damage that is up almost constantly! With just this and my stun I have managed triple kills lategame without even trying. And about that stun; it's an ultimate sized stun on a seven second CD. You can stun whole teams, block off the backline, and even cage in a priority target for an assassin(Or, lets be real, you). All this is even before your ult, which has up to 150% AP scaling and is up every 48 seconds lategame. At decent AP you can two shot even in midgame.
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Midlane Masteries

Masteries are a pretty straightforward rundown.

We go 12/18/0 for midlane.

For the offensive tree, we want Sorcery for the damage. Attack Speed is nice, but not the goal of midlane.

Second tier all sucks on Veigar, so it's your choice. Feast is pretty bad and you barely notice it. Expose Weakness is okay, but if you attack a target you are doing the damage and not someone else. Fresh Blood is meh. A tiny damage increase on autos every six seconds. I usually run Feast for the tiny bit of sustain.

Natural Talent Vs Vampirism is a tough one. However, is we look at the math, even with 1.8K AP, we don't heal a ton. W will heal us by 40 health, which is almost as bad as Feast. 15 AP isn't much, but we scale hard on AP so we take Natural Talent.

Lastly we have the big damage amplifiers. For Veigar we take Bounty Hunter. Battle Trance takes too long and we're a burst mage. Double Edged Sword leaves us even more squishy for almost nothing. If you get your stacks of Bounty Hunter, which you should, it outdamages the other two anyways.

In what has been named the "Defense" tree, we have a lot of options. The first tier it's a toss up. More speed to get back to lane or 5 extra damage on ult and autos. Since Veigar farms, I prefer to take the speed from Wanderer and get back to lane all the faster.

The next two go hand in hand, at least for me. Secret Stash is wonderful on Veigar because it gives you mana and health sustain, and Veigar runs through mana before he gets his Lost Chapter. The tier three I take with my biscuits is Merciless, which makes your ult and attacks hurt even more. However, in certain situations where you REALLY need to stay and farm, it can be a good idea to take Meditation so you can farm and trade better. If I take Meditation, I do not take Secret Stash. I take Assassin so I have a slight bit of compensation damage. In really difficult lanes it may be better to take both though.

Dangerous Game is the best out of tier four. It lets you survive clutch situations and stay in a fight.

Tier five we take Precision for the magic pen. It could work to take Intelligence, but we are already spammy enough.

And of course, as a burst mage, we take Thunderlords Decree for our keystone. Early on it gives us better trades and kill potential, and lategame it adds in a very strong bit of extra burst.
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Spell Selection

Flash is a must, always... Unless you're Singed or something, but not on Veigar!

With Flash taking up a slot, we can pick between Ignite, Heal, and Teleport for decent spells.

Ignite gives you a lot of kill pressure early, which is when you are most vulnerable. 99% of games this is the right call, and lets you start snowballing.

Heal is pretty meh. You should be doing the killing, not healing. Besides, you have potions for that. It's good for lanes you know will be hard, but gives up the kill securing of Ignite if they slip up or you get ahead.

Recently I have seen a lot of midlaners taking TP, which I feel is bad. Midlane is a snowball lane, and TP doesn't give you the kind of edge you need. It does let you gather more farm, which is great on Veigar. You don't miss out on as much XP and gold, which is nice. Me, personally, I would rather take ignite and have a kill than be back in lane a little faster, but it's all preference. If you are really experienced and expect a hard lane, this can help out and keep you always in lane and farming so you outscale.
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On to Items.

Your first item will generally be a Lost Chapter for the mana sustain as you level, then boots. After that, we have a lot of flexibility based on your opponents.

Generally you finish the Lost Chapter into your Morellonomicon, then go towards the rest of the build as outlined above. If you're getting ganked a lot, Rod of Ages can give you some defensive stats and good AP. If your laner is giving you issues you can build Abyssal Scepter or Zhonya's depending on their main type of damage. If you're ahead or even, definitely build your Morello and start towards the next item.

Above all, Rabadon's Deathcap is your most core and vital item. It amplifies your AP by 35%, and it includes your AP stacks. I usually aim to get this around the time I have 200-250 stacks, which gives me a fat boost of almost 150 AP from just its passive. Sometimes it's as soon as my second item if I am ahead, though third is more reasonable for most games. Yes, most champions this is often last item, but Veigar stacks give him enough AP to be worth it very early and if gives him a huge powerspike. Lets do some math!

100 AP from Morellonomicon as our first item in an optimal start. We're not going to account for runes, masteries, or even level in this just to keep it easy on numbers, so we'll just say we have a flat 200 AP from passive stacks when we finish Rabadon's. So that's 100 from Morello, 200 from passive, and 120 from Rabadon's. That gives us 420(blaze it) AP before we account for the Rabadon passive. At 420 AP, Rabadon's gives us a whopping 147 AP from its passive! Two items and we are at 567 AP already! That's how much some mages end the game with, and all it took was farming and two items and we can have this at midgame. Your ult when cast on an opponent at 33% or less health has 150% scaling and 350-650 flat damage. Lets apply this to the most ridiculous situation, a Nunu with 10677 health(Yes, it's possible). Assuming we are at the 33% health to fully damage, which is 3523 health, we can deal approximately 1500 damage with two items and stacks. This is a full build Nunu with a fed Lulu ult so it's almost never going to come up, but it shows how powerful Rabadon's is on Veigar.


Equally as important as what to buy is what to avoid.

The first one I see recomended too often in guides is a Tear of The Goddess item. On paper it sounds great, right? A fat wad of mana, decent AP, and a big shield to keep you alive. It sounds amazing for a squishy mage with no escapes. The problem is that you really don't need it and it takes too long to be useful when you can get better items now. If you play Veigar right, Morello provides more than enough mana and you will only need to back for items or low health after getting it. The AP is nice on it as well, especially since you build Morello and get more mana to turn to AP, but it's Veigar. You have a ton of AP from farming, so you can focus on better passives. And the shield. The shield that saves lives. The shield that you hate seeing. Another line that repeats what I said before. Alright, so the shield isn't half bad. It's actually good, but if you play Veigar right you should be safe anyways. By the time you would have it finished and have the shield, you should be able to Q>R whatever is in your way to begin with and get a free kill if you built other items. If you are doing a hardcore farm lane it's not a terrible item, but otherwise there are better passives and better items to get.

Like Archangel, Luden's sounds great on paper. A bit of speed and some poke when you Q, plus some added waveclear early. Heck, 10% AP scaling on hit isn't bad either! Problem is it's not a very good passive for Veigar. Your W can oneshote waves mid-lategame with or without it, so the waveclear from it is useless. The on hit damage is good, but you should be bursting them anyways. If it was able to be rushed without gimping you, it would be fantastic. Lategame there are better passives and your burst doesn't need it's help.

I don't see this much on builds, but I used to. Magic pen and some health, with a decent passive. It could boost your early game I suppose, but you burst and it is about sustained damage. If all you did was Q and kite with a Rylai's it could work, but it's pretty pointless. If you need pen get a void staff.

This used to be a defensive rush on him before the item was changed a dozen times. It gave you good mana sustain and some defense, but now the passives are useless for Veigar. Too bad, because it used to let you stay in lane forever.
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How To Play Veigar Mid

Veigar in midlane can do three things.

The first is farm. Pretend you are Nasus and Q farm until you outscale your opponents. At level one your Q does about as much as an auto, so you it takes practice to kill a minion with. Your goal from levels 1-3 is to farm and ocasionally poke with Q. Since your Q passes through one enemy, you can line it up to shoot through the wave and hit your opponent for that sweet AP and some damage. Even better is if you kill the minion at the same time. Your goal when farming is for every Q to get two stacks. Either two minions or one minion and a hit on your lane opponent. If you do nothing else in the game, playing safe and farming can still win you a game by the power you build up.

The second is slightly more effective if you can get it going. Farm champs. Creep waves are nice, but if you get a kill you can roam and get more. For every kill you get a minimum of 6 AP if you oneshot them, and more if you land more skills. Lets say you kill midlane and still have ult. You can then roam bot and possibly get two more kills for a minimum of 18 AP. One wave gives you 6-8, so even if you only get one kill and burn summoners, you are still even or ahead. This isn't even factoring kill gold and XP, which adds up.

Lastly, if you are behind and have no damage, you can be a stunbot. Your stun is up every 7 seconds at max CDR, so you can potentially throw it out half a dozen times in a long teamfight. Position safely, and try and pen the enemy in with your stun. Jungle fights are amazing because you can completely block off escapes and separate their team. This is how you stay useful even from behind, and how you eventually catch back up.

On to the details!

Level one you take Q, and try to get two melee minions down to the same health. Line them up and Q to immediately have a slight advantage in AP. it takes some practice, so go into a custom game and learn how much damage Q does at each level. If you are feeling brave you can even Q the enemy champ before minions show up, but be careful to not take too much damage back. Second level you can take either your stun or W, depending on where the jungle is and how you are doing. If the jungle can gank, take the stun and try to whittle them down a bit. Stun right as the jungle gets into view, then try to Q and ignite them. if the jungle is too low or you can't get a gank, take your W. Especially if the enemy is a melee assassin, your W can do a lot of damage when they go for minions. When you hit level the and four are your best chances to get an early solo kill since you will have all three abilities and a bit of AP. If you're about the same health, wait to land a stun or catch them low. Your main combo pre-six is E>W>Q, and combined with ignite can secure a kill if you are doing well. Make sure you do back for items after your kill or when you can get your Lost Chapter so you can keep farming longer.

Once you hit six you become the main target for ganks if you play right, and you should feed on everything in sight. At level six, if they are at half health, Q>R and you will get a guaranteed kill. But here's the thing, that's a free kill, but you lose your ult for two minutes. This is okay, trust me. You want to get a couple kills on your laner so they are set really far behind before you gank. Stay in lane and farm a bit, and kill them when they dare show their face. This gets the jungle to go after you if they aren't already, and you should get free kills unless they have a lot of CC and tankiness. Scare the jungle. If you see them, pen them in and hit them like the freight car of pain that you are. Make it so they don't want to come near you. If you follow the build and have your 200 stacks and a Deathcap, you can probably double kill pretty easy. Line up your E to catch them, then W. Q through both, and ult the stronger one. Ignite and Q the survivor. If the jungle ignores you getting fed, kill your laner without ult if possible and roam. Bot is my preferred feeding ground because the ADC doesn't know what MR is. You can practically walk up and stun to secure a kill for someone in low levels, and if you have ult they can't flash away from death. At a little higher skill level you can go behind them or behind a wall and combo them when they misstep for a surprise kill. Just be ready to run away ASAP if anyone sees you. Your best bet if to get a control ward in river bush and run straight at them like an angry Olaf. They can only focus you, the ADC, or support, so someone will get a kill and you will get stacks. And hey, if you die it resets your bounty.

Post-six and into lategame, you are the god of death. One shot your lane and take the tower, then roam and farm champs. Stack AP when you can, and aim to have 200 stacks by 20 minutes in. If you're on the ball you can have 200 by 15 minutes, but don't count on it. Remember to backline, because they can kill you even if you can oneshot. Only go up in the frontline if you have your stun or ult up, and even then be ready to bail if they mad dash at you.

Wombo Combos

This is your main kill combo. It practically guarantees a kill. As soon as they get stunned drop your W right behind them, but still on top. This forces them to either take it or come a bit closer, which makes it easier to have your ult in range and ignite if needed. This is also how you kill tanks lategame.

Panic combo. This can kill almost any squishy champ. Good for assassins or anyone with stealth.

Lategame oneshot. Stun and bomb their face. At level 2 stun you guarantee the W lands.

Self E>W
If you get rooted or dived on or an assassin blinks and your ult is down, put your E right on top of yourself so a wall is right on top of you. They either get stunned or back off, and you can kill them from there. Even if your stun is down, Q>W can still kill overzealous melee carries.

Number one tip for ult. If they are below half health and are not a tank, you can probably kill them. Use this liberally and without hesitation if you think you can kill them. Below 33% health, not even a tank can live unless they shield or heal up.
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Botlane Veigar: The Secret Pick

Only do this once you learn midlane Veigar. You need a deep understanding of his combos and playstyle to get this to work, along with a support who knows how to help you be a god.

I first found ADC Veigar when me and a friend were joking around. The enemy had banned Twitch, so I troll picked Veigar and proceeded to not only do well in lane, but force a surrender at 20. Your goal in this lane is to farm and go for early kills. ADC's pick up steam around 2-3 items, and you get free AP from farming long before that. Adding to this your ADC level range of 525 and you can match all but the longest range ADCs. Your goal is to poke them out of lane and get a kill by level four. Your Nashor's Tooth gives you the attack speed needed to duel an ADC without skills, and you make the passive even stronger by farming. If you haven't gotten a kill by six, you will. At six you can destroy any ADC dumb enough to try and fight you as long as you position right. This is a kill lane. You get kills and oneshot the lane opponent until you take tower. You get the benefits of an ADC with the power of a burst mage, meaning even when you are out of mana you do good damage. Along with this, if you go with a hard CC support you can chain CC and secure nearly any kill or pop a flash at minimum.

Using Alistar, lets look at the ultimate CC chain. You stun, and Ali knocks them into it while prepping his E. You whack at them, and when your stun ends Ali stuns them again. If they aren't dead yet, Ali knocks them up and you keep slapping at them. You have enough time to land at least three Q shots, at least 1-2 W hits, and by then they will die from a gnat's sneeze. Post six this is a guaranteed kill unless they have a really strong or weird support.

One last thing. Don't do this if you do not have midlane Veigar down.
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Botlane Items

Not really much to say to be frank. Build Nashor's into Lich Bane, then build like you normally would. If they have a healing support Morello is decent, though otherwise you can skip it for better passives.
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How to Play Botlane Veigar

Farm is good, kills are better. Q the enemy whenever possible, and auto three times for TLD whenever it comes up. The enemy can heal up with lifesteal, but you can't. Burst them down. All combos are the same as midlane, though you have two people to kill now so you get twice the stacks. Farm waves in between kills and get first tower. Try to end laning phase fast and get to teamfight since the longer you lane the weaker your matchup gets. Lategame you are an awkward mix of ADC and burst mage, but burst mage comes first once you get out of lane. Weave in Lich Bane procs while fighting to do extra damage(Example: E>LB>W>LB>Q>LB>ult>LB). It takes practice, but LB lategame will melt people with just a Q>auto.

Levels 1-3 you should focus on Q harass and last hitting. Once you hit level 3-4, get the first kill and snowball. After that, just play like Veigar except in botlane. Auto harass a bit, then ult after TLD comes down and you have a good chance at a kill. After laning ends, play like a mage until you run out of mana, then auto them to death.
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The Most Evil Support

Support Veigar is weird, effective, and hard to play against. There are two major ways to approach supporting as Veigar; sustained poke and hard AP carry.

The AP carry method is pretty straightforward. You build your support items and then go full AP like normal Veigar. This is good for if you get an early kill so you can snowball, though you can easily upset your ADC if you start taking all the kills. However, this is the better option if your ADC is doing poorly and you are doing well, as you can transfer the lane to your carry lane. Your main goals are to harass and set up kills with your stun.

As sustained poke your job is to constantly Q harass the enemy. Every time it is up, hit someone with it. You get AP for harass like this, and focus on massive pressure. Your main itemization is for mana so you can constantly harass the enemy. This is better for a lategame ADC since it allows you to hard pressure the lane and protect them without giving up too much damage. You harass any time they go for farm and keep them from being in the game. Your goal here is not to carry, but pressure. Pressure until they can't do anything. You will draw the jungle down, so keep your stun up until you can secure a kill or they show up. Unlike other builds a Tear of The Goddess is decent. It gives you a big mana pool to harass infinitely and a shield to help survive against ganks and all ins. You rarely run out of mana with it, but remember that you may need better passives and it is situational for lanes where you just need a lot of mana to pressure with.
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Tank Veigar

I'm sure you hear theories that Veigar can tank, right? Have you ever done it? Let me tell you that this can work very well, but relies on a deep understanding of Veigar and very good farming skills. Your goal with tank Veigar is to be a tank and provide CC, along with provide a powerful execute and decent damage. You most likely will not be doing one shots until deep into lategame, but your CC and tankiness when you group keeps you alive to provide numerous stuns.

Why does tank Veigar work? It's because Veigar has some of the strongest CC in the game with his E, and with the ability to still have good damage with his infinite scaling he can provide insane survivability and damage potential.

Your main item is Rod of Ages, which gives you the trading and survival needed for a toplane mage-tank. While your core is RoA and Abyssal, you don't have to build in that order. In most cases you don't even want to build directly into Abyssal since you will usually have an AD bruiser toplane these days. If you are against AD a Randuin's or Frozen Heart gives you armor and either mana or health. Pick one depending on if you are struggling with mana or can go aggressive with more health. If you are against an AP toplane or a straight out tank, Abyssal gives you some good damage boosts and MR. Make sure you pick boots depending on what you need each game.

No matter what, pick up a Banshee's after you get your core and your armor item. Spirit Visage is a good item, but you don't heal so Banshee's is really about it.

Last item will be one of the five listed. Guardian Angel gives you good defenses and that whole "Haha I have two lives" thing. If you want to apply pressure, either of the two splitpush items are good. I personally prefer Banner of Command, especially against AP heavy teams, though ZZ'rot is a good choice to annoy them and send them hunting it. Warmogs gives you a ton of health and the regen boost, which makes you a pretty scary tank in prolonged fights. Lastly we have Rabadon's, which makes you into a tanky carry. It boosts your offensive power at a slight cost to defense, and can be pretty terrifying when the tank one shots the team.

Level 1-6 you farm and trade. Your only goal is to farm and not die pretty much all game, and get a kill if you can. Your stun secures kills really well, so getting a jungle gank can set you ahead nicely. Max Q first for farming and harass. You stun to secure ganks and in teamfights or to run away, and also to save yourself. Early you are super squishy, so play safe and farm. Your W and E max is a bit up to you, though maxing E gives you a stronger stun for teamfights and W only increases the base damage.
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