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Master Yi Build Guide by Capo1337

Jungle 🔥 ⭐ [P-S12] First Strike MASTER YI EASY CARRY ⭐🔥

Jungle 🔥 ⭐ [P-S12] First Strike MASTER YI EASY CARRY ⭐🔥

Updated on December 5, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Capo1337 Build Guide By Capo1337 8 1 13,822 Views 3 Comments
8 1 13,822 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Capo1337 Master Yi Build Guide By Capo1337 Updated on December 5, 2021
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First Strike
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Champion Build Guide

🔥 ⭐ [P-S12] First Strike MASTER YI EASY CARRY ⭐🔥

By Capo1337
is Master yi a hard champ?
Master yi is
"Easy to play, hard to master" because for example you do 1 bad "q" in teamfight then you will die. Good Yi have to know all limits of this champ too.
I recommend practicing meditate reset with your "w" . This is so helpful in your gameplay. This is hard too to do it very quickly. You can do it too when farming jungle camps
Jungle Clear
- On first camp(blue or red) use plant in 1:27 to get 1 stack of your passive.
- You have to smite big krug and gromp when clearing jungle.
- You have to auto and then q when farming jungle camps.
- Don't use your e on wolfs, just auto big wolf then q some autos then q second time
- If you doing blue you can smite gromp and do alpha strike for them both for faster clear.
- Yi can easily do jungle without any leash, but always ping for leash anyway.
- When you are doing Drake auto and then q to dodge drakes wake up
- Baron has a one "skill" that can toss up you , just dodge this with your alpha strike.
- Use your meditate reset with your "w" on jungle camps when you have it.
-You can kill scuttler with fast q-smite-aa combo in early.
Can Master Yi solo baron?
Yes, you can do solo baron
1)If the enemy team has much CC it's better for you to avoid picking Master Yi.
2)Many people think that Master Yi is a super easy champion to play with. Big mistake. If he enters the battle on the wrong time he will end up dead.
3)When fighting, you need to be on your toes to press Alpha Strike on the right time to avoid abilities and CCs.
Champ Select Bans
Fiddlesticks His fear is Point in Click and the duration of it can get very long
Teemo After buffs his blind is so long
Leona She has alot of CC
Pantheon AD Burst + CC + Invulnerable
Kha'Zix His invisibility counters you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Capo1337
Capo1337 Master Yi Guide
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🔥 ⭐ [P-S12] First Strike MASTER YI EASY CARRY ⭐🔥

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