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One of the tanks that can actually kill you. Try to avoid fighting him. Late game he will be front line while you kill the carries.
After the W buff I havent played this matchup yet. She was hard to handle before especially with TP/smite summoners, so I believe that now she is even more pain in the @$$. She builds tanky? Ult mid.
Broken atm. Nothing more.
Bully of top lane. Stun, good heal and good damage. Try to survive and farm. Lvl6 gank. Wait for late game. Rene is a kite, when you are an assassin who can one-shot their carries.
Great poke but no mobility. Ask help from jungle.
Only way to spellshield her stun. If not then you are propably f****d. Like Hecarim after some items she becomes monster. So ask for ganks or if you feel confident try to kill her early.
Ok early but after some items Hece becomes a monster. Let him push and ask for ganks. If you play it perfectly you can also win a 1v1 vs him early game.
He should be banned. Gosh!!!
His Q is retarded. Only way to win this if darius is worse than you. Prefer to take a melee range Q from him and always fight if you have landed your Q and have available your passive and fear. After 6 you are propably dead, so straight on your way to gank other lanes and feed on them.
Possible to handle only if you shut him down early. Really important to spellshield his silence or knockup. He has great sustain way better than yours. Try to kill him early or play passive and lvl6 go straight for a gank on mid or bot.
No ignite = no kill on him. His W hurts a lot as his HP drops so beware. Another tank, so focus on survive and kill mid or bot with your ult.
Exhaust op in this match-up. Also IMO a lucky-based match-up. If he goes all in and crits 2-3 hits you are done. Otherwise you kill him even lvl1.
One more tank. He cant kill you solo. He will go for ganks. You can always W his taunt and escape. Don't bother killing him either. Go for ganks and be ready for his ult as you do this.
If he farms he becomes enormous. Your early damage is way higher than his. Try to trade him. Care for him yellow bar. In most of the cases if Rumble doesn't play passive you can kill him early lvls.
They took him from you, so they must pay. I assume you know what a Rengar is capable of and how to play against him (away from bushes and 5-ferocity fights).
No way to kill him. no (as far as I know) way he kills you. Same as all tanks, farm till 6 and gank for kills.
Lee Sin
Avoid his Q early and you are ok. If he maxes E first try to avoid E. He has damage but so do you.
Something like Mundo with the difference Garen can be annoying. Still you have your W for his silence. Try to farm till lvl6 and gank mid or bot.
Can kill him early if you land Q, have passive and land the fear.
Pretty high damage and a parry. But still if you fight in your Q you also have flat AD boost and can turn the fight in your favor with your fear (Fiora has no CC). Try to adsorb one of her Q to get the double AS boost and prevent some serious damage (especially if she maxes out Q). IMO skill match-up.
Try to pressure him early levels. His Q has pretty big CD. He has low damage and he is item-oriented. Try to kill him before lvl4 if possible.
He will build Frozen Heart ASAP and also he will play like a chicken. Try to deny him minions and harass him as he tries to farm. As soon as you have all your spells up and land a Q you win the trade early. Try not to stay and fight in his E. If you don't kill him early go fed on other lanes.
He has his E but you have your W. He can dodge your AA but you can dodge his stun. He is pretty weak early so don't be afraid to fight him (just be sure you fight in your Q).
Dr. Mundo
Cant kill you and you cant (propably) kill him. He will go full tank so dont bother solo killing him. Farm till lvl6 and then ult mid or bot for some kills or flashes.
I have created this guide for myself but you can feel free to use this guide as I have gone in depth and I have put a decent amount of time. I am decently new to League of Legends and I have built this build primarily to show off my favorite character by far and to also have this up on my second monitor while playing LOL.
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