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Nidalee Build Guide by Yusariem

Nidalee and Her AP(ApicPower) Spears

Nidalee and Her AP(ApicPower) Spears

Updated on December 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yusariem Build Guide By Yusariem 1,618 Views 0 Comments
1,618 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Yusariem Nidalee Build Guide By Yusariem Updated on December 8, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee
  • LoL Champion: Nidalee


Hello My name is Yusariem and i will show you my Nidalee Guide and yes this is my First Guide.
I find Nidalee is a Very interesting Champion,She can Heal,she can make Traps,she have the Ultimate Nuke Ability(Spears)and That is why i love her to play.
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Moving through brush increases Nidalee's movement speed by 15%. The buff lasts for an additional 2 seconds after leaving brush.

This is a really good Passive to Gank or run away with lowlife but this Passive can be too working as a Harras-Passive also:In a Bush>Out of bush>Attack>In a Bush Again



Nidalee transforms herself into a cougar, and in the process gaining a new set of abilities, bonus armor, magic resistance and 20 movement speed. Nidalee loses 400 range while using this ability (effective range of 125).BONUS ARMOR & MAGIC RESISTANCE: 10 / 20 / 30
Each additional rank increases the effectiveness of Nidalee's cougar abilities.

Really Interesting Ultimate and They was Unique before Jayce and Elise came but they is still Epic.


Nidalee tosses her javelin, dealing magic damage( 55 / 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 (+ 65% AP))on impact that increases depending on the distance between Nidalee and the target at the time it is hit. The multiplier caps at 2.5.(138 / 238 / 350 / 463 / 575 (+ 162.5% AP))

This is your Nuke Ability,try to punch the Enemy and you will get TONS OF DAMAGE!!!But it need Skill.

Nidalee lays a trap that deals 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 40% AP) magic damage over 2 seconds when sprung by an enemy, revealing them and reducing 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% their armor and magic resistance for 12 seconds. Traps last for 4 minutes.

This is a Really Anti-Gank and Mapcontrol Ability, i think it is underrated but it make Good AoE Damage,the best way is it in Bushes to set.

Nidalee heals an ally champion for 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 70% AP) and grants them 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% bonus attack speed for 7 seconds.

This is your AD Steroid an the Support Heal,it can you or an ally Safe the Life!!!!
It is good to farm but also good when you attack the Tower´s.



Nidalee's next attack will be enhanced to deal additional physical damage plus increased damage based on how low her opponent's health is to a maximum of 300% physical damage.(MINIMUM PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 40 / 70 / 100 (+ 100% AD)
MAXIMUM PHYSICAL DAMAGE: 120 / 210 / 300 (+ 300% AD))

The Lowlife-enemys-can´t-run-and-now-are-they-dead-Ability,they hits an Enemy much more when the enemy has lowlife.Really good versus Lowlife Enemys ^^.

Nidalee lunges forward, dealing magic damage to enemies around her landing area.(MAGIC DAMAGE: 125 / 175 / 225 (+ 40% AP)
DIAMETER OF AOE: 150 (estimate))

Good for fleeing but also good for kill Minions/Monsters.
Tip:You can with this ability jump Over walls!!!But it need also skill.

Nidalee claws at enemies in a cone in front of her, dealing magic damage.(MAGIC DAMAGE: 150 / 225 / 300 (+ 40% AP)
CONE WIDTH: 180 degrees (estimate))

Really good for killing Minion Waves or Monsters.

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Here are Many Combos to make your game much smarter.


Minionwavekillcombo: ...
This is the Standard Kill Combo for Minionwaves.

Going for a Kill:



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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yusariem
Yusariem Nidalee Guide
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Nidalee and Her AP(ApicPower) Spears

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