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Choose Champion Build:
- Just for fun
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Yes, Sejuani's kit is perfect for jungling. The AoE, mobility, and armor steroids do wonders for clearing, and her gap closer/CC make for the mother of all ganks. But with this being said, imagine her in a lane. These things make her a natural bully in lane. One W/E combo will have them using their flash in a heatbeat, allowing you to follow up with a Q if you feel you can get the kill.
Why mid? Mid is a lane where harass is very important. Sejuani has no ranged harass. This problem is easily fixed by her gap closer Q. Simply active your W before charging in, smack them up, and follow up with an E to slow them by so much they will not know how to react.
Why AP? Well this is simple. Every move in Sej's kit scales from AP.
Why not full out AP? i.e Rabadon's etc. This kind of build would not be viable on Sejuani. She needs to stack HP, because this scales the Damage of her W. She needs mana to improve the effectiveness of Manamura- and be truly feared. Also, her moves receive a generally weak scaling from raw AP.
Why mid? Mid is a lane where harass is very important. Sejuani has no ranged harass. This problem is easily fixed by her gap closer Q. Simply active your W before charging in, smack them up, and follow up with an E to slow them by so much they will not know how to react.
Why AP? Well this is simple. Every move in Sej's kit scales from AP.
Why not full out AP? i.e Rabadon's etc. This kind of build would not be viable on Sejuani. She needs to stack HP, because this scales the Damage of her W. She needs mana to improve the effectiveness of Manamura- and be truly feared. Also, her moves receive a generally weak scaling from raw AP.
I have experimented with this build quite a few times. It is worth noting that this build works with just a Muramana, 4 Rod of ages, and boots.
All you need for this build to be affective is health, mana, and ability power.
Health to be tanky- and scale your W.
Mana to improve manamura's damage.
Ability power to increase your burst potential.
Rod of Ages brings you all of these in large, large amounts.
The passive DOES stack.
All you need for this build to be affective is health, mana, and ability power.
Health to be tanky- and scale your W.
Mana to improve manamura's damage.
Ability power to increase your burst potential.
Rod of Ages brings you all of these in large, large amounts.
The passive DOES stack.
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