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Runes: Dance Around the World
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
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Champion Build Guide
Hi guys,
Im a Rakan main with a mission, to explore the reaches of where an iron feather man can take himself. this build/guide is some a collage of some of the best and funnest stuff ive donein recent times.
In this part of the guide I will be going over the different paths ive found to be the most enjoyable and some that i find to be more viable than kallista in ranked at least.
Im a Rakan main with a mission, to explore the reaches of where an iron feather man can take himself. this build/guide is some a collage of some of the best and funnest stuff ive donein recent times.
In this part of the guide I will be going over the different paths ive found to be the most enjoyable and some that i find to be more viable than kallista in ranked at least.
Why play Rakan out of support?
Why would you play this boy outside of the support role?
Its pretty simple, the auto attack animation is just pure sex.
apart from that rakan is an extremely versitile champion who can fulfil alot of roles really well in a team. im the solo queue hell its really hard to make a team comp that works well, however when you can play rakan mid well, you can play him in any scenario that your team is put into.
Its pretty simple, the auto attack animation is just pure sex.
apart from that rakan is an extremely versitile champion who can fulfil alot of roles really well in a team. im the solo queue hell its really hard to make a team comp that works well, however when you can play rakan mid well, you can play him in any scenario that your team is put into.
Lane Builds
The Lane builds i will be going over for Rakan are as follows;
-Attack Speed Rakan
-Attack damage Rakan
-Tank Rakan
-Hybrid Rakan
In lane, Rakan should try his best to freeze the lane at most points, keeping an eye out for objectives and things of interest and be ready to hard push the lane at any time for priority. on rakan you have strong roams and good gank ability for high damage junglers.
-Attack Speed Rakan
-Attack damage Rakan
-Tank Rakan
-Hybrid Rakan
In lane, Rakan should try his best to freeze the lane at most points, keeping an eye out for objectives and things of interest and be ready to hard push the lane at any time for priority. on rakan you have strong roams and good gank ability for high damage junglers.
Jungle Builds
the jungle builds i will be covering are as follows;
The goal of jungle Rakan is to be a roaming support and assassin type jungler, Rakan finds it really easy to gank with a burst mage or assassin lane rather than a tank or support type laner, be sure to pick into good team comps, with mid laners like syndra or talon and top laners like riven or volibear.
your jungle item choice should also be connected to the matchup, if you feel like bying an iceborn gauntlet late game in any of the builds its probably time to sell the jungle item.
The goal of jungle Rakan is to be a roaming support and assassin type jungler, Rakan finds it really easy to gank with a burst mage or assassin lane rather than a tank or support type laner, be sure to pick into good team comps, with mid laners like syndra or talon and top laners like riven or volibear.
your jungle item choice should also be connected to the matchup, if you feel like bying an iceborn gauntlet late game in any of the builds its probably time to sell the jungle item.
Attack Speed Rakan
The goal of Attack speed rakan is to lay down the damage with the rest of the team present, you can self peel and get off some really great damage. the most important thing to note is that you should always be ready to w,q,aa at any given moment to chunk opponents. when using hail of blades you should extend the trades even longer, lacing your first aa in between your w and q.
Attack Damage Rakan
AD Rakan is very similar to AS rakan however you can choose to opt out of a tri force and go for a icebord gauntlet instead, this item is kinda op for you as it makes your wave clear insane and doubles as a slow, use the proc on that to get extra damage off a w knockup
Hybrid Rakan
Hybrid rakan is different to the others as is takes AP items and mixes in an electrocute Keystone instead of the other two, when taking this jungle you should always take the attack speed item instead of
Tank Rakan
Tank Rakan is a Mid lane nightmare and should only be played by those willing to be abused in chat by a tilted lane oppenent and a furious enemy jungler. alll you need to know is to swap out tri force for a iceborn gauntlet in your early items and your good to go.
Lethality Rakan
I mean, its pretty self explanitory right? your an assassin now, show that adc whos boss.
To whoever makes it all the way to the end of this, thanks for reading it all and i hope you have some good ol fun.
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