Bait his ult with yours, dodge his q most as possible and fight when he threw all of his ability/no energy early on. You might want to ban him or Dodge. He is a really hard lane.
I personaly ban him. He is just annoying. Bait his cage and try to force him to fight or to stop csing. Other than that, yeah you can't do anything. You will die if you don't have R.
Yeah you are basicaly screwed. You better dodge her ult or pray that she sucks at her champ.
Really hard matchup. Not impossible... more like a random chance of getting obliterated. Try using your W when he uses Windwall. And do not press E until he lost his W.
Try dodging his skillshot and bait him under down with his ult with your ult. If he has a lane advantage, immediately build anti heal.
Beatable. Really annoying. Don't press E or W when she still has W or R. Try out damaging her in the first few level.
First few level, he is annoying as hell. One of the few matchup that you want to wait before ingaging early on. Try to dodge his Q or bait his ult with yours. Btw, W can easily hit through his E and can also help vibecheck him through invisiblity. Try pushing alot when he is not around.
He is annoying ? Be more annoying than him. Don't try to push when he has turrets up, but try to destroy his turret when he is a bit too far from wave or when one is already focused on a minion. Try poking him with pixel perfect Q or W. Other than that, don't try to be too close and try to beat him really early or he might snowball.
He is annoying. Nothing to say except dodge his q/ult with your Q or try to survive with your ult under tower.
Ask your jungler to come as fast as possible. Also BEAT THE FUCC OUT OF HIM EARLY PLEASE.
He has range. That's it. Whatch out for Shurima's Shuffle and other than that, just beat him when he has placed a soldier level 1 by getting out of range.
He is annoying, but try to destroy him early. Also bait his R with yours if you are in a critical situation. Wait for his cooldown/mana to run out before ingaging.
Kill her early. If you don't ward or get visions, you'll get killed. Also, if she start snowballing : You are screwed.
Trade her early and maybe take barrier against her. SHE NEED TO BACK OUT OF HER W. If she grabs one, that's your fault.
Smoke cloud is an annoying ability. Wait for her to drop her cloud before starting to E or W her. Btw, drop your w in the center of the smoke for maximizing damage and chase potential. Bait her R2 into your ult. Other than that, you can out trade her as long as you don't troll. Also minions are your best friend.
Wait for her wall to w. Also put it at the edge of her ult to maximize damage and to force her to back off abit. Destroy her early.
Minor, Annie, ahah get it ?
Anyway, destroy her early and try to get QSS. Trade while her passive is down.
Who ?
Kite him and trade early. Also, if you are getting hit by both Q while not getting stunned, you suck.
Bait her ult. That's it ! Congrats ! Now kill her.
Bait her E and once she doesn't have ult or flash, break her legs. She cannot do anything except healing and consuming more mana. You just need to dodge the abilities and you win the lane.
Dodge her e. Also wait for her passive to run out or wait for her to use nearly all of her mana. Kite her much as possible.
Destroy him early. Also bait his ult with yours and follow him with W and Q. You are his worst nightmare.
Destroy her. Yeah she can poke you, but destroy her. She can just bait you and poke you. Just destroy her while watching your minimap for the enemy jungler.
I mean... If the enemy cannot move... That means the enemy cannot dodge your full combo and your turret-like auto ?
If she does great gank, you win the lane. No joke. Tank or AP.
I mean... If the enemy cannot move... That means the enemy cannot dodge your full combo and your turret-like auto ?
If she does great gank, you win the lane. No joke. Tank or AP.
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