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Choose Champion Build:
- Diana Mid - The Yasuo Destroye
- Diana Jungle - The Lane Punish
- Diana Jungle V2 - Sated Diana
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
if you somehow, meeting a morde midlane is it only 2 things you can do: Surrend, or leave. No but seriously, dont quit. try instead to farm, (poke is useless) or ask for babysitting. swapping is also a good idea, couse morde will RIP you hard.
[ please check out my other diana builds/guide in top of this page.
-Dont use abilities when farming. i know it takes time, but you waste mana
-Last-hitting is also good of course. use your Passive to clear out the bigger farms.
-use minions to your advantage when poking
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