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Ezreal Build Guide by BlrdR3flX

AD Carry Ezreal Pro Build Guide

AD Carry Ezreal Pro Build Guide

Updated on November 17, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BlrdR3flX Build Guide By BlrdR3flX 50,920 Views 0 Comments
50,920 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BlrdR3flX Ezreal Build Guide By BlrdR3flX Updated on November 17, 2014
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First, don't follow this guide if you have not enough experience with EZ. All the actives and different ability timings used in this guide will confuse you an lead to your defeat.

Second, as you might already know, EZ is a kiting champ and will not win an all-in unless his opponent is kited down to 50-60% health. This guide tries to give more utility to EZ but also increase his all-in abilities lategame.

Third, I upgrade this guide once a week like I am getting more experienced with EZ myself and adapt new tactics.
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Runes and Masteries

Scaling Runes are chosen to give a lategame boost to EZ and prevent you from going to close combat with enemy champs in the early game.

Flat AD is used to push the early game as well as to trigger from sheen, your passive and increase our crit damage lategame.
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Items Build 1 Engage Utility

Items can be used aggressive or passive.

If you choose to escape, always use the slow actives before you use your E.

If you go all in, jump in to an enemy with E and use your Ghostblade and Gunblade. Then, hit an auto attack to trigger sheen. Then pursue your enemy and hit him with W. Then again use your Sheen for an increased auto attack. Now, use your BotrK to heal yourself of the enemy and to slow him again. Use your Q to trigger again from your Sheen. Now, either your enemy is dead (thats good) or still alive and running. Your furor boots and trinity force will allow you to pursue him and finish him off but if thats not possible due to additional enemy champions you can just ult, finishing off your target and maybe getting additional hits off.
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Items Build 2 Kiting

If you see your kiting going very well throughout the game (due to the enemy team lacking the dodge) you should definitely choose this build. Slow your enemies and apply that additional Shiv damage via your Q. Try to get the Blue for additional CDR if you are full built. If your team gets Baron its basically gg.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BlrdR3flX
BlrdR3flX Ezreal Guide
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Ezreal Pro Build Guide

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