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Hecarim Build Guide by KayDRshio

My flying Rainbow Poneeee

My flying Rainbow Poneeee

Updated on August 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KayDRshio Build Guide By KayDRshio 1,437 Views 0 Comments
1,437 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KayDRshio Hecarim Build Guide By KayDRshio Updated on August 7, 2015
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Hi guys I'm KayDRshio and I play in the SEA server. Im currently in Gold IV which may not be very credible as Riot has severed ties with Garena :(. Anyways, this is my first guide(quite simplistic though) but I hope you guys will have fun with this build!
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Why play Hecarim

First, he's fast. Second, he's fast. Third, he's FAST.
As a super mobile champion, he functions well as a good ganker when he hits level 6 with his home guard boots. Be sure to go bot lane often to gank, cuz thats what your TP is for.
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Summoner spells

Always use Teleport and Ignite. Teleport as you can gank other lanes easily with your speed. Ignite for securing kills in lane.
Who needs flash when you have E?
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Item Build

ALWAYS rush for home guard. Your boots can vary depending on your opponent team. Get trinity force for your damage and after that you can pretty much go full tank.
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Tips in lane

1. You must have a balance in your aggressiveness. Time your Q so that while you can get your farm, you can harass your opponent as well
2. Don't spam your Q
3. Prioritize farming early game(You don't really have a lot of damage to dish out)
4. When using your E, run as much as you can before ramming your opponent and always avoid creep waves before using E.
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Tips in team fights

1. You don't always have to start fights with your R, depending on your team composition.
2. Good communication is important before diving in.
3. Check your mana before going in(Happens a lot even to pro players)
4. Maximise the effect of your ult (when your opponents cluster)
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Good team ups

Orianna, J4 and Nautilus are great with Hecarim
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KayDRshio
KayDRshio Hecarim Guide
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My flying Rainbow Poneeee

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