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You are your own biggest enemy.
You will need a lot of patience in 80% of all match-ups and the one thing that kills most Kayle players is over commiting or not paying enough attenttion to their or their enemies movement. Playing safe and giving up farm for health is way more important than actually risking your lane. Exp is more than enough for you to scale.
Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield + second wind for maximum sustain.
Oblivion Orb -> Standard AP
He will just punish you 2 hard if you step up 2 far.
MS is important to dodge his Q's and his W. AP is very much the way to go against him.
Starting Items:
Dorans shield/blade
-Wits End-> Anti-Burst
She will alwas have her R befor you and will always have a lower coolwon then yours. That is why you have to respect her basically all game. Even a Akali that is behind will be able to one burst you, without your R.
Starting Items:
-Dorans Blade
-Standard AP
Stand in the middle of the lane so you can dodge her E better. Stay out of her reach at all times so she cannot proc her shield on you. You can poke her with Q, E as long as you play it safe. Going for E's is risky and I would advise to use it more for farming or incase she all-ins for fighting.
Starting Items:
Dorans Blade
Whatever your team needs.
Poke him to 60% health and then let yourself get hooked. Just ignite him and he has nothing left. No heal, no nothing.
Ignite is very good, because he also doesnt go TP, so it's worth going.
Starting Items:
Dorans Blade
Whateer your team needs
Poke her until 45-50% health and then all in. You HAVE to dodge her W or your fucked, because it slows you and reduces your AS.
Ignite cuttes her healing in half, but Fioras go Tp which puts you into a macro disadvantage, but might help you getting to snow-ball against her.
Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield + Second wind to negate most of his poke.
What ever your team needs.
Destroy his barrels with your E. At 6 you can instantly destroy them at 2 health with your Auto reset.
Startign Item:
-Dorans Blade
-Standard AP
Easy Lvl 1 with your passive. You might just get a free kill due to Garens no expecting a Kayle to be able to fihgt him.(smol brain warriors)
Ignite might also be an option due to higher rank Garens also taking ignite, but the risk is there that he might jsut go TP and out Macro you.
You want to Max E so you can keep his heaing passive down as much as possible.
Late game: Garen is a full juggernaut now and can kinda run you down even lvl 6 if you dont pay attention, but as long as he isnt on top of you, you're safe.
Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield + Second Wind
We will just demolish your health bar if you step up to close. Try dodging as much as you can to stay as healthy as possible. You cant do anything unless your jungler comes around. It's still a bit easy, because Heimers just push the wave 24/7 like bots. Kinda free farm, but not really.
-Wits end rush.
Startign items:
-the bible
-cloth armor + 4 pots
Stronger than you at any stage of the game. Is worth the 30min ban from dodging lol
Starting itmes:
-cloth armor + 4 pots
You will out scale him at some point, but the laning phase is hell. Go W second to be able to dodge his W stun.
Going the Anti-Burst build is an option, unless you win lane somehow.
Starting Items:
Dorans shield + Second wind
What ever your team needs
Lane: Anoying 24/7 poke lane.
He will sjut go into hammer form when you get to close and out trade you HARD. So just ry to dodge all of his skillshots instead.
Late: Easy outscale.
Lee Sin
Starting items:
-Dorans Blade
He will always out-trade you and shove you under turret.
He WILL dive you if you dont have R and/or are under 60% health.
Starting Item:
-Dorans Shield + Second Wind (reduces his poke into nothingness)
Also try going scorch to keep his passive shield down as long as possible.
You just outsustain him with enough sustain runes. Hes Mana will be gone befor you go for oyur first back.
Good Malphites will wait for their junglers and will only poke you a little bit, so be aware of how mucha Malph might be poking you.
Your W will help against his Comet Proc.
Startign Item:
-Dorans Blade
-Wits End
-Tank Shredder
You can easily dodge his Q and E. At 6 you just out kite him so hard that you will literally break his ankles IRL. Wits makes you unkilllable against Mord and Itemizing AD will diminish the usefullnes of his Ult gainst you.
Mord will go tanky after you destroyed you in lane, but you already itemized against that. Game over
Starting Items:
-Dorans Blade
First back:
Berserker Boots
_Standard AP ( for movement speed against his W)
-Tank shredder when dying in the early game.
Phase Rush
His W forces Phase Rush into your Runes.
Just Proc Phase Rush and you're out.
He will only outscale you after the 1 hour mark, unless you lost lane. Always keep him in check, even after winning lane. Don't give him a chance for a comeback. Killing him in late game will be hell.
Starting Items:
-Dorans Balde
-Whatever your team needs.
You can farm safely against him until lvl 6. Try keeping your health over 60% so he cant just one-shot ult you. You DONT want to R his ult, but his E fear, so you have 0 down time inside the fight.
He will probably roam alot, use that tiem to farm up and take platings.
You will outscale him no matter what happens.
+ Starting Itmes:
-cloth Armor + 4 pots
First Item :
-Immortal Shieldbow
Take Bone Platting to evade some of his MASSIVE eraly game burst.
You can 100% win lvl 1 and 2 because you out damage him with your passive AS. A lot of Pantheons will try to kill youa s early as possible, use that to your advantage. Exhaust is a viable Summoner Spell in thsi scenario, due to Panteons going Ignite a lot of times in higher levels of play.
Build Armor like seekers armguards or even bramble so he cant just one-shot you.You are always stronger then him when he doesnt have hs stacks up., so try to fight him then.
Starting Items:
-cloth armor + 4 pots
-Dorans shield
You can fight Riven level 1 if you have Bone Plattign adn Riven missed one of her Q's. You can go Ignite if you feel comfortable fightign her lvl 1.(not recommended tho)
Playable in low - mid elo, but will be impossible to survive in high elo. A good Riven will destory your ass easily. You will need your jungler to path up to you in his first clear, because most jungler beyond Diamond see Kayle as a free snack, unless your junger is smart enough to peal the kayle at that point.
Starting Item:
-Dorans Shield
First Item:
-Wits End
He will poke you with his Q befor Lvl 6, so just play further back to farm with Q/E.
He can run you down easily with his W MS if you overstep, so watch your movement and expect him to jsut run at you.
Starting Items:
_Dorans Shield
Avoid fighting him until you have Wits end. He will always out trade you unless you got wits.
Tahm Kench
Starting items:
-Dorans Shield
He will try to bush cheese you by going into a bush and then channeling his W to knock you up and out trait you. Try to dodge his Q as good as you can because it heals him.
You will need 2+ Items to ever fight a TK in the wild or he will just win lane.
Tank Shredder build will be very efficient against him if you didnt lose lane with in the first 3 minutes of the game.
Starting Item:
-Dorans Blade
-Wits End + What ever your Team needs
Farm as far back as you can and try to not lose 2 much health.
You back when you get your level 6, then TP back and demolish him. You have to time your ult to evade his Q blind and the damage. You should just win after that. Watch out for his ignite, it's better if it si down when you go for the all-in but he might just ignite you right as you ult.
Starting Items:
-cloth armor/Boots + 4 pots
His slow and high mobility forces you to go Phase Rush.
You will never win an all-in in any circumstance. Play safe and farm as far away as you can without giving up 2 much EXP. DONT TRAIT FARM AGAINST HEALTH. Nothign is worst than a fed Tryndamere. Play safe until lvl 6 and win off of another laner.
Farm as safe as you can until you reach lvl 6. It's just anoying, not really hard. Play around your Q and W to stay away from her at all times of the laning phase. Make sure that she used her E befor oyu all-in with your R, because it would be a waste if she just E'd you away inside your Ultimate.
Starting Items:
-Cloth Armor + 4 pots
-Dorans Blade
He will always out trade you with E>AA>Q>W and you will not be able to fight back.
You will still not be able to fight him at lvl 6 because he has WAY to much sustain damage in his kit that there is nothing you can really Ult, exept maybe his first R cast.
Pro Tipp: You will be able to 1v1 him at lvl 11, because you will be going the Tank shredder Items against hsi Armor giving passive and because the waves that you get from your AA will reveal him inside of his invisibility.
Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield
-Cloth Armor + 4 pots
Can basically run you down at any point he feels like it, because of his dashes. Try to stay further back everytime a new wave comes in so he can not just dash onto you.
-Rush Berserkers -> Anti-Heal
PRO TIPP= Most Yasuos get impatient and find a way to kill themself some how. Just wait until they miss play out of arrogance.
Starting Items:
-Dorans Shield
-Dorans Blader
Similar thing as Yasuo. he will jsut run you down with his E MS and can stun.lock your for a long time with his Q3 -> Ult combo. Not time to ult befor you're dead.
-Rush Berserkers -> Anti-Heal
Never forget that you have a lot of utility and the ability to support your mates by healing, speeding up and most importantly ulting them. You vae high damage, high mobility and high utility in the late game. work aroudn your scaling and the great self-peal Kayle has in her kit to become a late game monster. FARM FARM FARM.
Chain Invulnerability
Chain Invulnerability
Chain Invulnerability
Invulerable Nocturne that can be Killed for 3 seconds. Just hard to time it with his ult.
Making him an Unstopable force.
Very easy to time your R on his Ult cast. You will give him a massive up-front burst + some invulnerability so he can stall out his Zhonyas for a whole 5.5 seconds of invulnerabiliy. He will be getting of his whole ult without ever being able to die or even take damage.
You can just safe him and give him a free ult with some burst from your Ult on top of it.
Nunu & Willump
Same thing as with Malzahar. Nunu will have enough time to fully charge his ult + your Ult damage on top of it.
Similar to Fiddle can Amumu CC a huge crowed of people, which gives you the chance to hit a lot of champs for free with your ult and also negate a lot of damage the Amumu would get other wise.
Really hard to time your Ult with his. You have to be pre-made for shenaniganz like that.
R + R = Ally Pentakill
Chain Invulnerability, but just on him. Tryndameres tend to get into dum situations just so they can ult and do nothing, but with the help of your Ult, he might just get to kill a target and suck up all the CC fi the enemy team.
R + R = Ally Pentakill
R + R = Ally Pentakill
You can R her inside her Q or her R. The timing isn't as bad as you might think, but will definetly always finds his target. Unstoppable and Invulnerable Vi = dead backline.
You can ult him during his first R cast.
She will just heal back full whilst being invulnerable. It's beyond broken and will make Illaoi literally unkillable.
Never forget that you have a lot of utility and the ability to support your mates by healing, speeding up and most importantly ulting them. You vae high damage, high mobility and high utility in the late game. work aroudn your scaling and the great self-peal Kayle has in her kit to become a late game monster. FARM FARM FARM.
Chain Invulnerability
Chain Invulnerability
Chain Invulnerability
Invulerable Nocturne that can be Killed for 3 seconds. Just hard to time it with his ult.
Making him an Unstopable force.
Very easy to time your R on his Ult cast. You will give him a massive up-front burst + some invulnerability so he can stall out his Zhonyas for a whole 5.5 seconds of invulnerabiliy. He will be getting of his whole ult without ever being able to die or even take damage.
You can just safe him and give him a free ult with some burst from your Ult on top of it.
Nunu & Willump
Same thing as with Malzahar. Nunu will have enough time to fully charge his ult + your Ult damage on top of it.
Similar to Fiddle can Amumu CC a huge crowed of people, which gives you the chance to hit a lot of champs for free with your ult and also negate a lot of damage the Amumu would get other wise.
Really hard to time your Ult with his. You have to be pre-made for shenaniganz like that.
R + R = Ally Pentakill
Chain Invulnerability, but just on him. Tryndameres tend to get into dum situations just so they can ult and do nothing, but with the help of your Ult, he might just get to kill a target and suck up all the CC fi the enemy team.
R + R = Ally Pentakill
R + R = Ally Pentakill
You can R her inside her Q or her R. The timing isn't as bad as you might think, but will definetly always finds his target. Unstoppable and Invulnerable Vi = dead backline.
You can ult him during his first R cast.
She will just heal back full whilst being invulnerable. It's beyond broken and will make Illaoi literally unkillable.
my name is Nathan and this is my first guide ever.
I will be updating it for a while because I dont really know how to use all of these tools yet, but I will be finishing a small Match-Up guide for all possible Toplane Match-Ups and will be Making some more chapters following this one.
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