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Ezreal Build Guide by KDKY

ADC Ezreal go pew pew = Pentakill

ADC Ezreal go pew pew = Pentakill

Updated on July 24, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KDKY Build Guide By KDKY 2,254 Views 0 Comments
2,254 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KDKY Ezreal Build Guide By KDKY Updated on July 24, 2022
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Runes: Standard Runes

First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Main Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

Ezreal go pew pew = Pentakill

Very safe champion
Good poke damage
Amazing mid game
Easy to learn and great champion for beginners

Bad early and late game
Easy to dodge ultimate if enemies see it coming
Doesnt scale like other ADCs
Arcane Shift has long CD

Primary (Inspiration):

First Strike
-You trigger it a lot with your Q Mystic Shot and R Trueshot Barrage which also gives massive bonus damage.

Magical Footwear
-Saves you 300 gold that you can later use on your next item.

Biscuit Delivery
-Fixes your mana in the early game.

Cosmic Insight

Secondary (Precision):

Legend: Bloodline
-All the sustain you need and Q Mystic Shot applies lifesteal.

Cut Down
-Free damage in the late game.

Presence of Mind
-Not the best in my opinion because this is mana overkill.

- Flash is a must for escaping and chasing down enemies.

-Take Heal when your support has gotten Ignite or any other summoner spell.

-Take Cleanse when you are VS heavy CC teams.

-Take Exhaust when you think that you will have a hard time VS your enemy.
For starter you want to get a Long Sword so you can get your Essence Reaver faster and 3 Health Potion.

On your first recall its very important to get Tear of the Goddess. If you recall a little later where you have more money you can buy Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Sheen or Caulfield's Warhammer.

Once you get your first item Essence Reaver you will never run out of mana again making Presence of Mind kind of useless. You also get some poke damage from your Q Mystic Shot

You now have Manamune which will turn into Muramana rather quickly. Now you have even more poke damage from your Q Mystic Shot which is why First Strike is a very good choice.

You will now get your mythic item which is Crown of the Shattered Queen. Many people would take Trinity Force or Divine Sunderer but I dont. I think Crown of the Shattered Queen is absolutely broken because the enemies will never one shot you again. Its not because of the AP it gives or anything. Its just pushing Ezreal's strengths to the limit which makes him even more safer.

Your last 2 items which are Serylda's Grudge for armor penetration to keep your damage revelant and Ravenous Hydra for max sustain. If necessary tho you can skip Ravenous Hydra for either Frozen Heart VS physical damage, Maw of Malmortius VS magic damage or Chempunk Chainsword for anti-heal.

All of these items come with massive ability haste which makes this build so broken.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KDKY
KDKY Ezreal Guide
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Ezreal go pew pew = Pentakill

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