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Draven Build Guide by Lodart



Updated on July 16, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lodart Build Guide By Lodart 12 1 61,654 Views 3 Comments
12 1 61,654 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lodart Draven Build Guide By Lodart Updated on July 16, 2021
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1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4 5
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Lodart

Hello everyone, welcome to my in-depth guide!

My name is Polarshift. I'm a player that has always been interested in a bunch of roles and champions, allowing me to possess quite a lot of general game-knowledge. So why don't I use my knowledge to help other people out that are interested in the same champions that I enjoy to play? Before I make any of these guides, I like to do my own little research about the champion to correct any wrong views I might have, thus raising the quality of these guides. I hope that you enjoy reading my guide and that it'll answer any questions you had.

I've spent a lot of time on this guide and I'd love it if you'd like to follow me on Twitch. Come and join my Discord community server if you have any more questions or would like to chill, join giveaways and be updated for more guides and tips!

Currently I have guides available on Graves, Ryze, Warwick, Rengar, Draven and Yasuo!

Please upvote and leave a comment if you liked the guide so more people get to see it!

What will you learn

+ Pros and cons and when to pick Graves.
+ Ability sequence, rune setups and spell choice.
+ In-Depth Itemization. Read the notes on the builds too.
+ All kinds of combos, tricks and animation cancels.
+ Playing the laning Phase with Draven.

Pro's and cons


+ Mechanical, fast-paced and a lot of fun to play.
+ Draven feels very rewarding to learn and master.
+ Draven deals a lot of damage and snowballs really hard.
+ Whenever you make a kill you get extra gold from his passive.


- The champion is quite hard to control at first.
- Doesn't have that long of an attack-range and is quite mana-hungry.
- His axes can straight-up be denied by a lot of champions since the enemy also sees where it's going to land.
- Doesn't scale bad, but is way harder to control in comparison to other AD carries, since you have quite the short range and have to still catch axes and position right.

Ability Sequence

Let's first talk about leveling your abilities. On Draven you don't have to think about them since you will always level up abilities in the same order and leveling anything else is inefficient. The leveling sequence will always be as follows:

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

I highly suggest you read the abilities yourself so you know exactly what they do. More in-depth knowledge in the "Combos, tricks and animation cancels" section.

Runes and Summoner Spells

What rune is the best on Draven?

Definitely the way to go when duels and skirmishers take a lot longer or just for plain all-ins in lane. Conqueror will give you extra AD (even more in S11) which will obviously benefit you a lot since your Q scales with AD. This rune definitely scales better than PTA and does more damage if you have the mechanics to dodge enemy abilities and keep Conqueror up. It is more for the solo outplay potential and is my favourite rune for Draven no matter where you play him. Works exceptionally well with enchanter supports.
Press The Attack
Possible rune choice if you want to snowball the lane harder than normal and when you have a damage support. It's the better rune if you are playing for single-target picks (like in solo lanes) and not longer fights. Remember that PTA also applies to all your allies, so they get a damage multiplier too.
Hail of Blades
For an assassination focused playstyle; it is quite strong throughout the whole game since it allows you to nearly one-shot people. Works exceptionally well with Lethality in some of the early game matchups.

For the small rune shards you will take the Attack speed shard (Adaptive Force with HoB), then one Adaptive Force shard and finally one Armor or Magic Resist shard depending on what champ you're versing in lane.

Heal, Exhaust or Cleanse?

All depends on enemy laners and teamcomp. Heal tends to be the stronger summoner spell for fights in the early game; especially if you know they don't go ignite (e.g. Soraka), Exhaust is the better summoner spell for dueling potential in laning phase and throughout the game (e.g. when the support does no damage you can exhaust the ADC) and Cleanse is good for lanes where you're uncomfortable in or when the enemy has a roaming crowd control midlaner like Twisted Fate or Lissandra. Cleanse also works on Ignite and Exhaust.


If you want to learn about the items you can read the notes that I've embedded with the items at the top of the page. Just hover your mouse over the little pencil next to the items. Might also update this section in-depth later, after they nerf Lethality on ranged champions...

Immortal Shieldbow
The passive healing you get is just absurd, allowing you to survive for way longer and giving you the craziest outplay potential out there. For some reason they decided that it also gives you crit chance, attack speed and more damage on your other Legendary items (passive) which is very benifical for Draven since his Q scales with AD. The healing gets even more crazy after you finish your Bloodthirster.
Read the notes in the builds.

Kraken Slayer
Read the notes in the builds.
Same old passive, gives you a nice shield and a lot of extra damage and (over-)healing, thus allowing you to stay in skirmishes and teamfights longer. The newly added critical-strike chance allows us to build into a more crit-orientated build for better scaling into the late-game.
Infinity Edge
Infinity Edge allows you to finish your build nicely, it gives AD and amplifies all the damage from the crit-strike chance you've built till now, since the crit-strike chance will be above 60% after you buy this item.
Lord Dominik's Regards/Mortal Reminder
On some champions (especially Assassins) you never take Mortal Reminder since you want to burst them down before they can even use their heals. LDR (Lord Dominik's Regards) is more suited for this since it gives a bit more armor penetration. When you're playing the assassination build on Draven it's possible to just go for this even if they have healing since you want to oneshot people anyway.
Rapid Firecannon
Very amazing item item on Draven for chunking a big part of the enemies' health bar from really far away with one axe later in the game. It also gives you crit chance, a passive that deals damage and attack speed. Incredibly important versus long-range teamcomps.
The Collector
Amazing on champions with a lot of damage, since it gives AD, Lethality, Crit-strike chance, 25 extra gold on kills which will allow you to snowball even faster AND an execute for enemies under 5% HP (doesn't work on minions anymore after patch 10.25). Denies enemies the chance to come back with healing and Last Stand. The crit-strike chance allows you to scale into the late-game.
Duskblade of Draktharr
This item gives you a lot of damage, utility and ability haste; the extra damage passive resets after every kill made and also gives you invisibility. The Lethality amplifies your damage by a lot in the early game since your laning opponent does not build armor. There isn't much more to say.
Guardian Angel
Let's you play more aggressive, especially when you have a bounty on you; and gives you 40 AD and 40 armor. Nothing more to say really, same story for every champion that can build GA. If you're really confident you can just go full damage instead.

Combos, tricks and animation cancels

Here we will discuss some Combo's, tricks and animation cancels on Draven.

#1. Draven's axes can be directed to land in a position by clicking in the direction you want it to land before the mid-air axe hits the target. Note: AFTER you throw it!

#2. You can have more than 2 axes at once. There is no limit in the amount of axes you can juggle, however there is often no use in juggling more than three axes. Sometimes if you have too much attack speed you will use a normal basic attack (since both axes are in the air); pressing Q and enabling your third axe before you basic attack will allow you to start juggling your third axe and not miss any extra damage.

#3. Your E and R give 2 conqueror stacks, since they're abilities. Using your abilities early in the fight allows you to get full Conqueror stacks ASAP and that will lead to you dealing more damage throughout the fight (because you have more stacks).

#4. Your E should be cancelled after a basic attack to get the most possible damage per second out. Sometimes E+Flashing on a target works however (e.g. if they have no flash and you want to chase and kill them, or for example when you want to catch them off-guard by E+Flashing and hitting a basic attack immediately after it.

#5. Flashing after using your R (R+FLASH) will allow the axe to still go into the direction you initially threw it (mouse location), however after it reaches that destination (hits a target) it'll try to correct its trajectory before it returns. You should look the curved R mechanic up on YouTube! Just flashing to redirect the axe when it comes back works too.

#6. Your W grants GHOSTING, which means that you will not be blocked by minions for the target duration. Refrain from spamming it since you'll go out of mana real quick. It's only useful for when you're chasing a kill since the movement speed decays rapidly over 1.5s. However if you're not chasing someone there is no point in pressing it, since the attack speed steroid stays for 3 seconds. One more thing, if you're going duskblade, being invisible always automatically grants ghosting to my knowledge.

Laning Phase

As a Draven you have multiple choices on how you want to lane depending on how fed you are. A valid strategy for every ADC is trying to freeze and running enemies down whenever they try to greed for a cannon minion. Your lvl 2 is quite strong so I recommend communicating with your support that you want to hit it first and all-in if the enemy makes the mistake of not backing off. Another strategy is the slow-push into poking or even killing them under their tower; your W - Bloodrush is a really nice ability to punish people with for taking any minions under tower. You need to be really careful when doing this though if you're not ahead, since this is quite the risky strategy and requires you to be good and confident on Draven; keep your vision up at all times. If you aren't confident enough of being this far in the lane, just do as I told you before: Freeze the lane.

Stop chickening out and go for it.


I made this a seperate section since a lot of people have such a passive playstyle, especially in low elo. You're not playing Ezreal. Expand your limits and go for those pokes with your W. Try to learn how to poke under the tower, when the tower just enables its laser and starts shooting is when you want to go for a basic. Flash for the enemy if they don't have summoners. Don't get baited like a noob (keep warding, think about how long the support has been off the map and whether he can be in the bush and think were the enemy mid and jungler have been when you last saw them. You'll die a lot of times learning this, but in the end it will make you a better player. Do it on a smurf account if you have ranked anxiety.

I hope you liked my guide. I hope I have the motivation to make more extensive guides for other champions too so I can help you guys out. Please leave a thumbs-up if you liked the guide and I'd love it if you could follow me on Twitch!

If you need to know anything else come join me on my Discord:
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