Can out kite you for days in lane and team fights. If you are laning vs a Vayne, pick Second wind + dshield. Rush Steelcaps and play safe. It is okay if you can't farm. Soak XP and use TP to come back to lane fast.
He pretty much wins vs you in every stage of the game. He can dodge your Q with his E, he also stacks alot of armor thanks to his passive. Rush steel caps and play with bone plating.
Try to interrupt his E with your E and then use Q. Pre level 6 you can take shorter trades vs him if bone plating is up. You can farm and play for teamfights or ganks. If you get ahead you can run him down.
She can kite you easily. Play with dblade and boneplating. Poke her with your Q, try not to push the wave when poking her. If she plays with ignite/TP you can kill her with flash/ghost pre level 6. After level 6 killing her is getting harder.
You wont have any kill pressure because of her w. GO shield and second wind. If her W is down you can kill her. Try to freeze wave and run her down when her W is down. Rush mercs.
Depends on how good the gankplank is. You can actually win this lane pretty hard after level 6 if his R isn't up.
Treat him as a ranged/poke champion since he can poke you with his Q. Go second wind, dshield and flash/ghost. Rush steelcaps.
He will probably poke you during the laning phase. That is okay since you have second wind and dshield. If his R is down, don't hesitate to run him down if you have sums up.
If she is any good this is a hard matchup. Rush steelcaps and brambles vest, it really helps with your trades.
You can cheese her level 1 if you start w. Don't fight her if you have lot of friendly minions with low HP since she can Q/heal on to them. You MUST dodge her E, if her E is down you can kill her. You can also interrupt her Q with your E if you manage to time your E while she is in her Q animation.
NEVER fight her if her passive is fully stacked.
Even if you are ahead of her, rush steelcaps and brambles vest.
Like any ranged matchup, go second wind and dshield.
If you can catch him he is easy to kill. The problem is that he can kite you, and if you are able to catch him he can use his E to knock you away. If he engages on you with his melee Q, use your E to interrupt his Q.
Rush steelcaps.
Try to shut her down pre level 6. If you are not winning lane pre level 6 you will loose the lane as soon as she hits 6.
Steelcaps are great vs her, even if she builds AP.
Pre level 6:
Dodge his Q, poke him with your Q, don't stand in his passive.
If you manage to do this you can all in pre level 6 without any problems.
After level 6:
Keep dodging and poking him.
If he uses R on you and both you and him got full HP you will never kill him in his R. Just try to kite with ghost to survive his R. If you manage to survive his R with a decent amount of HP left you can keep the fight going and kill him.
This is a big "IF":
IF you have jungler who knows how to play the game you will get some help pre 6 to kill him or atleast but him behind. You can easily kill him on your own pre level 6. The only "problem" is his W. But you have to be aggro early on and try to abuse his weak early game. IF you manage to but him behind this matchup is a minor threat.
IF you are not able to gain a lead pre level 6 he can win if he all in with sheen. He can run you down and the lane becomes alot harder.
Second wind, dshield, rush steelcaps.
If she is aggro you will have a hard time farming. You can go TP.
If u manage to interrupt her E with your E you can fight her easily. The problem is that she can poke you down to low HP before she E's on to you.
Depends on how good the Riven is. Boneplating + steelcaps rush.
Try to fight her with W level 1. After level 6 her damage potential spikes hard.
Try to interrup her 3rd Q with your E.
You win pre 6, play aggro and if you feel confident play with nimbus cloak and run him down. Rush steel caps even if you are winning.
After level 6 you can still fight him, but save your R until his R runs out. You have to try kite him while he is in his R.
Depends on how good you are and how good Yone are. At the moment Yone is broken so I perma ban him.
Steelcaps rush, try to poke, dodge his empowered Q.
Second wind + dshield.
Dodge his Q's, buy brambles first back. You win all ins if you dodge his Q. Steelcaps are great.
You can stomp her during laning phase. Save your E to interrupt her E. Care level 1 since she can cheese you with her Q and passive.
Play aggro and try to freeze lane. Steelcaps are great but you don't have to rush them.
She can interrupt your R with her R, not a big problem but keep that in mind if the fight is close.
Go second wind + dshield. Rush Steelcaps.
He is annoying but if you catch him you win.
If you dodge her E you will win. Poke her with Q. You need brambles before level 6 if you want to fight her since her healing from R is huge.
If you doesn't dodge her E you will loose the fight.
Dodge his E with your E. If he jumps on you with Q and E, use your E to pull him to you and then run away from his E. The way your E works is that if you pull an enemy towards you it will hit Darius's body and bounce back a little bit. During this animation the enemy can't move. This mechanic buys you time to dodge his E.
If you dodge E and manage to poke him with Q you will win all ins.
Steelcaps are great.
Dodge his skillshot, if you dodge it you win fights. Steelcaps are good.
Early you loose since his strong early game. Around level 4 you win. Dont R when he uses E. You outscale hard, only reason Panth is a "even" matchup is because of his early game.
Steelcaps are great.
Care his early damage. Rush brambles, as soon as you have brambles you win fights.
Steelcaps are great.
Annoying matchup. Rush steelcaps, don't let him poke you down from the bushes. You win all ins after steelcaps.
Annoying ranged matchup. Freeze wave near tower, you can run him down. Go secondwind and dshield.
Mercs are great.
Skill matchup. If you dodge his W true damage you can poke him down with Q pre 6. After 6 you can all in. Don't let his E stun you.
Steelcaps is great, rush it if you are having a hard time.
Easy win level 2-5. Abuse this, poke him and play aggro. Care his level 1, it is very strong because of his passive.
After 6 try to dodge his R and Q, if you do this you will win all ins.
Steelcaps is great.
Poke with Q, care his E and his ability to dive with R. You win all ins if you dodge E and poke with Q before you all in.
Rush steelcaps if you are having a hard time dealing with him.
Annoying matchup since Vladimir usually goes phase rush. Freeze wave near tower, run him down with ghost.
Rush Steelcaps, dodge tornado. You win this.
Pre 6 you win, poke with Q, use autoattack reset with your W for his cage.
After 6 it gets harder if you haven't gotten a lead vs him. His maiden makes him really strong. You can still win all ins but play smart, try to poke.
Easy. You outdamage him from the start of the game. Dodge his Q, freeze wave and run him down. He can only be a threat if he goes full ap.
But early game you can 1v1 him when ever you want basically.
Dr. Mundo
Try to dodge his Q, dodge dodge dodge, poke him as much as you can with your Q. Pre 6 you can run him down if you dodge his Q, he is very weak early. After level 6 it gets harder since his R, but he shouldn't be able to kill you.
Very easy if he doesnt have ignite. Try to go for long trades. If he doesn't gave ignite you can kill him whenever you want.
If he has ignite the lane is basically the same, care his ignite + R.
Only threat is if he goes full AP.
Take second wind + dshield. You win at any stage of the game if he goes tank. If he goes full AP it gets harder after level 6, but you still win pre 6 so abuse him.
Some people think teemo hard counters Darius.
Well, pre 6 he is going to be annoying. Just try to farm and soak XP. Go second wind and dshield.
When you are level 6 you should have rushed mercs, buy a sweeper. At level 6 you can all in him when ever you want. Use sweeper to dodge his shrooms. Save your Q for when you are blinded. This lane is free after level 6.
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