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Jarvan is a really awesome jungle, he is very mobile, has much CC,is tanky and do so much damage. I like it to play him so much. Most of your ganks are a flash or a kill and you can support your team so much especially by pushing thomething and armorredung for adc in Teamfights. But this futher down.
Here are some things for my Items, Runes, Materies and Ablities why I choose this way.
The Full Itembuilt has tank and damage items. You need no lifsteal cause your jungleitem regenerats enough life if you farm in jungle.
The cooldown of your Q is so low on higher level that you knock up with 1 standard 2 times.
You have enough Armor with your E and the Runes so you dont need that in the masteries. The movementspeed Masteries are not really important you also can use this points on othor thing but as jungler its important to be fast.
They scaling in seals armor runes are gains above level 6 more armor than the normal armor Runes. The Ad-Marks are for more damage pentration do you have enough with your Q so you dont need it any more. Normal MR Glyphs is better for early trades agaisnt APs for ecample when you gank mid oyur you ore the othor jungler is invading you. The Quintessences tend also to damage as the same as the Marks but the lifesteal is for more stustain in Jungle or at trades in all Gamephases
The Full Itembuilt has tank and damage items. You need no lifsteal cause your jungleitem regenerats enough life if you farm in jungle.
The cooldown of your Q is so low on higher level that you knock up with 1 standard 2 times.
You have enough Armor with your E and the Runes so you dont need that in the masteries. The movementspeed Masteries are not really important you also can use this points on othor thing but as jungler its important to be fast.
They scaling in seals armor runes are gains above level 6 more armor than the normal armor Runes. The Ad-Marks are for more damage pentration do you have enough with your Q so you dont need it any more. Normal MR Glyphs is better for early trades agaisnt APs for ecample when you gank mid oyur you ore the othor jungler is invading you. The Quintessences tend also to damage as the same as the Marks but the lifesteal is for more stustain in Jungle or at trades in all Gamephases
-High mobility with your E-Q-Combo
-every spell has a CC
-is from skills tanky your E gains you bonus Armor and your W is a shield
-Ganking is so strong because of your CC
-Help team to push Attackspeedbuff for whole team on E
-can stop chases or make sometowerdives impossible
-is good agaisnt tanks because of his passsiv which deal 10% of current health of enemy
-At begging not so tanky as it seams
-Can hinder your team to chase or make a kil with your ulti
-fail sometimes your E-Q-Combo
-High mobility with your E-Q-Combo
-every spell has a CC
-is from skills tanky your E gains you bonus Armor and your W is a shield
-Ganking is so strong because of your CC
-Help team to push Attackspeedbuff for whole team on E
-can stop chases or make sometowerdives impossible
-is good agaisnt tanks because of his passsiv which deal 10% of current health of enemy
-At begging not so tanky as it seams
-Can hinder your team to chase or make a kil with your ulti
-fail sometimes your E-Q-Combo
I start by the Bluebuff then go to the wraiths and after this to Redbuff. The wraiths are for fast go level 3 and do something between your smite cooldown, you get not so much damage when you have smite for Buffs then for wraiths or so on. When you are level 3 you can gank thats why i leveld the shiled at level 3 the slow is important. When you are level 6 you make really stong ganks. Don't be sad if flash out of your ulti the cooldown of Flash is higher than on your ulti. Maybe let tell your team when any lane has no Flash. Mostly use your ulti not against champs which have dashes or jumps or wait until they use them cause then your ulti does only damage and he is away.
-You have an escapespell with your E-Q-Combo use it well.
-You can junp over a really long distance with your E-Q-Combo, flash and ulti
-When you go to small way you cank block with your ulti the walkingpath and jump out of the pit so you make chases impossible
-If somebody dives you you can Cage him with your ulti and may be he dies by the towershots
-Use your Q befor you make the first autoattack becasue this deal more damage
-In Teamfights you can all knock up when they are at near one point and can portect your ranged champs for the enemies bruisers with a godd ult
-Use your E for pushing towers
-Jarvan scales perfectly with champs like Yasuo, Amumu, Katharina, Orianna, and outhers champs which do much damage at only one point
-You can junp over a really long distance with your E-Q-Combo, flash and ulti
-When you go to small way you cank block with your ulti the walkingpath and jump out of the pit so you make chases impossible
-If somebody dives you you can Cage him with your ulti and may be he dies by the towershots
-Use your Q befor you make the first autoattack becasue this deal more damage
-In Teamfights you can all knock up when they are at near one point and can portect your ranged champs for the enemies bruisers with a godd ult
-Use your E for pushing towers
-Jarvan scales perfectly with champs like Yasuo, Amumu, Katharina, Orianna, and outhers champs which do much damage at only one point
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