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Best advice is permabanning Zed.
If you somehow end up against him, rush Seeker's Armguard and try to freeze the wave in front of your tower.
Give up as much cs as you need and DO NOT let him poke you down into kill-range.
If he ults you, wait for him to stop being untargetable and then ult away towards your tower. Try to roam as much as possible to make up for the lost cs. Zed is typically an easy gank before level 6 if you get him to burn his W to poke you. Make sure your jungler is aware of this!
Rush Seeker's Armguard and avoid trading if she has an element and W off cooldown. Try to freeze the wave and let your team know when she tries to roam.
Don't try to ult on top of syndra if she has her E up. You will take a large amount of damage and she will be able to back off for free. Try to stall untill you get your powerspike. She is immobile so if she burns her flash and her E she is a free gank for your jungler.
If you are chasing her, you can buffer your ult while she is throwing her E onto you to gapclose on top of her through the knockback. Never underestimate her burst!
The same as Zed. Freeze the wave under your tower and get an early Seeker's. Don't get baited by his R max health increase. If you are getting ganked, try to buffer your ult to go off while he stuns you with his rage W to have more time to run off.
Katarina has a good bit of mixed damage and starts the game building AD components for the Hextech Gunblade. Katarina's first large powerspike is Hextech Gunblade + Sorcerer's Shoes. Try to use the Q shield to counter her Q damage and get free harass in lane. Don't stand on top of her daggers and always be ready to hit her with QE if she takes a risky dagger. She is squishy with her build so just look to oneshot her after your powerspike. Cancel her R with your Q if you are looking for an all-in!
Nocturne mid has too much sustain for you to poke him down, and too much sustained damage for you to fight him early. After level 6 you can avoid him, but he becomes a threat to your team. Freeze the wave, ward the middle of the lane and warn your team on potential roams!
He will zone you from cs early. A Doran's Shield is suggested along with a Seeker's Armguard. You will outscale him very quickly after your core build is complete. When he uses his E, you should R BEHIND him to deal damage and force him to cancel it and fight back.
Avoid getting hit by her Q and W and getting poked out of lane. She will have control over the lane if she plays it smart. Play this lane to scale and don't give her a lead of any kind. If you can't quickly burst her down, DO NOT ult on top of her!
She is very strong at all points of the game. She outbursts you early and typically wins fights unless you are able to use your R to escape her R damage. Pre 6, diana is easy to bait for your jungle. If you get hit by a Q, she will jump onto you and have no defensive gap-closer to escape the incoming gank. Let your jungler know this!
He is unkillable in lane for the most part. DO NOT jump into the enemy team while his ult is up even if you have Zhonya's.
If you use your Q to cancel his R, you will most likely win the teamfight or survive the incoming gank.
Tristana naturally shoves the wave by picking up cs. Use this to your advantage and freeze the wave in front of your tower. If she gets greedy and uses her W to engage without procing her reset (exploding her E with an auto-attack) will leave her out of position vulnerable to ganks for the time being. Try your best to pick up farm while not getting poked down to her kill range. If she uses her W on you, try to hit her with EQ and disengage with your R.
Opt for Ninja Tabi.
Same as tristana. Lucian is sqishy and he will push the lane towards you. Get your jungler to capitalize on this! Opt for Ninja Tabi.
Avoid fighting Yasuo if he has his tornado stacked and try to disengage after a short trade since he wins all-ins and you win short trades. Opt for Ninja Tabi.
You win trades if you avoid her shroud. Level 6+ you should look to chunk her in a single stacked R combo while she is low on energy!
Don't let him hit the return part of his W. After level 6, if he throws his W out onto you, you can use the Q + E combo onto him and then R backwards to avoid getting hit with the return of the blades.
Free farm matchup for you. Since fizz is also melee, you can poke him down with your Q and E. If he uses his E on the wave, look to force a trade. Look to get lane priority and hit level 2 and 3 first since he lacks waveclear. Level 6+ you should win all-ins unless you get hit by a long-range fizz R.
Doran's Shield and Fleet Footwork are recommended for her strong poke. Try to use your Q to get cs while blocking her poke.
Early gankers that can help Kassadin get through the early game and help him get fed and snowball are an ideal combo with him. Since twitch has amazing teamfighting, this duo can 2v8 carry the game if played well.
Nunu & Willump
Champions with good ganks synergize well with Kassadin because he tends to freeze the lane, making enemy laners vulnerable.
Great cc, great distraction for Kassadin to clean up the fight while they are forced to focus the tank!
Ad is a better synergy, has good engage with his clone and hard to avoid ganks with Kassadin's gapclosers and the abundance of slows they have together.
Good ganks, only con is that you are double AP and forcing your team to pick a tankier comp with some engage.
Early gankers that can help Kassadin get through the early game and help him get fed and snowball are an ideal combo with him. Since twitch has amazing teamfighting, this duo can 2v8 carry the game if played well.
Nunu & Willump
Champions with good ganks synergize well with Kassadin because he tends to freeze the lane, making enemy laners vulnerable.
Great cc, great distraction for Kassadin to clean up the fight while they are forced to focus the tank!
Ad is a better synergy, has good engage with his clone and hard to avoid ganks with Kassadin's gapclosers and the abundance of slows they have together.
Good ganks, only con is that you are double AP and forcing your team to pick a tankier comp with some engage.
Combos are pretty straightforward, but some special ones are:
Fast burst combo (Q E R W):
Poke combo (Q E - watch out not to push the wave!):
Flash + R vs R + Flash:
Poke + retreat (Q + R back; Q + E + R back):
Surprise E flash:
Allows you to make make mistakes and go for greedy plays and not be punished for it. Great item overall.
Upgrade against swain/soraka etc. if your team doesen't have a good way to apply healing reduction. Typically a good item to pick up if you don't opt for Rod of Ages.
If you don't need the healing debuff from Morellonomicon but need tankiness, a good option is sitting on an Oblivion Orb for the magic penetration and HP.
Rule of thumb - If enemy team averages over 90 mr, Void Staff is worth getting. If you see enemies are sitting on MR components (e.g. Null-Magic Mantle or a Hexdrinker) they will most likely upgrade them. In this case, it is absolutely worth getting Void Staff. If your team mostly has magic damage, this is a great option so it is harder for the enemy team to itemize against you.
This item is pure damage. Getting Rabadon after a defensive item like Zhonya's is a massive powerspike for Kassadin. Good survivability combined with insane amounts of pure damage is the key to winning the game. Usually, you should aim to finish Rabadon around the same time as you hit level 16 and surprise the enemy team with your massive burst damage.
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