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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champions with invulnerability are our strongest counters. Kayle is the worst, as she can even make others invulnerable as well. When we do not get a kill while using R and thus a reset on our E, our damage falls off.

Hello fellow summoners,
I am virtually known as DiZzY2k on EUW and am a MobA player since DotA was still a laughed upon funmap in Wc3. I play LoL since the end of Season 2 and started to play SoloQ ranked seriously in the middle/end of Season 3, where I mostly played alone and carried myself up to Platinum 2 .

A big part of my wins I achieved with Jungle Fiora and as I haven't seen many people play her and there also aren't any good guides for the playstyle I think is the best, I just wanted to share some of my experiences with you. Furthermore she also has the 4th highest win percentage among all champions!

space | If played correctly, you will be able to solo-carry a lot of games with jungle Fiora, however bad your teammates are. And I will show you how! |

+ Good early dueling potential
+ Insane damage and high "Penta-Potential"
+ Ability to solo-carry your ranked games
+ Easy mechanics (no skillshots)
+ High lifesteal and invulnerability while wrecking everything with her ultimate
+ Strong lategame
- Has a high ramp up time
- No cc and rather weak ganks early
- Squishy

In my opinion jungle Fiora got a strong boost by the introduction of

My build is very well thought through and is not a yolo-I-just-add-random-things-together guide. I used a lot of input from well known streamers and learned from the best of the best and my goal is to strive towards the optimum with all my decisions. Thats why the guide is a little more detailed as most of the other guides you might be used to.

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ss | You are a jungler. Every jungler in the game takes Smite. It lets you secure buff- dragon- and baronkills and increases your jungle speed. |

Our goal is to maximize damage against champions, so most of our mastery choices are obvious and do not need any explanation. 21 offense for all the good dps Masteries and 9 in defense for a decent HP boost to avoid oneshots and damage reduction from champions to be stronger in early ganks and skirmishes. However there are some debatable choices that I want to explain.

we already get attack speed from our

We want to take

This guide is about carrying yourself as hard as possible without having to rely on your team very much.

It is just a matter of calculation.

In Riot's champion spotlight Fiora's skills are perfectly shown and explained so i will just link the video instead of writing down what the skills do.
On Levels 1-3:
On Level 1 you want to take

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You want to max this second. It makes your jungle clear MUCH faster, as more attack speed results in more lantern proccs and that's all you care about early, you want dem stacks fast! The extra movement speed you get from maxing ![]() |
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We then max our ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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ss | Max this last, the reasons are already explained above! |


- Greater Mark of Attack Damage Greater damage of course gives you faster jungle clear and better damage against champs. Armorpen however is a better choice for champion damage, as it scales better with our kit.
- Greater Mark of Attack Speed The way attack speed scales, it ALWAYS gives you the best jungle clear early from all Marks. But it also gives the lowest dps-enhancement in ganks and towards mid/lategame because we already have an AS-steroid in
Burst of Speed.
- Greater Mark of Armor Penetration Gives no boost to your jungle clear-speed because because jungle creeps dont have armor, but it increases your dps the best against low armor targets early or in general as soon as you complete your
Last Whisper. Percentage penetration is applied before flat penetration, thus the combination is really strong.

- Greater Seal of Armor No real choices here. Just get that armor to take less damage in the jungle and help against AD damage in general.

- Greater Glyph of Attack Damage I advice to always take ONE of these. Your 3 AD Quints give you 6,8 AD and thus the 0,28 from the Glyph lets you get one extra AD
- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist Take these only, if you fear to take some early magic damage. Against a heavy AP team with strong early gank and invade potential this is the right choice.
- Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist Magic damage normally is not that high at the beginning of the game and ramps up immensely with items. Thus I highly prefer the scaling runes over the flat ones to avoid oneshots from farmed AP's. If we die in one cc-combo we cannot get our ultimate off, which makes or breaks teamfights or skirmishes.
- Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction These are a more offensive choice and especially useful, when you are against a heavy AD team and do not need the MR. Especially using our ultimate a little earlier can be crucial and faster re-uses of
Lunge can also make a difference.

- Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration basically the same logic as with marks. Take this for more champion damage but less jungle speed.
- Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage Take this for better jungle Speed and less damage against champions.

- I chose a mix between AD and ArmorPen with marks and Quints. As Armorpen scales so well with the AD from levelling
Riposte I didn't want to go without it but also wanted to keep some AD for jungling speed. To reach maximum mathematical efficiency, we take AD Quints and Armorpen Marks. The other choices I explained above already, including why we take one AD Glyph.

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As previewed above, this item complemented jungle Fiora's abilities in such a way that you can now carry a whole team in mid- to lategame. On-hit damage against creeps to clear camps early and against champs later to synergize with Fiora's high hit-frequency between ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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I chose not to put ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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So this item is what lets your DPS go through the roof and it will give you most noticeable power spike from all items. This is, because Fiora passively gets a lot of AD from leveling up ![]() ![]() |
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As i already explained, we want armorpen. Furthermore the armor debuff will be applied/refreshed, EVERY TIME an enemy is hit by our splash damage from ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Get this on your first buy. You started with the ![]() |

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This is our default choice what boots are concerned. We still are squishy and can be killed by a decently fed carry in 1-2 crowd control spells. We want to be able to use our ultimate before this happens, which the tenacity helps us with. Also, we have a VERY high dps while in ![]() |
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If the enemy team is very cc-light and has a lot of AD autoattackers, this item sometimes is a better choice than ![]() |
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Same logic as with ![]() |

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This Item is especially good against teams that can not easily procc it and that have some premiere spells you want to block, like ![]() ![]() |
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With the lifegain from your ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |

At the start of the game you want to do three things.
- Tell your team you are a Flare-jungler, you will farm a lot, you won't gank very much early and they should play safe and get wards fast.
- Walk to your buff-camp that is close to your botlane (they can leash better and lose less by doing so) and place a ward in the river Brush around 1 minute.
- Tell your toplaner to ward the other of your buffcamps around 1:30. So you have good info and won't get screwed by random lvl 1 buffsteals.

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Your jungle route will be: Buffcamp -> small camp -> buffcamp -> small camp -> gank with doublebuff. |

You do one more small camp after your second buff so that you don't have to wait for creeps to arrive in lane. You generally only want to gank ONCE at maximum twice with your doublebuff and only if the lanes are not pushed. Otherwise just kill as many junglecamps as possible until your buffs respawn. When you see the enemy jungler somewhere, don't bother counterganking, unless you are right next to him. Just go to his jungle and take a big creep out of one of his small camps and thus slow him down.
From then on you only want to gank if success is relatively sure, so when you know there are no wards, the enemy laner overextends, is low HP or you have your

Always buy 2-3 potions if you go back and use them! The more time you are on low life in your jungle, the more you are vulnerable to invades by the enemy laners or jungler.

You farmed the **** out of your jungle, hopefully you were able to spike a kill or two and you just finished your

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Your engage combo in normal circumstances is: Q -> E -> W -> Tiamat active -> get a couple of autos in -> ulti(after they start focusing you) -> E as soon you get a kill and it resets -> kill em' all! |

Always try to jump on the priority targets and also use your

With your

Basically, you want to do the same as in the midgame with more focus on running around with your team and taking objectives or defending them. Jungle camps are not as important anymore but you should still take them if you are close to one, as you will melt them in seconds anyway. You can also melt drake and Baron very fast and easy and should call for it if the situation is favorable for your team. Also, spam your upgraded

It does seem strange but you can actually be an initiator for your team. Jump into the enemy team as described above and while they take tons of splash-damage and they run around in confusion while you are invulnerable in your

- If you use
Blade Waltz on Pantheon with his
Aegis Protection up it will consume all the damage of your ultimate, you will still fly around and be invulnerable during that time tho.
- If you gank, you can use the first charge of your
Lunge to dash to a creep and then use the second charge to dash to the enemy champion. Also you can jump into tower range with
Lunge, use
Burst of Speed and kill somebody and then dash to a creep out of tower range.
- When you anticipate flashes, you can ulti right before they flash away from you and thus follow them. Often they will even flash into a teammate and your ulti will jump over, granting you a doublekill.
- When your
Burst of Speed is up and the enemy runs away from you or stuns you, you can hit a creep 1-3 times to get the movement buff and maybe catch up to the enemy afterwards.
- You basically never want to tax(take XP and CS) lanes, except you just killed the enemy laner or he went back and you want to help pushing it or your laner is not there and a big wave would get killed by your tower with nobody around.
- Use "attack move" (A-click onto a point on the map) when an enemy went inside a brush you have no vision in. So you directly attack him when he is inside and in front of you.

- Time buffcamps, dragons and barons in chat!
Spawn Timers:
- Buffs: 1:55
- Drake: 2:30
- Nash : 15:00
Respawn Timers:
- Buffs: 5 Minutes
- Drake: 6 Minutes
- Nash : 7 Minutes
So when you kill the last creep of the enemy redbuff you just stole at 13:25 you want to add 5 minutes and write in teamchat "18:25 tr". So you and your team know exactly when the buff will respawn and everybody can look it up in the chat history. TR=Their red; TB=Their Blue; OR=Our Red; OB=Our Blue; D=Drake; N=Nashor.
- Gank around wards! You don't have to run onto lanes directly through the river. Try to go through the enemy jungle and gank the lanes from behind or even through the tower(you might take 1-2 hits, but that can be worth it). I will try to add some pictures in the future.
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- Train Smiting!

- Don't get distracted by mad teammates that cry a river in chat about "my jungler never ganks", "enemy jungle on my lane all game" or "jungler u suck" and the likes. As long as they are toxic and don't ask normally and nicely for a gank or are constructive, put them on ignore and continue doing your thing.

This is my first attempt at making a replaycast. I am still a bit unfamiliar with the production process and I also haven't casted stuff before. Let me know what you think, what I can improve on and if you would like a couple more of those. Sorry for the flickering interface, I don't know how that happened, if somebody knows how i can avoid that, i'd be happy to hear from you!

This is my first guide so please bare with me. Still, it is my goal to make this guide one of the top Fiora-guides and thus I am very open and happy about constructive criticism in the comments and will try to continually work on improving the guide by it! Feel free to add me ingame for feedback or criticism as well!
I don't know many people here, yet, but I do want to thank "jhoijhoi" for her guide about BBcodes. It made stuff a lot easier for me! Also a big thanks to my homie "Lenorio" for the awesome header-images <3.
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