Zac Support is rare but counters very well Ezreal support. He has the reach to stun you and if you use your E to escape, we'll just grab you and stun you......... He's probably the greatest threat to you so poke him and pray you can escape with your E if he go IN.
She's useless in lane but goes wild in mid-game/late game. You can literally win your lane in early game but it doesn't matter BECAUSE SHE'S YUUMI HELLOOO. She's not a threat overall to ezreal but to your team.
He grabs you, you're dead if his adc follows with the lantern. He's less scarier compared to Zac because if he can't grab you, he's useless in lane. Btw you can't escape his grab like Blitzcrank, sadge. Just poke like always, if you think he'll grab you, go E in the minions, with a little bit of chance, his grab will go in the minions.
His slow is pretty efficace on you. Stay at a safe distance.
He has 2 grabs now, be careful about that because if you E on the first grab, he'll just grab you on the second.
I mean, he'll go in but you'll escape with your E, right ?
Timing your E against his grab is a little tricky but it's a must against him ! And it's very rewarding for your ego.
He has a better poke than you, he has a CC. He'll win the early game if you're not focused.
Her cc last 2 seconds. You can E her Q but yeah it's 2 seconds.
I believe ADC Support has a kit very similar to each other (MF/Ashe/Ezreal). But Ashe has a better kit overall, she just doesn't have the damage compared to Ezreal. Be careful of her W and her R.
I've never won against Senna because she's too strong. But i always win my lane against her or at least it's even. Just stay far from her AA reach.
I'm not afraid of her CC but her passive. Ezreal is very weak so if her passive hits me, i lose a lot of HP so i recommend you to instant Q her plants !
I've never lane against her. So i'm just guessing but i think she can reach you with her shield/speed boost ability so it'll be hard to escape from her.
He goes in, you E. He goes in, you E.
He's very annoying. Just stay far from him and poke.
If he reach you, you can't escape him. Maokai is one of the best support on this game and if you don't aknowledge him like the Tribal Chief, he'll show you nightmares. Always respect him.
I don't know. Seraphine is one of the worst Support in the game. The only good ability she has is her R. and maybe her heal ability.
ADC Yasuo is like hitting a wall. If you see a Yasuo and you're not sure about the ADC opponents, i recommand you Poppy Support :)))))
Annoying because if she is good, she can always heal her adc so yeah be careful of her Q.
She has a good Q CC because you can escape that ability.
He doesnt have the reach to annoy you but if he does. Pray. Because that'll be the last thing you'll think if he can use his passive on you.
it's okay.
Q his turret. Legit you counter him.
She has the reach to CC you with her shotgun. and also she can os you when she has the items to do it ! If she Q you directly, use your E to escape diagonally, like that you'll never be touched by her shotgun.
Poppy Support is the best support there is against dash like Lucian/Caitlyn/Akshan.. but you're ezreal so you're free !
She can surprise you. Be mindful of her tornado
Her only threat is her R. If she can touch you with her bubble then you're the worst Ezreal in the worlds.
He fears so he's strong.
She can reach you with her e even if you escape with your E. She has a LOT of CC. So good luck ;))
Lux is Lux.
With a flash he can reach you if you don't mess up.
Neeko Support is tricky. Always Q her clone because you don't know, sometimes she can trick you and make you think that's her clone but in reality it's her with her R.......
Has the reach to annoy you, has a lot of cc. Just stay strong.
His AA is annoying but overall he's useless.
I don't know what to think of him.
You can win your lane against him but he can win the game.
His grab is annoying even with Ezreal.
Just poke him, in fact you should always poke when you play Ezreal Support, you can only do that xd
Oh yes, maybe keep your E to escape his R.
never played against and if i did, i don't remember. Be careful when she turns you into an animal, that's all.
Renata Glasc
No reach. maybe her R.
Tahm Kench
never played against him. In the support lane at least. I'm very aware of his TP because i think he can reach me.
Rell is even if she is with an adc like Tristana who can literally jump you to os you :))
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