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Overall a better duelist.
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I hate how every big name in this community says that Aatrox is in any way similar to Riven.
It's true that both of them are bruisers,but their playstyle is totally different.
Riven is and auto attack weaver(uses her fast spells to empower her AA's) while Aatrox is spell weaver (he benefits a lot from his spells and he uses AA's when his spells are on cooldown).
I hate how every big name in this community says that Aatrox is in any way similar to Riven.
It's true that both of them are bruisers,but their playstyle is totally different.
Riven is and auto attack weaver(uses her fast spells to empower her AA's) while Aatrox is spell weaver (he benefits a lot from his spells and he uses AA's when his spells are on cooldown).
Guys,really,don't play Aatrox in the jungle.He has weak ganks even with his W,because the enemy can dodge or walk out of it.Your E is short AF so you can't really close the gap between you and the enemy.Your Q roots you in place if you don't use your E so that's another con.
Riven can jungle because her E has a decent range and her Q moves her forward so she can close the gap between her and the enemy.
Riven can jungle because her E has a decent range and her Q moves her forward so she can close the gap between her and the enemy.
You want to poke your enemy with your Q and go all in when you are sure you can kill him/her.Early,you are useless without your Q.
Focus on farming and try to push the enemy away from the lane so you can push as much as you can.Don't very hard with the enemy in lane or you might get ganked,and it's not easy to escape without burning your flash.
Focus on farming and try to push the enemy away from the lane so you can push as much as you can.Don't very hard with the enemy in lane or you might get ganked,and it's not easy to escape without burning your flash.
-Don't forget that you can E while in your Q animation to get closer to your enemy!
-If you get ganked,you can try to Q and use your E to dash bacwards,so you can knock up anyone that is in range of your Q "sweet spot".
-Don't try to W the jungler or your laner if you get ganked.The shape of the W makes it so the target gets pulled back only if they get away from you.
-You can use your Ultimate before going into a skirmish/fight/teamifght so you guarantee a higher heal if you die.
-Don't forget that you can use your Ultimate to dive a low health target under the tower.But be sure you're not doing that on a full health Pantheon,or you'll regret your poor decision!
-Your E is an auto attack animation canceler (you can cut time from your AA animation by using the combo AA-E-AA)
-If you get ganked,you can try to Q and use your E to dash bacwards,so you can knock up anyone that is in range of your Q "sweet spot".
-Don't try to W the jungler or your laner if you get ganked.The shape of the W makes it so the target gets pulled back only if they get away from you.
-You can use your Ultimate before going into a skirmish/fight/teamifght so you guarantee a higher heal if you die.
-Don't forget that you can use your Ultimate to dive a low health target under the tower.But be sure you're not doing that on a full health Pantheon,or you'll regret your poor decision!
-Your E is an auto attack animation canceler (you can cut time from your AA animation by using the combo AA-E-AA)
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