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Gnar Build Guide by Ottoxinuk

Otto's Guide to Gnar 2.0 (Can't Access the Old One)- WIP

Otto's Guide to Gnar 2.0 (Can't Access the Old One)- WIP

Updated on September 29, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ottoxinuk Build Guide By Ottoxinuk 2,164 Views 0 Comments
2,164 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ottoxinuk Gnar Build Guide By Ottoxinuk Updated on September 29, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Gnar
    General Top Build
  • LoL Champion: Gnar
    Spicy Top Build (More Damage)
  • LoL Champion: Gnar
    Extra Spicy Top Build (AP Atta
  • LoL Champion: Gnar
    Baller Boi
  • LoL Champion: Gnar
    Jungle but for real this time
  • LoL Champion: Gnar
    AP Attack Speed Jungle (Easy S


Hi there, I'm Otto. I started playing League in the middle of 2016, and earned my m7 Gnar in late 2017. I never made a guide before because I just acknowledged that there were already enough good guides out there, but recently I've been seeing more and more people playing Gnar in my games and decided to give it a shot! I haven't got into ranked fully yet, and only played a few games after my placement in Silver V this season. Generally I play League with my friends and you'll see that I have a handful of build options that I've made messing around with them in draft. I hope this guide inspires some people to go out and just have a good time playing Gnar.
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Laning Notes

-Gnar is one of a few proper ranged top laners. Use this to your advantage by poking your opponent with your Q and auto. When you have your rage meter filled, jump in on them for the final blow.

-Csing with Gnar becomes easier with practice, as most champions do. Once you get used to how much damage you do early game to minions, you'll fly past your lane opponent in no time.

-Csing becomes a lot easier once you buy your Black Clever.

-Use your E wisely as it is your escape if you get ganked, make sure to ward frequently if you are pushed out.
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Team Work

Gnar can make a big difference in team fights. When in Mega Gnar form, all of your abilities can have a large impact on a fight. Be careful how you use your ult, as you may accidentally push the enemy team away when you don't wish to. If you got dragged into a fight while your rage meter was still low, you can still slow enemies and effectively chase them if they run.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ottoxinuk
Ottoxinuk Gnar Guide
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Otto's Guide to Gnar 2.0 (Can't Access the Old One)- WIP

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