Be aggressive. Careful of his passive AA. Preferably let him use it on the minions. Bait his Q1 out or let him use it on the minions then you can go and fight. Level 1 contest cs. Level 2 bait Q1 and dodge the rest of his Qs with your E. Level 3 block his W with your W and you can also use your W to block minion Autos when fighting in his wave. Freezes are a good option here too. Freeze and run him down once his Q is down.
Bait out her Q on the wave or just let her use it. Start E and look for early trades. Let her walk up to the wave and dash on the minions->AA+E+AA..... Only last hit minions and let the wave push to you then freeze. Level 2 if she takes W, run her down. If she takes E do not go in. Level 3 go for trades using minions to get on top of her. Use your W for her charm and trades will be easy.
Bait out her Q and go for clean trades. Last hit minions -> let wave push to you -> freeze -> let her walk up to the wave and run her down.
Level 1 you can tank her Q with your passive or bait it out and be a bit more aggressive afterwards.
Level 2 Bait Q out and go for a quick trade but be careful because if she took E and hits that you will hard lose.
Level 3 Bait out her W -> Wait to expire and go on CD -> Dodge or block her E -> Win trades
Level 6 -> She can 1 shot you from full hp so once she ults you IMMEDIATELY dash on the minions and create as much distance as possible between the 2 of you. Afterwards just apply everything from above.
Bait out her Q and go for clean trades or block it with W. Last hit minions -> let wave push to you -> freeze -> let her walk up to the wave and run her down.
Level 1 bait or dodge her Q and you can go in with your E -> AA+E+AA
Level 2 Bait Q out and go for a quick trade
Level 3 Bait out her Q out and go for a quick trade -> Do that 2-3 times and she will be low enough for an all-in
You can use minions to dash over her wall either to chase or escape
Start E and look for early trades. Let her walk up to the wave and dash in. Later on it becomes tough. You will need to buy early MR (Nullmagic or Negatron). Try to freeze, farm safe and wait for jungle ganks, also try to poke with nado.
Aurelion Sol
Lvl 1 start E let him walk up to the wave and go in. Lvl 2 its pretty ez if you dont get stunned. Here just freeze make him overstep for minions and go to trade with him, you win extended trades, mages don't. Level 6 and onwards time your nado with his R so you can R after his R is done
Lvl 1 Start E let him get a bit aggressive and dash on the minions to trade. Be careful when you go to farm and he uses his soldiers. Try to stay as healthy as possible and have a good amount of farm. Lvl 3+ when he uses his Q try to find an open window for a trade because then is the time when he cant dash away with EQ. You can block his soldiers with your W and if you time your W well when he R's you should be able to block it.
Start E let him walk up to the wave and go in. Try to not get stunned because the amount of damage he can output is pretty big. Bait W while faking to go and AA the minions, try to dash a way that is kinda unpredictable so he wont be able to predict your dash in case you've been hit before that and have his passive on you.
Level 1 poke her when she goes up for cs. Bait out her W. Her E is block-able with your W. Dash in, let her auto you once to proc her passive and dash back immediately. After that you have a good oppurtunity window to go back in and fight. Once she has used her Q and E her damage is very limited. Level 6 fake your Q3 so she Ults and then Q3 her and Ult. You can also bait out her E by staying close to a wall and once you see her E going off dash immediately on the wave close to you.qqqqq
Bait out her Q and go for clean trades or dodge it. Last hit minions -> let wave push to you -> freeze -> let her walk up to the wave and run her down. You can block her W and E with your W. Windwall has to be placed properly and to position proplery as well to utilize it as good as possible
Level 1 bait or dodge her Q and you can go in with your E -> AA+E+AA
Level 2 Bait Q out and go for a quick trade
Level 3 Bait out her Q out and go for a quick trade -> Do that 2-3 times and she will be low enough for an all-in
Level 6 You have enough time to react on her R and turn around
When you chase her and she uses W if you are right in front of it ( not on top ) and you have minions close you can dash on them BEFORE getting on top of her W. This way you go through it faster.
Dodge his Q with your E. Do not stay behind minions otherwise he will use his E and hit you and your minions at the same time. The spikes from his E and block-able with your W. You win extended trades so aim for that. Let him push->freeze->he walks up->chase him down
Let him push towards you. Play safe/stay healthy level 1-2. Bait out his Q and go in for a trade. Level 3 and onwards if you play it decently you win all the trades. Either time your E with his W or have minions around so you can follow up on his W and stick to him.
Darius is a big bully in lane. Try to punish him for the minions level 1 to 3 as much as you can. For that to happen you will either need to bait out his Q or when he uses Q you will either need to dash in the inner part of his Q or away from it. Do not let him get 5 stacks. Get a few small trades. Make the HP difference between 30-40% and then go for the all-in. Ignite is a must in this lane as well to kill him early otherwise you will suffer.
Level 1 contest minions when she will be walking up for them (Poke with Q). Dodge/Bait or block her Q. Preferably do not trade with her when her W is up otherwise she will get her shield twice. Extended trades you win and she does not. Once her abilities are down, she has to wait for them to come back from CD.
Dr. Mundo
Stay behind minions,block Q's if you are not behind the minions, punish when he goes for cs and play around the waves so it becomes a pain in the ass for him to hit Q's. Reduce his healing get executioners.
Let the wave push to you. Make freezes. Level 1 let him use Q, walk up to the minions and contest them. Level 2 bait his Q again and once it is on CD go for a trade. Avoid his W. Preferably do not let him proc his passive on you if both of you are the full hp. Go for short/burst trades and eventually when he is 50% hp give or take go for the all-in
A good fiora player should be able to win easily against you. Once you get used to this match up at some point it will become a bit easier. So notice where he vital is (passive) try to position so you can deny her procing it ( it deals true damage, givers her burst of movement speed and heals her for a small amount. Be patient with your Q, let her Q first then use yours, block her W with yours, try to avoid her second E and when she ults you try to stay near a wall or dash around the minions to stall out the ult until its over, if you can't kite around a minion wave try to stay close to a wall while running
to deny her procing the last vital so she won't heal from her R. Freeze against her and let her do mistakes such trying to poke you with Q and maybe that way she will get a tower shot and it might be the time to kill her. Otherwise farm as much as you can and do not duel her a lot. Keep up with the farm
Punish him early especially level one when he tries to go for minions. Avoid him E while dashing and reading where he is going to land so you can deny the damage it will deal you. When he uses Q onto you go and dash on the minions because most likely it will be the time when he will use W too, so wait for his W to expire and go on cooldown and he won't have really anything else expect his E to do damage with. When he uses E try to punish, its cooldown is pretty long and its his only escape ability. Try to also have good reactions so you can block his R with your W avoid getting way too close with him at lvl 6+ because the reaction time to block his R is pretty small.
(Buy hexdrinker after you purchased bersekers)
Easy one just try to dodge his W because if he taunts you, you probably will get hit by his E. Block his Q with your W to deny the damage. Ganks are really well made with galio so respect that otherwise you might die a lot.
Tank his Q with your passive shield. When passive shield is down use W. Be careful with his barrels in the bushes. DO NOT GO FOR A TRADE WHEN HIS PASSIVE AA IS UP. His passive AA also resets when he explodes his barrel/s. If you can get rid of his barrels or bait them out. This is the main thing that you should worry about before or after going for trades. Extended trades and the go to but short/bursts ones before an extended is recommend as well.
Let wave push to you. Punish when he goes up for cs. Keep distance on max range of your Q so he won't be able to get up on you with his Q. Level 3 and afterwards when Q is down go in. he will use his W immediately when you go in so wait 1 sec for that to go on CD and go back for the all in. Same applies to his E like on his W
Play safe for the first 2 levels, let the wave push to you and freeze it 2nd/3rd wave (You gotta thin out the 2nd one) level 3 we can look for some trades when have the freeze. Level 6 do not risk going close to him when he is close to full fury. He can R you while jumping with his E. Block his Q with your W and when you go for trades generally do not let him proc his W most of the time. Either use your W for his 3rd W stack so he will not get the extra damage and movement speed or just Q
Level 1 poke wth Q when she walks up for cs. Dodge her Q. Level 2 it is risky to go for trades because if she goes for E and you do not dodge it you have to immediately back away. Level 3 trades are quite favorable for you IF you dodge or block her E with your W. Let the wave push to you and freeze. Level 6 go in and fake an all-in. Once she pops R back away IMMEDIATELY! Let her R expire and then you can go back for trades/all-ins.
Let the wave push to you. Level 1 contest the minions before they get low enough because if they do get low enough she will get 3 Q's on the front line minions and then Q on you again for the 4th stack. Level 2 play it a bit safer, look for safe Q pokes. Level 3 we can go a bit more aggressive since we can block her E with our W. Try to not fight her in big waves because this is where she is the best at. Also if possible during the time when you will fight her look to catch her when she is away from the waves or when she has no stacks since Irelia with no stacks on her passive is basically a fancy minion.
Let the wave push to you -> Freeze 2nd/3rd wave. Thin out the 2nd wave if possible. Look for poke Q's level 1 when he goes up for cs. You need to space PROPERLY so you will not get hit by his stun. Level 2 play it safe. Level 3 still play it safe. You can not be walking up at all that is why we need to get freezes most of the lane so we get the poke with Q's and small trades. Eventually he gets low enough and you can all-in him. If you are confident enough you can fight him in the waves so once he casts his Q on you, you immediately dash and wait out his E, kite and go to fight him. His R makes him VERY tanky so do not get fooled when he is low but you are low as well and you try to go for the kill.
Let waves push to you->Freeze on 3rd wave thin out at 2nd. He can be zoning you a lot first 3 levels if he is good. Level 3 we can go for some trades, use our W to block his attacks when he is on canoon form. When he is in hammer form you can react on his jump thing and dash immediately which denies the damage and slow from it. You generally win all-ins. Spacing is important.
Let the wave push to you. Only last hit minions first wave. Poke with Q's when he is walking up for cs. Look for as many kill opportunities as possible before level 6. Level 2 you can run him down when he walks up for cs. Level 3 block his Q with your W and also use your W to block AAs from minions when you fight in his wave. iF everything done right or somewhat right lane should be won.
Let the wave push to you. Only last hit minions first few waves. Level 1 contest cs. She should be using only Qs to farm. Level 2+ you can run her down when she has no minions behind her to E away. For every time you trade with her before level 6 always block her Q. It denies a dagger on the ground. Level 6 you can use your W to block her R daggers. Place your W+ position properly and you are good to go. Try to predict her E's as well especially when you have Q3 be patient with it and fake it some times to bait her E.
Level 1-3 Contest cs -> she walks up, poke with Q -> let wave push to you (only last hit) -> set up a freeze -> run her down when she walks up for cs
Level 3 With the freeze go for trades -> After 1 to 3 trades she will be low enough for an all-in
Level 6 Go in to bait her R -> Back away if she will be able to kill you after her R damage etc -> If she won't be kill you, keep up with her and kill her after R is over
When you chase her she will look to use her Q to slow you down. Either block it with W or dodge it with a side step or dash
Let the wave push to you -> Stay healthy between lvl 1-2 -> Before you go for any trades you wanna bait out her Q or block it with W -> When looking to chase him make sure you have minions to keep up with her -> Do not walk up to him when she has impowered auto from W
Level 1-2 Stay healthy
Level 2 Bait Q out and go for a quick trade
Level 3 Go for a quick trade -> Bait out him E -> Walk back to your wave -> Let him walk back, dash on the minions and run him down
Level 6 He can one shot you. If you gonna go for an all-in make sure you have minions around to dash on. The other option is go in, make him use R and back away immediately.
Bait or dodge his Q -> When Q is down contest Cs/go for trades -> Take 2-3 short/burst trades so we can get him low enough for an all-in -> Look at the arrow to know when he is going to dash with his E so you know where to bait Q once you react on his E -> He can burst you with R under tower - > His W is quite strong if you do not take any trades in prior during the laning phase before you get items you simply will lose the trade and put yourself in a bad spot
Let the wave push to you -> Stay healthy between lvl 1-2 -> You can react on her W with your E so it does not hit you -> When looking to chase her make sure you have minions to keep up with her and block her E -> Do not walk up to him when there are no minions around/you have no W or no passive shield up
Level 1-2 Stay healthy/Let wave push to you
Level 2 If she goes for Q W, react on her W and dash on her IMMEDIATELY to dodge it
Level 3 Go for a quick trades -> Block her Q -> Dash on her during her W -> Walk her down / If you have to commit and tank her E make sure to dash on top of her before her E pops so you can stay on top of her while CC'ed
Start E and go in for trades after you bait or dodge his Q -> When Q is down go for trades -> Take 2-3 short/burst trades so we can get her low enough for an all-in -> When trading and she looks to disengage walk in front of her and prepare to block her E with your W -> When dashing towards her and she has W up make sure your dash will get you in top of her so you can dash on her afterwards and have an actual chance of getting a proper trade/blocking her E with W
Start E and go in for trades after you bait or dodge his Q -> When Q is down go for trades -> Take 2-3 short/burst trades so we can get her low enough for an all-in -> When trading and she looks to disengage walk in front of her and prepare to block her E with your W -> When dashing towards her and she has W up make sure your dash will get you in top of her so you can dash on her afterwards and have an actual chance of getting a proper trade/blocking her E with W
Let wave push to you and make freezes -> Make him use his Q on you when he is close to your wave so he takes aggro -> If you plan to go for trades you HAVE TO block his Q with W. If you do not then tank his Q with your passive shield -> When trading let him use E on you, once he does dash away on the minions to win some time until his E duration on you is over and go back for a trade -> We will need some short trades before we go for an all-in. You need to look for early game kills otherwise he gets a 2 component items, becomes too tanky since you won't have the DPS and lane is ResidentSleeper + You lose
Start E, let him use E on the wave and go in once he is close to his front line minions -> Let wave push to you and make freezes-> Once he walks up for cs go and trade -> Pop his passive shield with an Auto, E+AA+E back -> We will need some short trades before we go for an all-in. Most likely will need early QSS after Greeves otherwise after level 6 once you walk up a bit too far and his jungler is close you die -> His Q is very easy to dodge and his void links die very easily + you can use them to dash towards him
Maokai is really annoying for yasuo, he can cancel your Q with his or dodge it with your W which snares you. Try to stay away from the bushes because most likely he will have put 1 or 2 of his E's in there. Early game is the time to try. Contest EVERY SINGLE CS and trade with him to make an all-in possible bit later. If he gets too tanky i would suggest go for a bork or some early crit and when you have the space for an extended trade the crit will give you 50% armor ben from R. Bork will help you take bad trades (sustain after trades AKA lifesteal) and kill him too. Also his R is blockable with your W. Freeze against him because he is a tank and he won't gonna win extended trades.
Start Q, bait his Q/dodge it or let him use it on the minions -> Let wave push to you and make freezes-> Do not let him pull out his passive with when going for small trades. Later for the all in it will not matter -> Once he walks up for cs, go and trade -> His E is very easy to dodge-> Once in his ultimate if you do not win this, KITE as much as possible dodging mainly his E, and then Q -> When going for trades and he pops his W. If his W shield is big, disengage. If not keep on fighting.
Let wave push to you -> Make freezes -> Most nasus players are greeding hard for the stacks on their Q, so when ever they walk up for a minion harass them as much as you can. It will come to the point that they will be that low on hp and killable. Bait his E by going in for a ''trade'' and then go back with E on his minions. After his E is over, you can trade freely. Try to avoid getting hit by his Q's as much as you can. Avoid staying in his W because it reduces your armor so he will deal more damage to you. When he ults run just run (except if he is killable) you dont want to fight him at that duration of time he gets more tanky his R does some magic damage to targets close to him and he gets his Q cd lowered, so just bait it by going into for a fake fight and when he uses it go back asap and stay in a safe distance until its over.
Start E-> bait her Q-> Let her walk up for cs-> Go in for trades when she walks up for cs-> Dodge or bait her E-> E on her before she uses W so you can see which Neeko is the real one-> Let wave push to you and make freezes-> After level 6 preferably bait out her R by going in for a trade, once you see R is casting, dash back immediately and you go for trades safely afterwards + gank setup for her gets greatly reduced
Bait his Q or dodge it -> Take small trades -> Space correctly -> Kite -> Take ignite to win early against him, take a lead and snowball -> When he pops R again just kite and wait for it to be over -> Ideally do not fight when he uses W
Start E, let her walk up on the wave and once she is close to her front line minions and go in -> Let wave push to you and make freezes (Only last hit and thin out)-> Once she walks up for cs, go and trade -> You can block her E shield with your W and in general stop her ball from coming back to her or where she has placed it with her Q -> We will need some short trades before we go for an all-in -> Her Q is very annoying because she can zone you just with that if she is good -> When going for an EQ when both of you are 6 she can look to R you so you will not be able to R. You can try to spam your R so once you are not CC'ed anymore hopefully she is still knocked up for your R.
Start Q -> Contest Cs (poke with Q) -> Let the wave push to you and make freezes -> You can dodge/bait/block or just let him use Q on the wave -> W is very easy to dodge with E. This is his main trading ability -> With his E he will be mostly looking to Q+E for the knock up into W (His combo), or for disengage. You can follow him up by dashing either on a minion or on him while his E is casting -> His ultimate is block-able with your W or you can knock him up with Q3 right before his R arrives on him so he will not be able to use it for the knock up.
Early game respect him, he can fuck you up big time. Stay safe and healthy the first few minutes of the lane. Afterwards when you get boots with an item like noonquiver you can trade with kill potential. Try to block at least one of his Q's with your W if he charges it. If he doesn't then bait it by walking in and out of it's range or just let him use it to cs. it can make the difference in the 1v1. After you get 2 to 3 finished items thats the moment when you absolutely shit on him. Again here we also freeze so we can stay safe and healthy as i mentioned above, missing few minions also is not a big deal in case he freezes, at least try to be in xp range and all gucci. The wave is gonna come under your turret and you should be able to freeze or even perma freeze if done right
Poppy is really annoying to face, Try to poke her with your Q early game stay away from the walls. Be in the center of the lane so you wont get stunned. Her W is really annoying since it can stop one of your E's but thats it only one and afterwards you can dash freely around. Avoid getting hit by her Q. Freeze pretty much in lane and wait for jungle ganks because most likely you wont be able to do a lot against her, farm up and scale but give it a try to see how the trades go. Her R is blockable with your W so it can make the difference too in the teamfights. ( Only when charged enough to knock you away but dont stay too close to her when she charges R because it will knock you away just keep a medium distance and it will be blocked. Bork here helps again if u cant sustain in the lane
Start Q -> Let her push towards you -> Stay healthy level 1-2 and level 3 you can look for some trades -> Bait her Q -> Space properly -> Proper W usage -> Time your Q3 when she Es on you so you can get the knock up on her to R
Level 1-2 Space properly -> Poke when he walks up for cs -> Take ignite -> Look for early game kills -> Get the push lead for level 2 and look for a kill/good trade. If he goes PTA lane will be VERY rough. If he goes for Conq then it is easier -> Freeze the 3-4 levels -> Level 6 go for a trade and once he ults disengage IMMEDIATELY if he isn't easily killable
Early game small trades -> Respect him -> Space properly -> Do not stay close to the bushes -> Once we get a few items we can let him jump on the cs and take a trade -> Do not look for trades when he has 3/4 stacks -> Exhaust is good here -> Do not ult him when he has 4 stacks because of W. You will ult for basically nothing -> W or dodge his E
Let her push to you -> Start Q -> Contest cs when she goes for them -> Bait our her Q1 let her use Q2 as well and you can go for favorable trades afterwards -> Freeze -> Level 6 either go in and bait her R then dash back to safety OR play around your W so you will not allow her to R (This should be done only when you have kill pressure/potential)
Start Q -> Stay healthy -> He is surprisingly strong early game so respect him -> Space properly -> Let him use his Q, block his E with your W and that will be enough to win trades -> Level 6 when he uses R, make sure to be close to a wave so you can dash out of his R
Start E -> Let him walk up to the wave and dash on the minions to go for a trade AA+E+AA -> Block his E with your W so he will not be able to root you, just slow -> Let them push towards you (Only last hit) -> Freeze waves -> Run him down when he walks up to the wave
Avoid/Bait/Dodge his taunt -> Block his blade/passive with your W -> Contest cs early (poke with Q -> Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> Let him use W and dash away to wait until his W expires and goes on cooldown -> Level 6 PAY ATTENTION TO THE OTHER LANES, he will be looking for an R on his teammates so you can potentially look to cancel it
Kite/Space properly -> When he tries to come up to you Q poke him. Same when he goes for cs -> Do not stay in his poison -> You can time your Q3 with his flip and ult him when his flip is over -> Freeze waves
Bait out his Q -> Contest cs when Q is down -> Do not line up yourself for his E on a minion -> Let wave push to you (only last hit the wave) -> Freeze -> When he walks up for cs run him down -> Level 6 when he needs to get away (AKA when he gets low on HP) he will be looking to R away so dash in front of him to prevent him/block/stop his R
Start E -> Let him walk up for cs and run him down with E and AAs -> Bait his Q then go for a trade -> Block his E -> Dash away from his W -> W his R at the end of it -> Let wave push to you -> Freeze
Start Q -> Contest Cs (Poke with Q) -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Dodge his Q2 (if possible) -> Block his E2 with your W -> Block his R with your W -> You win extended trades he does not -> Block his R with W after level 6. You can react on it
Start E -> Let her Q, once she does use Q go in with E -> You can dodge her Q, W and E with your E -> Block her stun with your W or dodge it with E -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze
Start Q -> Level 1 bait his W or dodge it -> Contest cs (poke with Q) -> Mainly look to either bait his W or block it and then go for trades -> He wins burst trades, you win extended ones -> Let the waves push to you -> Freeze -> Punish when he goes walks up for cs -> You can block his R as well with your W -> When ever he is walking up to a wall or towards a wall except his to jump over it. You can time your E with his jump to follow him over the wall or your Q3 towards the direction that he is jumping at
Play safe first 2 levels -> Stay healthy -> Block his Q with your W -> After level 3 you can look for trades with your W, they have to be short ones because you do not have enough DPS this early on -> Small trades will result for an all-in -> Once you get boots/noonquiever and afterwards you can look to go a bit more for extended trades -> Level 6 care from his shrooms when you go and fight in or close to your wave. He will place them on top of your minions so they can explode and damage/slow you
Level 1 contest cs and poke with Q -> Space correctly, stay at Q range distance all the time -> Poking will result into you being able to go for the all-in -> Start ignite to have kill pressure early on -> Level 2-3 you can win the all-in -> Careful of how much fury he has -> Do not let him just trade favorable trades for him because he will just sustain it out with his Q and be full HP in no time -> Level 6 bait his R and dash away immediately to wait for it to expire. You need to kite and if he is killable right before his R start chasing/following him
Twisted Fate
Start E -> Let him use W on the wave -> Go in for a trade with E -> Let wave push to you (only last hit the minions) -> Freeze -> Run him down when he walks up to cs -> Use W either when he tries to cs from far away with his Q or simply for his W -> Level 6 he will be looking to push the wave and ideally look for a roam so ping to your teammates about that or simply do not let him make the rotation without losing minions
Stay healthy -> Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> Run him down when he walks up for cs -> Level 1 start Q -> Stay at Q range and poke him when he walks up for cs or tries to poke/trade with you. This way he won't be able to hit you with E -> Level 2 be a bit more careful he can slow with Q to close the gap and hit his E -> Level 3 use W to your advantage to win the trades and dodge/bait his E. This is his main ability -> Level 6 you can block the first and second part of his R with your W -> If he hits Q or E and then activates W, this will make you be targeted regardless if you are behind your minions or not
Last hit minions -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Start E and go for trades when he is walking up to get cs or harass you with Q or AAs -> Bait out his cage or when you get trapped in it you need good movement to dodge his Q/W -> His R can be blocked with your W -> He will be walking up frequently to last hit minions with his Q for stacks so pay attention to the HP of your minions and punish accordingly
Last hit minions -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Start E and go for trades when he is walking up to get cs or harass you with Q or AAs -> Q, W and E can be blocked by your W -> Dodge his abilities with your E, you have more than enough time to react on them
Last hit minions -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Start E and go for trades when he is walking up to get cs or harass you with Q or AAs -> Do not walk up when he is out to get his charged up Q or if it is already charged up -> His E can be blocked by your W -> Pressure him early to get a kill and get ahead early on otherwise if you go even for like the first 10 minutes it becomes rough. His early is fairly weak so punish accordingly -> He wins short/burst trades, You win long/extended trades -> Force him to use W and then play around the cooldown of it
Level 1 Start Q -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Poke with Qs -> Harass when he goes up for cs -> Use your passive to win trades -> You need small trades before you can go for an all-in -> Level 6 preferably let him use R and disengage IMMEDIATELY. Stall out till his R goes on CD and then you can look for more trades
Last hit minions -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Start E and go for trades when he is walking up to get cs or harass you with Q or AAs -> Bait out his W or E. If you bait W you can use your W to block his E. If you bait his E then you good to just run him down when he walks up for cs -> Do not stay in your wave so he has to decide to either hit you with his abilities or the wave
Start Q -> Space properly / Kite when he is walking up to you for the Q -> Dodge his E and you are good to go afterwards -> His ghouls can be killed with AA or Q directly at them without minions being in front of them. You can dash on them -> You will need to poke him a bit first and then can look to go for an all-in, especially in the early game before you get any items -> Once you get boots and proceed to go for Noonquiever you can run him down once E is down -> Level 6 get rid of his maiden first before you go for any trades -> Preferably let him use Q or bait it out before going for trades. This is simply so you get an advantage before the trade has began
Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> Start Q -> Let him use Q on the wave or bait it -> Contest cs -> Punish when he walks up for them -> Q is his main ability for damage and W for trades/engage/disengage so look to play around them being on cooldown -> Poking him before going for all-ins would be ideal. He wins burst trades and you win extended ones. Early game when you have no DPS you HAVE TO poke before a trade -> Use minions to dodge his Qs / Kite him or use W for his Qs -> Level 6 place your W correctly so it becomes really hard for him to hit his Qs. Time your Q3 right when he starts getting out of his R
Start E -> Go to trade with E when he tries to poke you with Q or AA -> Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> When he walks up for cs go and trade -> Dodge his Q -> When getting on top of him he will use W, if you have Q3 time it so you can pull out your R after the CC is over
Last hit minions -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Start E and go for trades when he is walking up to get cs or harass you with Q or AAs -> Bait out his W ( the slow ) -> Be careful when going in for trades. His gank setup is very easy once he slows you -> Force him to use R when he gets low and just let him walk away if you can not kill him after he gets revived by his R -> Boring lane asf -> Block his double bombs with your W or dodge them with E
Last hit minions -> Let the wave push to you -> Freeze -> Start E and go for trades when she is walking up to get cs or harass you with Q or AAs -> Bait out her bubble or block it with W -> When you get Q3 after level 6+ she will be looking to dodge your it with her R so be patient -> She will be walking up to get item/summoner from the minions so you can look to not let her walk up without being punished -> You can block her Q with W as well
Let wave push to you -> Freeze -> Play safe early on -> Stay at Q range -> Be careful of being a bit too close, he can catch up to you easily with his Q, pull you with E and chunk you quite hard -> Space properly -> Kite properly -> Once you get some items you can look to be a bit more aggressive -> Can dodge his E and W with your E -> You do not win extended fights, gotta poke him, kite him -> Make 30-40% hp diff and he is killable
Start E -> She most likely starts Q -> Once she uses Q you can go in for a trade with E -> Let her push to you -> Freeze -> Let her use abilities and go in -> Dunno anything more for now, gotta play the match up a bit more because I have played against her very few times recently and do not remember/know what else to type
Hello everyone! My name is John ''ForgivenBlade'', I'm a Yasuo/Yone main from EUNE currently playing only on EUW. Coaching for Skillcapped and privately over at
I play yasuo from a few years now (3+) have 6m+ mastery points on him. My peak is GrandMaster 653 LP with a 58% winrate only Yasuo/Yone. I started playing league from the age of 11.
Why I chose yasuo as my champion? I think he is a really fun but needs a lot of time to put into him to become fun, he has a lot of outplay potential and there is pretty much always something to improve with him no matter how good you are. There are always little details you can improve on with the champion.
I'm also streaming on and I also coach. You can come and ask me anything about the game or yasuo specific stuff. I will happily answer. The stream is in 3 languages which are Greek,Bulgarian and English. I try to mix it up to have people from all over the world interacting in my stream and trying to feel comfortable when the join to watch!
I would recommend just to freeze let the enemy overstep and then to try and go for an extended trade depending on the enemy champion of course, freezing also helps you build a cs lead, keep you safe from ganks and set up potential ganks for your jungler. Try to bait out your enemy's abilities and play around their main abilities cooldowns, that would be the best time to go for a short trade and slowly but surely set them up for an all-in. As a last thing try to adapt to your enemies dodging patern, throw few nados and notice how he dodges and later on you will be better hitting your Q's. Always pull an AA before ulting if you are in range and have enough AS, this one AA can make the difference if you gonna get the kill or not.
Late Game/Teamfights/Split Pushing
Late game/Split pushing: When laning phase is over. Try to adapt on the enemy's team comp, if they have a lot of CC you probably gonna be useless in the teamfights, so start split pushing get 1 or 2 enemies to stop you and this way you can give an opportunity to your teammates to force an objective, make a teamfight with member advantage or just push another lane without the enemy team being able to stop them so its a win-win situation for your team overall. Just learn how to split, while splitting pay a lot of attention to the minimap and have the blue trinket and place it to a good place where you think the enemies will most likely cross to come and try to stop you...Oh and also hope your team won't get caught in case no one comes to stop you.
-Teamfights: Try to hold your nado as long as possible and look for better opportunities to knock up more people because that can change the whole teamfight or even game outcome. Don't rush your W too, learn to place it to the most efficient way possible to prevent the enemies blockable abilities.
Learn to use your E the most efficient way possible, don't rush onto dashing, get a good angle with your champion and then dash to maximize the range you gonna travel and catch up faster to the enemy you are chasing or just maximize the distance between you and your enemy while trying to escape.
Never rush to use your ultimate to maximize the time your enemy will be knocked up, pay attention to the little line above the enemy you knocked up with your nado and use your ultimate right before it reached the end, this way when your ultimate is over you will have your Q right back up of cooldown and will be able to use it when your ultimate is done. Also before using R try to AA if you have enough attack speed and if you are close enough to your target. When you have 2 attack speed items and you are in range to AA and airblade (E+Q+R) do it to maximize the damage you output.
Never rush onto using your E on your target if there are minions close, use it in the end to kill them just in case they have some kind of a dash/flash/escape ability to be able to catch up on them and kill them.
Always when going to E+Q try to pay attention to your Q cooldown, when it reaches 0.5 seconds use E because at that point your Q gets resetted. Doing that a couple of times in a row will make a big difference and it will look like your Q has no cooldown.
Learn how to dash around in the teamfights, do not I repeat do not dash around in autopilot, think how you dash why you dash and where exactly you want to dash to achieve an outplay,dodge skillshots or get a better position to land a multiple man R.
I will be doing an advanced guide on my youtube channel about how to utilize yasuo's E and how to dash the proper way and improvise for some really good and not that commonly seen wall dashes.
When you chase and you are close to him with nado try not to use it instantly because they most likely will try to dodge it so in the meantime you can AA then and after when nado is almost over use it for an easy hit. If you get chased and you have nado hold it, they will try to side step and this way the distance slowly but surely becomes bigger between the 2 of you and again just it at the end when its almost over
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