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Singed Build Guide by Winter Warrior

Top Lose Lane, Win Game - In Depth Proxy Guide! (WIP)

Top Lose Lane, Win Game - In Depth Proxy Guide! (WIP)

Updated on February 9, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Winter Warrior Build Guide By Winter Warrior 6 1 35,257 Views 1 Comments
6 1 35,257 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Winter Warrior Singed Build Guide By Winter Warrior Updated on February 9, 2018
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Greetings friends. My name is David, otherwise known as Biosphere, and I used the split-pushing god which is Singed to reach Gold. I'm still climbing with him, and have a lot to learn, but I would love to share what knowledge I have gained with the community.

Singed, in my opinion, is one of the most annoying, rage-inducing, and enjoyable champions in the game. His ultimate can be used to dive in on enemies in outrageous situations, he has a really annoying laugh and dance, and his play-style is very unique. You can splitpush, and 1v1 almost anyone as long as they aren't insanely fed. You can proxy farm behind turrets, and escape very dangerous situations once you learn the Mega Adhesive > Fling combo.

If you have the time to learn Singed, you can truly carry most games with your un-paralleled splitpushing. I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on this uniqe champion, and if not, I welcome you to bring up your opinions in the discussion below. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy Singed as much as I do!
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Pros / Cons


+ Very strong late-game
+ Mechanically simple
+ Can win lane against anyone with proper knowledge
+ Underestimated all the time
+ Easy to get picks on unwary enemies
+ Tons of map pressure

Singed is unique among any other champion in the game. He can get in very dangerous situations, and slip out easily with Ghost, Insanity Potion, and the almighty Mega Adhesive > Fling combo. He is able to proxy, and even double proxy, to gain a substantial lead on the enemy team.

- Many terrible top-lane matchups
- Typically a low KDA
- Misunderstood by many players
- Gets wrecked by True Damage
- Not nearly as useful as other carry champions if fed
- Can be countered by smart peeps

Singed almost always loses lane, and has to play passively until his enemy makes a stupid move. Once you kill them once or twice, you can generally start fighting them in a 1v1,
but until then you need to outplay them heavily by flinging them into turret, or dodging their skillshots.
At low elo you will get flamed for doing crazy things (such as double proxying in the enemy's base),
and occasionally even reported for inting. As long as you know what you're doing (hopefully you will after you read this guide), you can just ignore them. Be sure to practice Singed plenty of times before taking him into Ranked, or else you will not know what you're doing. In order to make full use of Singed, you need to know the crucial Mega Adhesive > Fling combo.
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Summoner Spells

Ghost: As a man who runs around all the time, Ghost greatly increases your survivability while chasing, running, proxying, or really any situation you may find yourself in. Its cooldown with this build is also extremely low, so you can use it two times as often as your opponent has their his mobility spell up. I typically run this and Teleport.

Teleport: Getting back to lane faster to give you the edge in those close matchups, teleporting bot to secure Dragon and help your ADC/Support, and late game it provides more utility than Exhaust or Ignite. You can splitpush bot or top when a fight is about to break out mid/at an objective, and the second you see someone come to stop you teleport to your team and force a 5v4 teamfight.

Flash: If you know what you're doing with Singed, it may be preferable to grab Flash in place of Ghost, but on most occasions Ghost is better. The upside of Flash is that you can engage into teamfights more easily by Flashing onto the enemy carry and surprising them with your Mega Adhesive > Fling combo.

Ignite: Ignite can be used in place of Teleport in match-ups against enemies with great healing or sustain, such as Swain. The problem is, you need to use it to get an early lead on your opponent, because it's not nearly as useful as the utility Teleport provides even if you get behind. If you do decide to grab this, remember to use it every fight you can.
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Ability Explanation

Noxious Slipstream (Passive): Though easily forgotten, this passive gives you huge chasing potential early game, and makes bush juking quite effective. Additionally, in mid to late game teamfights, if you pass by all champions in the game in quick successions, you gain 180% movement speed temporarily, which, combined with Ghost and Insanity Potion, makes you VERY slippery, giving you the ability to jump out of a bad situation, or preposition yourself to Fling a back-line, squishy target.

Poison Trail (Q): This ability is Singed's bread and butter damage-over-time, area-of-effect ability. Early game, when Singed is still quite mana hungry, you want to practice quickly toggling this ability off and on to push waves, rather then leave it on and waste all that poison. Remember, if someone is poisoned and steps in the poison again, it just refreshes the duration, it does not stack more damage onto the target, so your Poison Trail should typically be toggled off if your walking through your poison early game.

Mega Adhesive (Q): Shoots out a heavy area of effect slow which can also be comboed with Singed's E, Fling, to root enemies for a brief duration should they be flipped into the sticky goo. It can also easily be used for chasing, kiting, or zoning enemy targets. Also, remember that any enemy that is standing on the Mega Adhesive is grounded! Enemies in the zone cannot dash, Flash, or Teleport in any way! Lee Sin cannot even use his Safeguard on himself. This can be used in a clutch situation to lock down mobile targets such as LeBlanc, Zoe, or Akali.

Fling (Q): Fling is an amazing ability, for not only does it deal percent max-health magic damage, it also displaces enemies, interrupting their abilities as well as tossing them into bad situations. Not only does this make getting picks quite easy for Singed, it also pisses people off, and can be used to throw them into your Mega Adhesive, your Poison Trail, or even both!

Insanity Potion (Q): Do you want a impactful and flashy ultimate that changes the course of the game? Then don't play Singed, because no one ever knows you have it on. Activating this ability gives you a flat amount (base on ability level) of bonus Health Regen, Mana Regen, Armor, Magic Resist, Ability Power, and, most importantly, Movement Speed! This bonus last for 25 seconds, which is plenty of time to run from enemies, chase down ADCs, get shot by a bunch of turrets at the same time when you double or triple proxy farm, or all of the above at the same time.
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Early Game Test

Early game for Singed is all about not dying. Focus on farming safely and carefully. You have many options to do this, but in lanes which bad matchups, such as Kayle or Teemo, focus on proxy farming, and make sure to communicate with your team so they know your intentions. It is completely fine to be executed a few times early game while farming so that you don't fall behind, though not ideal, it is far better to ensure that your lane opponent doesn't get fed off you. As long as you're getting some farm and XP, you will always be useful in the late game as long as you don't feed.

Should you be going against someone you counter, or someone you go even with, it's typically better for you to stay in the lane and trade with them until you get your Zz'Rot Portal, in which case you proxy behind their T1 (Tier 1) turret, hopefully with your jungler nearby in case of an enemy gank, and drop the portal in the bush behind their turret. The Voidlings won't attack the minions coming to lane since you're proxying them, and the enemy top laner has the choice to either farm, go attack your Zz'Rot Portal, in which case they will have to deal with you, or kill the Voidlings hitting their turret, causing them to lose farm. All situations are great.[/column]
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Early Game

Early game for Singed is all about not dying. Focus on farming safely and carefully. You have many options to do this, but in lanes which bad matchups, such as Kayle or Teemo, focus on proxy farming, and make sure to communicate with your team so they know your intentions. It is completely fine to be executed a few times early game while farming so that you don't fall behind, though not ideal, it is far better to ensure that your lane opponent doesn't get fed off you. As long as you're getting some farm and XP, you will always be useful in the late game as long as you don't feed.

Should you be going against someone you counter, or someone you go even with, it's typically better for you to stay in the lane and trade with them until you get your Zz'Rot Portal, in which case you proxy behind their T1 (Tier 1) turret, hopefully with your jungler nearby in case of an enemy gank, and drop the portal in the bush behind their turret. The Voidlings won't attack the minions coming to lane since you're proxying them, and the enemy top laner has the choice to either farm, go attack your Zz'Rot Portal, in which case they will have to deal with you, or kill the Voidlings hitting their turret, causing them to lose farm. All situations are great.
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The Level 1 (3 Wave) Proxy

The Level 1 Proxy is something I do almost every game, taking into account a few considerations. Generally, if you're against a difficult match-up, such as Teemo or Fiora, the Level 1 Proxy is great! Champions with low early-game chase potential is always a plus, but should you be going against one of the few enemy champions which are easy for you to lane against, it may be preferable for you to stay in lane, such as a Jax.

Another important variable to think about is the enemy jungler's gank potential, as well as their starting clear. Example, should you be starting from Blue Side (Bottom Left Side of the Map), and the enemy is an AD champion, such as a Rengar or Lee Sin, have the potential of starting from their Red-Side jungle, so there may be a chance that at level 1, immediately after the enemy jungler clears their Red Buff, they may come with the top laner and kill you. Don't be afraid to use your Ghost to get out of a sticky situation should the need arise, as it's a very low cooldown, and typically you can blow an enemy Flash should they think they can kill you.

Finally, before trying this in a Ranked, or even a Normal game, I would highly recommend practicing the Level 1 Proxy a handful of times in League's Practice Tool. Make sure to try from both sides of the map by switching sides.

For the following pictures I will be demonstrating the Proxy from the Blue Side, but I also have a picture of the mini-map for which path you would take from each side respectively. Also, remember that the location of minions on the map is mirrored for both sides, so if you ever want to know how far along the lane the enemy minions are, just look at the location of your friendly minions and compare.

Remember, always be on the lookout for missing enemy laners, or a jungler coming to stop your $$$C45H$$$ party.

Step A: Pre-Minion Spawn[Location from Blue Side POV]

Before minions spawn, regardless of which side of the map I start on I stand here. This location gives me plenty of escape routes should I see someone come, lets me watch the friendly jungler's top-side buff, and also puts you in a good position to rotate to the correct locations once minions spawn. Once I hear that minions spawn, I walk to the next location.

Step B: Minions Spawn
Just before minions spawn, begin moving to the the next location in preparation for the first minions (If you're using the Surfer Singed skin, you want to go "Catch the Wave, bro"). Early levels, you're very weak to minions, so you want to move in a zigzag pattern, and every time you zig you want to toggle on your Poison Trail, and then turn off your Q when you zag. Also, weave in a single Auto Attack on each of the melee minions. Once you reach the range of the opponent's T1 turret, then turn around and walk straight through the wave one last time with your Poison Trail, and that should be enough to take out the first wave. Remember to use the first charge of your Refillable Potion, and, if done correctly, you should have taken out all 6 of the minions in the wave with losing roughly 1/3rd of your health.

Step C: Ward and prepare for the Second Wave
You generally don't have much time to get to the next Proxy location, which is dangerously located between the enemy T2 and T3/Inhibitor Turret. On the way there, drop a ward at either the Bush above Red Buff if you're on Blue Side, or at the Crossroads to the left of Wolves and Blue Buff if you're on Red Side as you make your way to the next location. Practice doing this quickly and fluidly, because the entire proxy is ruined should you miss the next wave.

Step D: Proxying the Second Wave
You've arrived behind the enemy T2 turret, and now proxying is difficult because you don't have much room to work with. I generally walk into the wave from the exit of the jungle, cross it and touch the north or west side of the map's wall, then circle back to the exit of the jungle, occasionally stopping to Auto Attack the enemy Melee Minions. As you do this, consume the second charge of your Refillable Potion

Step E: Awaiting the Third Wave
Now go to the next location marked and wait for the third wave. Should you have done everything correctly with no interference, you should have roughly half of your max health remaining for the last wave, the Cannon wave. As you proxy the third wave this is the time where enemy junglers most likely gank you, so be on the lookout. As a side-not, a tell-tale sign that your getting ganked is the enemy top laner leaving his turret, because there isn't a reason for him to stop farming unless they're trying to kill you.

Step F: The Slow Death (Third Wave)
The third enemy wave has a Cannon minion, and for you to afford a Corrupting Potion on first back, you need the first two full waves of minions, and at least 1-2 enemy Caster minions from the third wave. Your goal here is to kill as many Caster minions in the third wave as possible before you dies from minions, or, should you suspect your getting ganked (which you can tell by an MIA top or mid laner, or you see the jungler coming from the pro-level ward you placed earlier), then you can always just run into the enemy T3 tower and commit suicide. Executing yourself this early into the game causes you to lose nearly nothing (just no XP gained during the time you spend dead) and in fact, it also causes you to return to base faster since your respawn time will be lower than the time it would take you to re-position and recall to base. Executing yourself is also safer since it ensure that you don't feed First Blood to the enemy team.

What was listed above is the ideal outcome of a successful Level 1 Proxy. It lets you get Corrupting Potion on your first back, which is very strong along with the Dark Seal you already have. This sets you up with a great start to the game, and you should be able to 1v1 most top laners once you get back to lane because you will have a very strong item on Singed already.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Winter Warrior
Winter Warrior Singed Guide
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Lose Lane, Win Game - In Depth Proxy Guide! (WIP)

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