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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
My English is pretty bad , so let me say:
- Dorans Ring is Standard
- Cloth and pots against heavy ad and u wanna play safe.( go for arm seeker first then)
- Crystalline Flask in some Matchups very usefull, heavy harras.
In the Early Game Gragas isnt that difficult. He has a big sustain with his W skill.
With the Dorans Ring u deal enough damage to harras the enemy more then half life.
If the enemy champ is a mobility monster and can easy dodge ur barrels - focus on farm and try to roam (Gank other Lanes or farm Wraiths).
- Cloth and pots against heavy ad and u wanna play safe.( go for arm seeker first then)
- Crystalline Flask in some Matchups very usefull, heavy harras.
In the Early Game Gragas isnt that difficult. He has a big sustain with his W skill.
With the Dorans Ring u deal enough damage to harras the enemy more then half life.
If the enemy champ is a mobility monster and can easy dodge ur barrels - focus on farm and try to roam (Gank other Lanes or farm Wraiths).
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