My personal permaban. Strong early, invades, always wins the 1v1s, has better ganks, scales like a monster. It's also difficult to one-shot him.
She Invades us early, out farms us, will kill us in every 1v1, kites us with her range, scales well, and counters us with her ult. Good ban option, but not too common.
Try to take your camps with her mark as early as possible, don't fight her early, try and let your team deal with her.
Another great ban option. In lower elos, Noc will get fed off your teammates very quickly. He is hard to beat in a 1v1, and will invade you, steal camps, and kill you.
Play to avoid him and scale
While Kayn can ult us to counter our ult, he is difficult because his champion is broken all the time, and he will become strong off your teammates.
To counter him countering your ult, try to land an E if you see him leaving a wall. Run out of his ult distance, ult him, and then run back and W him. GHOST RECOMMENDED to do exactly that.
Also try to predict which form he will go before the match starts, based of your team comp. If you think he'll go red, take conqueror, and for blue take DH.
Would be extreme if he didn't fall off late. He will ALWAYS kill you. Never fight him in a 1v1, be careful when counter-ganking, be careful when he is in your jungle, give up early objectives, and play to scale.
Like Kha'zix, he will one-shot you. He falls off a cliff and can't really gank too well pre-6, so play with a tempo and gank/counter-gank advantage early. Later, play to avoid him. You out-farm him always.
Weak early, but scales into an unkillable 1v9 monster. You can use ult to stop her tempo, but you can't really 1 shot her due to her E's damage reduction. Play for DPS (conq) and end the game as quickly as possible. Counter-ganking works well against her.
Master Yi
Like bel'veth, Master Q will scale very hard with items, albeit not quite as much. The biggest problem with Yi is that he'll snowball off your teammates, so try your best to find him and kill him early, also taking his jungle when you can and objective when he is dead/elsewhere.
Play to outscale, ignore her for 15 mins, let her have her fun, then just win.
Xin Zhao
Very hard to kill solo, however, you are way more present and useful in teamfights later on. Don't fight him early, and play to scale and win the teamfights.
Jarvan IV
Similar to Xin, J4 is hard to kill early, and his ult can completely shut you down. After a few items, however, you will destroy him. Play to scale.
He can point and click CC you into other CC, so I recommend Tenacity, Unflinching, AND Merc treads (unless they have way too much AD). Try not to resort to QSS unless you have to. He is tanky, so you do melt him, but his CC is quite unbearable. Avoid if you can, fight him after he CC's someone else.
After her rework, she's been a bit of a menace. She can disguise as things now (helps her kill your teammates more than you) and her ult now knocks you up. You don't wanna feed her early, so the best thing to do is stay ranged, avoid the CC, and play to outfarm.
Viego is only a threat if A) they are very good, B) if he's meta which is rare, or C) if he snowballs off your teammates. You win the 1v1s, as his CC is easy to avoid. Try to stomp him early as he scales quite hard. In the late game, try not to let him get resets, because he will wipe your entire team.
She just does so much damage. Luckily, with a teammate around and some CC, she can be killed super quick, as she can't dash back out of fights. Play to outfarm, and kill her in teamfights.
This guy scales hard. He is also very fast if he procs his 3-hit move speed bonus. Try to counter gank him and fight the 2v2s and 3v3s. Keep track of his ult at all times. Try to save sleep for after he uses it.
Vi is a bit of a menace, but she isn't very popular. She has her Q, which is basically point and click CC (also a good escape from your ult when used over a wall), and also her ult which IS point and click CC. Early, abuse her long cooldowns by counterganking and stealing farm. Later, play to kill others in teamfights and let her try and kill someone else.
Easier than you would think for a one-shot assassin. Pre-6, make her life hell. Steal farm, 1v1 her cause you will ALWAYS win, countergank (if she ganks, which she probs won't cause she's so weak), and grab as many objectives as you can. Later, just avoid her.
His builds vary, and he can do a lot of damage, but try to pull off an ult into one-shot combo. You don't even need DH.
I dislike Warwick as any other champ, but as Lillia, he is fairly bearable. Rush Oblivion orb and build Morello's after first couple of items. Play the 2v2s and 3v3s to own him. Outscale him like crazy.
If he goes tank its very easy, but any damage build is tedious. play to outscale is the simplest fix.
A good Sylas will own you. He will one-shot you, use your ult against your team, and never die to you. don't feed him, make teammates fight him, kill his team and win through numbers. Outscale to win.
He does a lot of damage, but he is slow and predictable. Also very squishy. Play to E him from range and ult. Then one-shot him and be happy.
Nunu & Willump
Tank Nunu is no threat at all.
Full damage Nunu will win through their massive early tempo and ganking advantage. Outfarm them and play to scale. Full tank Nunu will melt, and full damage Nunu will get one-shot.
He can snowball hard, but you do a lot of damage to him. Play to be much more of a menace in the late game. Try to countergank.
He's fast like you, but you do way more damage. His trick is that he will outfarm you early. Play to ignore him and farm up early, and you will win later.
He's fast, and a little tanky, but that's it. You deal infinitely more damage than him, and you outfarm and outscale him like crazy.
Lee Sin
Outscale him. he falls off a cliff. just farm
He has a lot of CC, yes, but if you have max Q stacks, he will really struggle to Q onto you. If he Q's onto you, he can ult you and his team will destroy you, so play far away, E him, and ult to get damage and Q stacks. Then run around in circles.
People find her hard, but if you circle her, you will melt her at no cost. She is tanky and you love tanks. She is good at ganking though so be careful. Don't let her ult you either, let it be someone else on the team, so you can shred her.
She is tank, you kill tank. simple.
falls off many cliffs throughout the game. He isn't even strong pre-6 so just farm him and his farm lol. Remember that when his clone is up, the real one takes less damage and can't use abilities (going invisible particularly).
You melt him. He's hard to kill if he saves his leap for escape, but you still do so much damage to him.
Karthus is all about his Q's, and it is bloody hard for him to hit you at all. try not to get slowed, then ult and one-shot him. remember to run away from him after you kill him though.
1st, get out of draft. 2nd, you will always win because you've read my guide :)
Who doesn't love a frontline who upgrades your items?
He provides so much CC its rediculous.
He will save you with his ult a lot.
Rebibe me please
Who doesn't love a frontline who upgrades your items?
Hello all, I hope you enjoy this guide! I'm not going to write much here, as I wrote as much as I could above already. I just want to touch on Lillia's playstyle. In general, it is important to maintain and abuse your amazing tempo. You are a very fast and healthy clearer, and you scale beautifully. Just be careful around the invade junglers, and be extra careful of the crazy scaling junglers. I wish you all luck!
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