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Maokai Build Guide by Mignion

Maokai, Tank

Maokai, Tank

Updated on June 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mignion Build Guide By Mignion 2,636 Views 0 Comments
2,636 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mignion Maokai Build Guide By Mignion Updated on June 26, 2011
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Maokai is a pretty easy hero to master in my opinion. My intention is to make a guide that will be just that, a simple guide that you can augment to your liking.

Any and all comments are appreciated.

I will update as necessary.
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General tanky runes here.

You can substitute the Greater Seal of Evasion for Greater Seal of Health if you'd rather. If you end up going that way you could change your Greater Quintessence of Health for Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration for magic pen. ((Or a Quint that adds more armor or magic resist.))
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Summoner Spells

Obviously everyone likes their own combination of Summoner Spells. Here is what I use and why.

I just REALLY enjoy Clarity so I can stay in a lane for a long time and harass like a boss. My second reason for Clarity... I really only build one or two mana items.

For the obvious reasons of flashing in and using my Ult. Flashing away to escape. Flashing closer to use my roots. etc...

Other Possible Spells.



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Items are simple here.

> Start with your Sapphire Crystal and 2x Health Potion. The longer beginning lane time, (spamming saplings) the better in my opinion.

> When you recall for the first time you should be able to start your Mercury's Treads.

> Third or fourth time recalling you should be able to start (or hopefully finish) the Catalyst the Protector.

> Your next item is the Force of Nature. Excellent for Magic Resist and Movement Speed. Since you're Maokai and you initiate whenever you want, speed is good.

> Build your Sunfire Aegis, because it has armor, health, it's awesome, plus being a tree on fire? Win.

> If instead you're having major mana issues or you're frustrated with your cooldowns, get a Frozen Heart before the Sunfire Aegis.

> If instead of a Banshee's Veil you make a Rod of Ages, The Rod of Ages will give you enough AP to play until mid/end-ish game. The Banshee's Veil is just generally a good idea if they are AP heavy.

Last Item::

> Abyssal Mask for its massive Magic Resist and AP is excellent for a last choice.

> Rylai's Crystal Scepter, mostly because of the AP, Health, and my Saplings and when I de-activate my ult it will slow people.
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Pros / Cons

> Decent Health, Armor, and Magic Resist mixed with enough AP to destroy the other team.
> Easy to build and play.

> Early-game mana hungry, therefor running Clarity.
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Team Work

Team Work with Maokai is SO easy.

> Sapling Toss to harrass like a boss.

>Use Twisted Advance whenever your team mate and you have a good chance to gank or just simply kill someone.

*** ALSO use Twisted Advance to save people, SUPER useful.

>Your Arcane Smash Arcane Smash won't do **** until level 2 so just wait for that. I usually Sapling Toss at the Caster Minions and if the Sapling doesn't kill them, Arcane Smash Arcane Smash them and they're yours.

>Your Vengeful Maelstrom; initiate whenever you want, you're Maokai, your ult is made of awesome.


> Twisted Advance onto some poor soul.

> Throw up Vengeful Maelstrom.

> Do not stray from Vengeful Maelstrom UNLESS everyone is dead, everyone left, or you can positively use it to kill someone.

> While inside Vengeful Maelstrom, throw Saplings, punch people with your "Q", Root about as you please.
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After level 4 or 5 I usually throw Sapling Toss at the Caster Minions and if the Sapling doesn't kill them, Arcane Smash Arcane Smash them and they're yours. Farming with Maokai is pretty easy that way.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mignion
Mignion Maokai Guide
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Maokai, Tank

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