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Zac Build Guide by sapphire__lol

Middle Master/Grandmaster Zac Midlane Guide

Middle Master/Grandmaster Zac Midlane Guide

Updated on August 22, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sapphire__lol Build Guide By sapphire__lol 14 0 12,693 Views 0 Comments
14 0 12,693 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author sapphire__lol Zac Build Guide By sapphire__lol Updated on August 22, 2022
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Runes: AD Enemy

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Master/Grandmaster Zac Midlane Guide

By sapphire__lol
Trade Patterns
The most important thing about Midlane Zac are his trading patterns. They change slightly from champ to champ but are generally really similar.

You wanna start with e in 90% of the times. You run up as far as you can so the chance to hit is the highest. Then you cast e and as soon as it is in range you jump. If you hit it most work is already done. After you hit it you want to insta use your q so it hits for sure. After you just autoattack a minion and w in the meantime. If the enemy is in a big wave and you cannot connect q you just q a minion and auto.
If you hit your e you will win every trade. The broken thing about it is, that the enemy has no chance to trade back since the enemy is cc'd for almost the whole duration of the trade. If he decides to trade back you will have conq almost stacked and igntie ready so enemy will most likely lose.

After level 6 it just gets easier. You can mostly just all in after the first trade followed by ult ignite and enemy is kinda dead.
Laning in general
You have many options to play. You can push the wave with w q and roam. You can play for lane and trade alot (Thats what i prefer). Or you can play passively fog next to your tower act like roaming and wait for enemies to hit turret just to hardengage him while he hits your tower.

Second wind Dorans shield combined with your passive will make you immune to poke until a certain point.
Important Zac mechanics.
1. You should rarely insta ult after e'ing someone. Always try to get of ur q before otherwhise you will lose a lot of damage and cc.

2. Always play with your blobs. Most enemies dont care about your blobs and ignore them so its easy to just play around them in fights. Blobs are the key to win extended trades.

3. If you e someone with a dash always e slightly behind he will dash into it or he will dash towards your team or to side which is fine aswell.
Coming soon
I will keep updating the guide but i release it now already since i want to share it haha.

If you have anything you wanna tell me just msg me on twitter, ingame or check out my twitch and ask me in twitchchat :) You find the links for it on top.

Ingame name: Change the Way
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sapphire__lol
sapphire__lol Zac Guide
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Master/Grandmaster Zac Midlane Guide

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