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Ezreal Build Guide by NSAT

Support Ezreal Support Guide By NSAT (In progress)

Support Ezreal Support Guide By NSAT (In progress)

Updated on July 25, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NSAT Build Guide By NSAT 2,261 Views 1 Comments
2,261 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NSAT Ezreal Build Guide By NSAT Updated on July 25, 2022
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Runes: Best Option

1 2 3
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Main summoners
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

Ezreal Support Guide By NSAT (In progress)

I think that Ezreal support is actually something very good. The strategy is just to poke out your enemies while you are in a bush. You dont have any CC but trust me, this is so fun. He has so much poke damage. If you keep poking your enemy for like 2 minutes, you can let your ADC finish them off easily because they will probably be very low making this a pretty solid choice. You will be basically just giving your ADC free kills. They can farm, while you poke out your enemies. As Ezreal support you want to have full control over the map. You want to put wards all over the map. You can roam sometimes when you have killed your enemies in the bot lane. A problem is that a lot of people will be flaming you for picking Ezreal support. Your enemies will not be expecting you in the bush. Even tho Ezreal's early game is very bad but if you keep poking your enemies you will still do very good damage.

Very safe champion
Amazing poke damage
Good mid game
Easy to learn champion

Will always get flamed for picking Ezreal support
Bad early and late game
E Arcane Shift has long CD early game
Easy to dodge ultimate if enemies see it coming

Primary (Inspiration)

First Strike
-Since you will be poking your enemies a lot you will get a lot of gold in return which makes this a pretty good choice.

Magical Footwear
-Saves you 300 gold so you can move onto your next item.

Biscuit Delivery
-Helps to fix your mana problems early.

Cosmic Insight

Primary (Sorcery)

Summon Aery
-Very strong to poking out enemies

Arcane Comet
-Also very strong to poking out enemies.

Secondary (Sorcery)

Manflow band
-Very good since you will get a lot of mana when poking the enemy.

-Gives ability haste which is very good because of the ability haste your build gives.

-Very useful when poking out enemies.

Trinity Force
-The best option because you can get movement speed and you can use W > Q > AA to proc the second passive.

Divine Sunderer
-Another very good option to use W > Q > AA.

Duskblade of Draktharr
-More of an item when you want to carry your team.

Maw of Malmortius
-VS Fed AP champions or heavy AP teams.

Frozen Heart
-VS Fed AD champions or heavy AD teams.

Chempunk Chainsword
-If you need anti-heal.

Ravenous Hydra
-Gives you all the sustain you need.

Serylda's Grudge
-Gives you armor penetration to keep your damage relevant.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NSAT
NSAT Ezreal Guide
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Ezreal Support Guide By NSAT (In progress)

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