Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Stack your Grasp and every time he walks up to Q you, Q him! NEVER let him hit you for free. This is how he wins the lane. If you get a positive trade of you can look for an all in. Parry his Barrel and be aware of his Orange when u all in/ dive him.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Stack your Grasp and Q + AA every time she walks up to Q. OR go out of range/sidestep it. Make FULL use of your D Shield + Second Wind before you go back in. This is how you outsustain her.
In this matchup u NEED Hexdrinker first item which u finish later after your main build.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let her push and look for all in's once she is overextended in the lane. (OR wait for your jungler to gank)
Try to predict her W and sidestep it since it basically counters your whole champion.
Dodging/parrying/flashing her R means make or break in this matchup so pay close attention to her trading patterns and try to play it perfectly.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Very tricky, you need grasp or ff 15. Also bring Ignite+Flash since whoever gets a lead first will auto win the lane. You can flash or Q his E to throw him off.
Parry his Q or his PTA proc.
You can go Stridebreaker in this matchup for more gap closing.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
You wanna go something like Quicksilver or Hexdrinker first item.
He will auto push due to his kit so you just have to wait for him to overextend to all in him. SO don't get poked down before he is at your tower!
NOTE that he has his passive shield so proc it first before you parry him.
Post 6 you can parry his R, but you have to predict. If you go Quicksilver, this problem is solved.
I think this wouldn't be a good guide if I wouldn't tell you how to play against Fiora. It always can happen that the enemy picks your Fiora so: Pick Malphite and go TP+Flash and Comet-Mana-Transcendence-Scorch and secondary Biscuit-Time Warp for small runes go Adaptive-Adaptive-Armor. You start with Corrupting Potion and a point in Q. Your skill order will be Q>E>W. First item you rush Bramble Vest and Plated Steelcaps. Also pick up a Dark Seal whenever you can. For mythic you want to buy Sunfire and then you want to build Lich Bane. After that build team dependend, you can finish your Mejai's if you managed to stack it up. In lane you always want to hide the Vitals of Fiora and spam Q whenever you can. You have to hit your E to slow her attack speed so make sure she doesn't parry it. Your W is a auto attack reset so use it directly after an AA. If she R's you -> Q her and run away, this is the time where she will outdamage you. Other than that poke her with Q and finish the job with a R->E->W->Q combo. Just make sure she doesn't parry your ult lol.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
If you go in for a trade in early lvls, make sure to make full use of your Bone Plating. (Play around the CD)
In extended fights post lvl 3 you try to predict his W OR his empowered Q.
This is a skill matchup and who ever gets a lead first will most likely win the mid+late game.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Make use of your Bone Plating. Try to stay out of his E range, it's very similar to Darius E. If he hits you tho, make sure to get a good trade off. Post lvl 3 you will win trades as long as you play it correctly and PARRY HIS W! After 6 it becomes tricky since you can parry his R backwards to hit a stun, OR you just stay with parrying his W.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
NEVER stay in her Q2, always sidestep it. Stay away from walls or at least parry her E.
The whole matchup consists of walking up to bait her W and then Q+W into her to stun her. This way you will always win trades. Post 6 you can also parry her R.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Always Grasp Q when he Q's so he doesn't outpoke you. You can Q out of his Q range, this is the way to win this lane. Parrying his E is very tricky since he can reactivate it in a lot of different ways, so try to read his pattern and hit the W correctly. Post 6 you can easily parry his R as long as you stay away from him so you can see the animation.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let her push and all in her once she is overextended in lane. If you parry her E it's free, but if you don't you can still Q+W after she E's you to gap close. In this matchup you can even run Stridebreaker just so you are not 100% reliant on hitting your W.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let him push, he will anyways. Once he oversteps too far you can jump onto him and parry his E. If you hit the stun correctly you will win the trade. You will have to go Hexdrinker first item + Goredrinker as mythic so you can outsustain his turret dmg in later game.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
It's very important to NEVER him hit you with his outer Q for free! Always have Q ready to dodge inside of it.
When you trade always Parry his 1st-2nd AA, because they will most likely AA>W to make use of the AA reset. If you parry there and dodge the outer Q, there is no way he can apply all 5 stacks of his passiv on you.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Blade.
Second wind since he can poke you with Q'S, but we still wanna go aggressive in this lane with D Blade + Ignite. We want to parry his W ofc.
After 6 you outdamage him big time, since he cannot use his R in the fight.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Grasp proc him every time he jumps out of the bush, then heal back up from Second Wind + D Shield.
Once he is low enough and jumps onto you you can just Q+W to chase him down. You want to follow him into the bush so he cannot jump on you all the time.
Parrying his empowered E works ofc.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade. OR
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Both work here, depends on your playstyle.
With Conqueror you want to early trade and kill him at around lvl 3. With Grasp you wanna poke him down and when he misplays or steps up to far you all in.
After 6 you want to parry his R if possible but it's hard. 2nd R is easier than 1st.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
I like to go TP and buy antiheal first item. Meaning you go Executioner's 1st or 2nd back.
After Nasus buffs this matchup got really hard since he heals a lot.
When trading always parry one of his Q's.
You can just bait out his R and then all in him when it is on CD. This way you always win.
If you trade with both R's you really have to play it perfectly.
Freezing is the best way to counter this champion, it is even better than killing him.
In mid-late game stay on sidelane with him and try to make it as hard as possible for him to farm.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let her push and once she overextends all in her. You can predict her E very well but if you mess up it gets tricky.
After 6 it gets hard with her invisibility, so going red trinket is 1.000 iq here. You can also go Stridebreaker if you want, it's up to you.
Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Shield.
Bring ignite or build antiheal early.
I like to take ignite and kill this guy pre 6 bc then it gets easier to deal with him later on.
You can go Stride for more follow up, but note that if he has Phase Rush + Ghost, there is no way you will chase him. Therefore going Gore is just fine.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Use Q to proc Grasp for short trades and heal back up with D Shield + Second Wind. You can parry one of his Q's once you get lower or you can W his E in a longer trade.
Generally in this lane u just play for scaling, kill him when he disrespects you and play for the late since you will GIGA outscale him. In late, match his TP with yours OR stay on sidelane and split what you can.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
We want Second Wind + D Shield here because of his passive. It will actually heal us if we walk back out every time our Shield procs.
Grasp poke him with Q's and parry his Q.
ALWAYS stay out of his E, it's very predictable. Antiheal is good so i like to go Ignite.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Sustain his poke with Second Wind + D Shield heal.
Once he oversteps just jump onto him and hold W for his Hammer form E. If you hit it you always win the trade, if you don't you have 2 options. 1 you go out and wait for another good trade OR you go back in and outplay.
Dodge his Q's, especially his empowered ones ofc.
Tahm Kench
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Always dodge his Q's, you can parry his W and his Passive-Q or Passive-R.
Just farm it out and punish him if he misplays.
he cannot kill you aslong as you stay behind minions so he can't hit Q's and also take good Grasp Q trades with him.
Make use of your Second Wind + D Shield every time you take dmg.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Q inside when she uses W. Parry her E but don't let her bait it out, they sometimes wait at the wall so you W before they E2.
Once she has sheen you can also parry her Q2, since it's her main dmg. You will win trades as long as you play correctly and don't let her Q or W you for free.
Post 6 you win all ins.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Parry his Q and stay out of his E. This is a very easy matchup as long as you follow this rule.
NOTE that you CAN parry his R, BUT if he Q+R you and you don't parry his Q, you will be silenced and not able to W his R.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
This matchup is all about playing around his mini form. So once he is about to transform back to mini, this is the time to engage.
If he jumps onto you or you trade with him in mega form, you HAVE to parry his R, or he will CC chain you.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Let him push and all in once he is overextended in lane. Try to parry his passive stun, if you mess up you can still go out and try again.
If he uses his R, you have to time your W pretty fast, but I always hit it, it is easy to learn.
If you follow these rules this matchup is no problem.
OFC never let him Q you for free.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
I always try to kill her once before 6 so i have a lead when we both have R.
Dodge her E or DODGE THE GAME.
As long as you dodge her E you still win all ins, even if she uses her R. She just doesn't have enough dmg as long as you hit your Vitals correctly and also make sure tu bring Ignite for antiheal and more dmg.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Dodge his Q and parry his E. Don't let him proc his passive in early lvl's or he will outdamage you.
This matchup is free. Bring ignite and post 6 parry his R. If you mess up you still win if you play it correctly and at least parry his E.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
You can parry the second part of his Q, the AA after his W, his E and his R. So it is basically a very easy matchup. Just try to not get outpoked by taking bad trades. U wanna grasp proc as much as possible and heal back up from Second Wind + D Shield and once you see an opportunity you go in for an extended trade.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Lvl 1 you have to be careful, bc if you eat all of her 3 Q's, you will just die.
At level 2-3 you can start trading and you will win most times when played correctly.
ALWAYS hold your W for her 3rd Q, it is a little mind game but as long as you hit it, you will always win.
Post 6 you can flash her R if needed.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Dodge his E's, he can reacitvate it.
Stay out of his Q's and play around his passive. Make use of his overheating.
AFter 6 let him push and once he overextends just all in him, dodging his R as much as possible.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Hold W for his E, and never let him Q you for free. You can go in for Q Grasp pokes without him hitting you for it and this is the main pattern you wanna do in this matchup.
Post 6 push him in as much as possible to punish him if he uses his R.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
You win lvl 1, lvl 2+3 you have to parry his E to win the trades.
After 6 he can just outrun you, he will also mostly have Ghost + Swifties. What I like to do here is to just go for the Gore+Rav Hydra build and punish him every time you manage to parry his E. If you mess up just let him do his thing and push the sidelane as hard as possible.
Bring TP since he can proxy.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Bring ignite or buy antiheal early.
Parry his E but care, he can bait it out.
After 6 you will win all ins, since you will have more experience on procing your R than him.
Stay out of his Q ofc.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Bring ignite or buy antiheal.
Just W an AA of him and you will outtrade him.
CARE if he gets a lead early he will just dive you over and over again so don't let this happen at all costs.
Conqueror Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Dodge his Q, stay out of his W and parry his E!
You can also parry his R (both parts) but it's a bit harder.
I like to bring Ignite and play super aggressive pre 9, bc after that he will have W as a toggle and will be spiking a lot.
Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Blade.
Second Wind, since he can proc Bone Plating very easily.
Q+W into his Q3 is best way to outplay, BUT they can Wind Wall the parry. Note that Wind Wall has 30 seconds CD in early, that's more than your W.
You outscale him in late as long as you don't fall behind early.
Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Blade.
Second Wind, since he can proc Bone Plating very easily.
E his Q3 works very good, but it's a little mind game.
Parry backwards to stun him off his R.
Sidestep his Q's and parry always on point to make it impossible for him.
You still outscale if you go even.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Sidestep or Parry his E at all costs.
Grasp trade him and once he has no E you can go in for extended trade.
You counter his W by just holding on to Q to go through.
After 6 it gets hard since he will have his Maiden. You can kill him with his Maiden when played correctly, but safe plan is to kill the Maiden first.
Bring TP to counter his splitpush and grad antiheal if you don't get a lead on him.
Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Shield.
Just wait for after 6 and all in him once he overextends.
He will auto push due to the way his AA work. Parry his R or one of his Q's and you will always win.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Parry his E or his Q and Grasp trade him every time you can. DON'T let him cancel your Q with his E, it's very bad.
Sometimes Q+W into him works bc they will E immediately.
Post 6 I would hold on to W for his R. As long as you parry correctly this matchup is free.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade. OR
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Both work.
Parry one of his Q's or his E. They will often Q3+Flash so be ready to Flash or parry it.
As long as you dont let him poke you for free and you parry one of his knock ups you will always win trades. Just play it patiently and don't let him bait you in.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Parry one of his Q's or his E. Post 6 hold parry for his R. You can even Q+W it.
Grasp trade and don't let him Q you for free ever. You also bait it out before Q-ing in OR sidestep it.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Bring ignite or build antiheal early.
I like to all in early to kill er lvl 1-3. You outdamage her as long as you play correctly.
Her W is basically useless into you so that's a big plus.
Post 6 Parry one of her R casts, or sidestep it. Also always sidestep her Q's as good as possible every time you are trading.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Never fight her when whe has all 4 passive stacks or you will lose.
Parry her E OR sidestep it.
Post 6 you can sidestep/Flash/parry her R and you will always win.
Note that a good Irelia will try to bait out your W as hard as possible with her E. She will also let you think you hit it and then sidestep so be prepared for that.
Ignite or anitheal is important here.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade. OR
Grasp Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Both work.
Parry his E, but make sure he doesn't sidestep it.
There is actually just a 0.25 second window where he can land his E if you W correctly so it's very important to get a feeling for that.
Never let him Q+W poke you for free so always be ready to trade back OR get out of his Q range.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Parry or sidestep his Q, it's easy.
Bring ignite bc if you throw him off Skaarl the first time you CAN outdamage him with ignite before he can back on and this is how you outplay him.
Post 6 you can also parry his R, it works the same as Sion R.
Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Shield.
Try to parry his W but if you can't, just parry something.
Post 6 he will just R away like a pussy, so as long as you farm it out you will be able to scale and carry the mid-late game.
Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Blade.
Let her push and then all in her.
I like to go Ignite and kill her early to get a lead and then be able to dive her pre 6.
Post 6 you just parry her R and you should be fine.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to not just let her scale, bc this way she will always carry the late game.
Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Shield.
Q+W onto him when he uses Q and you will ALWAYS win. Post 6 you can grab red trinket to get rid of his mushrooms before he baits you in.
Doesn't matter if you get a lead early, you will outscale.
I STILL try to punish him early bc otherwhise it is just very annoying to play this lane.
Dr. Mundo
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Dodge his Q's, you can just stand behind a minions for that.
Q poke him with Grasp to get good trades and Q+W when he Q's you for a potential all in.
Go Ignite or antiheal early to counter his R.
Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Q through him when he charges his Q, OR W if he goes for full charge. DON'T parry to early tho, this will make you take a bad trade and probably die, which should never happen in this matchup since it is so free.
Post 6 you can parry his R.
You will win trades every time as long as you don't let him Q or Grasp proc you for free.
Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Parrying his Q is free. Try to stay out of his E, since it is his main damage.
Care, he can W+Q you and you will not be able to W since you will be silenced.
Post 6 don't trade him when you are low since he can one shot you with his R.
A Yuumi on a fed Fiora is basically gg. You can literally 1v9 if Yuumi lands a good R.
Lulu R on Fiora is just juicy...
Can safe your ass with her R and also will increases your potential to split push. You can easily 1v3 with a nicely timed Soraka R.
A Yuumi on a fed Fiora is basically gg. You can literally 1v9 if Yuumi lands a good R.
Lulu R on Fiora is just juicy...
Can safe your ass with her R and also will increases your potential to split push. You can easily 1v3 with a nicely timed Soraka R.
You will find more Fiora content on my YouTube, I post daily videos there to hold you accountable to make Season 13 your best Season in League yet! So go there and subscribe to be up to date as soon as the new Season starts in January.
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