I take conqueror with dark seal and get prio for the lvl 2 Cheese and 90% kill them. If you Aren't sure , get PR and proxy. If he bullies you in lane , Rush t2 Boots after fated ashes and get Dead Man's 3rd(Unending Despair if 3+ Melee's) and you can Dodge pretty much everything he throws at you. Rush Liandry's and you beat him 1v1 with ult and ghost when you have liandry and Boots. After fated ashes , walk up to him from a Bush with Q open and E him before getting away. It is a good way to trade against Aatrox if you are behind.
Just go full scaling and proxy. Ping her away if she roams.
Unplayable if they are good. Proxy inbetween T2 and T3 so they cant stop you will invis. If you cant proxy the first wave , skip it and proxy from the second wave. You can also use "THE CHEESE™" but proxy is recommended.
Her R shuts you down in Teamfights.
Slow resist runes. Go Unsealed spellbook and Roam. If it is a comp where you cant roam (example mid : Zed , example bot : Janna Tristana)
Take PR slow resist Boots of Swiftness and Dead Man's 3rd and hope for the best. If it IS roamable , i recommend baron Boots and Roam after proxies when it is roamable. Take Flash if you want to try and burger flip her , though it wont work if they play good.
Unplayable. Proxy and keep proxying. Roam if you want to.
On team fights , if a Brand with Rylai E's you , you cant run and flind their carries. Disgusting champion.
One of the easiest match-up , Q when she W's you and E her to your W under turret whenever you get the chance.
Too much Range. You can outplay with Rocketbelt but i recommend proxying.
If she is Fed , she runs you down. If you are Fed , you destroy teamfights. Proxy if you want to , but she cant really kill you unless you misplay.
She is ranged , she slows , she is basically a nightmare. Proxy.
Get Conqueror and beat him up , you outscale him on teamfights.
ADC with self peel. Proxy.
This isnt that big of a threat in my opinion, that is if you proxy. You can NOT duel him before 2-3 items and boots and even then , you need a Rank 2 ult. He statchecks you , fling him under tower whenever you can and do NOT let him get 5 stacks. You can trade with running up to them with Q open and E'ing them before disengaging.
Dr. Mundo
He has big slow and he gets to farm for free if you proxy. Nightmare match-up. Roam to Mid and Bot and hope that your team can kill him. This isnt extreme only because he doesnt really have kill pressure on you until he gets 2 items. Peel your team on teamfights.
ADC with self peel , not much needed to be said. Though he is weak when his E is down and if they are a bad player , you dont even have to proxy. IF they are a bad player , that is.
Better player wins. You CAN duel her after Liandry. Proxy if you want to , she has no wave clear before tiamat. If she wals with minions, you can proxy from the second wave. You can use your CTRL+4 Laugh to bait her W.
He outscales you :( Hope you win on teamfights , even proxying isnt safe because you cant execute when he has Ult.
Either you can go Conqueror Liandry Rush to duel him, or you can go PR Rylai rush to play for teamfights. Barrier goes through silence so Barrier counters garen , pick it if you want to. You absolutely do better in teamfights , fling him away from your team if he is dangerous.
Be careful and proxy. You can E him while he is in the Air. You can go Conqueror and try to duel him if you want to but i wouldnt recommend if you arent experienced.
Too much CC. Merc's needed. I dont have that much experience with this match-up. Don't let him E Q W you and get out , it does too much damage. You do outscale him, so thats nice.
Conqueror ghost ignite and lvl 2 all-in before she gets lvl 2. If not , PR and proxy or roam. She Beats you 6 you , beat her 9. She Beats you onwards from 11. Gets Boots of Swiftness and Dodge her R. If you Dodge her R , you crush her. If you dont , She crushes you. Skill match-up slightly favored towards you. DO NOT FLING HER TOWARDS YOUR TEAM , SHE WILL ONE SHOT YOUR CARRY. peel her away.
Two choices. Proxy or "THE CHEESE™". Proxy probably would work better though.
Dodge her E ! Proxy if you want to.
You beat her. All-in lvl 2 before she is lvl 2 IF you have ignite. Fling her under tower. You win if she isnt Fed. Be careful after BoRK.
Jarvan IV
His R counters you in Teamfights. Doesnt matter which team he is in. If you are in it , you cant run. If you are outside it , you cant damage.
Mainly Skill Match-up. You can straight up duel him after 3 Items. 2 if you are ahead.
Haven't had this before for some reason. Proxy !
You can't really kill him. He beats you on 1v1. Proxy and play for teamfights.
Proxy ! Be careful of her W.
Dashes. Slow. Vision. Absolute counter. Proxy and Roam.
Slow , CC , speeds up herself. and allies. Disgusting to play against.
Say goodbye to your proxies , He has R. You can outduel him before he gets 3 Items if he is a top laner.
A ranged who outscales you. She is faster than you late game. Nightmare. Ban if you want to.
Ranged , good at teamfights , stuns and tanky. Roam !
Phase Rush and proxy. Never interact with him. Watch him lose his mind and mindlessly attack you and miss minions while you just W E him backwards and run.
Run him down after 6.
Lee Sin
Skill match-up , you outduel him.
Annoying but beatable.
Proxy !
Proxy !
Master Yi
Fling him under tower. Note that if he has Ult active , you cant W E him. He doesnt get rooted for some reason.
Proxy ! You outscale and you can peel your carries in teamfights.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAH roam and peel him away from your carries. You are absolutely helpless. Proxying will let him stack. He beats you on 1v1s. Unplayable. Ban him.
He can't really kill you unless you make mistakes but you can. Only reason this isnt minor is because his Autos , R and Q if you are stunned trom either are guaranteed stuns which can stop your flow on teamfights.
Not really a problem , count minions and Rush Boots to Dodge abilities.
Fling her under tower ! Proxy if needed. You can outduel her only if you have ult after lvl 11 with an item and boots.
Take Phase Rush , run when he ults. You can proxy if you want to but you can also duel him and fling him under tower if you are careful.
He heavily outscales you after 3-4 items. Your W stops his R because he cant dash to use his R2 when he is grounded. You are a better teamfighter if he cant use his R2.
He outduels you AND has a point and click CC. Phase Rush if you want to proxy because he WILL ult to stop you. You can also take conqueror and try to duel him after Liandry. You outscale him heavily.
Not that big of a problem , you outscale her. You can't really die if you dont make mistakes.
Pain. Her ult gives her too much movement speed so she can stop your proxying at will. She also out roams you and out trades you. You have better all-ins and Teamfights.
Skill match-up. You can get Conqueror and duel him before he is lvl 6. Dont fight when he has rage bar 50+ , all in if he uses all abilities to Clear the wave. Liandry is really good and you can run at him from a Bush , Q him and E him to trade and run after that. You are a better teamfighter and you outscale.
Skill Match-up again. He out trades you , you outduel him.
Too much shields ! Dont 1v1 her if you dont have ult and both summs. You can buy serpent's fang 4th-5th item if their team has more shielders (enchanters and lifeline item users)
Proxy , be Wary of his R.
His E W Shuts you down. You can't really outduel or catch-up to him. He can stop your proxy by teleporting his minions ahead of you. Ask for ganks , dont die. Roam after proxies if there is opportunity and join team fights. Collapse on the enemy jungler if you catch him at his jungle with someone nearby. If there isnt anyone else , you can outduel most junglers. most.
Proxy , you cant really kill her. W E doesnt root him when she has slow resistance from her passive.
He outduels you. You can kill him after Liandry when he uses all abilities on the wave. Proxy isnt a need but it doesnt hurt to proxy. You outscale him after 2-3 items.
You can fling him under tower or proxy , you can also try to 1v1 after fated ashes. ATTENTION , YOUR W STOPS HIS R. THE ENEMY STILL GETS THE SHIELD BUT HE WONT TELEPORT IF YOU W HIM DURING HIS CHANNEL.
You have the better build , go get em tiger !
Just Rush liandry. You can outduel him in any stages of the game when he is a tank.
AD sion can Mess with you. You can still duel him but buy armor.
You outscale him.
Run him down whenever he uses E.
Ew. You can peel him away from your team , i guess. proxy and Roam , play for teamfights.
He outduels you. Fling him under tower if he goes too far. Wait for a gank , he is too strong with your ult. He cant really kill you unless you make mistakes.
Tahm Kench
You are a better teamfighter. That is all you have going for you. He cant really kill you unless you make mistakes.
You can go W start to W the first wave so it comes towards you. Do not proxy unless you see him , he is probably hiding in a Bush waiting to stop your proxy. Buy Pink wards to Clear shrooms and spot him , Oracle lens isnt a must. You can play to roam.
A lot of damage , a lot of wave clear , a lot of turret damage , self peel , high mobility and high range. Just proxy...
You should proxy , you outscale him after Liandry Rylai and boots.
Beat his ass. Lvl 2 all-in works before he gets lvl 2. When he ults , fling him away and run. You crush him after Liandry and he cant play after Rylai. Frozen heart if you feel like making his life more miserable.
Twisted Fate
Point and click stun + ranged. Nightmare. Proxy and look for roams.
Either he deletes you or he doesnt take damage. Proxy and hope for the best. You can take TP and group up with your team for 5v4's.
Pretty bad match-up , nothing a good old proxy cant fix.
Cant really self peel. Dodgeball. Rush Boots to Dodge his stuff and run him down after lvl 9.
Disgusting. Too much movement speed. She has 3 different ways of self peel and does a lot of damage. Proxy and Roam , you can get unsealed spellbook if you want. Baron Boots also work well.
His E shuts you down in Teamfights.
Proxy , i guess. You can also duel him. I didnt have this match-up on top lane yet.
With the W healing nerfs , he isnt a big monster anymore. Proxy between T2 and T3 so he cant collapse on you with multiple people. Execute or proc phase Rush to escape if someone comes to stop you.
Proxy. Dont interact with him. He WILL beat you on a 1v1 no matter how Fed you are.
Same as Volibear , proxy. Dont interact with him , he has no wave clear before tiamat.
You outduel him. Use your Q for his shield and fling him under tower if he over extends. Dodge the Skillshots. Get plated steelcaps If needed.
You can't really duel yone, you will be looking to proxy and Roam.
If he lands W , you are dead. Gone. Proxy and hope for the best. Hard counter.
You need flash TP. Run towards the enemy base and flash the wall to the base to proxy the first mid wave. Execute the second you collect it and TP to top lane. If you have done it correctly , you are in time for the first wave. When you take the first minion in the first wave , you will level up. Run them down with the level up , dont give them a chance to recover. Also , tell your mid laner to sit in bot lane bush lvl 1 or something. He wont have his first wave.
Combo !
Burger flip ; W to yourself , E from out of range and flash to get in range. If done correctly , they will land in the W and be rooted.
The basic : E them and auto them whiel they are mid-air
5 second CC : W them and right when it is about to end or they are about to get out , fling them into it.
Most importantly , don't be scared to auto them.
Welp , this is a loading screen guide after all. Good luck !
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