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look for quick trades level 1 with auto-e-auto then back away, after level 1 try to farm up and avoid his e as much as you can, once you get sheen should have the upper hand if you use your e, q and ult well to avoid him from using his ult and killing you, if you fail just try to farm up and never get into his pull range. This is one of those matchups where not playing properly can cost you the game, but it isn't too hard overall
Just farm up, if she plays well you can't kill her, and same thing goes for you, you are a bigger threat later on if you can land hooks, while she needs items to stay relevant, so try n0ot to take many risks
He will out damage you hard early on until you get your core build so don't trade at all with him, remember that you can completely negate his w shield with ult, and save it up for that moment, aside from that there's not much to say here that i didn't mention with darius already, just farm up, once you get 2 to 3 items is when you really start dishing out a lot of damage with your e, so play safe until then
he's really squishy and kind of inmobile, get up close and personal with him and then back off with the w movespeed as soon as he's about to do his third q strike (the circle shaped one), if you avoid his q strikes correctly you should deal with him without a problem
Dr. Mundo
He's simply stronger than you at all stages of the game, and his passive makes trading with him really hard early on, just focus on getting some farm whenever you can and dodging cleavers when he's chasing you so that it's a little harder for him to get to you
you can trade really hard level 2, after that just farm up for sheen, once you have sheen let her engage on you, keep autoing her without usinq e just yet, then use e and ult as soon as her empowered q comes, now she has no escape since she wasted e engaging on you, is at low hp and she doesn't have her empowered w which is where most of her damage is at you have passive shield to win the rest of the fight, and get a kill from there
Look for long trades level 1 to get her low, then use w and e to run her down level 2 and hopefully kill her, if you don't get a lead really early on then laning phase will be tough
Don't overextend. If you see him go for a trade with q, use e, hit him and back off, you are way stronger than him once you get divine sunderer and you are way more useful in teamfights because of just how good blitz hook is at separating an enemy from their team
Once you get levels 2 and 3 try to look for an all in, gnar is pretty weak in early levels, so you can go in with w movespeed, proc pta and walk away at level 2 or potentially follow up into a kill at level 3, mega gnar can be hard to deal with, but if you stay away from walls you should be alright
Don't waste your e when he is using his own e, just wait for it to end, with conqueror, last stand, w attack speed steroid, ult and passive shield you win more prolonged trades early on, after he gets some items you will start losing hard, so after lasing phase is over group up with your team to get picks with q instead of trying to duel him
the main reason why this works and why I made this build in the first place is because of how blitzcrank e, passive and w work with items like these, blitz e has a 200% ad ratio and when maxed it has a 5 second cooldown (without ability haste), which means that this can work really well with sheen giving you an auto reset that deals a lot of damage and knocks the enemy up on a short cooldown, w gives you a bunch of attack speed and movespeed for a long duration, so of course that works well with this build making it hard to run away from you and making you stack conqueror really fast. And finally, blitz passive scales with mana, which means that you get extra value out of items like manamune, which not only helps by giving you more mana and damage but it also makes your passive shield a lot stronger.
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