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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Solo Lane
About Me
Hello everyone,
My nickname is BaLoRi, I am an Educational Content Creator/Streamer part of Fnatic and FNC Network.
This Mobafire profile and the guides I am creating meant to explain my unique playstyle and build theory to my Community and make my Balorians even stronger 🔥
All the guides that I am creating are ONLY for champions that will give you 70%+ win ratio and these are the very same builds that I am using to rank up without trying.

You can find me anywhere:
Live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/BaLoRi
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BaLoRi
Discord server: https://discord.gg/ag8tYgq
Lets now start with our OP

The reason I created this build was to counter all the "melee" cocky TOP laners till now, with their picks as
Jayce that giving hard time to everyone EXCEPT
Rammus. But I don’t like to be just a normal meat ball tank and let the team do the job for me, this build will make
Rammus be an IMMORTAL MONSTER that will be able to 1v5 all easily!
Rammus is a special case of a champion, his skills alone can do tons of damage without adding anything else, but by combining all of the items that we will talk in our build together with the combination of runes that you will ALWAYS FOLLOW and never change, will make you the strongest one by far, be it against AD type of enemies or FULL AP,
Rammus will never fail to sustain and kill entire enemy teams even while fighting totally solo!
The reason behind it is cause of your W and Aftershock you will have enough sustain and DAMAGE cause of the combo of W-Passive-Thornmail hit-damage return effect that will repel back damage that you will never believe its possible and cause of
Riftmaker, you will also HEAL LIKE CRAZY from all the damage you will be doing and on top of that you will aply also % BONUS DAMAGE making this combination of items the strongest by far for
So you will have Insane damage but is it just this? No, it isnt. You wont just have Damage to call yourself an Assassin. You will have 4000+ HP At level 18, Insane Armor/Magic Resist, Healing, %TRUE DMG effects with each skills-Hits! Damage-Stun-Slow the combination to carry yourself to any Elo you want with Ease.
Also cause of
Font of Life not only you will be powerful yourself but you will also heal your teammates with your CC, cause of your Q, E, R you will be able to activate
Font of Life and heal yourself and your allies easily!
Lets now talk about why our runes will make
Rammus be the strongest of all of our Immortals!

The reason behind it is cause of your W and Aftershock you will have enough sustain and DAMAGE cause of the combo of W-Passive-Thornmail hit-damage return effect that will repel back damage that you will never believe its possible and cause of

So you will have Insane damage but is it just this? No, it isnt. You wont just have Damage to call yourself an Assassin. You will have 4000+ HP At level 18, Insane Armor/Magic Resist, Healing, %TRUE DMG effects with each skills-Hits! Damage-Stun-Slow the combination to carry yourself to any Elo you want with Ease.
Also cause of

Lets now talk about why our runes will make

The following combination of Runes will make
Rammus truly be an IMMORTAL monster with no equals, by combining the runes and the items you will see later on, you will understand how to break this game completely while fighting 1v5 as an Immortal!
For Resolve:
Aftershock Gain an insanely big amount of Armor/Magic resist for 2.5 seconds, this bonus armor/mr effect will be multiplied by your W, that means you will gain 100% of that effect together with the rest of your armor/mr that you got,
Aftershock alone will give you 120+ armor and will go up to 240+ armor with W and another 100+ Magic Resist!
Font of Life After the new changes, this rune will be a must to go for our Non-Shield immortals like
Rammus, with this rune you will gain a heal effect after your CC something but also heal your ally,plus we will multiply this heal effect by 5-15% cause of
Revitalize and 25% more cause of
Spirit Visage later on!
Conditioning Gain bonus armor/mr after 12 min of the game, now you will ask me why I am not playing with
Second Wind instead,
Rammus is the ONLY CHAMPION that we doing that, cause the % BONUS ARMOR/MR that this rune gives will also be multiply your armor/mr from your
Aftershock +
Defensive Ball Curl that means that you will have even CRAZIER sustain than before, making this rune also a MUST TO HAVE!
Revitalize No matter what, no matter what allies you got, always play with this runes, you will gain from 5% to 15% bonus healing/SHIELDS that will let you survive longer!
For the secondary runes tree we got!
Triumph Missing HP Heal plus bonus gold for every kill/assist, you think the heal value is low for this rune, but in reality you will be gaining more than 500-600 HP per kill/assist, cause you will multiply this heal by
Revitalize and
Spirit Visage
Last Stand Bonus damage while you are low hp to destroy everyone that dares to hit you! And cause of the
Riftmaker you will also have a stacked bonus damage effect that will let you heal MORE as well!
If you want to understand how Heals, Shields and Regeneration works and why we are choosing these runes over anything else, we got our league masterclass that will help you:
Now that you fully understood the power of our Runes, it’s time to go to the important part, that is to understand the item choices and item order that you will always follow in order to be ready to overpower them all!

For Resolve:

For the secondary runes tree we got!

If you want to understand how Heals, Shields and Regeneration works and why we are choosing these runes over anything else, we got our league masterclass that will help you:
Now that you fully understood the power of our Runes, it’s time to go to the important part, that is to understand the item choices and item order that you will always follow in order to be ready to overpower them all!
Let’s start with the Items and our Items Strategy. I come up with this build after hundreds of different combinations, to create this final build that can’t lose vs ANY CHAMPION or any kind of damage in teamfights!
Always start with
Doran's Shield and 1 pot. This will give you the sustain needed to survive early and you will keep
Doran's Shield till literally the last item that you will buy in full late game, cause of how this start item works, while being activated (fighting) you will gain regen stats that making the entire item goes up to be 300% gold efficient, that means the stats that you are gaiting cost 1300+gold while you are paying only 450 and you will have it from lvl 1!
At your first back you will focus to have 1050 Gold, and you will buy
Bami's Cinder plus
Refillable Potion the reason we are playing with the pot, is cause we will have it for all lane phase long (and not only) and we will sell it ONLY if we start building our 3th item!!
The next item that you focus on getting fast, before finishing anything else is going to be
Bramble Vest and finish it into
Thornmail as fast as possible, one of the most important item for
Rammus and overall the other immortals!
Thornmail will give you the ability to repel damage back that will scale with your bonus armor, you can guess what that means, as talked above, cause of how
Aftershock works together with
Conditioning plus your W you will have TONS OF BONUS ARMOR, making
Bramble Vest together with
Rammus repel damage to have enough to fight 1v2 or even 1v3!
In some situations even while having only
Bami's Cinder and
Bramble Vest you will be able to 1v2 the enemy top and jungle if they decide to gank you!
The second item that we will finish is going to be
Sunfire Aegis, HP, ARMOR and a burn effect that will make you even stronger, after just these two items,
Sunfire Aegis &
Rammus will already going to be unstoppable against AD-Type of damage and with a decent sustain against AP-Type as well cause of
Aftershock and your W!
Then we will finish our
Mercury's Treads cause we need the extra TENACITY effect, plus to balance out the ARMOR and MAGIC RESIST, we will only have
Spirit Visage for magic resist and together with the boots it will be MORE THAN ENOUGH!
If you playing against FULL AD teams with ZERO CC, then go for
Plated Steelcaps especially against champion that using basic attacks as main source of damage, like for example
Yasuo or
Master Yi etc. this item will COUNTER THEM completely, cause it will reduce their pre-armor reduction damage by 12% (it’s pretty big, cause after that you will reduce it even further cause of your resistances)
Our Third core item will be
Unending Despair you got insane stats and ad damage can't kill you, with this item you will be EVEN STRONGER, Bonus HP, Armor, Magic Resist, Ability Haste and a damage type effect that will apply to every champion around you and heal you from the damage that you are doing, as
Rammus you will be fighting non-stop against the entire enemy team, so this item fits perfeclty for what we need to have to be ustoppable
Our next item will be
Spirit Visage this item will give you HP, MR, HP REGEN, ABILITY HASTE and the STRONGEST effect in the entire game, 25% bonus heals and shields that together with
Revitalize will go up to 40+%, making you unable to die while fighting 1v5 and healing from all the damage that you are doing!! As you can imagine
Spirit Visage and
Revitalize will increase the healing from
Unending Despair,
Font of Life,
Triumph and
Riftmaker that you will buy later on, making you not only have defensive stats, but also great heals to make you survive against any type of damage!
At this moment with the items that you will have,
Rammus will be unstoppable, cause of
Spirit Visage you will also increase your magic resist making you stronger against magic damage, but also you will have healing effects that will help you survive longer in teamfights, so the last item will be something to increase your damage/sustain potential even further and its up to you to decide what is more important in full late game!
For last item we got the following options:
Riftmaker, one of the most powerful items that you can choose for full late game, this item will give you bonus AP, HP, Ability haste, BONUS DAMAGE EFFECT and a DAMAGE TO HEAL Effect and make
Rammus not only have the greatest sustain in this game, but also the biggest healing from damage as well, cause of
Spirit Visage and
Revitalize you will increase this healing by 40%+ and cause of the damage bonus effect that
Riftmaker giving you and the bonus damage effect from
Last Stand or
Coup de Grace rune, you will also increase the damage effect from
Unending Despair that means you will heal yourself EVEN MORE than before, making you even stronger! And thats why the combination of
Rammus and
Riftmaker is so important, even if we need to sucrifice
Jak'Sho, The Protean for it, that we can always buy later as 6th item after selling our boots!
Jak'Sho, The Protean Another powerful choice, but for a different reason, this item will give you HP, Bonus armor, magic resist and another %bonus armor and magic resist, as
Rammus these bonus %armor/mr effects multiplying greatly your sustain and damage cause of how your W and Passive works, making you an unstoppable force in most of the games, personally I feel like
Riftmaker will give you more potential in teamfights cause of the % omvivamp that you will have, making you heal from the damage that you are doing, but
Jak'Sho, The Protean will give you the raw stats that you need to sustain any damage and you will still have the heal effects from
Unending Despair, [triump]] and
Font of Life that will be multiplied by
Spirit Visage and
Revitalize even further!! So no matter which two items you will choose, you will still be a powerful monster and carry the game!!
Abyssal Mask Another powerful item, that most not playing with it, cause they don't know how big of an impact it can made, this item will give you bonus HP, MR, Ability haste and a % Bonus magic damage to everything around you, this % Bonus magic damage not only is going to help you do more damage and heal more from
Unending Despair but will also help your allies increase their magic damage as well, if of course, someone from your team already bought this item, then it is helping you greatly without buying it yourself and you can choose the other item options to make yourself an even bigger monster than before!!
Damage, sustain, Immortality!!! Everything a Balorian need to always be victorious, now that you understood the combination of runes-items you are ready to start your FREE ELO Journey, be sure to check our gameplays to fully understand how to use the champion right and may the FREE ELO Be with you!!
Always start with

At your first back you will focus to have 1050 Gold, and you will buy

The next item that you focus on getting fast, before finishing anything else is going to be

In some situations even while having only

The second item that we will finish is going to be

Then we will finish our

If you playing against FULL AD teams with ZERO CC, then go for

Our Third core item will be

Our next item will be

At this moment with the items that you will have,

For last item we got the following options:



Damage, sustain, Immortality!!! Everything a Balorian need to always be victorious, now that you understood the combination of runes-items you are ready to start your FREE ELO Journey, be sure to check our gameplays to fully understand how to use the champion right and may the FREE ELO Be with you!!
Before we talk about the strategy you need to ALWAYS follow the this combo:
Use your Q or E to activate
Aftershock first then ACTICATE YOUR
Defensive Ball Curl this will multiply your ARMOR/MR greatly and you will keep these stats even after the duration of
Aftershock is over, rammus is a champion that you are not really need "skills" what you need is to PRESS Q, go into the entire enemy team, press fast
Defensive Ball Curl before their CC, activate your R and hit something with E, after that, what you need to do is to ENJOY THE SHOW!!!!!!
Remember that you will also have enough sustain to fight them even under towers, so after finishing
Sunfire Aegis and
Thornmail tower’s damage wont matter anymore, you can freely dive all game but remember to activate the W fast enough and start moving away from the tower range after 4-5 seconds to avoid the stacked damage to hit you without having the bonus ARMOR-MR from W!
Lets talk about the strategy here. To play with
Rammus isnt only use his PURE Tankiness as your weapon, like any other WARS, at league you need to use your HEAD as well to win the game.
So lets talk about what you need to focus.
Creeps: The most important thing is to focus on your farm, you need to farm fast and if you can kill all the creeps without missing even one. This way you will take the lead from your enemy champion!
Learn how To improve your Farming and Wave Management by watching our League Masterclass:
Stay Alive: To not to die at lane and not have any kills is more worth than to be 3-3 or 4-4 with your enemy Lane champion.
Your build focusing to be the strongest at the MID-Late game, doesn't matter if you cant kill now early as the game goes on and after buying
Thornmail together with
Defensive Ball Curl and later on
Demonic Embrace you will be able to kill ANYTHING that will be brave enough to attack you.
After the new rework now we will focus on leveling up Q first
By leveling up the Q we are having 6 sec CD, this will let you either CHASE someone that running or simply walk away from a gank, a powerful tool that will save you multiple times!
To make it Easier to trap my enemies, I came up with the
Rengar style trick, its simple. Just hid in the Bushes and make use of the FOG OF WAR, this way your enemy champion will have an interesting surprise
Just hid, charge UP Q to max up the speed hit him activate
Defensive Ball Curl, Puncturing Taunt and
Soaring Slam
Wanna Rank up even faster? Then Watch our League Masterclass about Ranking up:
Even if you won’t kill your enemy, he will start losing focus from this strategy.
They won’t be able to go close to cs, and lose EXP-FARM so after doing this a couple of times the game is yours.
Use your Q or E to activate

Remember that you will also have enough sustain to fight them even under towers, so after finishing

Lets talk about the strategy here. To play with

So lets talk about what you need to focus.
Creeps: The most important thing is to focus on your farm, you need to farm fast and if you can kill all the creeps without missing even one. This way you will take the lead from your enemy champion!
Learn how To improve your Farming and Wave Management by watching our League Masterclass:
Stay Alive: To not to die at lane and not have any kills is more worth than to be 3-3 or 4-4 with your enemy Lane champion.
Your build focusing to be the strongest at the MID-Late game, doesn't matter if you cant kill now early as the game goes on and after buying

After the new rework now we will focus on leveling up Q first
By leveling up the Q we are having 6 sec CD, this will let you either CHASE someone that running or simply walk away from a gank, a powerful tool that will save you multiple times!
To make it Easier to trap my enemies, I came up with the

Just hid, charge UP Q to max up the speed hit him activate

Wanna Rank up even faster? Then Watch our League Masterclass about Ranking up:
Even if you won’t kill your enemy, he will start losing focus from this strategy.
They won’t be able to go close to cs, and lose EXP-FARM so after doing this a couple of times the game is yours.
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