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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She has a high range and her kit is designed to immobilize an opponent. It helps you poke targets more and will allow for early kills.
She has a high range and her kit is designed to immobilize an opponent. It helps you poke targets more and will allow for early kills.
Champion Build Guide
I recently was thinking about Ezreal after trying out some supports that are bullies instead of defenders and found that Ez can work well as a support. Therefore, I decided to put my experiences into a guide in case someone was looking for something new to play.
Ezreal is an AD/AP caster that has major power spikes. Most people think of him as an ADC, however, he is first and foremost a poker and lane bully. his entire kit is basically different long-range pokes. Therefore, he can do a great job as a support. As an Ezreal Support, You basically want to stay back and poke whenever possible. This will create pressure and force the opponents to either back off their minions to avoid a lot of damage or retreat under tower. Both of these effects will cause them to lose cash, maybe some experience, but mostly cash. In addition, your Arcane Shift is an escape, so you can poke safely.
Mid game snowball The opponent will lose plenty of CS if you poke them a ..... lot Pretty adaptable for different opponents Can carry if your ADC can't |
You have problems if you can't avoid CC from your .....opponents You don't have any escapes for your partner and no .....peel until Iceborn Gauntlet If you have a BAD short-range ADC, then its game over |
This is your passive. It adds attack speed for each spell that lands. It only really helps when trying to take towers or late game killing. For the supportive role, it's not that helpful.
This is your main damage tool and income source. It is a low cooldown and mana cost spell that applies on-hit effects. It allows you to use Kleptomancy from a long range. You get 25 gold for each hit and decrease all cooldowns by 1 sec when hit. By stacking on-hit effects, you can easily get this spell to anywhere from 500-1000 damage per 2 seconds.
This makes your Mystic Shot more effective. It amplifies your damage. It used to be helpful for ADC's, but now it makes your early game pokes hurt A LOT. This is assuming, of course, you can follow up with another poke. Otherwise... its just wasted mana.
This is your emergency escape tool. You can also use for killing, but that if after lane phase. Mainly though, it's your escape tool.
This is your finisher for if they run. A global ult that deals a lot of damage. It has as many uses as there are targets on the map. Just understand that it has a delay and travel time, so it will take a while to learn how to snipe with it.
Kleptomancy gives you 5 gold for the first two basic attacks landed on a champion after an ability. since Mystic Shot applies on-hit effects, if it lands, it will count as a basic attack for Kleptomancy. It may not sound like much, but you can easily get 600-800 gold throughout the match due to low cooldown on your Mystic Shot and amble opportunity since your job is to poke them as much as possible. Due note that if you auto a minion, which you shouldn't be doing too much, you lose the 5 gold for autoing a champ. For example, if you auto champ -> minion -> champ, you only get five gold since the second auto was on a minion.
Magical Footwear gives you free boots at 12 mins and you get them 45 secs earlier for each takedown you accumulate before they are distributed. The boots are a free 300 gold and if you play safe, there should be no need for them during the 10 mins you need to wait for them. They also give you a bonus 10 MS. Perfect Timing gives you a Stopwatch at 10 mins. This should only be needed if you have a Fizz or other quickly snowballing burst champ. I would only use this rune for a Fizz specifically due to his skill that gives his invincibility (even from towers!) AND gives him mobility allowing him to tower dive safely. The majority of the other burst assassins can be dealt with through skill (except a late-game Veigar that is FED).
Future's Market gives you the ability to always buy something when you recall and allows you to finish items earlier, all for the minor cost of 50 gold. With the items you get from Future's Market, you can make back the 50 gold easy. On the other hand, Biscuit Delivery gives you sustain in lane and synergizes with your Manamune/ Muramana by giving you extra max mana. However, you rarely need the biscuits considering you should have health and mana potions due to Kleptomancy. In addition, you should be able to recall when you're low, so you don't always need potions in the first place. Biscuit Delivery is a good rune, but I think Future's Market is better.
Cosmic Insight gives you an extra 5% CDR on all your cooldowns. Gives you a max 45% CDR on abilities instead of just 40%. Your summoner spells are on a lower cooldown, 18 secs off Teleport and 12 off of Heal, and since you use your summoner spells a lot during a game, having them on a shorter cooldown is nice. Item actives have a lower cooldown as well, but this isn't as important since you don't have many actives on your items until late game.
The build doesn't work well without Manaflow Band. Do not switch this!
I prefer Scorch above anything else because it adds quite a bit of early damage with a 10 second cooldown. Gathering Storm adds a nice amount of damage over time. Transcendence is only helpful if you are really hooked on getting that 40% CDR. You can get 40% CDR with the build, but near the end game. 30% is more than enough for winning a game.
Your goal is to hit the opponents with as many Mystic Shots and Essence Fluxes as possible. However, save your Arcane Shift for when you need it, so don't use it to set up pokes. Its not worth landing one Mystic Shot if you end up dying because of it. Try to not use Essence Flux unless you can land a Mystic Shot or auto attacks well. With Ez's rework, Essence Flux cannot proc Spellthief's Edge/ Frostfang on its own. It can proc Kleptomancy, but needs an auto attack or Mystic Shot to make use of that proc. Also, try to stay on the bush side of the lane. While that makes you predictable, this predictability gets you two things.
The opponents stay near the river and your ADC can stay near the bushes side. This makes it easier for your Jungle to gank and harder for the enemy Jungle to gank you.
It is harder for the opponents to hit you because they don't always have vision on you. Taking Oracle Lens increases this effect by allowing you to remove any wards they place in the bushes. If you are in a bush when they try to ward it, you can poke them when they ward or get maybe even get a kill. Having that lack of vision allows you to spring surprise attacks if you can get another person in that bush too, like the Jungler or Mid to quickly burst them when they don't expect it.
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