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Runes: ALWAYS a good choice!
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Try to poke Malphite from far away. You should farm up against him. If possible, you can bully him early. Watch out for his lvl 6!
A really good support when it comes to peeling and givng extra on hit damage. Good synergie with your passive attackspeed.
A really good support when it comes to peeling and givng extra on hit damage. Good synergie with your passive attackspeed.
Champion Build Guide
I've got 60% Winrate in 150+ games with Quinn.
Also: Check out QuinnAD's stream and videos! You won't regret it
He's been helping me a lot recently and i did improve a lot watching his streams and videos. We even did a coaching collab on YouTube.
He is a Grandmaster Quinn onetrick and also answers lots of questions during streaming. Just ask away. Shout out to ma boi QuinnAD.
I hope this guide will help you guys in certain matchups! :D
Have fun, Chris!
You can always take either Galeforce or Krakenslayer. Maybe even Shieldbow is a great item for you avoiding to get killed. I personally prefer Krakenslayer because of your W passive attackspeed combined with the True damage from Krakenslayer.
Also, rushing Blade of the ruined king, is really good against all tanks. You'll sustain the lane easier and you can go for good trades. Attacking 3 Times, will slow everyone and steal some of their Movespeed. It's a great item into almost every teamcomp that builds a little bit Tanky. I'd especially build it first against Darius/Nasus. Combined with Phaserush they can not kill you 1v1 if played correctly.
I would suggest you, to try it out. Optionally, you can for sure go for PTA if you personally feel like, it is better against certain matchups. For me, I just love Phaserush into Nasus and Darius as they are not able to catch up. (Even with ghost!)
You can bully early pretty good with Quinn. Try to reach your lvl 2 Powerspike before your enemy does. This will give you pressure on lane.
Buy Control wards to get more vision on your lane. You don't want to get ganked and losing your pressure.
If you can't do anything on lane, try to roam. You will be surprised how often you will have success with roams. Make sure to shove your lane in before doing so! Otherwhise you might get pusnished severly with a Freeze and eventual jungle pressure on your lane.
And you really would not want to get camped.
It's also extremly important, to get Priority for your Jungler IF he does the topside Scuttlecrab. You can skirmish extremly well in the early game because of Ignite and you being a ranged toplaner abuser. You will have to check their jungler eventually too. Some are stronger than other. Also, if you do not have priority on your lane, and you know your laner is already moving or ready to move, make sure to communicate with your jungler. It is not worth dying for a Scuttlecrab!
If your lane is pushed in, you can try to roam towards midlane or botlane. You don't want your enemy to freeze you in a bad spot though! Make sure you have the wave reset before you do something.
Well, sometimes as a ranged toplaner abuser you can't reset the wave. Maybe because the jungler pressures you, and you would eventually end up dying. In this case: It is okay to get behind on lane a little bit. Think about it that way: If you die, you will lose the Cs, exp and you get your enemy further ahead. That might lead to camps/weakside.
You can also try to scout the enemy jungle to check where their jungler is.
This will allow your jungle to track their jungler down.
It will make ganks and rotations more obvious if you know his position.
You should always be aware of jungler and warn your teammates!
Wait for your team (or theirs) to open up a teamfight. Try to get to their backline and destroy them. Watch out on their team eventually turning on you once you're in.
Quinn can also be used to splitpush lanes. You can apply a lot pressure to lanes, and you'll even get away with your R - Behind enemy lines.
Watch out on their team moving towards you, once you show up on a lane in later stages of the game.
I personally do this a lot! The enemy team would start to panic often. Especially if you're threatening their Inhibitor when Nash is up. Be aware of Teleports though.
It won't always work, if the enemy team can force you in a really bad fight. Check their teamcomp and yours. You have to change your playstyle according to the teamcomp.
Keep the lanes under pressure! Eventually you can go for picks then.
You can hunt everyone down. Apply presssure to all lanes in later stages of the game.
One pick can be the reason your enemy loses an important fight. You always
Keep in mind, that you can also get caught offguard easily. You are a strong 1v1 Champion though. Apply pressure, Roam, Scout! Be aware of the enemy with your W.
Tilting somebody in your team won't help anyways.
Also you should not be mad at yourself. I was there too. Everyone was tilting at some point. League can get frustrating sometimes. But it'll be fine. If you keep yourself focused and dedicated to win, you will definitly have a higher chance to win! I would reccomend you, to mute toxic teammates too, as they may influence on how you play the game.
Also: You lose some and you Quinn some. ;)
Try to get for poke with your passive Harrier.
Your Q - Blinding Assault does AoE damage. You can hit it on minions for poke aswell.
You can also use E - Vault to get over walls when positioned properly. (Sounds like some easy escape if you aske me)
Your E - Vault can also interrupt channels or jumps like: Karthus R, Katarina R, Jax Q, Rengar passive and Ultimate Jump! You can do a lot with it!
In general, Quinn is a really good champion for solo Queue already. I would reccomend to try her out sometimes with diffrent builds and Keystones. She is an extremly versatile champion and you can do a lot with her.
I really hope i was able to help you out when playing Quinn, my favourite champion.
Anyways guys, I'll see you on the Rift and stay chill!
Leave comments if you have got anything to ask or other things, i'll reply pretty soon to them! Make sure to tell me, what you've liked on the guide, and what i could have done better. Always looking to improve my little guide here!
In hope you could learn anything, Chris!
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