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Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
-Lots of early damage.
-Disruptive in team fights.
-Good at trading.
-Good getaway/chasing skills.
-Is a Prince.
-Passive Procs Percent Health Damage
-Champions who are able to easily escape your EQ combo will be able to outplay you easily.
-Scales well into mid, not so well into late game.
Summoners you should usually take.

Ignite If you want to play completely for lane, then grab this to help you in the 1 vs 1 scenarios. Gives you more damage. More kill pressure.
Teleport is the current go-to mastery on top lane bruisers. Helps you get back to lane or helps you affect the map. Enemy ganking bot? Teleport! Need to go back to lane faster for a wave crashing into your turret? Teleport! |
I feel like this is a must need on 90% of the champs out there. Good for escaping, engaging, and just good in general. Strong summoner spell unless it is ever nerfed which it probably won't be. |




Max your ultimate,

The build starts out with a lot of damage to take advantage of his kit and then fades into tanky items so that you don't just get popped in late game teamfights. Ideally though, the end games before lategame so that you don't get outscaled.
You can also build him a little more damage and less tanky if you already have a tanky jungler and a tanky support. (Think like
Leona level).
You can also build him a little more damage and less tanky if you already have a tanky jungler and a tanky support. (Think like

Jarvan has some skill combos unique to himself:
Demacian Standard+
Dragon Strike combo.
Demacian Standard places his standard at a location.
Dragon Strike thrusts his lance toward a location.
If you thrust the
Dragon Strike lance toward the standard and it makes contact, it will drag you to it, knocking people up along the way.

This is useful for disrupting enemies in team fights by knocking them up, and helps clear a path for yourself toward the enemy back line to the squishier, damage-dealing targets. Also,
Dragon Strike's cooldown is about half of
Demacian Standard's cooldown so you can chain 2
Dragon Strikes to a single
Demacian Standard if you are able to position and conduct the fight well enough.

Demacian Standard +
Dragon Strike combo into
This combo means you can initiate from a very far starting position.
Cataclysm and then
Demacian Standard +
Dragon Strike combo out of
This way you can trap enemies into your ult and then get back out to disrupt the rest of their team.
Remember to try and keep your
Cataclysm to trap multiple people. If you only trap one person, it will be a waste.
Keep in mind that with EQ flash, and your ult, you have insane closing potential. Just be careful to not leave your team behind in your attempt to close distance.

If you thrust the

This is useful for disrupting enemies in team fights by knocking them up, and helps clear a path for yourself toward the enemy back line to the squishier, damage-dealing targets. Also,

This combo means you can initiate from a very far starting position.

This way you can trap enemies into your ult and then get back out to disrupt the rest of their team.
Remember to try and keep your

Keep in mind that with EQ flash, and your ult, you have insane closing potential. Just be careful to not leave your team behind in your attempt to close distance.
Play aggressively unless it's one of those early game gods. (Like Renekton)
Poke the enemy with
Dragon Strike and/or
Demacian Standard when they are in range. Keep in mind that it is safe to shove a little because you have the great getaway tool of your
Demacian Standard +
Dragon Strike combo, but don't shove it too much or you'll become a gold mine for the enemy jungler.

Try and get a subtle level 2 advantage and once you hit level 2 immediately level
Demacian Standard or
Dragon Strike basically the one you didn't get at level 1. (I recommend using Control + E/Q to do it quickly) and use your
Demacian Standard +
Dragon Strike combo along with an auto attack.

If you are having trouble in lane, try to farm up. You have a pretty decent farm range with your Q (and E) and Q needs a relatively low amount of mana to use on its own. If you are having trouble csing even with that, call your jungler or mid over for a gank.

I have also found that even if you are behind, you can help your team by going mid for some ganks, since Jarvan IV has such great ganking potential. That could also help you get back into the game. If you are winning, you can also just go mid for a gank to grab some extra cash and help a teammate out.
Poke the enemy with

Try and get a subtle level 2 advantage and once you hit level 2 immediately level

If you are having trouble in lane, try to farm up. You have a pretty decent farm range with your Q (and E) and Q needs a relatively low amount of mana to use on its own. If you are having trouble csing even with that, call your jungler or mid over for a gank.

I have also found that even if you are behind, you can help your team by going mid for some ganks, since Jarvan IV has such great ganking potential. That could also help you get back into the game. If you are winning, you can also just go mid for a gank to grab some extra cash and help a teammate out.
You are the person who engages teamfights, unless you have a fairly tanky jungler who is able to do so. This is why I build my Jarvan mostly tanky, as you need to be able to survive enemy damage while your team fights as long as possible.
You should look for opportunities to trap multiple people in your ult, and for opportunities to knock up multiple people with EQ combo. At the very least, try and get your
Dragon Strike armor pen debuff (26% at level 5!!!!) to proc on multiple targets to make life easier for your ADC.
You should look for opportunities to trap multiple people in your ult, and for opportunities to knock up multiple people with EQ combo. At the very least, try and get your

Jarvan IV is a champ that you will have to play yourself to properly assess his early-game damage output and how much damage you can take later on in team fights. He is very good for carrying yourself out of Elo Hell in top lane as he brings a lot to the team and disrupts the other team a lot at the same time.
If you hit your Q on an opponent before you ult them, that will deal more damage than vice versa because of the armor penetration.
Remember that you can chain two
Dragon Strike to a single
Demacian Standard
A nice trick if you are being ganked is to ult them to trap them inside and E+Q out: You can save your flash.
Remember that you can chain two

A nice trick if you are being ganked is to ult them to trap them inside and E+Q out: You can save your flash.
Zlod had played over 1000 ranked games in Bronze 5. yes, even after over a thousand games, he was still in bronze 5. He attributes my Jarvan IV guide to helping him claw out of bronze in season 3, and he has continued his J4 success in season 4!

AKdOFeldt sent me this the other day: thats how you help your team. 18 assists!
This game is from EUW, first time Jarvan IV!

AKdOFeldt sent me this the other day: thats how you help your team. 18 assists!

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