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Skill matchup, use movement and E to avoid his Q sweetspot and respect his passive. Build executioners.
Armor in runes.
Neither of you can really kill the other and you're more useful in teamfights, try to save stun for W or u wont hit it.
Take MR.
You can cancel hookshot with your R, she can easily dodge your W with her R so try to save the stun, shes stronger sidelane but you're more useful in teamfights.
You need to build bramble after she gets ravenous.
Take armor.
Very squishy earlygame, she can't buy boots and she buys tear first item = no combat stats. You shouldn't struggle in this lane unless you take alot of poke for no reason, giving up some CS early is fine.
You can dodge the stun of her R with your R if you time it right.
Take MR.
Skill matchup, he deals quite alot of damage earlygame and he can CC you before you can W and burst you down.
However, you have 2 spells that scale off max hp and if you can stick on him he melts like butter.
You can dodge his Q knockup with your R or the Q in its entirety, he will use it when you get on him most often.
Take MR
You shouldn't lose this unless you play horribly, you outdamage him in autoattack trades due to passive, you can dodge his Q for free with your E and he has no mobility to dodge your W.
You will die fast if you waste your spells however, and respect his ghost allin potential. You win super easily when you get blade of the ruined king.
Build bramble eventually.
Take armor.
Dr. Mundo
He sucks earlygame and he stacks hp, he just melts to your damage and becomes a nuke with the name of the enemy ADC written on it.
Build executioners or bramble before he reaches lvl 11.
Take armor or MR based on enemy jungler.
Skill matchup, if either of you gets behind its quite rough but you can beat her earlygame, just dont give her vitals for free and dont stun her W.
Build bramble vest.
Take armor.
Can go both ways, he has good poke but you can deny barrels with your passive and Q really well, he can W your R so wait for him to use it then ult him.
Take armor.
He can't walk up earlygame, you just beat him to a bloody pulp, if he's decent he'll just run with Q but if he fights you early, just auto him as he silences and spins on you, walk towards his tower, Q and then stun and W at max grit. If he doesnt run away with Q movespeed he loses the trade HARD.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.
He can kite you super well but his E cooldown is 22 seconds rank one, yours is 16.
If he gets into the habit of instantly jumping when you q towards him, make him waste it then kill him.
Take armor.
Phase Rush gragas has very good sustain and can take some nasty trades where you can't even fight back, if you rush mercs first item and take unflinching its not that rough.
Build executioners.
Take MR
You win short trades really hard but the allin can be close, keep track of his ignite and/or ghost cooldown, they make him alot stronger in an allin than you'd think. If he gets 2 q stacks he also becomes alot stronger, so dont let him stack it for free.
Build executioners or bramble.
Take armor.
Pretty easy until lvl 6, but at lvl 6, she will just E and R as soon as you get close to her, you can't realistically dodger her E and you'll just die to her R. Try to bully her as much as you can earlygame and win off that.
After 6 you can ult her away from her tentacles but they're still gonna slam your spirit and youre going ot have taken alot of dmg when your ult finishes anyways so it doesnt really do enough, you can beat her if she wastes everything but if shes good, she wont.
Build executioners or bramble.
Take armor.
Don't let her stack her passive for free. Save stun for W in an allin. Build brambles vest.
You're way better in teamfights than her and you should atleast go even earlygame.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.
W lvl 1 and boneplating is really important, if you fall behind it becomes very hard, save your E for W in an allin.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.
Go cloth 4 or dshield and rush tabis and then he loses. If he ever jumps on you, just stun Q AA AA then w before he E's you.
Super easy when you get lvl 6.
Take armor.
This champion is extremely weak pre lvl 6, but after 6, oh boy, it can get rough.
You go boots 4 pots here, E lvl 1 and try to zone her from the experience of the 3 first meele mininos. She either has to fight you and lose a ton of hp or she loses experience from 3 meele minions. Win win.
Take armor or MR based on enemy jungle.
Very bad before he gets rhaast, after rhaast he can be difficult to kill and he deals alot of dmg. Build executioners.
Take armor.
If he takes phase rush you won't have that much fun, he'll just run like the rat he is and poke you down. Don't take free poke early and you should be okay, ult him away from your team in teamfights and its not that bad.
Take MR.
Quite rough early but you win hard at blade. Dismount him, disengage if you can, then reengage with ult after you get your cooldowns back up.
Take bone plating.
Best way to kill him dismounted is to ult and stun him.
Take armor.
Can be rough if you can't punish his horrible earlygame, W max alot better than Q max due to his insane armor.
You want MR if you think hes going comet or armor if you think he goes PTA, it depends on how insecure he is.
Nuclear bomb for enemy backline, weark earlygame and doesnt really armorstack as well as ornn or malphite.
Use your W only if he cant W you to dodge it and its ez.
Buy executioners eventually.
Take MR.
You win early quite handily but after lvl 6 he wins the allin, get an advantage and stay ahead and you can 1v1 him in his ult.
Take MR.
Horrible earlygame, freeze and kill him every time he comes up to farm, use and abuse him, build executioners or bramble.
Maybe take unflinching?
Take armor.
He can spellshield your W or E to dodge your W, respect his damage from Q and his passive, go early tabi and you shouldnt have any problems.
Take bone plating.
Build bramble eventually.
Take armor.
You win an allin at lvl 3-5 but lvl 1-2 and when you both have ults, you don't win an even allin. Rush tabi.
Eventually get bramble aswell.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.
You shouldn't have any issues with this champ, bully him earlygame and nuke his backline with his own body. W max if hes an armorstacking ornn (they will go bramble before bamis).
If you time your E right, you can pull him if he tries to dash away.
Take armor.
Can be a bit rough but just dont take too much free poke, start cloth 4, recall at 800+ gold and buy tabi, you will have more movespeed and she wont be able to fight you, run her down.
This is how every ADC matchup goes, their ults usually suck 1v1 in an allin.
Take armor.
Quite rough if hes good, you win before he gets lvl 3 but when he does, oh boy does it suck for you.
Quite winnable if you get a lead before lvl 3 and then stay ahead.
Tabi is useful vs this croc.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.
You can go cloth 4 here if the enemy jungler is AD, there is no need to fight him lvl 1, just try to auto him when he jumps out of the brush to farm and dont go for any dumb lvl 1 brush allins.
His ult is useless 1v1 so at 6 you automatically win.
You eventually want bramble vest.
Take armor.
Depends on the riven player, if she's good she plays safe until lvl 3 and takes short trades, if shes back she tries to fight you lvl 1 and she dies.
Tabi is quite good here but not necessary as a rush.
You can cancel her third Q with your R to prevent it from going off, good in an allin.
Take armor.
Super squishy and not that mobile, if you get ontop of him you squeeze his head into pulp, mercs are decent to rush vs him. Ult him out of his ult if he tries anything weird to escape.
Take MR.
Strong lvl 1 and thats about it, if he ever taunts into you, just wait for his W to expire then hit him with your full might and he dies. If he doesn't, walk up, E Q AA AA and then walk away, he cant respond.
You win really hard after lvl 6.
You can cancel his dash with your R.
Take bone plating.
Take mr or armor depending on enemy jungler.
Just don't let him poke you for free and hes pretty useless, you automatically win at 6 cause his R does nothing in an allin, dont waste autos while blinded and he will die really fast.
Take MR.
Can be a bit rough, respect his combat summoners (trynd usually goes ignite flash, ignite ghost or flash ignite) and keep them in mind, bully him early and stay ahead.
f you time your E right, you can pull him if he tries to dash away.
Take armor.
Pretty overtuned, you lose lvl 1 then win until he's lvl 9, you need to get a lead during that gap and stay ahead, try to dodge his E and R if you can, they are really
powerfull spells but they can often be dodged.
Take armor.
He's weak earlygame if he can't use his empowered Q on you, avoid it and bully him. Remember that his rank 1 sanguine pool has a 28 second cooldown. Abuse this.
Take MR.
Hardest ADC matchup, dont take too much free poke early, start cloth 4, rush tabi and allin her lvl 6. You can dodge condemn CC with R if youre fast enough.
Take armor.
A bit broken right now but will be more even when he gets nerfed, dont let him W you while you have the W debuff on you and dodge his damn E. After 6, you dont want to ult after he ults, ult to get you both away from his E. You want to get bramble eventually.
Dodge his E.
Take armor.
My permaban, he gets insane armor and hp regen from his passive and he shreds your armor, hitting him with W is almost impossible since he has both R and W to Fuck up your combos and make it impossible to hit a good W.
I Don't know how to win this matchup, tell me how if you know how to.
You can ult him away in teamfights but 1v1s will always suck.
You need bramble eventually.
Take armor.
Most yasuo players will not be remotely good enough and should not be a threat at all, dont eat free poke and just bash his brains in, if he tries to do EQ with knockup ready you can ult him and you dont get knocked up, if there are no friendly minons nearyby he cant run and if you rush tabi he deals 0 damage. Randuins is also really good vs him.
Take armor.
Take armor.
You win before lvl 6, bully him and dont let him stack his Q for free and get ghouls. When he gets lvl 6, you need to kill his maiden before going for the allin, she is very strong.
Take armor.
Quite rough, you can beat him in lane but midgame he just presses W on you and runss circles around you.
Take MR.
He's extremely weak earlygame so abuse the shit out of him and smash his face in, later on he has the potential to give you some absurdly high damage ultimates. He can dodge your R with his and that's where the good news end for sion, you cancel his Q with your E, smash his face in and break his shield.
Take armor.
Only played vs bad Yone players but this champ IS NOT viable toplane, if hes top just beat him up repeatedly, i've never came close to losing to him but i imagine if he can dodge your W with his dash it could be hard, so don't let him. And don't eat poke for free.
Take armor.
Tahm Kench
Pretty easy, champ's a bit broken before lvl 6 but he gets so outscaled its hilarious and he also doesnt even win early.
Take MR.
Haven't played this matchup that much, but heimers damage and waveclear is strong, you should be able to kill him if you get in however and you want to ult away from turrets during an allin if possible.
Take MR.
Sett does super well with yuumi and with all other enchanters aswell.
He loves healing and general attackspeed, AD and movespeed buffs.
Goes in with you like another wreckingball of damage, great in teamfights.
Like diana but more CC and less damage, still very strong.
Sett does super well with yuumi and with all other enchanters aswell.
He loves healing and general attackspeed, AD and movespeed buffs.
Goes in with you like another wreckingball of damage, great in teamfights.
Like diana but more CC and less damage, still very strong.
If there's anything you want to share about matchups feel free to do so, i still have things to learn and i don't face things like nasus or garen etc that often in my elo so i might not be aware of some things.
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