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Evelynn Build Guide by Raexys

Evelynn 4 Beginners

Evelynn 4 Beginners

Updated on September 5, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raexys Build Guide By Raexys 4,002 Views 0 Comments
4,002 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Raexys Evelynn Build Guide By Raexys Updated on September 5, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Evelynn
    AP Assassin
  • LoL Champion: Evelynn
    AD Assassin
  • LoL Champion: Evelynn
    Tank Evelynn


Hello, I'm a mastery 7 eve secondary on the NA server and have been playing eve for about 5 months or so, thought i would give my advice on how to play eve for beginners because she is a hard champ at first to learn but she pays off really well.
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First "Clear"

For Evelynn, I usually start red buff and either level 2 cheese the lane that leashed me (Bot or top) or i invade the enemy jungler if they are weaker than me. After that i'll take some of their jungle (usually raptors or wolves). Then I'll head back to my side and do 1 or 2 camps and back. Then i'll take my blue and invade or gank again, rinse and repeat.
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How to gank

Evelynn has one of the easiest ganks in the game in my opinion. You literally just walk into their lane and wait for the enemy to go a little too deep and then hop in with your w and spam q and e. Simple as that.
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First off, you won't be "teamfighting". As evelynn most of the time you'll be too squishy to just run in and teamfights so instead your goal is to pick out members of their team before fights even happen (ADC). Then during the actual teamfight persay your job is to look for squishy people out of position and kill them quick and w out.
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Your job is basically the same, pick out squishy people so your team can do the rest and force objectives and such basically.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Raexys
Raexys Evelynn Guide
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Evelynn 4 Beginners

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