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Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
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He is the best Yi killer,tons of Dmg+AS+Armor BUT if he lose his E , you can kill him, sometimes :}
Why 1 potion and 1 pink?
Why is that item needed? +200-300 dmg for 1 hit?, your E is 75-100/hit in late, and its TRUE DMG, this item is just for early and early alone.
Yes, tons of ppls will reply, Noob Fider, Dusk OP. Well it is dmg item ofc you will do kills, but why 55dmg, when botrk is 40dmg+25 as+8% curent hp.
Yi is not letality champ, he s Attackspeed champ, but ofc for fun you can go full letality(For fun alone)
Yes, tons of ppls will reply, Noob Fider, Dusk OP. Well it is dmg item ofc you will do kills, but why 55dmg, when botrk is 40dmg+25 as+8% curent hp.
Yi is not letality champ, he s Attackspeed champ, but ofc for fun you can go full letality(For fun alone)
If you gank, or simply go in a fight, don't Q in, walk to the target, only if target, jumps, flash, dash, Q him, if you are in 5v5 go firstly with flash if you are to avoid incoming stun(Lux Q, Morg Q etc), Q is taking 2 seconds cuz you hit at least 4 targets in a Team Fight, so flash for first kill to extend your R.
Yi is a superb damage dealer, True for non-tanks, and with the help of Botrk+Jungle item you have tons of % (4% max hp/hit+8% curent hp/hit), his E make all armor look like 0, if in a team fight you can choose to aim adc or tank who aim YOUR ADC, kill tank better, so you and YOUR ADC can kill other solo Adc, but ofc there are allways exceptions, fallow your guts from time to time.
Dusk: 1 improved hit, then what? just 55 dmg?, bleah
Black C.:Why do you need to reduce target armor, you have True Dmg
Berseker Boots:Yes Attackspeed champion, but that dosen't matter you need to go +500% as
B. of Swiftness:One word: Ultimate
Boots of Mobility:Dejavu
Gargoyl:Reduce your Dmg, you Exaust yourself
Warmog:Yes, some times works, but when you go in 5v5, or you win, or you lose, you are not tank to endure pokes, you dont go first, so cut this armor off
I had allways trouble with critical %, on minions allmost all time, on enemy champions, so rare, i have a rule, OR 100% crit, or you don't have crit.
Black C.:Why do you need to reduce target armor, you have True Dmg
Berseker Boots:Yes Attackspeed champion, but that dosen't matter you need to go +500% as
B. of Swiftness:One word: Ultimate
Boots of Mobility:Dejavu
Gargoyl:Reduce your Dmg, you Exaust yourself
Warmog:Yes, some times works, but when you go in 5v5, or you win, or you lose, you are not tank to endure pokes, you dont go first, so cut this armor off
I had allways trouble with critical %, on minions allmost all time, on enemy champions, so rare, i have a rule, OR 100% crit, or you don't have crit.
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