**** sett, just play safe, fight away from all minions only when you are mega. DODGE MIDDLE OF W.
I've never won against her, Just ban
Stay away from walls, watch his q closely, buy armor pen or go full tank.
skill matchup, dodge first q while baby and when mega you win if you get the jump on him.
Her q is as long as your attack range, try to prioritize freezing your wave.
Her q is as long as your attack range bait her W then go in as mega and you win if you hit your stun.
Tahm Kench
If you aren't banning Illaoi ban him try to proc your W when he W and if you get hit try to dodge Q if not you die.
Use speed boost to dodge her E keep distance otherwise poke out of lane if your even or ahead you win as mega.
kite properly when he is running at you, take phase rush.
she loses into mega and can barely kill you in lane just watch your distance.
Dr. Mundo
Take phase rush if you are worried but just poke and make sure you chip him away before going in as mega.
tough matchup but very winnable. keep distance and chip away and if she is under 50% hp when you get mega you can win. try to put the crit spot to a wall when you are fighting if you cant then predict with W
take the money from barrels maybe one of the only champs worse than gnar but he does scale and he can be really good. kill with mega early and match split pushes. you might not even want to poke him before mega cause they will run.
kite propperly hold mega until he uses q then jump on him.
Just don't play blind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Watch distance and poke, all in once she uses dash, if not, hit stuns.
Skill matchup until you have mega, wait till he gets cocky or out of mana to kill. You can easily walk out of his q poke if you are always moving.
don't Ignore the damage you are taking from his turrets, it will add up, hit stuns = win.
keep your distance and only jump after he uses his in baby mode. In mega wait till he is done with stun to jump
just don't get hit with poke, get in-between him and his tower when killing.
Proc w as much as possible, e away from any engages and chase down with w movement speed. Super easy matchup, take spear to snowball.
shut down early and win.
if he is good he will always be able to escape you if he is above half hp, so get him under before all in.
keep distance if he gets behind you wait until his q goes off then jump out. DONT UNDERESTIMATE BABY KLED.
kill early, stay away from bushes, build some armor pen, only jump away after he uses W otherwise just kite.
try to run away post six if you just get out of mega mode. If you are mega when he ults you, you can throw him against the edge and cancel the ult if there is nothing behind the edge. if you are baby in his ult, start praying and kite like crazy. NEVER JUMP OVER HIM WHEN RUNNING IN HIS ULT, YOU WILL DIE EVERYTIME.
stay back, jump when he has used his stun, watch for his poke with q.
wait until she has used W to jump on her, stand on her buckler to cancel it.
you kill so easy if you hit stun in mega if not just run. as baby poke with q and run if she all ins you.
watch for his e if he has used it then just kite and jump if needed, if you have good reaction time and he E then you also need to E away. you can win in mega if you hit your stuns and get in-between him and the tower.
stay back and you win. in mega just hit stuns.
who even plays rumble, just don't get too close in baby and if you aren't so far behind you win every time in mega.
kill him early, there isn't much to him.
always bring tp against him and try to match roam if you aren't behind, if you are then take free farm and spam ping his ult and for your team to back up, then they cant flame you.
if he proxy don't go after him, get a few basic items first then go in with mega. make sure to also roam.
STAY AWAY FROM BUSHES AND RUN WHEN HE DIES. other than that he is easy, play against him like slow nasus.
stay back, punish over extensions and play off of his low mana and high cd's. If he gets your ult he doesn't need mega for it so watch out.
poke with Q only go in as mega after he uses q to cs.
keep distance if you are worried then take phase rush but I don't recommend it here, if he is stunned in your ult or W then he cant ult so save one for when he is almost dead.
He is really strong right now. take as much cs as you can and play for teamfights/ganks. His W range is longer than your attack range so stay away. if you can poke him down to ~50% hp, you can kill him. save your ult for when he uses his e. After that kill him.
poke with q as baby, hit stuns in mega, get in-between her and her tower as mega and you can win, if not, don't fight.
he can get away easy so try to push him away from his tower or into a wall and chain cc him. other than that chip him before all in and don't get hit with impowered q.
take phase rush, if you are in an all in and he uses q and you stun him he can q again intantly so watch for that, try to make sure he cant life steal with his w and poke with q.
keep distance, don't hit clone, watch for ult.
Xin Zhao
xin zhao top obliterates me every time for no reason, just try to not fight outside of mega mode.
dodge tornado and only jump away if he uses e on YOU not a minion next to you. poke with Q, all in is easy if you hit stuns and you aren't in any wave.
try to not get caged, q his babies, poke with q also, try to r him and his wife, match all split pushes later on.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
Her ult combo with yours is super strong. ideal midlaner if you have some ap on the team.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
Her ult combo with yours is super strong. ideal midlaner if you have some ap on the team.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
anyone with a lot of cc helps gnar alot. they keep the enemies at bay while gnar stacks his rage. once gnar is fullly stacked, he will have enough damage to kill most champions.
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