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Rakan Build Guide by DyonisX

Support Rakan - The Charmer

Support Rakan - The Charmer

Updated on April 19, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DyonisX Build Guide By DyonisX 27,053 Views 0 Comments
27,053 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DyonisX Rakan Build Guide By DyonisX Updated on April 19, 2017
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Hey guys, Dyo here. I play on the EUNE server under the nick : DyonisX.

I've noticed that nobody made a guide for Rakan yet so I decided to give it a try, I shall improve it as we go on, right now it exists just for the sake of existing.

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Cunning Tree

Tier 1 - 5 in Wanderer as you get more out of it than you would from Savagery.

Tier 2 - We take Secret Stash for those yummy Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation

Tier 3 - 5 in Meditation because we need mana regen to be able to stay in lane longer.

Tier 4 - We take Bandit because we need gold.

Tier 5 - 5 in Intelligence . This is important because we want to be able to shield CC and heal as often as possible.

Keystone - We take Windspeaker's Blessing because it synergises with what Rakan does best.
Resolve Tree

Tier 1 - 5 in Unyielding because we need as much extra defense as possible. We will get a ton of health regen from the core items.

Tier 2 - We take Tough Skin because it helps take less damage, by a bit. Alternatively feel free to take Explorer for extra movement speed.

Tier 3 - 5 in Runic Armor because it helps your passive, and the heal that you get from Redemption.

Tier 4 - Lastly we take Insight to be able to use Exhaust more often.
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  • Greater Mark of Armor: I like to use the runes to give myself as much armor as possible because the build isn't able to provide much.

  • Greater Seal of Armor: I like to use the runes to give myself as much armor as possible because the build isn't able to provide much.
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Skill Sequence

Skilling Order

#1. The Quickness
6 / 11 / 16

#2. Gleaming Quill
1 / 13 / 15 / 17 / 18

#3. Grand Entrance
3 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14

#4. Battle Dance
2 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9
> > >

We take the Ultimate The Quickness whenever possible.
Other than that we max E Battle Dance first because it's an awesome tool which provides shielding to your allies and gives you mobility,
every rank increases the shield amount and decreases the Cooldown. Secondly we max W Grand Entrance which lowers the cooldown and increases the damage, it's usually good to try to reduce the cooldown as much as possible on hard CC abilities.
You can combo Battle Dance and Grand Entrance to hop to an ally, use grand entrance and then hop back to safety, so having low cooldown on both of these makes the combo more viable.
We max the Q Gleaming Quill last because it only increases the damage of the ability(along with reducing the CD), it doesn't affect the heal(which scales with level and ap)
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Item Descriptions

Best Healing Item
We want this item for the enhanced Healing and Shielding combined with the awesome passive.

Light from the Heavens
Further increases the amount that you shield and heal, works like a charm when combined with Ardent Censer's passive.

The Cleansing Crucible
The biggest increase in shield and healing power combined with a Cleanse on top of massive health regen is everything you could wish for to finish the holy trio with.

Suck it all up for her sake.
I love this item, it gives you an incentive to stay near your linked ally. It gives a nice amount of armor and it helps keep both you and your ally alive longer. I recommend that you buy either this or Locket of the Iron Solari after the 3 core items.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DyonisX
DyonisX Rakan Guide
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Rakan - The Charmer

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