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Jax Build Guide by Lpg1

Top Phase Rush Jax Top/Fun

Top Phase Rush Jax Top/Fun

Updated on June 8, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lpg1 Build Guide By Lpg1 6 1 53,736 Views 4 Comments
6 1 53,736 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lpg1 Jax Build Guide By Lpg1 Updated on June 8, 2018
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Reason i made this guide

It was some time ago. because when i saw stormraider nasus players looked really fun so later i tried it out with nauss first. Then i tried more champs like stormraider master yi was pretty fun good ganking advantage that gives move speed to follow enemy laners, when you charmed by ahrimbut used ult and stormraider activated you just follow her so fast with yi (just if you don't get 1 shot XD).
Later i tried stormraider warwick to was pretty fun that i just counter jungled and followed enemy chamos really fast in early game.
And then got to jax which got tons of fun stuff you almost never lose if no counter met. Very fun trading deals, op move speed with stormraider activated even enemy flashed away from you, you just follow and stun them ez it was so fun so wanted to share it
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Pros / Cons


  • +Still good in 1vs1
  • +Great move speed to chase enemy team when activated
  • +Still good split pusher
  • +Has good aoe stuns
  • +Can give nightmare if you go for 40 cdr to chase with ur q always


  • -Still bad against champions that Knocks you away from them
  • -Will be really hard if you lose ur lane in early game
  • -Weak against lot of cc
  • -He doenst have real weapon :(
  • -Kinda weak in early game with this rune
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  • First one you should put Phase rush which is similar to stormraider :D
    Because phase rush give burst of move speed like stormraider did. And already tried with nasus and gave good move speed to chase enemy team. Which is same as jax that can never escape from you if they fight.

  • Then for second take manaflow band because you really dont want ur mana to run out fast. And going back to base everytime ur mana runs out. Somthis part of rune that will cover some of mana problems. But still would be hard and dont be scared to use ur w. If you are thinking of if its a waste of mana
  • Third one go for Celerity because when phase rush activated you will get more additional damage, ad or ap with trinity force movement speed addition when you damaged enemy champion.
  • Forth one you rather take scolor=#844DFA]Scorh[/color] for harrasin enemy in early every 20s and q them and it will burn spthem every 20s you attack with your ability. so you will be stronger fast. And the more enemy team get tilted.
    Or you can take Gathering storm for more late game damage. That will gives more but usually most of games ends in 20~35 min. So if you end game quickly it would not he as usuful as it meant to be.

    Secondary part of rune still not firgured out and thinking for it what would be the best.
  • But for example you can take precision with ; Legend : alacrity for granting more attack speed additional in game when you get takedowns on enemy team.
    And Triumph that will save you with 15% missiong health healing that would save you from ignite, turret damage. That will make enemy think ur lucky.
  • Another one is Resolve
    First take Conditioning for late additional armor and magic resist.
    Second : Take Second wind for good trades, they damage you but you get healed back so it will be worth for you.
  • "New" you can also take tenacity so you wont have to go for Mercury's Treads. So you will be able to go for Ninja Tabi. So you will have ad damage reduction with ninja tabi with tenacity for more cc reductions each takedowns.

    But if you go other then Precision you wont have any attack speeds advanatges in esrly game so it would be hard to fight until you get Sheen or Stinger.
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So about the build First start with Doran's blade for most of the time.
But when you meet like Kled, Pantheon go for corruption potions or you will get beaten up by them really hard.

Building for Trinity force : So when you get Some doran's balde and sheilds. You starts with ruby crystal and long sword if you don't have enough for phage. because going for phage is better then going for sheen first. And go grab boots too. And then keep going and then get trinity force as finaly so get phage->sheen->stinger->trinity force.

Go grab Mercury's treads, But if you met really hard counters which is ad then get ninja tabi for reducing damage.

For Hextech Gunblade : I recommend you to save money for bilgewater cutlass. and then get them but if you cant wait for it and want life-steal now, then get vampiric sceptor. And then grab hextech revolver. And later when you get enough gold go grab Hextech Gunblade.

(The reason you must go for Hextech Gunblade after Trinity force Because Jax need at least 2 items that give damage. And another reason is if you choose to not go for Hextech Gunblade it means that you just gave up the stormraider Jax. Because you will have to activate stormraider's surge with that item when you are far from champions and with q on cooldown.)

And if you Don't want no more Damage and if you want to go tank go for the 2 items that i gave you. if enemy is full of ap go for spirit visage first and then get randuin's omen.

Gurdian Angel : I reccomand you to get that when ever you want to if no you dont have to because you can go for other tank items.

Guinsoo's rageblade : If you want it to get more attack-speed and damage go grab it so it will help you for better pushing and fighting.

Frozen Heart : I recommend go for that item if only enemy team is 4~5 is full of AD Chmampion and not ap dealers. Because if you go for that item against Ap its almost useless. Cause its only give armor but give also 20% and slowing enemy. And the reason you go for it because its the only item that had 20% cdr with lots of armor.

And then i recommend you to get another Doran's Blade and shield. Because with these items will help you life-steal and get health regenation as well(Don't forget refillable potions too). In early game until you get Trinity force and Hextech gunblade

Don't forget about Elixirs too.
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Skill Sequence

About Jax skills.

So as the example i gave you on the top you start with your e usual. But when enemy champion is ranged you go q first.

SO will be like
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Just first skill is different.

Some of the tips of getting kills or looking for kill timing in lvl 1.
First stack your passive to max or as higher as you can and then wait for enemy champion to use there cc as ex maokai's q/w, or there escaping skills like fiora's q. Then when its gone just go close to champions and start hitting them with your e activated. and most of player will get paniced and will flash away or die.

Another way is when enemy champion is ranged start with your q its only lvl 1 skill building is changed nothing more changed then starting lvl 1 kill. But its not same for"TEEMO" he is just special. And even though when you have max stack and have your e and q, Do not ever fight him because it will be worse for you. because when you go in and if teemo q you, you will not be able to deal any damage and you might die or you might escape with flash. And we are back to q explanations. so ranged champions are ranged like quinn, lulu?, etc... But because they have weak body when you have max stack in lvl 1 just go in with your q and make them panic to not be able to do anything or give you kills or flash away and not going back so you will get lvl 2 first and get easy kills.

And getting lvl 2 first then other champ is your chance! And means you can make your enemy get paniced as well :D

And when you are in some special situation then you max q first and dealing damage with it and get lower cdr. so the lower the cer goes you can give enemy teams nightmare. Because of maxed q cooldown is 6 second + trinity force will reduce more and enemy will be not be able to escape from you unless you have higher cdr with cc abilities.

The way you can trade against enemy champions when your above lvl 6:
First way : 1 auto, 2 auto, then activate empower, leap strike, then 3rd auto attack of grandmster's might.
Second way also included when you're lvl 2~3 : when there cc is gone start attacking them with auto, then activate counter strike, auto, empower, counter strike, then auto.
But use your q wisely becuase if you just use your q and right the time you used your q. means only escape is your flash/ try to dodge enemy's skills as best as you can until you get your q back.

Never forget to go in when your cc or slowing abilities to be used, Always! Because if you just go in like acting you are a boss that nobody can stop you, but you're not unless you have like flash or stormraider activated. so they are not going to let you to activate your stormraider so you better not to just go in always without thinking. So always think before you go in or wait until they use there escaping skills and cc skills.

When you are going in activate your e and leave it for just short time and then go in because for 1 second you cant reactivate it to stun them. And when you activate it nothing can stop you like in the situation of getting eaten by Tahm, Shen, Rammus Even zonyah no matter what. It will stun them.
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About the farming. Jax is pretty good at farming with your w and your attack speed gained from passive. So Jax got good advantages for farming well.

hen you're farming enemy champion will hit you while you're farming. you will be like you attack me but i will be farming. so you will be like i have lower health but i have more farm and pushed lane all so he would miss a lot of farms. Aldo getting hit by ally minions too so he would lose health like you got damaged by him.

Also when you farm you know that enemy team will not just let you farm all the time. so they will be trading with you and tries to deal more damage then you. So when they come for you always be ready with your max stack. and to not use your q for going in for him. use them for escaping or chasing the enemy. Also Dont forget to use some of combo while trading or fighting with enemy champion.

While farming you would used all of you mana and you have to go back to base to heal and regen mana. So that is the reason in the mastery i gave you to put 1 points for meditation. It doesn't look like it will help you that much but if you goes into game and play with you will see that is helping a lot then not taking any items that regens your mana.

Also Jax is farm to win if you lost your lane and got beaten up by enemy jg really hard and you mental broken. But don't be sad or be mad, also don't rage quit. Jax is farm to win for late game or start getting kills with your teammates as 2vs1 or as grouped. so you will start getting more gold and will be enough for you to build some items if you haven't finished building them because you lost your lane. And then after keep doing those you will be beast and give enemy team nightmare of jax.
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Lets Fight enemy champions

This is not perfect prefect way to beat them because this is just how i figured out the way so it may not work well sometimes, so Im sorry if its wont work well for you. Because Im always trying to figure the way out to beat them.

Let's beat Riven : Daughter of riot cant beat her if her lvl goes higher then you. so you better try to dodge he q knock up and w stuns and look for her using her e. and specialy in lvl 1 fight look what she took first q w or e. that game will depend oh what she took. if she took her e it will be pretty easier to beat her in lvl 1 fight. but if she took q or w will be hard because she will just q q q and fall back or just w u so she will run away from ur w.

Let's beat Kled : oh it is really annoying to beat this champ. You should never get hit by his q never ever even you got hit by it run or else your helath will be gone. For him i rather get sheen and then go for lifesteals hextechgunblade. Cause you will need lifesteals to beat him.

Let's beat Garen : Against this Big sword spinner. Do not let him to silent you with q so you better not to get close to him always. so its good to fight when his q is off that he used for minions.
And 1 important thing that do not fight him alone when he e you. because when he attacks you alone with e he will deal tons of damage to you while spinning. So when you get him by his e always stay beside minions to reduce the damage.

So just remember to not get silent, never hits by Garen's e alone without minions

Let's beat camile : Against this 2 knife lag android. Just watch closely of her q. which she must use q once for second q of dealing tons of damage.
If she can't second q you she will not be able to deal good damage to you and its will be your time to beat her up until this camile's q back off from cool down.
Above lvl 6 : Its also good to wait until she uses her ult first. And to not let her deal lot of damage to you inside that place. while fighting in that ult click your r,e and then you will reduce lot of damage from her and you will realize that you're beating her up.

Let's beat Teemo : Trying to figure out the way of beating this little annoying rat. Just dont fight this rat until your jungle comes and help you but jungler better come as earler as he/she can because when teemo reaches level 6 jungler will get harrased whike ganking you because of teemo's shroom.

Let's beat Pantheon :

Let's beat Fiora : Let's see Fiora, as all you guys know that she is one of the worst cancer champ to play against.
While you play against her wait for her to use her only escaping skill the q and then you starts going in for her. And as all of you guys know... never give her the chance of hitting the weak part. so if fiora's passive is right side of your Jax's body. just to remember to not give her that side. so just give her left side of your body so she will not be able to hit your weak part and beat you up.

Aldo use your e (counter strike) wisely. Because that's the only way to stun her and not giving her any chance to hit your weak part.

So if Fiora used her q and w (riposte) = Means its the time to beat her up. But sometimes if your enemy is like fiora 500k mastery points mains, it can be hard too but don't be scared because as long as you not let her to hit your weak part she's will be easier to beat.

Let's beat J4 :
Let's beat Illaoi : Just ask for lots of Gank becasue its pretty hard to beat Illaoi, as personal it was hard to beat her as this method but i could be able to beat her soon.
Let's beat Xin :

Let's beat yasuo : So against yya***uuoo. Usually to not fight him while you have big minion wave which is ally minions. Because he will just q and escape with his e. And what it is when u see yasuo in lvl 1 in top if he got his q wait until he comes in with ur stack is maximum you must make it maximum so you will be able to deal lots more damage with your attack speed. If he got e and he want to fight you fight him you will have better chance to win (its because its works for me everytime)because you have your e but yasuo will have only 1 e (ex when lvl 1 1vs1 without minions spawned. If you get first blood and the oush wave the go back for another doran's blade. And now yasuo will get harrassed really hard.

Let's beat olaf :
Let's beat yorick :
Let's beat Irelia :
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Spells i take flash and teleports

And there choice that i could take ignite but i wont take it reason is that if i take ignite i will have slow coming back to lane and will lose farms to. So it is better choice to take teleport for fast back

And always in oane try to be at lane until your teleport cooldown to be gone and try not die until your teleport comes back.

And also teleports give you a lot of advatanges to split oush to. And in some situation when enemy top laner tp bot some other lane dont tp to that lane just push as fast as you can that will be more worth so if you get 2 turret whike there gone for enemy double kills its worth for you you got first turret and anither turret.

When enemy top is pushed and enemy top is missing or in diffrent lane? Its your chance just go tp and break that turret off, with sheen will be more easier or stinger. And enemy top laner be like "ah im back from roaming wait what? Where my turret?"

The reason i dont take the diffrent flash in rune. You have your q you can just jump over anything wuth your control wards or wards you got.

And thank you for reading my guides.
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