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Hello, my name is Thoukka, I am currently on the EU WEST Server and
play alot of Udyr jungle. After the release of Vi I started playing LoL. I started playing Udyr after I watched alot of Trick2g's videos and it's inspired by him. I have a 64% Winratio with Udyr and I'll show you how to win simply with Udyr in the jungle!
Also check out my stream:
For all who want to see my Summoner Profile:
AA = Auto Attack
AD = Attack Damage
AP = Ability Power
MR = Magic Resistance
ARM = Armor
AoE = Area of Effect
CC = Crowd Control
OP = Overpowered
AS = Attack Speed
CDR = Cooldown Reduction
"powerful, durable, immobile and melee", usually no problem right? Actually for Udyr players this is a real problem because somehow you have to get passed threw them. If you get too close to them, you will get locked down and killed. You have to try and play around them by getting champions that are off-guard or flank the backline. Once you've ran into a Juggernaut, when you are not overfed, you most likely simply just die.
Top Lane Meta
Top lane is stronger than ever before with the changed Juggernauts and the newly crazy buffed Fiora and Gangplank. This why top lane ganks are now even more important than before, try to get your top laner snowballed and keep the enemy top laner down.
Dead Man's Plate
Really nice Item, especially when the enemies have to crit-ADC. You can build it instead of Randuin's Omen or Sunfire Aegis.
Thew new Jungler Items are a little bit more complex than the old ones. So lets get started:
First of all you can only buy Hunter's Machete, when you are having smite in your Summoner Spells. So don't forget to take smite (even when you are Fiddle or Warwick...).
Hunter's Machete splits up into 4 other Items: Stalker's Blade, Poacher's Knife, Ranger's Trailblazer and Skirmisher's Sabre
You can switch threw them for free until you buy the next stage of the jungler Item.
Stalker's Blade has the passive "Chilling Smite", that allows you to cast your smite on enemie champions. It does slow people by 50% and you are dealing bonus true dmg on them for 2 seconds.
This Item is good for ganks, since you have more CC and a higher damage output on the enemie. Good champions for this Item are for instance Vi, Fiddlesticks or Rammus.
Poacher's Knife has the passive "Scavenging Smite", that halfes your cooldown of smite, gives you 20 bonus gold and 175% movement speed for 2 seconds, when you smite and kill a large monster in the enemie jungle.
This Item is good for Counter Jungle, but it is very rarely build, because other Items are in the most situations better. It can be build on champions like Shaco, Udyr or Lee Sin, but I don't recommend it.
Ranger's Trailblazer has the passive "Blasting Smite". Smite deals halfe damage to surrounding monsters and enemie minions and stuns them for 1.5s. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Mana and Health.
This Item is good for farming, because you have better sustain. You can get more Jungle Buffs and you will never get low health in the Jungle. You can build this Item on every Champion you would like to play that has a slow and unsustained jungle clear.
Skirmisher's Sabre has the passive "Challenging Smite", that allows you to cast your smite on enemie champions. You are dealing bonus true damage on them, have vision on them and they are doing 20% less damage to you for 6 seconds.
This Item is good for Champions, who have enough CC to lock people down or don't need to CC people, because they stick on them like a chewed bubble gum. This Item is good on champions like Rammus, Warwick, Shyvana or Master Yi.
First of all you can only buy Hunter's Machete, when you are having smite in your Summoner Spells. So don't forget to take smite (even when you are Fiddle or Warwick...).
Hunter's Machete splits up into 4 other Items: Stalker's Blade, Poacher's Knife, Ranger's Trailblazer and Skirmisher's Sabre
You can switch threw them for free until you buy the next stage of the jungler Item.
Stalker's Blade
Stalker's Blade has the passive "Chilling Smite", that allows you to cast your smite on enemie champions. It does slow people by 50% and you are dealing bonus true dmg on them for 2 seconds.
This Item is good for ganks, since you have more CC and a higher damage output on the enemie. Good champions for this Item are for instance Vi, Fiddlesticks or Rammus.
Poacher's Knife
Poacher's Knife has the passive "Scavenging Smite", that halfes your cooldown of smite, gives you 20 bonus gold and 175% movement speed for 2 seconds, when you smite and kill a large monster in the enemie jungle.
This Item is good for Counter Jungle, but it is very rarely build, because other Items are in the most situations better. It can be build on champions like Shaco, Udyr or Lee Sin, but I don't recommend it.
Ranger's Trailblazer
Ranger's Trailblazer has the passive "Blasting Smite". Smite deals halfe damage to surrounding monsters and enemie minions and stuns them for 1.5s. Casting Smite on a monster restores 15% of missing Mana and Health.
This Item is good for farming, because you have better sustain. You can get more Jungle Buffs and you will never get low health in the Jungle. You can build this Item on every Champion you would like to play that has a slow and unsustained jungle clear.
Skirmisher's Sabre
Skirmisher's Sabre has the passive "Challenging Smite", that allows you to cast your smite on enemie champions. You are dealing bonus true damage on them, have vision on them and they are doing 20% less damage to you for 6 seconds.
This Item is good for Champions, who have enough CC to lock people down or don't need to CC people, because they stick on them like a chewed bubble gum. This Item is good on champions like Rammus, Warwick, Shyvana or Master Yi.
Phoenix Stance
-High AoE damage
-Gives per second dmg to nearby enemie champions
-On every third hit bonus damage
Bear Stance
-Gives you movement speed
-Stuns enemie champions on-hit
Turtle Stance
-Shields you for a while
-Gives you life steal
Tiger Stance
-Gives you attack speed over time
-The next autohit deals additional damage to anything
-More damage on-hit
+ Insane movement speed from Blazing Stampede
+ Early dragon control
+ Can stun multiple targets really fast: Blazing Stampede
+ Easy to counter jungle with
+ Scales pretty strong in late game
+ Pretty high burst potential in late game
+ Strong Splitpusher. You can overextend without any problems.
- Runs easily out of mana without blue buff
- Ganking can be a hard time against champions with escape abilities
- You cant jump with any ability over walls so its hard to steal Dragon or Baron
- No ultimate skill
+ Insane movement speed from Blazing Stampede
+ Early dragon control
+ Can stun multiple targets really fast: Blazing Stampede
+ Easy to counter jungle with
+ Scales pretty strong in late game
+ Pretty high burst potential in late game
+ Strong Splitpusher. You can overextend without any problems.
- Runs easily out of mana without blue buff
- Ganking can be a hard time against champions with escape abilities
- You cant jump with any ability over walls so its hard to steal Dragon or Baron
- No ultimate skill
Sated Devourer Phoenix Runes
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Classic Phoenix Runes
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New Meta Udyr Runes
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Classic Tiger Runes
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Glass Cannon Tiger Runes
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Classic Phoenix Materies
I am playing with 9 points in OFFENSE for the base stats to have a good early stats with e.g. Sorcery and Martial Mastery .
I love playing Cinderhulk Udyr with 21 points in DEFENSE. You have nice sustain in early jungle clears with Hardiness , Tough Skin and Bladed Armor and powerful tankyness in late game with Juggernaut , Legendary Guardian and much more stuff.
Sated Devourer Phoenix Masteries
Your goal with Devourer Phoenix is to farm up in early game and to destroy the enemies after you are farmed up. To have the biggest amount of jungle clear you are going 21 in OFFENSE. You become a farm machine with so much damage to clear the jungle camps and stay healthy because of Feast.
The DEFENSE stats are offering you enough sustain to stay out in the jungle to farm up as much as you want to. Tough Skin and Bladed Armor are super good on this build.
New Meta Phoenix Masteries
I am playing with 9 points in OFFENSE for the base stats to have a good early stats with e.g. Fury and Martial Mastery .
I love playing Cinderhulk Udyr with 21 points in DEFENSE. You have nice sustain in early jungle clears with Hardiness , Tough Skin and Bladed Armor and powerful tankyness in late game with Juggernaut , Legendary Guardian and much more stuff.
Classic Tiger Masteries
I am playing with 21 points in OFFENSE for better jungle clear, objective presure and stronger ganks. Going 21 points on Udyr gives you an insane jungle clear, that you have more time for ganks. When ganking you are most likely in a 2v1 or 3v2 situation, causing you getting less damage, because the enemie laner will probably try to run away or to kite you.
Like said above you don't need the DEFENSE points for ganking. In early game you will probably just need tankyness when it comes to forcing drakes. Mid and Late game stats are already given with just 9 points in DEFENSE -> Juggernaut , Enchanted Armor . So 9 points in the DEFENSE-Tree are enough.
Glass Cannon Tiger Masteries
I am playing with 21 points in OFFENSE for better jungle clear, objective presure and stronger ganks. Going 21 points on Udyr gives you an insane jungle clear, that you have more time for ganks. When ganking you are most likely in a 2v1 or 3v2 situation, causing you getting less damage, because the enemie laner will probably try to run away or to kite you.
Like said above you don't need the DEFENSE points for ganking. In early game you will probably just need tankyness when it comes to forcing drakes. Mid and Late game stats are already given with just 9 points in DEFENSE -> Juggernaut , Enchanted Armor . So 9 points in the DEFENSE-Tree are enough.
Trinity Force
This item provides you with alot of damage as well as the movement speed per attack which synergizes well with your Bear Stance. Sheen is also nice because you are pretty much doubling your phoenix damage. This item gives you all needed stats for becoming a Godyr.
This is more like a Wilding Claw item but I see the potential on Wingborne Storm too. It grants you this additional movement speed which is great on Udyr and it grants you some offensive statistics such as damage and attack speed. On top of it you dont want to get slowed as Udyr so you need Tenacity wich reduces the duration of CC.
Frozen Heart
I pretty much like this Item on Udyr, because it gives you him so much that he needs. You get 20% CDR to spam your abilities as much as you can and you get enough mana that you dont need bluebuff anymore to spam your abilities the whole time. Also it gives you armor for easy turret dives.
You generally don't start at the buffs anymore. My prefered starting camps are the Double Golemns or the Frog (or however they are called now). You are now getting buffs, when smiting those two camps. With the Double Golemns Buff you are getting a stun on minions every 6th hit. With the Frog Buff enemies getting poisoned, that are hitting you (including minions and monster).
Second you are doing the closest Buff to you (Blue Buff or Red Buff). At the third camp you are getting Level 3. Now you have to decide, if you want to gank a lane now (then skill E), if not then go back and get your Ranger's Trailblazer.
Forcing Drake in earlier Levels is still possible. You are able to take dragon at level 4 easily. When you want to get drake, you should first try to get a kill at botlane or atleast get them low, that they have to go back to base and heal up. Meanwhile they are basing you are doing drake as 2 or 3 with your bot lane or mid laner.
Second you are doing the closest Buff to you (Blue Buff or Red Buff). At the third camp you are getting Level 3. Now you have to decide, if you want to gank a lane now (then skill E), if not then go back and get your Ranger's Trailblazer.
Forcing Drake in earlier Levels is still possible. You are able to take dragon at level 4 easily. When you want to get drake, you should first try to get a kill at botlane or atleast get them low, that they have to go back to base and heal up. Meanwhile they are basing you are doing drake as 2 or 3 with your bot lane or mid laner.
You always gank midlane of the back! You have to wait until the minions passed the green line in the middle to pass the other two lines in the jungle, that the enemie midlaner just sees you, when you passed the corner. You can also go for a lanegank by just straight running to him, when you already have enough movementspeed and the enemie is low.
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You can walk through the brushes in the top to do a sneaky gank to the toplaner. He won't expect you coming from this way, because it takes long time to dont get shown by the minions walking this way. Tip: Tell the Toplaner to push the lane out that you can just go into the brushes. Then wait until the wave is pushed back to the middle and gank!
The second possibility is to gank from the tribrush. You can go two ways to get there. Try to don't walk threw the river.
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It's pretty much like toplane, but you have to aware! Botlane is warding much more than toplane. So try to don't waste your time there by staying around and waiting until they overextend, because you could stay on a ward and then they will never come!
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You should always farm or splitpush, when you dont have to help your team or won succesful a teamfight. The team just needs you for pushing or taking out enemie champs. Udyr isnt a teamfight champ, he is a splitpush champ. So make sure that you bait the enemie to you by splitpushing. When the enemie team send 2 or more persons to your lane, can your team start a teamfight with 4v3 or even 4v2 advantage. You are fast enough to get away from the enemie who are send to you and you maybe can even help your team at teamfighting because of your high mobility. Thats how Udyr works. Stacking your Feral Flare in early game and taking permanent presure in mid and late game to the lanes.
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope it helped the few who wanted to get started with Udyr Phoenix Jungle and now are enjoying my play style. If you can leave a comment and rate it, I would be very happy. I want to say this is my first guide and I may have still few things to learn and it took me about 6-7 hours to make it. I want to thank Trick2g (via his streams and his youtube channel) who taught me how to play Udyr. Without him this guide wouldnt exist as it is now. If you have any suggestions please dont hesitate to leave it in a comment section.
"Added Changelog"
"Changed Glyph of Scaling Health to Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
"Cleared out some grammar mistakes"
"Changed the Chapter "Spells" to "Abilities" for better understanding"
"Changed alot of the Design"
"Changed alot in my Introduction"
"Added a new Chapter called 'Ganking'"
"Added Counterpicks"
"New Jungler Items!"
"Added Changelog"
"Changed Glyph of Scaling Health to Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
"Cleared out some grammar mistakes"
"Changed the Chapter "Spells" to "Abilities" for better understanding"
"Changed alot of the Design"
"Changed alot in my Introduction"
"Added a new Chapter called 'Ganking'"
"Added Counterpicks"
"New Jungler Items!"
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