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Ouch. Don't pick Kassadin into this unless you're very confident. Aatrox's early power will leave you hugging your tower and let him either dive or roam a lot.
Unlike what you might think, this is not an easy match up. She has higher range,sustain, deadlier early all in and more mobility early. I'd say stick to playing safe and asking for jungler's help. The glacial build makes her a formidable foe.
This is an OKAY match up. Her 6 is more powerful than yours if she lands the second part but all round so long as you play smart she won't be able to kill you and late game you'll leave her in the void.
Fairly simple lane until she hits 6, then her all in becomes an issue. While you will survive most the time if her ignite is down due to your passive, I would recommend not fighting her until you're level 11.
Aurelion Sol
A very easy match up. Sol has to step up quite a bit in order to push , you cancel his stars with your Q and you stick to him rendering his passive mostly useless. Becomes even easier level 6.
Usually this is an easy match up , Azir isn't favored in the meta but still a good one will give you a bad time by constantly poking you and staying just out of your range. His 6 might screw you over if you try to all in but your risks of dying to him are fairly low. Later on you'll just one shot him.
Although once you hit 6 this lane should be rather simple , his pre-6 kill pressure is very much a threat to you as he does a whooping amount of damage and is rather easy to land his abilities onto you.
Her early game is weak and you might think this makes you even but no. Most ad champs have the upper hand in lane against you and this one is no exception. Most bruisers make for a difficult lane due to their abilities to easily out-trade you and sustain in lane.
Shouldn't be too much of a problem. I max E in this match up as she has to spam her abilities often, resulting in free easy charges for your E and thus easy wave clear. When you're going to all in be mindful of her ground mechanic and always R and turn away for a split second in-case of her R.
Same with most bruisers, this guy can out-trade you fairly easily by just silencing you and knocking you up. The CC makes him very difficult to lane against.
His Auto-attacks deal ap which is kind of a good thing for you really. His abilities are relatively easy to dodge and you will smack him hard in trades once you have 6, I recommend MR in your last rune slot.
Where to start with this one , she's not a threat until she hits 6. Her changes made it so that she can trade pretty darn easily at level 3 and stay safe. Early on you'll poke her for free with Q and generally she won't be able to get a kill on you pre-6 , post 6 though her burst is very VERY quick, it often catches people off guard.
Some what of an even lane tilting towards your favor. Of course a good Ekko will be slippery and be a pain in the ass really but usually you'll be okay in lane, be mindful of ganks as he sets them up pretty well. Later on he remains a threat I recommend trying to snatch him off guard as this will be a battle of who gets the jump on who.
One of the easiest lanes in history for you ! If you see Fizz , you won't regret picking Kassadin. Early he has to get into your face to trade with Q or E which makes it super easy to trade back with a Q to block his damage and the rest of your abilities. With electrocute , you'll get some free easy kills. Don't think however that he can't burst you down , avoid that R as it will turn the fight in his favor if done correctly.
I've rarely seem him mid recently but even when he is mid , he's so slow and clunky honestly you'll be fine. You can cancel his R with your Q and generally you have to be really aggro to be caught by him and lose a trade. Just poke with Q and take it easy. He will move to other lanes and be a hassle to kill though.
Another AD champ , another rough match up. This isn;t the worst because you can dodge his barrels pretty darn easily with your Rift-Walk , however his Q poke in lane can be quite the pain in the ass , also care for that passive , it does a lot.
Gragas mid isn't played that much but even when it is , it's not that big of a deal. He does have CC and Damage reduction which make him rather difficult to poke or trade with but so long as you mind his early burst damage you'll outscale him in no-time.
I class this match up as minor because yes , you won't be able to kill him , but that goes the same way for him. He's just a nuisance in lane but later on you'll make him regret picking Heimer. Be sure to avoid his stun at all costs.
A bruiser mid for you means bad news, irelia will usually just get into your face and shred you with a million auto-attacks before you can really react. Do not attempt to fight her without the assistance of a jungler. She will ALWAYS kill you especially post 6. You cannot fight this character.
This match-up is typically when I see Kassadin being picked. Although yes , you somewhat counter her , she can snowball off other lanes if you don't ward and ping properly. In lane you should be fine just Q when she does and walk away from the dagger ( usually stepping forwards a bit ). She can kill you if she hits 3 before you and you're too far up. Her R will be canceled by your Q or using your R to get out of range.
Ouch... don't pick Kassadin into this if you can help it. You won't have a fun time. You outscale him but his lane dominance and mid-game burst potential is off the charts against you. You won't be able to CS and will probably die under tower even.
A very annoying lane because well...Shields and movement speed + poke, but she has low kill pressure against you , you can negate most of her damage with a well timed Q and later on you'll just one-shot her. I recommend playing passive until 11.
I've played against Kayle mid like maybe 3 times. Her early is worse than yours , it's terrible. You can probably out-trade or kill her when you hit 6. You'll be able to force her out of lane. Just remember she scales HARD and will be an issue to deal with late-game.
Another annoying match up due to having to dance around his Q but I max E in this match up due to the free charges he generates from Q spam. This gives you a fair amount of wave clear to push back. Be sure to try to cancel his ult with your Q although most Karthus players wait until they've died. Shouldn't be too much trouble to lane against him.
This match up is very easy because you're obviously the better Kassadin ;)!
Fairly easy match-up provided you respect her early burst potential. If you're like me and take electrocute, you'll be walking all over her once you hit 6. Try to avoid being rooted at all costs as she will most likely either be getting a gank or out-trade you easily. Be mindful of where she has leaps , you could punish her for using it once you're 6.
I haven't played much against Lissandra, only a handful of times as she isn't really a popular champion. From the few games I have played into her, she doesn't seem to have much kill pressure, which means a safe lane for you. Although don't play to aggressive because her CC and ult make it very very easy for her to set up a gank on you. She will not allow you play the game later as she might just ult you off cooldown.
Rough , very rough lane. Don't advise Kassadin into this unless you're sure you know what you're doing. I'd start Doran's Shield into this match up. However , once you hit mid game he won't be a problem anymore for you as you'll be able to burst him down. Don't hesitate to ping for help or slip into side-lanes later on to make up for the lost CS and EXP you'll have suffered in lane. Any adc will make your life hell in lane.
Lux is annoying , very annoying but not a hard match-up. She does a lot of damage but most of it is easily dodged with one Q , a sidestep or a well timed R. If you plan to fight her early post 6 , try to R onto her and move to the side , most lux players will throw the Q directly behind or in front of them to try to punish you. Her E and Auto-attack spam in lane might cause you some trouble.
You will not be able to kill this man. He will shove the lane down your throat and force you to CS under your tower while suffering space aids, his biggest threats are his passive , which can be annoying to get rid of and his R which will set you up perfectly for the easiest gank ever. If you want to win the try sidelanes later on.
A boring match-up , she'll shove the lane down your throat and you'll be cooking on that tormented soil. Her CC is a big deal if it lands and her black shield makes punishing her pretty darn hard. If she goes with Glacial augment it becomes worse. Be sure to take Legend Tenacity in your rune path , it'll come hand. You will out scale her and just flat out insta-kill her later on.
I've seen this pop-up a few times, it's an okay lane. Boring but hey you're playing a scaling champ , boring is your middle name. Trades into him early will not go in your favor but later on it becomes a breeze because while he has CC his damage is rather lack-luster, you can constantly hit him with your W to generate mana back and hit him with a 400 or 800 R which will put him back in his place.
Big ouch this is not a fun lane. For now I can't really say how to exactly play against this guy, he will lock you in R , out damage you with his passive and has a W that makes him a lot tankier and harder to deal with.
I'll put her as even, if she's the AP Neeko , if it's the AD one then it becomes a rather major threat. Her long CC can be avoided but if it lands but sure to Q a minion or her to block her damage. Her R will almost never land on you as you can just R away or Q and block a quarter of it's damage. You can kill her early if she's being a little too Aggro with a well timed R + Flash 320 or 640 R and a full rotation of your abilities, if you have the mana.
I recommend buying boots asap.
You cannot win this match-up. Q does a lot of AD and gives him bonus AD. The spell shield will block your E which means you can't use it to slow him and escape , his fear has a long range and duration , his R hits like a truck. Of course you out-scale him but reaching late game might be a problem given how he will not only trash you in lane , but will roam and trash others. Ward and Ping often.
Her kit is a pain in the ass. A shield to block damage , movement speed , CC , Poke. She's rewarded for auto-attacking you due to her passive which means a lot of that , horrid , unbearable , clicking noise. I despise it. While you can kill her , I'd advise playing safe till 11 where you can easily dodge her R.
An easy match-up really , you can stop her R and you can easily tell when she's about to poke you , block it with Q and send this bird back home once you have 6. You'll be able to dodge that annoying stun and most of the time she can't do anything to you if that doesn't land. I advise electrocute into this as it will probably be just enough to proc that passive and pick up a free kill.
I recommend boots asap.
Do. Not. Pick. Kassadin.
AD champion automatically means a pretty hard match-up. She's not an exception. Besides that bitchy attitude she will constantly poke you and if you fall below 50% hp , she could easily end up killing you. That R might always screw you if you try to use your ult to fight her. She's got a strong lane but beyond that it should be okay for you. I'd advise Dark seal and refill to try to stick to the lane.
Bruiser mid means bad news like I've said before. He'll jump into you as soon as he hits level 3 and could kill you right then and there. Most of the time Renekton will jump in and with his stun be able to pick up a free trade without you being able to catch him only for him to E out.
I don't advise Kassadin into him as even later on he can STILL kill you quicker than you can.
Not as hard as you might think, she can easily combo you and escape before you can retaliate but It's also fairly easy to tell when she's about to jump onto you which is why she's not as bad as Renekton.
Also if you dodge that R execute , you can stand a fair chance at kill her in fights, late game I mean.
Just don't fight this guy, he has an insane winrate midlane into most match-ups due to how oppressive he can be and how strong his teamfight is. He will win lane against you as his Q lasts longer than your shield and his own shield is enough to block most your damage early on. Later you can deal with him just be sure to not be the first to engage onto him.
Not a particularly hard match up but RESPECT his damage, he will deal quite a bit. You should be alright in lane although don't expect any kill pressure on this man , he will proc phase and run away. Around level 11 you'll have enough CD in R to be able to catch up to him and finish the job.
After the changes , Swain has become more of an AP bruiser than someone you build full burst, his lane is rather with a really short range Q and an easy to dodge E, his is powerful but does it matter when you can just E and R away from him? No it doesn't. You should be able to even shove the wave and look for a roam bot or top with your jungler post 6 because killing him is rarely an option.
Slippery but handsome bastard, this guy got out of jail and can surely get out of a trade, he is quite the annoying laner as he will usually out-heal your damage by using King Slayer at the end of it.. His poke with Q can be negated with yours and if you dodge his E you should be able to slip in a Q E or even a W before walking away. The problem with this lane is he will often take your ult and early he can cover more distance than you can with just an E and your R.
A burst mage vs the anti mage.
She's a spammy ability champ so while I usually would say max E it won't work that well into her as you might need Q to help survive her trades. Hoping onto her will usually result in either you being pushed back which is fine , or you being stunned which is a lot less fine. Respect her damage but remember to show her that you're no push-over. If her W is on CD hop onto her and she will not be able to do anything about it. Late game a well timed R + Flash W will be enough to kill her.
While she's not in midlane that much anymore and she isn't much of a threat to you besides her annoying Q spam it's the fact that she can shove and roam very very effectively. You can't match that and she might come back to lane with few kills making it even harder for you to deal with the Q spam. Ward and ping a lot for this one.
Talon where to start. He will not hesitate to absolutely destroy you in lane and if not you he will destroy your botlane most of the time. Start cloth armor and 4 bots into this nightmare and you should be okay. Be wary that a talon can kill you if he hits level 2 even if you have 70 % hp, W Q Ignite will probably send you back to spawn, and don't think you're safe under tower , some will W flash Q ignite and leave you a bleeding burning mess. He becomes a lot less of a problem later on though as he falls flat compared to your late.
Twisted Fate
TF is an even lane. He will smack you with autos all the damn time though. Still though he is fairly squishy and immobile. Early on if you engage with an R and he stuns you , you'll still have enough time to E slow him and land a W Q or both.
One of the easier match ups for you , his walls pose no threat to you and his scaling ap might seem like a problem but believe me you'll kill him before he can do anything. He's one of the few champs you can take ignite against and kill as soon as you hit 6 or before with the help or a jungler.
Poke mage that's really good at poking. He'll make your lane quite the pain and you'll probably miss a lot of CS and EXP due to his constant harassing. Although you can cancel his R with a Q , getting in range is the problem. Vel koz will usually hold onto his E waiting for you to jump onto him only to be knocked up and then heavily damaged or killed by him. Try to slip into sidelanes later on to make up for the loss and ping for help , he's immobile.
I rarely see this beautiful champion anymore. He's an even match up, his stun area is big enough to end up catching you if you try to R into him and his Q poke will be somewhat troublesome but just return the favor with your own Qs and you should be okay. He's a fairly squishy mage so killing him post 6 is very real option.
His early is bad and so is yours. Without CD and levels vlad won't cause you too much trouble. You can cancel his E if he's charging it and aside from the occasional Q poke you'll be fine. You can attempt to all in him if his W isn't up and could get away with a kill if you've taken electrocute early on. Later on he's kind of a beast , scales just like you and becomes a very big threat. You should be able to kill him just be sure not to be the first one to dive into him. Hold onto your spells until he has been CC'd or used his Sanguine Pool.
Not a good lane for you I'm afraid. Wukong is AD and despite being a fighter , he acts more like an assassin being able to either kill you or set you up for a free easy gank with clone , dash into R. You will scale and eventually be able to kill him just be sure to not waste your abilities on the clone. Your R is aoe and so is your E take advantage of that to damage him when he clones.
I'll admit , laning against him isn't easy but boy oh boy does this guy pop like corn once you get into his face. He will be a pain in lane , you can cancel his Q but honestly it has a rather low CD and he's often too far , it's often better to try to side step or Q a minion to negate the damage. Once you hit 6 , he shouldn't be able to kill you anymore.
I recommend boots asap.
Ah Yasuo , this one is entirely skill based. A good Yasuo will often Q dash into your face Autoattack you knock you up and dash away , leaving you barely any time to react to it. The one's that abuse auto-attacks are the ones that will hurt you the most. Fleet is a good option into Yasuo and you max E to not only slow him to stop him from getting to you , but it also goes right through windwall. You can often R the second he has knocked you up which will displace you although you'll still be ulted by him you can make it so that he is under your tower. He scales pretty well so don't rely on your late that much into this.
Zed is an ad assassin , making him a rough match up for Kassadin but he's not as bad as Talon. This will be a losing match up for you but depending on how good the Zed is you might be able to kill him a few times in lane. It's not uncommon for a Zed to try to W E Q only to miss it all and you end up winning the trade with your electrocute to the point where an R flash E W will kill him. Hourglass is a no-brainer into him.
Ziggs is a poke-mage and he isn't very meta right now so you won't see him often. He will often harass you like Vel Koz just not as bad since it's fairly simple to dodge his abilities. However don't underestimate this rat's damage. His abilities hurt a LOT and TP is a must unless you want to lose your tower and give him all the plates. Ganks are advised and just a note that if he ults you and you're near the center , 1 R won't be enough to get you out of it if you don't react quick enough.
Terrible champion that needs and update. Not only is he horrible to look at but he's annoying as heck with his outdated abilities. His bombs will go through your Q and honestly they just hit like a truck. I don't know what he packs in those timebombs but you'll feel a kick in the balls everytime they blow up on you. He can speed himself and revive which make him so hard to kill , honestly i'd say he's too hard to kill unless you have 40% CDR level 16 R
She really depends on Riot , if Riot decide to buff her , she does too much damage and becomes a hard lane, if she's in her current state , you can easily beat her. Annoying autos and the Q might hit you a few times even if you swore that it went past you but her sleepy bubble is a joke to you , you can easily avoid it with R or Q a minion before you are slept to help negate damage. Her R gives you an easy trade if she uses it aggro, you can just wait for her to hop back and full combo her.
Same applies for like every damn adc mid. He will hurt the hell out of you with his passive and probably block your damage with his shield. I don't think you should pick Kassadin unless you're planning on going the armor build or get ganked.
It's rare but I've seen it. She is kinda of dependent on that player behind her. This cute little thing can potentially shred you up. Pay attention to her bars and avoid fighting her when they're full. Once they're down you could pop in for a quick trade but remember you might get chased by E. She does auto a damn lot and heal quite a bit. Stay safe and scale it out.
Max E into Gwen.
Lee Sin
You might be surprised to see this assassin bruiser champion with only level 3 Even threat. Your passive can be kinda abused to make sure he doesn't land Q. He should usually shove wave and move around the map at which point you're happy to farm it up. Max E into Lee.
Does a lot of damn damage and remains a threat for a long ass time in the game. He can kill you in lane but you can sort of cheese the Q by hiding among your minions to abuse Kassadin Passive. You probably won't kill him in lane that's for sure and later one you have to R proactively since his execute will follow you through R.
This won't go well at all for you for obvious reason. Not only does he do AD damage but he also cannot die and crits! So uh ping jungler and hope for the best. Later on you can potentially use R to confuse him and wait out his R. He is rather squishy but it isn't a good lane to play into.
Not seen as often but pretty harsh to play again. Extreme range CC that catches you off guard. You can kill her post 6 but usually you'll get farmed by the jungler since she can lock you down pretty well while poking you down from time to time.
Worse than his brother, he probably won't kill you in lane most likely but he scales god damn hard and becomes unkillable for you once he has enough lifesteal. Blood Thirster and Shield Boy make him a pain to kill. Max E into this but it might be difficult to win game.
He's been nerfed a few times and he can spiral out of control. I'm not sure if he can kill you in lane my matchups into him usually don't end up with me dying since he shouldn't be able to burst you and his stun is pretty slow unless he taps it. He can snowball pretty hard.
She will probably murder you in lane. She is an adc with heavy burst. The jump into bomb does a lot of damage and probably will get you killed. Later you one shot her usually but keep in mind she might R and shove you away from her. Her passive might poke you down a little bit.
An Amumu jungle is a godsend for most players. A tanky sticky champion that increases your magic damage and can CC anyone for a darn long time. Let this guy engage and you just sweep up those helpless Carries.
Although I don't like the current triforce Ashe , I will admit as a champion she's pretty darn good to have. That ult can save you or set up a kill for you in a split second. I've been saved before by an Ashe R hitting a Zed as soon as he left his ult animation onto me.
He jumps in causes chaos mostly everyone focuses him and you just silently pick off that pesky vayne.
This guy can turn a nightmare lane into a full on stomp by just roaming mid a few times. If the Ali is good , he will gift you free kills in lane with a simple roam or two give his CC and tankiness.
Same with Ali , this guy can turn a losing match up into a winning one by giving you a hand early although unlike ali, Bard and pop like a balloon to a burst mage or assassin mid if the roam fails.
Blitz is just blitz , always good no matter what. All it takes is one good hook and you can turn the game around , even he's 0/7.
Think of brand as an old Roomba , all you have to do is do some micro cleaning after it.
Can provide good CC but Braum doesn't really roam often. His passive is Okay at best with you but he can save you in a pinch with nice R and a nice wall.
This beauty of a lady can roam down and easily lock down your laner for a free easy kill. She can also tower dive and kill herself.
Lots of CC on a big tanky void boy, sorry Kassadin you'll have to put your hate for the void aside here , this guy is fantastic to have in teamfights.
If he doesn't dunk them , they're usually low enough for just a single R to kill them. Pair that with Presence of Mind and you can get multiple easy kills with just 800 R + W.
Dr. Mundo
He has no CC but the new mundo does pack a punch he could soak up CD and help you find an opportunity to jump in
If the draven gets ahead he's a machine and will often just win the game for you. He hits like a truck and you can clean up after him easily.
Early game jungler meets Late game carry. An Elise can make any single match up at least even with just a few good ganks. Her early game is unreal and it's just what you need to get you closer to that powerspike of yours.
She becomes quite the nightmare late game for the enemy team, she can carry a game just from her raw brutal damage and execute. I placed her though because her ganks can, and i say can be rather good with a charm Q or E landing a kill or flash almost 90% of the time due to the magic shred and cc
To date , I haven't had a fiddlesticks influence my lane or game in a positive way. His R is powerful and he has CC but is very very squishy and will melt to most midlaners.
Draws a lot of pressure top by constantly pushing and dueling. She's very difficult to 1v1 so most teams will send 2 or 3 people to deal with her , giving you free EXP and CS, you can split or make picks thanks to her.
Can be good to have 2 late champs on your team and his barrels make for easy picking on squishies due to damage and slow although GP in himself doesn't provide much for kassadin besides the occasional R.
This guy shuts down fed people early on like it's nothing. Thanks to his Villain mechanic , so even if you lose lane and feed a little , he can help you by roaming and killing your laner off , you'll get an assist and some time off to farm and level.
Potential for a large 3 man + knock back and stun, his engage is pretty darn good. Mega Gnar is a tanky CC machine which is all you need for some free pickings.
Can be the best jungler ever as well as the worst and you know exactly what I mean, he uses R to save the enemy laner tossing them to safety.
Overall he does well early and has effective ganks.
I never personally liked having a graves jungle, his ganks are pretty lame and you can't really rely on him to help you, he does damage sure but most assassins will either kill him or just escape away.
Hecarim is a champion I'm very familiar with. His ganks are incredible especially early , which is exactly what you want from your jungler , a strong early with CC.
Same with Fiora , if this hunk of a lady splits , she becomes a pain in the ass for the enemy to deal with drawing lots of pressure to her.
She will usually finish the job if you die trying to one shot the backline with her mobility and crazy potential to outplay opponents.
Ivern , I wish I could rank him higher but the fella just struggles too much in this current meta, his ganks are good yeah but I find myself helping him more than he's helping me, bonus points for free blue buffs.
Assassin counter right here, thick shield , knock ups , slows and heals. She's great to have when the enemy team has a Talon or Zed , provided she doesn't die immediately.
Jarvan IV
He's like Hecarim , but better. This jungler if played correctly , will make your opponent play safe due to the constant threat of him just jumping in and securing a kill for you. Great engage , decent CC , lock down with R.
He's basically Kassadin's plan B.
Scales like a monster and can often 1v3 with no problem what so ever.
Jayce top can get ahead and just snowball out of control , roaming down to help you out and secure you a few assists or kills even. Definitely a good champ to have IF PLAYED CORRECTLY.
I don't usually include adcs in synergies but this one is different. Jinx can easily clean up or set up pickings for you. She is a hyper carry and most of the times roaming down to help her , even as Kassadin will be rewarded with an easy carry from her.
She's just here because she's his daughter.
Also really hot.
Another roam-ish support that can really help turn a losing lane into an even one. Shield , movement speed and CC , what more could you ask for ? Damage. And she sure does damage with empowered Q.
Can be useful to help finish off that low health Katarina that just got away from you but I'd rather have an early game jungler.
Late game meets late game.
When I have Kayle on my team I usually seek to try to roam and help her out because she's a hyper carry and a life saver with her R which can get you out of sticky situations in a pinch.
Can be good. Good Kayns get creative with their ganks and can net you a solid lead with a few of them or burn summoners.
Rhaast is the better form.
Offers some utility with the CC ult but usually Kennen gets the job done himself. Although I'd rather have a juggernaut or a bruiser honestly.
Kha'zix is a snowbally assassin that can solo carry in the right hands. His ganks are pretty fantastic post 6 , not that you need them that often by then but still he can easily ambush the enemy jungler and counter gank without being spotted. Solid champion to have help your early.
Incredible jungler. I haven't met any bad Kindred players. I only seem to have a few but god damn does it feel good to have her pop into lane level 2 or 3 with red buff and gift me a free first blood. Good early ganks and scales pretty well, can also help with high burst comps to save your ass.
Kled roams like a monster ! Even if they might realize it due to the sound queue he can easily rotate down to mid and 2v1 the laner with you netting you free kills or assist. He also has fantastic engage which is what I like best in a toplaner.
Lee Sin
If you haven't got it by now , early game jungers are great for late game champs like Kassadin. Lee's ganks are pretty insane due to mobility and damage output this guy has. Also bonus points for clean insecs to feed you.
CC Engage CC Engage CC !
What more could you ask for ??
Lulu can literally save a game with a good R and smart usage of polymorph. A fearful champ to face and a great one to have for those clutch Rs to save you or a polymorph on an assassin.
Greedy support that more often than not will be more fed than you are by just sniping people with that R. Not much synergy here besides her Q for CC.
Malphite does one thing , and he does that thing well. Painfully engaging into the enemy with a fuckton of damage.
Very VERY rare pick but Maokai jungle is something to behold as Kassadin. Given that he is a tank he has high base stats, good CC to lockdown enemies during ganks. Solid pick.
Master Yi
Another Greedy champ that will look to get themselves ahead. To be fair , a fed Yi is near unstoppable but his ganks fall very short since midlane is a very short lane.
Mordekaiser despite his nerfs remains one of the kings of toplane. The influence that ultimate can have is unreal , removing one person from the map makes a massive difference especially if it's a fed carry or the Zed about to kill you. Usually wins lane which is an added bonus.
The CC is very nice on her but she's ranked Ideal for that Blackshield. Late game that blackshield makes you impossible to catch or punish since your R is already on such a low cooldown.
Okay CC , okay healing , okay disengage. Nothing to complain or boast about here.
Nasus is forced to be reckoned with later on with the stacks, but until then he won't mind his laner coming down to slap you in midlane.
Same as Leona except with the added benefit of having a heat-seeking Q, that anchor will rarely miss and a roam from nautilus early can easily turn into a kill or even a double kill if the jungler shows up.
Although I've seen some insane nidalee players , I fail to see how she impacts midlane, her ganks are mediocre , requiring her to a slow spear in a lane where most champs have a blink or dash.
Boy oh boy , camp me Nocturne. Ult means a certain kill and it forces your laner to back off. A great jungler due to his sheer early game power and global presence.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is rarely played but when he is he ganks , takes objectives and is extremely hard to deal with. This champion can camp the heck out of your lane and easily send your laner back to spawn 3 or 4 times.
Sub-par ganks and mediocre damage. He's an early game champion sure but his jungling power is rather limited. A niche counter-pick.
2 words : Free Upgrades.
The items increase your power a bit but they don't matter that much , regardless Ornn has solid engage with an well placed R and his brittle causes enemies to be CC'd even longer, and you know what a CC'd Jinx can't do ? Attack you. Which means easy kills.
Either in the jungle or top this champion stomps most match-ups early and can absolutely influence your lane a hell of a lot with his R and his ganks. Although he isn't played as much.
Decent ganks , won't provide much because she does do damage but her CC is okay at best.
Gotta give it to Pyke , mobis and roams midlane with his damage and CC. The ult also guarantees you a cut of the gold ! Even if the roam fails the Pyke will rarely die and feed your laner.
Another early game monster which will roam much like talon to help other lanes, the only downside is how squishy she is which may end up getting her killed and giving your laner a shutdown.
Pretty good engage , Makes it a lot easier to hit that backline in the earlier stages of the game where your R just isn't enough for it. Can potentially roam and influence your lane although I don't see this happening too often.
Great ganks , great CC , great engage and pick potential. Rammus is one of the best junglers to have as Kassadin, He'll lock down the laner and easily get you a nice kill or two early on.
I've got mixed feelings for the Queen of the Xer'Sai. She's got good early game pressure and ganks but I feel like mid is just too short of a lane for her to gank. Although I've seen what she does to other lanes. A terrifying jungler indeed.
A toplane monster , El Crocodilo himself will probably decimate your laner even if they're ahead. Also this champ just does not care and will just into anyone for a fight while remaining rather tanky.
Good ganks early with the whole bush passive leap and excellent damage although you'll often find him helping other lanes rather than yours. Which is understandable since wasting his R on such a short lane might be a bad idea. Bonus points for his countergank potential.
Riven will just win the game for you if she's extremely good at her champ. She'll be roaming mid often for more kills to get her even further ahead and help you out which is fine really. Solid pick in the right hands.
Almost ALWAYS shoves the lane down and won't be shy to come down and help the void boy out. Also that R can seriously make a heck of a difference in a skirmish.
Not much to say here , haven't seen Ryze in other lanes besides mid recently. I usually don't realize we have a Ryze even.
Another excellent jungler with good early damage , CC and Ganks. Sej is probably top 5 best junglers to have as Kassadin due to her insane lock down and tankiness.
I despise playing against Shaco because of the early Ignite ganks but same goes for my enemies ! Shaco is one of those junglers who can easily turn even your worst match up around with the amount of presence he can have.
Save me big man Shen with your glorious R. Good engage and pretty nasty when he's against AA comps or champs. Since his W literally blocks it all.
Will usually not gank you or assist you much, she power-farms until she's 6 then might appear in your lane. Not a bad champ just not very good with Kassadin.
I mean it's signed , what did you expect. Might be a pain for them to deal with but won't really do much aside from being annoying.
Probably one of the most CC heavy and tanky champs in League along with Leona. I love having a Sion on my team but that's personal preference. Can easily roam mid with a well timed R or just walking up and locking your laner down.
Hard for this champion to be loved but hey if he lands a gank its a disaster for them. Extremely oppressive R lockdown which makes him excellent to take out a Katarina or Talon caught trying to roam.
Sorry Sona , besides that R , I find myself trying to keep you alive more often than myself.
It's better than Sona but not by much , won't influence you too much besides the R clutch moments.
Tahm Kench
Gromp's distant cousin got hit by those nerfs. No idea how he will perform now but he's gotten me out of trouble in a pinch. Very tanky and sticky , setup kills fairly easily.
Invulnerability ? Count me in ! Pretty solid engage but you'll be wanting that R more than anything really. Again however you may not feel his presence all that much in lane.
Basically same as signed , will just piss your enemy team off.
Crown for the number one support in my opinion. Engage , disengage , cc , lockdown , ganks. Thresh does it all. The lantern can quickly get you out of trouble if you're caught out , he can roam and easily Flay + Q your laner for a kill , the box is bonus lockdown. 5/5.
Poor old Trundle. You were meta for like 3 patches. Aside from his crazy split push pressure which isn't all that fantastic really, doesn't offer much for Kassadin.
Same with Fiora and Illaoi. Difficult to deal with , has kill pressure when behind even and will require multiple people to stop his split pushing. The more pressure off the map the easier for you to take towers , earn gold and exp.
Now I know , he might have the best level 2 gank with red-buff but hear me out. If this guy gets caught in the river or in his jungle by the enemy jungler or your midlaner, he is as good as dead and there isn't a thing you can do since it's so early on.
Tanky boy with good ganks although he doesn't shine too well early on since his ganks are just..him running up to the enemy. Still not a bad pick for his split push potential.
A good champion just doesn't offer much for Kassadin really , I guess he can snipe people with R if he rotates? Draws jungle pressure due to how oppressive and how much he pushes which is a bonus.
Now Vi can gank pre 6 and those ganks are devastating but post 6 those ganks become a death sentence to anyone on the other end of her robot gloves. This Champion gets me fed almost every time I have her in my games.
Strong early game with that annoying passive , decent ganks which can get you kills and although he runs in to gank I find him more useful later on when picking people off, or getting champions off you.
He's just like Vi except just a little worse since his early ganks are the greatest midlane. Still he provides solid lockdown and hard to deal with. The fear can really make a difference in fights. Bonus points for his counter gank potential.
Early game jungler with a LOT of damage. Although he only has CC post 6 his ganks are hard to predict with his clone ability. Isn't really seen much in the meta but if he comes back you'll usually be glad to have him on your side, especially in teamfights.
Xin Zhao
Another absolute game changer. Xin has probably the most potential to turn lanes around. His early game is insane and his ganks with a redbuff or with attack speed become just a guaranteed kill, keep your eye out on the map as well since he may catch the jungler in the river you could secure yourself a free assist or prevent your laner from helping.
Unheard of the poor fella. Not much to say here. He's a split pusher but I haven't seen him in forever to give a proper idea.
Yuumi provides moderate CC but a lot of healing ( I mean a LOT ). She shouldn't really be sticking onto you as I find her to be more effective on bruiser type champions but hey , free heals are free heals right ? She'll rarely roam due to how squishy and vulnerable she is.
One heck of a jungler. Just like Kayn , Zac has unique gank patterns. He can gank you twice with-in a minute from two different angles ! Provides good CC to get you some juicy early kills.
Free exp and a free GA ? Sounds good to me. He won't shine early one but later you'll probably be happy you have a Zilean just from those two aspects alone.
This really depends on the Zyra player. She does quite a bit of damage with some CC , if she roams correctly you can certainly get off with a few kills. Her ult also CC's champs enough for you to get to work on them with your assassinating.
I mean it's Akshan. If he revives you later that's pretty crazy.
An Amumu jungle is a godsend for most players. A tanky sticky champion that increases your magic damage and can CC anyone for a darn long time. Let this guy engage and you just sweep up those helpless Carries.
Although I don't like the current triforce Ashe , I will admit as a champion she's pretty darn good to have. That ult can save you or set up a kill for you in a split second. I've been saved before by an Ashe R hitting a Zed as soon as he left his ult animation onto me.
He jumps in causes chaos mostly everyone focuses him and you just silently pick off that pesky vayne.
This guy can turn a nightmare lane into a full on stomp by just roaming mid a few times. If the Ali is good , he will gift you free kills in lane with a simple roam or two give his CC and tankiness.
Same with Ali , this guy can turn a losing match up into a winning one by giving you a hand early although unlike ali, Bard and pop like a balloon to a burst mage or assassin mid if the roam fails.
Blitz is just blitz , always good no matter what. All it takes is one good hook and you can turn the game around , even he's 0/7.
Think of brand as an old Roomba , all you have to do is do some micro cleaning after it.
Can provide good CC but Braum doesn't really roam often. His passive is Okay at best with you but he can save you in a pinch with nice R and a nice wall.
This beauty of a lady can roam down and easily lock down your laner for a free easy kill. She can also tower dive and kill herself.
Lots of CC on a big tanky void boy, sorry Kassadin you'll have to put your hate for the void aside here , this guy is fantastic to have in teamfights.
If he doesn't dunk them , they're usually low enough for just a single R to kill them. Pair that with Presence of Mind and you can get multiple easy kills with just 800 R + W.
Dr. Mundo
He has no CC but the new mundo does pack a punch he could soak up CD and help you find an opportunity to jump in
If the draven gets ahead he's a machine and will often just win the game for you. He hits like a truck and you can clean up after him easily.
Early game jungler meets Late game carry. An Elise can make any single match up at least even with just a few good ganks. Her early game is unreal and it's just what you need to get you closer to that powerspike of yours.
She becomes quite the nightmare late game for the enemy team, she can carry a game just from her raw brutal damage and execute. I placed her though because her ganks can, and i say can be rather good with a charm Q or E landing a kill or flash almost 90% of the time due to the magic shred and cc
To date , I haven't had a fiddlesticks influence my lane or game in a positive way. His R is powerful and he has CC but is very very squishy and will melt to most midlaners.
Draws a lot of pressure top by constantly pushing and dueling. She's very difficult to 1v1 so most teams will send 2 or 3 people to deal with her , giving you free EXP and CS, you can split or make picks thanks to her.
Can be good to have 2 late champs on your team and his barrels make for easy picking on squishies due to damage and slow although GP in himself doesn't provide much for kassadin besides the occasional R.
This guy shuts down fed people early on like it's nothing. Thanks to his Villain mechanic , so even if you lose lane and feed a little , he can help you by roaming and killing your laner off , you'll get an assist and some time off to farm and level.
Potential for a large 3 man + knock back and stun, his engage is pretty darn good. Mega Gnar is a tanky CC machine which is all you need for some free pickings.
Can be the best jungler ever as well as the worst and you know exactly what I mean, he uses R to save the enemy laner tossing them to safety.
Overall he does well early and has effective ganks.
I never personally liked having a graves jungle, his ganks are pretty lame and you can't really rely on him to help you, he does damage sure but most assassins will either kill him or just escape away.
Hecarim is a champion I'm very familiar with. His ganks are incredible especially early , which is exactly what you want from your jungler , a strong early with CC.
Same with Fiora , if this hunk of a lady splits , she becomes a pain in the ass for the enemy to deal with drawing lots of pressure to her.
She will usually finish the job if you die trying to one shot the backline with her mobility and crazy potential to outplay opponents.
Ivern , I wish I could rank him higher but the fella just struggles too much in this current meta, his ganks are good yeah but I find myself helping him more than he's helping me, bonus points for free blue buffs.
Assassin counter right here, thick shield , knock ups , slows and heals. She's great to have when the enemy team has a Talon or Zed , provided she doesn't die immediately.
Jarvan IV
He's like Hecarim , but better. This jungler if played correctly , will make your opponent play safe due to the constant threat of him just jumping in and securing a kill for you. Great engage , decent CC , lock down with R.
He's basically Kassadin's plan B.
Scales like a monster and can often 1v3 with no problem what so ever.
Jayce top can get ahead and just snowball out of control , roaming down to help you out and secure you a few assists or kills even. Definitely a good champ to have IF PLAYED CORRECTLY.
I don't usually include adcs in synergies but this one is different. Jinx can easily clean up or set up pickings for you. She is a hyper carry and most of the times roaming down to help her , even as Kassadin will be rewarded with an easy carry from her.
She's just here because she's his daughter.
Also really hot.
Another roam-ish support that can really help turn a losing lane into an even one. Shield , movement speed and CC , what more could you ask for ? Damage. And she sure does damage with empowered Q.
Can be useful to help finish off that low health Katarina that just got away from you but I'd rather have an early game jungler.
Late game meets late game.
When I have Kayle on my team I usually seek to try to roam and help her out because she's a hyper carry and a life saver with her R which can get you out of sticky situations in a pinch.
Can be good. Good Kayns get creative with their ganks and can net you a solid lead with a few of them or burn summoners.
Rhaast is the better form.
Offers some utility with the CC ult but usually Kennen gets the job done himself. Although I'd rather have a juggernaut or a bruiser honestly.
Kha'zix is a snowbally assassin that can solo carry in the right hands. His ganks are pretty fantastic post 6 , not that you need them that often by then but still he can easily ambush the enemy jungler and counter gank without being spotted. Solid champion to have help your early.
Incredible jungler. I haven't met any bad Kindred players. I only seem to have a few but god damn does it feel good to have her pop into lane level 2 or 3 with red buff and gift me a free first blood. Good early ganks and scales pretty well, can also help with high burst comps to save your ass.
Kled roams like a monster ! Even if they might realize it due to the sound queue he can easily rotate down to mid and 2v1 the laner with you netting you free kills or assist. He also has fantastic engage which is what I like best in a toplaner.
Lee Sin
If you haven't got it by now , early game jungers are great for late game champs like Kassadin. Lee's ganks are pretty insane due to mobility and damage output this guy has. Also bonus points for clean insecs to feed you.
CC Engage CC Engage CC !
What more could you ask for ??
Lulu can literally save a game with a good R and smart usage of polymorph. A fearful champ to face and a great one to have for those clutch Rs to save you or a polymorph on an assassin.
Greedy support that more often than not will be more fed than you are by just sniping people with that R. Not much synergy here besides her Q for CC.
Malphite does one thing , and he does that thing well. Painfully engaging into the enemy with a fuckton of damage.
Very VERY rare pick but Maokai jungle is something to behold as Kassadin. Given that he is a tank he has high base stats, good CC to lockdown enemies during ganks. Solid pick.
Master Yi
Another Greedy champ that will look to get themselves ahead. To be fair , a fed Yi is near unstoppable but his ganks fall very short since midlane is a very short lane.
Mordekaiser despite his nerfs remains one of the kings of toplane. The influence that ultimate can have is unreal , removing one person from the map makes a massive difference especially if it's a fed carry or the Zed about to kill you. Usually wins lane which is an added bonus.
The CC is very nice on her but she's ranked Ideal for that Blackshield. Late game that blackshield makes you impossible to catch or punish since your R is already on such a low cooldown.
Okay CC , okay healing , okay disengage. Nothing to complain or boast about here.
Nasus is forced to be reckoned with later on with the stacks, but until then he won't mind his laner coming down to slap you in midlane.
Same as Leona except with the added benefit of having a heat-seeking Q, that anchor will rarely miss and a roam from nautilus early can easily turn into a kill or even a double kill if the jungler shows up.
Although I've seen some insane nidalee players , I fail to see how she impacts midlane, her ganks are mediocre , requiring her to a slow spear in a lane where most champs have a blink or dash.
Boy oh boy , camp me Nocturne. Ult means a certain kill and it forces your laner to back off. A great jungler due to his sheer early game power and global presence.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is rarely played but when he is he ganks , takes objectives and is extremely hard to deal with. This champion can camp the heck out of your lane and easily send your laner back to spawn 3 or 4 times.
Sub-par ganks and mediocre damage. He's an early game champion sure but his jungling power is rather limited. A niche counter-pick.
2 words : Free Upgrades.
The items increase your power a bit but they don't matter that much , regardless Ornn has solid engage with an well placed R and his brittle causes enemies to be CC'd even longer, and you know what a CC'd Jinx can't do ? Attack you. Which means easy kills.
Either in the jungle or top this champion stomps most match-ups early and can absolutely influence your lane a hell of a lot with his R and his ganks. Although he isn't played as much.
Decent ganks , won't provide much because she does do damage but her CC is okay at best.
Gotta give it to Pyke , mobis and roams midlane with his damage and CC. The ult also guarantees you a cut of the gold ! Even if the roam fails the Pyke will rarely die and feed your laner.
Another early game monster which will roam much like talon to help other lanes, the only downside is how squishy she is which may end up getting her killed and giving your laner a shutdown.
Pretty good engage , Makes it a lot easier to hit that backline in the earlier stages of the game where your R just isn't enough for it. Can potentially roam and influence your lane although I don't see this happening too often.
Great ganks , great CC , great engage and pick potential. Rammus is one of the best junglers to have as Kassadin, He'll lock down the laner and easily get you a nice kill or two early on.
I've got mixed feelings for the Queen of the Xer'Sai. She's got good early game pressure and ganks but I feel like mid is just too short of a lane for her to gank. Although I've seen what she does to other lanes. A terrifying jungler indeed.
A toplane monster , El Crocodilo himself will probably decimate your laner even if they're ahead. Also this champ just does not care and will just into anyone for a fight while remaining rather tanky.
Good ganks early with the whole bush passive leap and excellent damage although you'll often find him helping other lanes rather than yours. Which is understandable since wasting his R on such a short lane might be a bad idea. Bonus points for his countergank potential.
Riven will just win the game for you if she's extremely good at her champ. She'll be roaming mid often for more kills to get her even further ahead and help you out which is fine really. Solid pick in the right hands.
Almost ALWAYS shoves the lane down and won't be shy to come down and help the void boy out. Also that R can seriously make a heck of a difference in a skirmish.
Not much to say here , haven't seen Ryze in other lanes besides mid recently. I usually don't realize we have a Ryze even.
Another excellent jungler with good early damage , CC and Ganks. Sej is probably top 5 best junglers to have as Kassadin due to her insane lock down and tankiness.
I despise playing against Shaco because of the early Ignite ganks but same goes for my enemies ! Shaco is one of those junglers who can easily turn even your worst match up around with the amount of presence he can have.
Save me big man Shen with your glorious R. Good engage and pretty nasty when he's against AA comps or champs. Since his W literally blocks it all.
Will usually not gank you or assist you much, she power-farms until she's 6 then might appear in your lane. Not a bad champ just not very good with Kassadin.
I mean it's signed , what did you expect. Might be a pain for them to deal with but won't really do much aside from being annoying.
Probably one of the most CC heavy and tanky champs in League along with Leona. I love having a Sion on my team but that's personal preference. Can easily roam mid with a well timed R or just walking up and locking your laner down.
Hard for this champion to be loved but hey if he lands a gank its a disaster for them. Extremely oppressive R lockdown which makes him excellent to take out a Katarina or Talon caught trying to roam.
Sorry Sona , besides that R , I find myself trying to keep you alive more often than myself.
It's better than Sona but not by much , won't influence you too much besides the R clutch moments.
Tahm Kench
Gromp's distant cousin got hit by those nerfs. No idea how he will perform now but he's gotten me out of trouble in a pinch. Very tanky and sticky , setup kills fairly easily.
Invulnerability ? Count me in ! Pretty solid engage but you'll be wanting that R more than anything really. Again however you may not feel his presence all that much in lane.
Basically same as signed , will just piss your enemy team off.
Crown for the number one support in my opinion. Engage , disengage , cc , lockdown , ganks. Thresh does it all. The lantern can quickly get you out of trouble if you're caught out , he can roam and easily Flay + Q your laner for a kill , the box is bonus lockdown. 5/5.
Poor old Trundle. You were meta for like 3 patches. Aside from his crazy split push pressure which isn't all that fantastic really, doesn't offer much for Kassadin.
Same with Fiora and Illaoi. Difficult to deal with , has kill pressure when behind even and will require multiple people to stop his split pushing. The more pressure off the map the easier for you to take towers , earn gold and exp.
Now I know , he might have the best level 2 gank with red-buff but hear me out. If this guy gets caught in the river or in his jungle by the enemy jungler or your midlaner, he is as good as dead and there isn't a thing you can do since it's so early on.
Tanky boy with good ganks although he doesn't shine too well early on since his ganks are just..him running up to the enemy. Still not a bad pick for his split push potential.
A good champion just doesn't offer much for Kassadin really , I guess he can snipe people with R if he rotates? Draws jungle pressure due to how oppressive and how much he pushes which is a bonus.
Now Vi can gank pre 6 and those ganks are devastating but post 6 those ganks become a death sentence to anyone on the other end of her robot gloves. This Champion gets me fed almost every time I have her in my games.
Strong early game with that annoying passive , decent ganks which can get you kills and although he runs in to gank I find him more useful later on when picking people off, or getting champions off you.
He's just like Vi except just a little worse since his early ganks are the greatest midlane. Still he provides solid lockdown and hard to deal with. The fear can really make a difference in fights. Bonus points for his counter gank potential.
Early game jungler with a LOT of damage. Although he only has CC post 6 his ganks are hard to predict with his clone ability. Isn't really seen much in the meta but if he comes back you'll usually be glad to have him on your side, especially in teamfights.
Xin Zhao
Another absolute game changer. Xin has probably the most potential to turn lanes around. His early game is insane and his ganks with a redbuff or with attack speed become just a guaranteed kill, keep your eye out on the map as well since he may catch the jungler in the river you could secure yourself a free assist or prevent your laner from helping.
Unheard of the poor fella. Not much to say here. He's a split pusher but I haven't seen him in forever to give a proper idea.
Yuumi provides moderate CC but a lot of healing ( I mean a LOT ). She shouldn't really be sticking onto you as I find her to be more effective on bruiser type champions but hey , free heals are free heals right ? She'll rarely roam due to how squishy and vulnerable she is.
One heck of a jungler. Just like Kayn , Zac has unique gank patterns. He can gank you twice with-in a minute from two different angles ! Provides good CC to get you some juicy early kills.
Free exp and a free GA ? Sounds good to me. He won't shine early one but later you'll probably be happy you have a Zilean just from those two aspects alone.
This really depends on the Zyra player. She does quite a bit of damage with some CC , if she roams correctly you can certainly get off with a few kills. Her ult also CC's champs enough for you to get to work on them with your assassinating.
I mean it's Akshan. If he revives you later that's pretty crazy.
Hello and welcome to my Kassadin guide! Allow me to first thank you for taking the time out of your day in order to read this guide, you can call me Kassaria. I'm a pretty hard-coreKassadin main ( Duh ) with roughly 1,000,000Points on the champion. I've been playing him since Season 6 and still find the champion to be very enjoyable! Although I'm not the highest ranked player nor the best Kassadin player, I think I can provide some useful infomtaion on him to help you get started on playing him. Just don't forget that your playstyle might differ from mine and each and everyone has their own take on a champion ! It's up to you to find that on your own but in the meantime , I'll provide you with all the knowledge I've gained from playing this champion over the years.I found my love for this champion back when I just started league , I bought him with what little IP I had mostly because of reading his short bio at the time. He's a very unique assassin, so unique that some don't even classify him as one ! The fact that his ultimate is his lowest CD ability and his insane mobility later one make him a blast. This is my first guide ever I'd like to add , so if you have any suggestions or advice, don't hesitate!
+ Extreme scaling + Unmatched mobility with Riftwalk + Good Counter-pick + High carry potential + Pretty fun to play + Has a really hot daughter
Kassadin is a late game carry assassin/burst mage with a lot of mobility. He truly shines once he hits his level 16 mega spike and his items are completed! He's easily able to dive in and out of combat to take out high priority targets all the while remaining alive thanks to his Riftwalk due to it's very very low cooldown later on! He preforms very well naturally against Ability power teams due to his Void Stone passive reducing incoming magic damage by 15%.
- Very weak laning phase - Heavily item reliant - Very immobile pre-6 and can suffer from ganks - Struggles against AD - Very poor lane pressure - Requires some time to get used to his playstyle
Now these are a few downsides about Kassadin. While he is a good counter-pick, he is also easily counter-picked. Most match-ups midlane are usually quite a struggle early on as your lack of mobility and mediocre range make you very easy to punish. Mages will typically auto attack you and harass you when you try to CS. You'll often find yourself shoved undertower and you are pretty easily ganked pre-6. He is also very item reliant and falling too behind will result in a very difficult game. Don't to expect have much fun in lane with Kassadin.
Electrocute is my favorite keystone on Kassadin. He's an assassin after all! The damage increase that Electrocute provides in the early and middle stages of the game are undeniable. It helps you out quite a bit during your laning phase in order to trade properly.
Fleet Footwork is also a viable option for difficult poke lanes or, if you want to safely scale into late game! It will provide sustain in lane and help you survive the laning phase.
Arcane Comet is also a somewhat viable option. With Arcane you will usually play like a typical mage aiming to poke your laner out of lane. While this page is not used very much , it is still an option.
A very very strong rune it regens some mana but more importantly for the missing mana recovery! It makes a massive difference in fights due to how costly your ultimate can be ( 320 / 640 mana ).
Due to the nerfs to Ravenous Hunter , I've come to the conclusion that ultimate hunter is probably better. You'll notice the good old days of 1 second or less R with this.
This is your go-to first item most of the time. It gives you AP as a mythic passive which is pretty nice but alsothe slow does end up helping you hold people in place with an R to close in it often becomes a root which more often than not either saves you or kills them.Kassadin doesn't mind the extra CC. It will scale with you throughout the game offering you a decent amount of AP once scaled.
This item gives you nasty burst. Personally I love it but it took time to get used to it. The extra magic penetration will make you damn near delete any kind of squishy. Granting you the extra 15% movement speed might come in handy for some extra kiting with R. Alternatively one can maximize their damage by timing the damage passive to increase your burst.
Archangle's staff is an item you WILL build. It is a must have. This is because of the amount of mana you use. Your ultimate will drain your mana very quickly and this item helps increase your mana pool now. It will also give you a lot of AP from it's passive as when upgraded by itself it gives 110 AP. It gives you less mana overall initially but it does grant extra 2.5% Maximum mana per 100 AP. It's become slightly worse for you but like I mean it's still a good item for Kassadin for mana.
This is your main damage item, it will MASSIVELY boost your damage with Nether Blade and destroy towers with ease. Most Kassadin mains will agree that it truly turns you into the assassin you're meant to be.
The hourglass that is considered, by most, a rather essential item on 90% of AP champions due to the active. The active, Stasis will help you survive in sticky situations while you wait for your Riftwalk to cool off, or for your team to catch up to you. The armor.Pick up Seeker's Armguard early in case you're against a very difficult AD match-up.
Your go-to magic penetration item. It give some AP but you're mostly buying this for the unique passive that grants 40% magic penetration.
This item will boost your ability power by a hell of a lot. It already offers 120 AP but it's unique passive is that it increases all your ability power by 35%! Making it an excellent last item buy if the enemy hasn't built magic resist.
Ability Sequence
This will be how you spend your Level Points on Kassadin in most cases with the exception of champions that have very spammy abilities or into Attack Damage match ups. Null sphere will usually be your poke ability and the magic shield will help you absorb damage for more favorable trades.
Ability Sequence
You should max Force Pulse first in the event that you're against an AD match up or against mages that have very spammy abilities. This skill does more damage earlier on compared to Null Sphere but it also has the unique cooldown of having to charge it with 6spells that have been cast in your vicinity. This is his only for of wave clear pre-6.
This ability is part of the reason Kassadin is considered an anti-mage. He gains a magic shield after casting this ability for a brief 1.5 seconds. This skill can be used to block incoming magic damage during a trade while inflicting damage yourself. It also comes with a micro silence to disrupt channels and charged abilities. ( example : Shen's ultimate can be canceled.)
You'll often be using this to help you farm in lane and recover mana as each cast will give you some back depending on how much you're missing, against enemy champions, this can turn into a 40%missing mana recover. It is key to managing your high cost ultimate.
One of the most unique skills in the entire game due to having a double cooldown. It has a 5 second cooldown but, it also requires 6spells to be cast around you. It has an incredible 90% slow when maxed! This skill is both useful for slowing enemies down to catch up , escape them, or to wave clear! It also goes right through walls like Yasuo's Wind wall.
This skill is what makes Kassadin iconic. The low cooldown , damaging flash. This is what makes him a terrifying champion to deal with as it not only offers him nearly unmatched mobility , but insane amounts of damage. It can stack up to 4 times going from 50 mana all the way up to 800 mana. Now this may seem like a lot, and trust me it is, but not without reason! At 800 mana this ability does 3 times it's original damage! Combine that with AP and maximum mana scaling, and you've got a tool that'll take your enemies by surprise. You can often R into Flash to cover a lot of distance and land that heavily stacked Riftwalk onto that annoying Lux! It'll also help you set up flanks and ganks from interesting positions that no one would normally anticipate, allowing you to jump in and out of combat.
And that's all I have for you! I hope you find this guide to be of some use, for any questions or any suggestions, please leave a comment below. Like the guide if you found it useful , dislike it if it was a waste of your time. Thank you for reading!
Change logs:
11.15 : Massive update to items and matches up even. Added new builds and change the text for some matches to reflect their difficulty better.
9.16 : Moved a few champions down in difficulty due to the recent Kassadin W Nether blade buffs which have helped him deal with melee assassins a lot better.
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