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Runes: Main Build
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Sums #1
Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
I’m going to start off by saying I’m no pro. I only play League with my mates. But this is the build I use to play when I’m playing top with
Nasus. But yeah this is what I find works.
My name is Matt, I mainly play Top lane. If you’ve got any questions about this build or any information on how I can improve this build guide, rather comment or add me on League at EntxRecoil

My name is Matt, I mainly play Top lane. If you’ve got any questions about this build or any information on how I can improve this build guide, rather comment or add me on League at EntxRecoil
Grasp of the Undying
This is the most powerful rune in the game for Nasus. Because this rune gives you 3 stats, bonus damage with % of your HP that works well with your life steal. Finally the permanent increased HP
This is useful because as you build tanky you do more damage to towers.
Second Wind
This is another amazing rune, you heal as you take damage.
With this, you get more HP from minions dying around you, which increases your demolish as well as making you tanky as anything.
Presence of Mind
Because when you kill someone you restore your mana which is useful because when you are in team fights you use alot of mana, so you will always have high mana. Plus you get more mana overall because of the increase.
Legend: Tenacity
Again it's useful because when you kill someone you get upgraded tenacity which will stop you getting slowed down as much which when late game is the only way to kill a Nasus.

This is the most powerful rune in the game for Nasus. Because this rune gives you 3 stats, bonus damage with % of your HP that works well with your life steal. Finally the permanent increased HP

This is useful because as you build tanky you do more damage to towers.

This is another amazing rune, you heal as you take damage.

With this, you get more HP from minions dying around you, which increases your demolish as well as making you tanky as anything.

Because when you kill someone you restore your mana which is useful because when you are in team fights you use alot of mana, so you will always have high mana. Plus you get more mana overall because of the increase.

Again it's useful because when you kill someone you get upgraded tenacity which will stop you getting slowed down as much which when late game is the only way to kill a Nasus.
How to Play
Early game you don't want to challenge you are WEAK all you need to do is farm up and stack your
Siphoning Strike and not die. If people do try and attack you, just step back and let them push the wave under tower you should be fine. Once you get your ultimate
Fury of the Sands /
Trinity Force you get a huge power spike and can challenge people, this is because of the cooldown on your Q you can do a huge amount of damage from a single Q. Once you have gone into mid/late game you can rather stay with the team and front line or you can split push. As a Nasus you are amazing at both because with
Demolish and
Siphoning Strike you take towers so quick, plus if you are fed you take 2/3 people to take you down, they can't send 1 person cause they will die.

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Doran's ShieldThe sustain helps keep you in lane so you can farm, and the increased damage to minions helps you in the farming act itself, making it the perfect item for a scaling monster like![]() |
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Trinity ForceThis is the best item for![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Spirit VisageYou should build this as your second item if you're either in a tank matchup, an AP matchup or vs a high AP comp. Otherwise you should usually build it as a 3rd item. If you're against a full AD comp you'll still want to build it at some point, but you should just build![]() |
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Righteous GloryThis should be your second item vs AD matchups or vs high AD comps, or your 3rd item if you're going Spirit Visage before it. It's very good on![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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