The worst matchup for sure. If she holds her e she can perma harrass you in lane and take prio. Try to farm safely and wait for your jungler to punish her while pushing. Once youre ahead it is for sure playable.
Outscales you after level 6 but is very attackable with your jungler before. Try to play as agressive as possible early and use windows to roam or to setup a gank on him with a freeze.
Takes Prio into you, can cancel your jump easily. It is still playable since if the uses the fear to push the wave you can hardengage or gank her with your jungler. Also her damage is usally not enough to bully you if you dodge some stuff.
Good Azir will bully you in lane and if you try to engage him, he will disengage or worst case ult you into turret. He cant bully you as hard as Syndra but is still one of the harder matchups. He is still not the best into you, since you can easily force him to use mana early if you engage him.
Weaker than Vex and Syndra in terms of bullying but can cancel your jump with her e. Still very playable because you can facetank her and contest prio.
Can take prio, but easily killable since his e is useless if you reach him once.
Try to let him push and jump on him out of fog. Can also try to talk up and bait him into traiding which you can use for an all in.
Has pressure on you but is also really attackable with your jungler.
Bit like Cassio/Ahri can take prio but easily attackable. Wati for misssteps or play with your jungler to kill her.
She also lacks dmg to bully you early.
Skill matchup for sure. If she uses her w and q's well its not easy. Try to e her while she autos you so she does not use her w for it then use q aa w and if she commits you can go for all in with ignite you should win then. If she uses her w on your e she should win. Also she builds blade, which is good into you. I would still consider it Zac Favoured.
Bit Zac favoured. She bullies bit early but you can all in her easily. She lacks damage but can disengage you pt well with her ult. Try to trade a lot and whoever plays better mid jgl will win this.
A good LB will make u suffer a bit but you should be fine with your sustain. Just try to farm and trade her if she w into you. Try to q her if she arrives and you should win the trade slightly.
Can cancel your jump with his e w also has good push into you. On the other hand he is very vunearable to ganks and all ins. If ryze is really good hes favoured for sure.
His ult is generally good against you later. On lane he can bully you a bit but at the same time he is attackable. Try to break his passive shield with your q then look for all ins pre 6. After 6 play with your jungler to kill him.
You win all ins but since she usally plays ignite she has some kill pressure early game so take care. Just roam or fog after 6 and play for all ins.
Bit Taliyah favoured since her e is pt good into you. Try to farm and play with jungle. Its still fine since you oneshot the wave after she pushes and can follow the roam. She can never bully you with her early damage.
Even matchup. Good Viktor player bullies you a bit early but loses all ins. Try to not get poked too much and look for all ins or plays with jungler.
Depends on how good yasuo is but is a bit Zac favoured. You win all ins after 6 and before you just shorttrade.
If orianna is really good it can get rough from time to time but generally she is very killable and struggles with disengage. Engage her as soon as she uses w so she doesnt have movementspeed for disengage.
Good Matchup on lane, you win most trades. Just start walking up use e on her melee so its not dodgeable then connect your q which will make her visibly in her w. Then trade with w and aa's. If she trades back you can all in with ignite.
Later in teamfights it is really hard to play for akali since you can easily reveal her with q and cc her for 4-5 seconds.
Bit harder than yasuo because of his kit. Still Zac favoured since you win all ins until 2 items. Wait out his 3rd q then e on him and shorttrade. You can also leave lane and wait until he steps up for first q on wave-
She cannot really burst you, but is still very killable because of her lack of mobility. She has no way to cancel your e since stuns do not work.
You can just run up e her and if you hit once she has to play super safe since you will hardtrade on her.
Aurelion Sol
A good Aurelion will just try to harrass and disengage with ult after 6.
The matchup is still very easy because you just fog, jump on him and kinda oneshot him. If your jungler plays a bit around you the mathchup is super easy.
Corki can somewhat bully you lvl 1-2 but after he is lacking sustainable damage and also has no way to cancel your e. Its also pretty easy to predict his w when jumping out of fog.
Bit harder than ekko, since he has some tools but still not hard. Can just take the push and roam or fistfight him. Be a bit careful with e'ing into him since he can e it. You should start traded with q or aa's and wait his e.
Easy to kill and lacks damage. Cannot follow your roams.
You win most all ins just need to be carefull about shorttrades vs his w. After 6 you hardwin since his ult is useless on him. And you outsustain.
He outscales you and is pt useful into Zac later but in lane he gets outpushed and cant bully you. Just perma push and roam.
Easy matchup works like Talon and Akali. Just e her melee use q so her invis is useless and keep trading with conq and w. She can try to dodge your e with her w so try to walk up as close as poss.
Some people might think its hard but its actually not. You hardwin pre 6 and after 6 you stillwin all in's with ignite ult and your heals since swain does not rly play ignite.
You just statcheck him early. He outscaled so try to roam a lot and impact the map.
Depends on jungle mathchup. If you have a ganking jungle he is super doomed. If not just push facetank him and roam he cannot roam himself so youre super fine.
Easy. Just all in trade or fog and all in after 6. Can also roam because he cant follow.
Very easy matchup. You do the classic Zac melee trade. Walk up, use e in melee to hit for sure use q aa w and he is already outtraded. With this you also win push into him and later youre a big peeling machine against him.
One of the easiest matchups. You always outtrade him in long trades and even in short ones. Galio needs to get push to be useful which is not really possible into you since you win the melee trades hard. Post 6 the matchup gets even easier.
Super easy matchup. Just q a minion aa her and e her trade is already hardwon. You can always get the push and roam. Kata will have no agency in this game.
Probably the easiest matchup. You play it like Akali Qiyana just easier. Run up, e him q aa him hes already outtraded. Then if he is 70% hp just all in with ignite and oneshot him. Also in fights talon can not play.
Twisted Fate
Suuuper easy. Just all in him perma he cant trade back and is also easily gankable. Cant roam vs you since you get push with trades.
Super easy. Bit harder than talon but same approach. Just all in trade and at some point fullcommit to kill. Can also always get push.
Bel'Veth wants to get first herald, Zac is around lvl 7-8 at first herald which is one of his strongest points. Also he sets her up insanely well in fights.
Jarvan IV
Xin Zhao
Bel'Veth wants to get first herald, Zac is around lvl 7-8 at first herald which is one of his strongest points. Also he sets her up insanely well in fights.
The most important thing about Midlane Zac are his trading patterns. They change slightly from champ to champ but are generally really similar.
You wanna start with e in 90% of the times. You run up as far as you can so the chance to hit is the highest. Then you cast e and as soon as it is in range you jump. If you hit it most work is already done. After you hit it you want to insta use your q so it hits for sure. After you just autoattack a minion and w in the meantime. If the enemy is in a big wave and you cannot connect q you just q a minion and auto.
If you hit your e you will win every trade. The broken thing about it is, that the enemy has no chance to trade back since the enemy is cc'd for almost the whole duration of the trade. If he decides to trade back you will have conq almost stacked and igntie ready so enemy will most likely lose.
After level 6 it just gets easier. You can mostly just all in after the first trade followed by ult ignite and enemy is kinda dead.
Laning in general
You have many options to play. You can push the wave with w q and roam. You can play for lane and trade alot (Thats what i prefer). Or you can play passively fog next to your tower act like roaming and wait for enemies to hit turret just to hardengage him while he hits your tower.
Second wind Dorans shield combined with your passive will make you immune to poke until a certain point.
Important Zac mechanics.
1. You should rarely insta ult after e'ing someone. Always try to get of ur q before otherwhise you will lose a lot of damage and cc.
2. Always play with your blobs. Most enemies dont care about your blobs and ignore them so its easy to just play around them in fights. Blobs are the key to win extended trades.
3. If you e someone with a dash always e slightly behind he will dash into it or he will dash towards your team or to side which is fine aswell.
Coming soon
I will keep updating the guide but i release it now already since i want to share it haha.
If you have anything you wanna tell me just msg me on twitter, ingame or check out my twitch and ask me in twitchchat :) You find the links for it on top.
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