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Wukong Build Guide by chisox8

Other Juke-Kong, the Jungle King

Other Juke-Kong, the Jungle King

Updated on September 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author chisox8 Build Guide By chisox8 64 4 567,987 Views 21 Comments
64 4 567,987 Views 21 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author chisox8 Wukong Build Guide By chisox8 Updated on September 29, 2013
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Hey there, and welcome to this Wukong guide! I'm Chisox8 (A.K.A. Floron), and I'll be letting you in on a little known secret today.

You may know Wukong as a super strong Solo Top or Mid champion, because he is! He can dominate in the lane. However, that's not all Master Yi taught him. His Wuju Style skills also extend into the jungle, making him a very viable, very powerful, and very menacing jungler.

I'm hoping to keep this guide concise, while still being very informative. This should help new players get into the game with Jungle Wukong and allow Wukong veterans to experience him in a new role without exhausting the reader.

Basic Info

Cost:880 RP or 4800 IP
Attributes: Fighter, Melee, Stealth
Release Date: 7/26/11
Difficulty: Novice (Jungling Knowledge Required)
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Champion Spotlight

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Pros / Cons


  • Huge AD Burst Damage
  • Amazing Juking/Getaway Capabilities ( Warrior Trickster)
  • Fast Clear Time
  • Not Super Mana Hungry
  • Doesn't require "too much" skill

  • No natural bulkiness
  • Item Reliant
  • No natural sustain in the jungle
  • No shields or other utility
  • His abilities (ult.) must be used correctly to be worthwhile
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Main Masteries



Basic Attack Masteries



Basic Defense Masteries

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These are the Runes I use for Jungle Wukong. These usually work pretty well, and many other Runes that normally work for a lane Wukong don't work so well in the Jungle. If you feel that there are other Runes that would work, feel free to use them, but this setup is quite solid and works very well for what it is designed to do.


Greater Mark of Attack Damage
Take these to give you more base damage in the jungle. It will help you clear camps easily. Many people take Greater Mark of Armor Penetration for Wukong, but I do not recommend this in the jungle. The Armor Shred from Crushing Blow is enough to rip through base armor, and the AD is necessary in the Jungle.


Greater Seal of Armor
I personally take these to give me extra armor early game. Greater Seal of Health is also a viable option. You can mix the two types equally if you wish.


Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
I take these because I feel as though they are the best value in this slot. I prefer scaling for Wukong so he can continue to gain MR into late game, but if you feel as though you want more flat early game, take Greater Glyph of Magic Resist.


Greater Quintessence of Life Steal
For Quintessences, I take Greater Quintessence of Life Steal. These give you early sustain in the Jungle. They are especially good because Wukong has no natural sustain. The other possibility is Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage, but I think that Lifesteal is more worthwhile in this case.
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Summoner Spells


Necessary Spells

Smite is necessary for almost all Junglers. Wukong needs Smite because he needs to clear fast in order to be effective. Smite deals true damage to minions and monsters, allowing Wukong to clear camps (Especially Golem and Lizard) very quickly. It also allows for clutch steals of enemy objectives lategame.


Optional Spells

Flash is a great option for anybody. It allows for easy getaways, over walls, or when combined with Warrior Trickster. This spell will save your life and set up some clutch plays.
Ghost also works really well with Wukong. Pop it if you wanna catch that last enemy with Cyclone. Combine it with Warrior Trickster to make some crazy jukes. It's an all around good option. It doesn't allow for ultra quick changes of direction or travel over walls as Flash does, but it still has good utility and a huge capacity for awesomeness!
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Skills and Skill Sequence

Wukong's Abilities:
Increases Wukong's armor and magic resistance for each nearby enemy champion.
This passive increases the Magic Resist and Armor of Wukong based on how many enemies are around him. The more enemies, the bulkier he is. This is perfect for team fights and diving in with Cyclone.
Wukong's next attack deals additional physical damage and reduces the enemy's Armor for a short duration.
This ability allows Wukong to do huge damage, and is one of the main parts of his combo (E + Q [+ W]). This is his burst damage, and his gameplay is reliant on this. Once this ability is activated, you have 5 seconds before it debuffs. While it is activated your next auto attack does bonus damage. Use Nimbus Strike (E) to get towards your enemy once you have activated Crushing Blow, then auto attack to proc it. This skill also activates on hit effects (like Sheen) Get ready for burst!

Wukong becomes stealthed for 1.5 seconds. An uncontrollable decoy is left behind that will deal magic damage to enemies near it after 1.5 seconds.
This is probably the best part of playing Wukong! It is your escape skill. You can use it to juke out enemies that are chasing you, or use it to get out after harassment. Try pressing 'S' to stop Wukong from moving. It might make people think its the decoy, allowing you to run off after they have backed away (although, it's risky!). The decoy can also be used to bait out ultimates ( Darius, Cho'Gath, etc.) and allow you to take no damage, and get away.
In the Jungle, Warrior Trickster can be used as a meat shield to tank damage from camps, allowing you for some survivability. It is also a huge part of ganking, allowing you to get into lane invisibly, before initiating on the target with Nimbus Strike.

Wukong dashes toward a target enemy and sends out images to attack up to 2 additional enemies near his target, dealing physical damage to each enemy struck
This is our ganking move (along with Warrior Trickster). It allows Wukong to move quickly to his target and unleash his burst (E + Q). It is also his main ability for jungle clearing, since the images do the same damage as his body, it does damage to every member of every camp (except Wraiths where there are 4 targets).

Wukong's staff grows outward and he spins it around, dealing damage over time and knocking up enemies once each per cast. Wukong gains movement speed over the duration of the ability.
Cyclone is the main ability Wukong uses in teamfights. His role is to just get in there and knock every member (preferably) of the enemy team up. As long as he stays in there he can do damage over time (this is where his passive helps him with bulkiness). With Black Cleaver, Wukong can shred armor very fast.
Cyclone can be turned off by pressing 'R' again!


  • Level 1-5: Put a point into Nimbus Strike starting out. Next you can either get Crushing Blow if you want to clear faster, or Warrior Trickster if you want a little more survivability in the jungle (the decoy can tank for you and do some AOE damage). Whichever one you get second, get the other third. Then start maxing Nimbus Strike for the AOE damage it provides, in the jungle especially.
  • Levels 6, 11, 16: These are the levels where you upgrade Cyclone. Always do it at these levels. Do not forget and do not skip it.
  • Level 7-12: Continue maxing Nimbus Strike. It will be maxed by level 9. Upgrade Crushing Blow afterwards, or whenever you can't upgrade Nimbus Strike, and continue to max it. This will make your burst insane for midgame.
  • Level 13-18: Finish maxing Crushing Blow, then max Warrior Trickster. Might as well!
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Early Game Items and Core

Starting Items:
and x5
Hunter's Machete is necessary for Jungling. Damage dealt to neutrals is increased by 5 per hit, as well as your basic attacks dealing 10% bonus damage to monsters and minions. The Health Potions are for sustain in the Jungle while clearing camps.
First Few Times Back:
Madred's Razors should be bought first time back. It gives 25 extra armor and upgrades the Hunter's Machete's "Maim" effect to deal 60 bonus damage instead of 10 to monsters.
Vampiric Scepter is an awesome item for all Junglers and Laners alike. It provides 10 AD and 10 Lifesteal to stack with the Quintessences you (may or may not) have.
Wriggle's Lantern combines the previous two items, and even makes them better. It gives 25 Armor, 25 AD, 15 Lifesteal, and upgrades "Maim" to 100 extra damage. It also allows the owner to place a 90 second Sight Ward, which allows for control of your jungle... or the enemy's!
Spirit of the Elder Lizard is also a fine choice on Wukong. Build this instead of Wriggle's Lantern if you have a support that is actually warding, or you just want some DoT on your auto attacks. It also works well because it stacks with Cyclone, making it do even more damage over time! They are similar just one gives a ward, lifesteal, and armor, and one gives a DoT, mana regeneration, and CDR.

Ninja Tabi provides 25 Armor and blocks 10% of damage from basic attacks. These boots are good against heavy AD teams, especially with champions like Riven, Renekton, Tryndamere, or scary, fed ADCs ( Vayne, Draven, etc.)
Mercury's Treads provide 25 Magic Resist and are useful against AP heavy teams. They also lessen Crowd Control effects by 35%, making them very useful against champions with heavy CC, like Leona.

Black Cleaver is perfect for Wukong. This is the first "big" item you should purchase. It provides extra AD as well as 250 Bonus Health. It also provides passive that shreds 5% armor for every physical attack. This works very well with Cyclone. It turns him into a mean, shredding, spinning, monkey of death!
Warmog's Armor is a must have on Wukong. It gives you 1000 health, flat out. This makes you much bulkier, and much harder to kill. It prevents you from getting bursted down and allows you to dive into team fights easily with Cyclone. The extra health regeneration it provides can also keep you in a fight or in a pressurized situation even when you get low.
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Late Game Items

Next, I list two possible finishes. One is a carry, damage-y, build, the other is tankier. I prefer the carry build, but sometimes a tank is necessary, and Wukong can still effect teamfights as a tank using Cyclone.
Carry Finish:

Bloodthirster is a pure AD item. It gives 70 AD, 12 Lifesteal, and adds extra AD and Lifesteal that stack with kill streaks. It's a perfect carry item.
Frozen Mallet provides the extra bulk to finish your carry build. With the extra 700HP, you are bulky enough not to get bursted down immediately, and dive effectively with Cyclone. It also grants a bit of extra AD and makes your auto attacks slow by 40% for 1.5 seconds, a nice added utility.
Last Whisper is another great carry item, especially for Wukong. It provides 40 AD and 35% Armor Penetration, allowing him to break through armor even more! Now with all his armor shredding capabilities, armor is nearly irrelevant, and the enemy team just wasted a bunch of money.
Tanky Finish:

Randuin's Omen is a great tanky item. With its 70 Armor, 500 Health, active Slow, and passive Attack speed slow, it makes you and your team very powerful in team fights.
Sunfire Aegis provides 45 Armor and 450 health, adding even more bulk. It also deals 40 Magic Damage per second to nearby enemies, stacking perfectly with the DoT effect on Cyclone.
Maw of Malmortius is an item I like a lot on this build. It gives Wukong some extra magic resist and AD as well as 1 extra AD for every 2.5% of his missing health. This means that, because you are tanky, in teamfights, as you lose health, you do even more damage (and on a Cyclone dive, this is especially useful). If you feel like you need more bulk, this can sometimes be replaced with Frozen Mallet instead.
Other Options:

I won't go into so much detail on these, but they are some other viable options. They all have their ups and downs, and are usually situational.
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Jungling with Wukong


Wukong Jungle Rotation

Jungling Specifics
  • Always start at Blue Buff!
  • Always ask for a leash (Wukong has some trouble with his first clear even with one).
  • Always make sure to use Smite on Blue Buff and Red Buff.
  • Make sure you drink your health potions as you clear.
  • You will probably have trouble on your first clear, and finish with a sliver of health (Especially if you took Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage instead of Greater Quintessence of Life Steal. This is normal! Just go 'B', grab items, and go back in!
  • Because Wukong has some trouble with his first clear, doing early ganks (level 2, level 3) while in the midst of the first clear is usually a bad, unsafe, idea. However, if you get a good leash, and think you have enough health, by all means, go for it!
  • Warrior Trickster can be used to tank damage while clearing Jungle camps. Use it in the middle of the camp, then attack the monsters as you normally would. For 1.5 seconds, they will attack the Clone instead of you and you can get some free damage in. Then, the clone will disappear and deal AOE damage to all of them!
  • Use your burst to your advantage! (Burst Combo = E + Q)
  • Use Nimbus Strike to initiate out of the bushes on to your target! (Follow it up with an immediate Crushing Blow for a big burst of damage!)
  • If you are out of range of Nimbus Strike, try using Warrior Trickster to walk invisibility into lane before initiating on your enemy!
  • Wukong has no forms of CC (Except Cyclone) so make sure the enemy you are ganking has pushed the lane a lot, or the laner you are ganking has good CC.
  • Only use Cyclone in a gank if you have to. The main use of Cyclone is for teamfights. The cooldown isn't horrible, so if you want the kill, go ahead and pop it. Just make sure you actually get the kill after using your Ultimate!
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Thanks for reading this guide! I hope it has been informative and given you enough information to be comfortable with Jungle Wukong. If you try this build, or read this guide, and it helped you or you liked it, give it a Upvote!
If you see a typo, something that you think is wrong, or have a suggestion/criticism, let me know so I can fix/implement whatever it is before you immediately downvote the guide. Thanks!
Remember: Wukong is an awesome champion, and some of his abilities ( Cyclone, Warrior Trickster) are the most fun in the entire game. After reading this guide, I hope you are inspired to get into game with Wukong and use some of these abilities for yourself. Experience his awesomeness! Experience Wukong!
I hope to see many more Monkey King's running around their natural habitat: The Jungle!

Thank you!

Update: Thank you for over 75k 100k views and making this the highest rated Jungle Wukong guide on MobaFire! You guys rock!
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