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Recommended Items
Runes: Main 1v9
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
She can cancel your leap (jump) and perma stun you. You have to build Edge of Night and wait for her W.
Bush slave. Insane peel. Try to play around him.
Bush slave. Insane peel. Try to play around him.
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome to my Rengar Jungle Guide. Feel free to check out my other Guides aswell. I started OTP-ing Rengar since end of Season 3 and always just play for fun. In S12 my peak was 1k LP Chall. I'm in Masters since S10 every Season on multiple accounts EUW and EUNE. I don't give coachings nor stream alot but I am an good analyst and researcher.
I try to keep this Guide as updated as possible.
I try to keep this Guide as updated as possible.
Pros & Cons
- fun to play
- unique playstyle
- carry potential
- much variety in item builds
- high risk high reward
- high tweak potential
- good in duels
- good split push (when behind or enemies grouped)
- hard to master
- limited ganks pre 6
- you have to learn every matchup
- difficult to play when behind
- fun to play
- unique playstyle
- carry potential
- much variety in item builds
- high risk high reward
- high tweak potential
- good in duels
- good split push (when behind or enemies grouped)
- hard to master
- limited ganks pre 6
- you have to learn every matchup
- difficult to play when behind
Key Mechanics
How to use Ferocity:
When playing Rengar, managing your empowered abilities strategically is crucial.
Empower Q for maximum damage in a oneshot scenario.
Empower W if you need to cleanse CC or heal from damage.
Empower E if you desperately need a root to secure a kill.
Combo Examples:
Basic One-Shot (Assassin):
Leap from bush (or out of ultimate) > Q (in midair) > E > Auto > W > Empowered Q > Auto
Root Combo (for guaranteed kill or CC chain):
Leap > Q > E > Empowered E (root) > W > finish with auto or Q if available.
This is less bursty but can lock down a slippery target like Ezreal or Lucian.
4 Ferocity Trick:
If you’re approaching a fight with 4 Ferocity, you can instantly use an empowered ability as soon as you leap.
Example: Build up 4 Ferocity on a small camp (like Raptors), then immediately leap to an enemy champion with an empowered Q.
Bush Reset:
Jump into a bush right after your combo to be able to leap again if the bush is still near. This allows continuous leaps if you’re micromanaging your position around terrain and brush.
When playing Rengar, managing your empowered abilities strategically is crucial.
Empower Q for maximum damage in a oneshot scenario.
Empower W if you need to cleanse CC or heal from damage.
Empower E if you desperately need a root to secure a kill.
Combo Examples:
Basic One-Shot (Assassin):
Leap from bush (or out of ultimate) > Q (in midair) > E > Auto > W > Empowered Q > Auto
Root Combo (for guaranteed kill or CC chain):
Leap > Q > E > Empowered E (root) > W > finish with auto or Q if available.
This is less bursty but can lock down a slippery target like Ezreal or Lucian.
4 Ferocity Trick:
If you’re approaching a fight with 4 Ferocity, you can instantly use an empowered ability as soon as you leap.
Example: Build up 4 Ferocity on a small camp (like Raptors), then immediately leap to an enemy champion with an empowered Q.
Bush Reset:
Jump into a bush right after your combo to be able to leap again if the bush is still near. This allows continuous leaps if you’re micromanaging your position around terrain and brush.
Full clear is recommended but not necessary!
- Ward over the wall to jump to the Krugs.
- Try to get full ferocity after each camp.
Blue Side:
Red > Krugs > Raptors > Wolves > Gromp > Blue > Scuttle
Red Side:
Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Krugs > Scuttle
Level 3 Gank.
Blue Side:
Red > Krugs > Raptors > Gank
Red Side:
Blue > Wolves > Gromp > Gank
Fast path into early invade.
Blue Side:
Red > Blue > Gromp > Invade
Red Side:
Blue > Gromp > Red > Invade
Split the map.
Blue Side:
Red > Krugs > Raptors > Invade
Red Side:
Blue > Wolves > Gromp > Invade
- Ward over the wall to jump to the Krugs.
- Try to get full ferocity after each camp.
Blue Side:
Red > Krugs > Raptors > Wolves > Gromp > Blue > Scuttle
Red Side:
Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Krugs > Scuttle
Level 3 Gank.
Blue Side:
Red > Krugs > Raptors > Gank
Red Side:
Blue > Wolves > Gromp > Gank
Fast path into early invade.
Blue Side:
Red > Blue > Gromp > Invade
Red Side:
Blue > Gromp > Red > Invade
Split the map.
Blue Side:
Red > Krugs > Raptors > Invade
Red Side:
Blue > Wolves > Gromp > Invade
Early Game:
Your Bola at level 3 can be a great tool to guarantee a root, especially if the enemy laner has no Flash.
Bush Usage: Rengars passive is critical. Leaping out of a bush or from Fog of War makes it much harder for your opponent to react.
Watch for Lane Priority: If your lanes can follow up quickly, Rengars early ganks can secure kills or at least force enemy summoners.
Make sure to lane-gank botlane if possible, its your best chance to get kills especially against engage supports.
Mid Game:
Level 6 is your major turning point. Rengars Ult lets you roam quickly to any lane.
Constantly keep an eye on the mini-map since Rengar is a champion who thrives on punishing isolated enemies.
Plan Where to Gank: Identify the best lane to shut down the enemy carry or the lane that has the easiest kill potential.
Use the Bushes: Combining your ultimate with bush leaps can make you extremely slippery. Jump in, kill, and get out before they can retaliate.
Vision Control: Rengar thrives on picks. Clear enemy vision around objectives or side lanes so you can set up deadly traps.
Use Sweeper or Control Wards. Taking control of vision in a quadrant of the jungle or a side lane bush can force the enemy to face-check into you.
Your Bola at level 3 can be a great tool to guarantee a root, especially if the enemy laner has no Flash.
Bush Usage: Rengars passive is critical. Leaping out of a bush or from Fog of War makes it much harder for your opponent to react.
Watch for Lane Priority: If your lanes can follow up quickly, Rengars early ganks can secure kills or at least force enemy summoners.
Make sure to lane-gank botlane if possible, its your best chance to get kills especially against engage supports.
Mid Game:
Level 6 is your major turning point. Rengars Ult lets you roam quickly to any lane.
Constantly keep an eye on the mini-map since Rengar is a champion who thrives on punishing isolated enemies.
Plan Where to Gank: Identify the best lane to shut down the enemy carry or the lane that has the easiest kill potential.
Use the Bushes: Combining your ultimate with bush leaps can make you extremely slippery. Jump in, kill, and get out before they can retaliate.
Vision Control: Rengar thrives on picks. Clear enemy vision around objectives or side lanes so you can set up deadly traps.
Use Sweeper or Control Wards. Taking control of vision in a quadrant of the jungle or a side lane bush can force the enemy to face-check into you.
How to play
Early Game:
Try to establish an early lead by engaging in skirmishes, tracking the enemy jungler, and ganking the lane that is likely to carry the game for your team. Get Serrated Dirk or Brutalizer early and avoid over-forcing ganks. If no ganking opportunities are present, focus on getting level 6 and playing for objectives, such as dragons and Herald (the first Herald has more value than the first dragon). You should take advantage of your lead in game and use it to pressure the enemy team and pick off out-of-position targets.
Mid Game:
The mid-game is a difficult phase of the game where the enemy team starts to group and it's harder to keep a lead. You have to focus on sticking to the winning lane and enable your bot lane to help invade the enemy jungle and keep your lead. Rengar can also take advantage of his ultimate to get picks on side lanes if the opportunity presents itself. With your second or third item you will be very strong and able to one-shot most squishy targets, so you should focus on securing objectives such as camps and Baron, by looking for picks before an objective spawns or zoning the enemy team away. However, you should never risk a 50/50 contest unless they are very behind and it's their only way of winning the game.
Late Game:
Rengar is a strong late-game champion that scales well. Once you reach the 4-item spike, you will be able to 1-shot almost every opponent and should look for easy picks and 1 vs 3 fights. You should carry your team by applying pressure to side lanes and getting turrets, creating vision and using your ultimate to zone the enemy team off turrets. Additionally, you should be aware of your win condition for the game and play around it, whether it be getting dragon soul, winning team fights or sidelaning. Rengar is not good at sieging and the best way for him to impact is by zoning the enemy team off their turrets and pressuring a 1-shot with your ultimate and let your team take their base.
Team Fights:
When team fighting as Rengar, you should focus on getting a flank to kill the carries of the enemy team. You have wait for your team to engage before following up and use the right Ferocity spell depending on the situation. It's the best for Rengar to not straight-up dive into the enemy frontline, as your are a glass cannon (when going assassin), and can 1-shot squishies but can also be 1-shotted yourself. You should make sure to not use the 4th stack of Ferocity until the enemy's crowd control has been used and then cleanse it with Battle Roar and escape if needed.
Try to establish an early lead by engaging in skirmishes, tracking the enemy jungler, and ganking the lane that is likely to carry the game for your team. Get Serrated Dirk or Brutalizer early and avoid over-forcing ganks. If no ganking opportunities are present, focus on getting level 6 and playing for objectives, such as dragons and Herald (the first Herald has more value than the first dragon). You should take advantage of your lead in game and use it to pressure the enemy team and pick off out-of-position targets.
Mid Game:
The mid-game is a difficult phase of the game where the enemy team starts to group and it's harder to keep a lead. You have to focus on sticking to the winning lane and enable your bot lane to help invade the enemy jungle and keep your lead. Rengar can also take advantage of his ultimate to get picks on side lanes if the opportunity presents itself. With your second or third item you will be very strong and able to one-shot most squishy targets, so you should focus on securing objectives such as camps and Baron, by looking for picks before an objective spawns or zoning the enemy team away. However, you should never risk a 50/50 contest unless they are very behind and it's their only way of winning the game.
Late Game:
Rengar is a strong late-game champion that scales well. Once you reach the 4-item spike, you will be able to 1-shot almost every opponent and should look for easy picks and 1 vs 3 fights. You should carry your team by applying pressure to side lanes and getting turrets, creating vision and using your ultimate to zone the enemy team off turrets. Additionally, you should be aware of your win condition for the game and play around it, whether it be getting dragon soul, winning team fights or sidelaning. Rengar is not good at sieging and the best way for him to impact is by zoning the enemy team off their turrets and pressuring a 1-shot with your ultimate and let your team take their base.
Team Fights:
When team fighting as Rengar, you should focus on getting a flank to kill the carries of the enemy team. You have wait for your team to engage before following up and use the right Ferocity spell depending on the situation. It's the best for Rengar to not straight-up dive into the enemy frontline, as your are a glass cannon (when going assassin), and can 1-shot squishies but can also be 1-shotted yourself. You should make sure to not use the 4th stack of Ferocity until the enemy's crowd control has been used and then cleanse it with Battle Roar and escape if needed.
Macro & Game Sense
Play Around Bushes:
Rengars greatest strength is surprise. Control the river bushes, lane bushes, and jungle entrances.
Even in mid to late game, small pockets of fog can set you up for an instant assassination on a squishy.
Track Enemy Summoners & Key Ultimates:
If the enemy carrys Flash is down, thats your prime target.
If the enemy has big CC or lockdown tools (Leona R, Malzahar R, etc.), wait for them to use these abilities or be out of position before you commit.
Objective Control:
Rengar can burst down Dragons and Grubs/Herald quickly if you have enough items.
Before major objectives, look to pick off a key target with your ultimate. This can force a 5v4 or cause the enemy to back off.
Know When to Split vs. Group:
In some games, you can split-push with Rengars strong dueling power, especially if you have high burst or items that allow you to duel top laners.
In other scenarios, grouping for picks near objectives is better. Rengar can flank from a side bush, eliminate a carry, and turn the fight.
Rengars greatest strength is surprise. Control the river bushes, lane bushes, and jungle entrances.
Even in mid to late game, small pockets of fog can set you up for an instant assassination on a squishy.
Track Enemy Summoners & Key Ultimates:
If the enemy carrys Flash is down, thats your prime target.
If the enemy has big CC or lockdown tools (Leona R, Malzahar R, etc.), wait for them to use these abilities or be out of position before you commit.
Objective Control:
Rengar can burst down Dragons and Grubs/Herald quickly if you have enough items.
Before major objectives, look to pick off a key target with your ultimate. This can force a 5v4 or cause the enemy to back off.
Know When to Split vs. Group:
In some games, you can split-push with Rengars strong dueling power, especially if you have high burst or items that allow you to duel top laners.
In other scenarios, grouping for picks near objectives is better. Rengar can flank from a side bush, eliminate a carry, and turn the fight.
How to Climb each Elo
Iron & Bronze:
Common Player Habits:
- Lack of Map Awareness: Enemies rarely track your position and might not ward properly.
- Extended Overstays: Laners will often push without warding or overstay after low-health trades.
- Slow to Respond: Opponents won’t react quickly to pings or invades.
How to Abuse This:
1. Early Ganks & Bushes
- In Iron/Bronze, players often ignore jungle tracking. You can do simple 3 camp routes (Red > Wolves > Blue or Blue > Gromp > Red) and immediately look for a gank. They rarely expect a fast level 3.
- Use bushes extensively. Rengars passive allows quick leaps on unsuspecting targets.
2. Invade Whenever Possible
- If you see the enemy jungler on the opposite side or if they are slow to clear, invade and punish. Low Elo junglers typically leave camps at low health or dont know how to path efficiently.
- Secure kills or disrupt their pathing, this sets them behind while you get ahead.
3. Keep It Simple
- Dont overcomplicate combos. A standard leap + Empowered Q (when you have 4 Ferocity) will usually instantly kill low Elo laners who stand still or facecheck.
- Stay aware that your biggest threat might be your own overconfidence. Don’t dive under towers blindly.
Priority Goals:
1. Get a Lead Early: Use your first few minutes to get kills or force enemy Flashes.
2. Snowball the Lead: Invade, steal enemy buffs, and chain-gank losing lanes (the enemy won’t adapt well).
3. Secure Objectives: Even in low Elo, taking Dragons, Rift Herald, and turrets leads to easy wins if you maintain a gold lead.
Main Takeaway:
Aggression and punishing mistakes are king. You will likely outmechanic most players, so focus on constant ganking and invading while using your lead to grab objectives.
Common Player Habits
- Slightly better map awareness than Iron/Bronze, but still lacking in consistent warding.
- Laners may start to freeze waves or attempt more coordinated plays but execution is still poor.
- Enemy junglers might have more consistent pathing.
How to Abuse This
1. Track Enemy Jungler More Intentionally
- Watch their starting buff. Identify their pattern, look for opportunities to invade or countergank.
2. Focus on Lanes with Crowd Control
- Silver players start to pick champs with reliable CC (Leona support, Lux mid). Utilize allied CC to guarantee kills with your burst.
3. Use Ultimate to Force 2v1 or 3v1
- Rengars Ult is still devastating at this Elo. The moment you unlock it, aim to punish overextended carries.
Priority Goals
1. Snowball a Lead on Key Allies: If your mid or bot has strong CC or is already winning, camp them to accelerate the game.
2. Objective & Vision Control: Encourage your support to place deeper wards. In Silver, you can single-handedly create picks by clearing enemy vision around Dragon/Baron pits, then popping R to catch stragglers.
3. Tempo & Transition: Keep the pace high. Silver teams often dont know how to come back from early deficits, so constant pressure typically results in a snowball.
Main Takeaway:
Silver players are marginally more aware, so you must learn basic jungle tracking and objective play. Keep punishing mistakes and use your R to create unstoppable picks.
Common Player Habits
- More consistent warding and occasional coordination with pings.
- Enemy junglers will attempt to track you, but many still struggle with efficient clear speed.
- Laners might start playing safer once they fall behind.
How to Abuse This
1. Efficient Pathing & Counter-Ganks
- In Gold, you will encounter junglers who can clear faster. Make sure your clear is optimized. Try not to get behind in farm.
- Rengars dueling is still strong; if you see the enemy jungler show top, you can instantly respond or make a cross-map play (invade bot side or gank bot).
2. Tactical Ult Usage
- Gold players do watch for your R icon to disappear. They may group or back off together.
- Bait out their movement, sometimes pop R and move around a bush, forcing them to clump or retreat, then switch targets or head to another lane.
3. Deeper Vision & Smart Rotations
- Start placing Control Wards in deeper spots to conceal your approach. Gold players are less likely to facecheck but can still be caught off-guard.
Priority Goals
1. Balance Ganks & Farming: Don’t fall too far behind in CS while trying to gank. Rengar scales with items; you need those power spikes.
2. Snowball Your Strongest Lane: Identify the ally lane performing best and funnel them kills plus tower plates.
3. Set Up Baron/Dragon Traps: By mid-game, use your lead to ambush the enemy with your ultimate near objectives.
Main Takeaway:
In Gold, refine your pathing efficiency and learn to use your ultimate strategically rather than always "on cooldown". Snowball the game but respect better warding.
Common Player Habits
- Players are fairly decent at punishing mistakes. They understand wave management better.
- Junglers will often invade if they see an opportunity.
- Teams start to group more effectively around objectives.
How to Abuse This
1. Adapt to Enemy Jungle Knowledge
- Expect the enemy jungler to know Rengar’s power spikes (level 2–3 and level 6). They might place wards or set traps.
- Mix up your pathing to avoid being too predictable.
2. Aim for High-Value Targets
- Platinum ADCs and mid-laners deal consistent damage. Focus them in fights. Don’t waste your ultimate diving an enemy tank unless you’re massively ahead.
3. Vision Denial
- Platinum players use wards more effectively. Keep an Oracle Lens and buy Control Wards regularly. Sweeping key bushes before ulting can win you picks.
Priority Goals
1. Precise Objective Timing: Watch for Dragon and Rift Herald spawn timers. In Plat, teams do respond more quickly to objectives, so be there first or plan a flank.
2. Know Which Lanes to Gank: Don’t just gank losing lanes out of pity. Prioritize lanes that give you guaranteed kills/assists or big snowball potential.
3. Play Around Power Spikes: Rengar is item-reliant. If your Mythic is completed and the enemy mid laner still hasn’t finished theirs, punish them.
Main Takeaway:
In Platinum, you need smarter pathing, better vision control, and precise targeting in fights. Mistakes are punished harder, so refine your ganks and objective setups.
Common Player Habits
- Players generally have a decent grasp of their champions combos and can execute them more reliably, though not as flawlessly as Diamond.
- They typically understand wave states, objective rotations and basic jungle tracking. However, you will still find lapses—like delayed rotations or overcommitting to losing fights.
- Teams are more diligent with wards than in Platinum. They will place and defend vision in key areas (dragon/baron, pixel brush), but sometimes forget side-lane or deeper jungle wards.
- While better at grouping than Platinum, they can still tilt or fail to coordinate if things go south. Focused shotcalling and consistent pressure can unravel their synergy.
How to Abuse This
1. Exploit Overconfidence in Mechanics
- Emerald players often trust their mechanics but may overestimate their ability to 1v1 or survive burst. As Rengar, look for windows to instantly kill them if they step too far forward.
- Keep your combos clean—Emerald opponents usually won’t back off unless they see a direct threat.
2. Bait Out and Capitalize on Macro Mistakes
- Although they have a basic macro understanding, Emerald teams might rotate late or split incorrectly at times.
- Use your ultimate and fog-of-war positioning to collapse on isolated carries or punish late rotations to objectives.
3. Control Deeper Vision
- Emerald players often ward standard spots (river bushes, objective pits). Placing Control Wards or sweeping deeper into enemy territory can catch them off-guard, as they may not expect advanced ward setups.
4. Force Skirmishes When You Have the Advantage
- Since they understand grouping more than Plat players, they will come to fights, sometimes too eagerly.
- If you are ahead, dont hesitate to force 3v3 or 4v4 skirmishes in the jungle where you can easily leap from bushes. The chaotic terrain favors Rengars burst and resets.
Priority Goals
1. Efficient Jungle Pathing & Timely Ganks: Maintain a solid farm advantage while still pressuring lanes. If you fall behind in levels, an Emerald enemy jungler will punish you with superior mechanical execution or counter-ganks.
2. Set Up Vision Traps: Use Oracle Lens and Control Wards aggressively around choke points, side-lane bushes, and objectives. Rengar’s threat level skyrockets when the enemy can’t see your approach.
3. Play Around Key Power Spikes & Summoners: Watch for your Mythic item completion versus theirs. If you spike first, force fights; if they spike first, be patient and look for picks. Keep track of enemy Flashes—Emerald players rely heavily on summoners to survive your assassination attempts. Once they’re down, it’s easy kills for you.
4. Close Out with Macro Discipline: If you secure a lead, push it methodically. In Emerald, players are still susceptible to flips with bad Baron calls or poorly executed splits. Use Rengars strong pick potential to secure a numbers advantage before major objectives.
Main Takeaway:
Emerald is a transitional tier where players have solid mechanics and an improving macro game but theyre not quite at Diamonds level of consistent high-level play. By consistently demonstrating superior jungle pathing, sharp mechanics, and well coordinated team pressure, you will stand out in Emerald and move closer to Diamond.
Common Player Habits
- Diamond players have decent macro awareness, typically ward well, and track the jungler through deduction.
- Teams are more coordinated in fights and will peel their carries.
- Mechanics are generally sharper, and they know how to punish a Rengar who overcommits.
How to Abuse This
1. Out-Jungle the Enemy via Tempo
- Efficient clearing, timely ganks, and well planned recalls. If you master tempo, you will be consistently ahead in levels or items.
- Utilize windows where the enemy jungler shows top lane to force a 2v1 or 3v2 bot lane or secure an uncontested objective.
2. Set Up Takedowns with Patience
- Diamond laners will stay back when they suspect a gank. Use your R to apply pressure and wait for them to step up or burn mobility spells.
3. Exploit Fog of War
Rengars greatest asset is surprise. Diamond players will watch common flanks so use unconventional angles or deeper wards to find picks.
Priority Goals
1. Coordinate with Your Team: Even if solo queue can be chaotic, ping your engages. Diamond players usually respond better than lower Elos if they see a clear plan.
2. Teamfight Positioning: If you can’t instantly assassinate the carry, hover in a side bush during a skirmish and wait for the perfect moment to jump in.
3. Extended Win Conditions: If assassinating the carry is impossible due to heavy peel or tankiness, consider split-pushing with Rengar’s dueling potential.
Main Takeaway:
In Diamond, its about tempo management, intelligent ganking, and clean assassinations. You cannot afford repeated over-extensions. Vision control and patience are key to landing decisive picks.
Master & Grandmaster:
Common Player Habits
- Players have strong mechanics, game knowledge, and coordination, even in solo queue.
- They punish every small misposition.
- Junglers are extremely good at tracking and mind-gaming each others pathing.
How to Abuse This
1.Mind Games & Fake Pressure
- Sometimes just going missing on the map or popping R can force enemy laners to back off, losing CS. You dont always have to commit.
2. Advanced Timing
- Watch wave states carefully. At high Elo, the slightest wave disadvantage for the enemy can be a prime time to gank.
3. Adaptive Builds
- You must build situationally. If the enemy mid is a fed AP mage, consider Maw earlier. If the support is Janna or Lulu (heavy shielding), consider Serpents Fang.
Priority Goals
1. Carry Through Clean Mechanics: Execution mistakes are rare here, so perfect your Ferocity management (leaping with 4 stacks, using Empowered W to cleanse CC, etc.).
2. Set Traps: Master+ players rarely facecheck alone. Force them to rotate into dark areas or fight around your wards.
3. Flex Your Macro: Sometimes it’s better to force side lane pressure while your team feints Baron. Use your ultimate to quickly collapse if needed.
Main Takeaway:
Master/GM is about outsmarting and out-executing equally skilled opponents. Every advantage matters—be it wave state, item timing, or mind games with Rengar’s ultimate usage.
Common Player Habits
- Challenger players rarely make unforced errors. They have top-tier mechanics and macro knowledge.
- Junglers track every movement, and teams respond instantly to any threat.
- Everyone wards, and carries stick with peel or build items to survive burst (Zhonyas, Guardian Angel, etc).
How to Abuse This
1. Exquisite Timing & Patience
- You must exploit the few mistakes that do happen. Lanes will push advantages aggressively, but they also know how to ward.
- Remain hidden until you see a guaranteed kill window.
2. Coordinated Team Play
- In Challenger, "solo carry" becomes harder because teams rarely let their carries be isolated. You need synergy with your laners—chaining CC or coordinating flanks is crucial.
3. Truly Optimal Pathing & Mindset
- You must perfect your first clear and subsequent routes. Challenger teams punish even minor pathing inefficiencies.
- Be prepared to constantly adapt: if the enemy jungler changes strategy, you do too.
Priority Goals
1. Flawless Mechanics: Challenger-level Rengars never miss the leap combos or empowered ability decisions.
2. Unpredictable Pressure: Alternate between ganks, counter-ganks, and shadowing your lanes.
3. Vision Mastery: Every significant play is preceded by accurate ward placement or denial. You can’t rely on luck to find picks.
Main Takeaway:
In Challenger, its all about being the better jungler in terms of micro and macro. Your leaps, your ultimate usage, your pathing, and your team coordination must be near perfect. Even then, you will face heavy resistance. Its all about consistency.
- Iron–Bronze: Exploit poor warding and lack of map awareness with early ganks and invades.
- Silver–Gold: Refine pathing, learn basic jungle tracking and use ultimate to punish overextensions.
- Platinum–Emerald: Balance farming with aggression and improve your mechanics and macro.
- Diamond: Perfect your combos, focus on cleaner tempo, sharper vision control and punishing mid-game mistakes.
- Master–GM: Master tempo, advanced mind games and adapt item builds/runes to each match.
- Challenger: Flawless mechanics, macro, synergy and unpredictability in your playstyle.
By scaling up your approach at each tier, becoming more sophisticated in your pathing, vision, team coordination, and mechanical precision. You will find yourself consistently climbing. Rengars lethal assassin toolkit can dominate the Rift at every level of play if you apply these principles. Good luck on your journey to Challenger!
Common Player Habits:
- Lack of Map Awareness: Enemies rarely track your position and might not ward properly.
- Extended Overstays: Laners will often push without warding or overstay after low-health trades.
- Slow to Respond: Opponents won’t react quickly to pings or invades.
How to Abuse This:
1. Early Ganks & Bushes
- In Iron/Bronze, players often ignore jungle tracking. You can do simple 3 camp routes (Red > Wolves > Blue or Blue > Gromp > Red) and immediately look for a gank. They rarely expect a fast level 3.
- Use bushes extensively. Rengars passive allows quick leaps on unsuspecting targets.
2. Invade Whenever Possible
- If you see the enemy jungler on the opposite side or if they are slow to clear, invade and punish. Low Elo junglers typically leave camps at low health or dont know how to path efficiently.
- Secure kills or disrupt their pathing, this sets them behind while you get ahead.
3. Keep It Simple
- Dont overcomplicate combos. A standard leap + Empowered Q (when you have 4 Ferocity) will usually instantly kill low Elo laners who stand still or facecheck.
- Stay aware that your biggest threat might be your own overconfidence. Don’t dive under towers blindly.
Priority Goals:
1. Get a Lead Early: Use your first few minutes to get kills or force enemy Flashes.
2. Snowball the Lead: Invade, steal enemy buffs, and chain-gank losing lanes (the enemy won’t adapt well).
3. Secure Objectives: Even in low Elo, taking Dragons, Rift Herald, and turrets leads to easy wins if you maintain a gold lead.
Main Takeaway:
Aggression and punishing mistakes are king. You will likely outmechanic most players, so focus on constant ganking and invading while using your lead to grab objectives.
Common Player Habits
- Slightly better map awareness than Iron/Bronze, but still lacking in consistent warding.
- Laners may start to freeze waves or attempt more coordinated plays but execution is still poor.
- Enemy junglers might have more consistent pathing.
How to Abuse This
1. Track Enemy Jungler More Intentionally
- Watch their starting buff. Identify their pattern, look for opportunities to invade or countergank.
2. Focus on Lanes with Crowd Control
- Silver players start to pick champs with reliable CC (Leona support, Lux mid). Utilize allied CC to guarantee kills with your burst.
3. Use Ultimate to Force 2v1 or 3v1
- Rengars Ult is still devastating at this Elo. The moment you unlock it, aim to punish overextended carries.
Priority Goals
1. Snowball a Lead on Key Allies: If your mid or bot has strong CC or is already winning, camp them to accelerate the game.
2. Objective & Vision Control: Encourage your support to place deeper wards. In Silver, you can single-handedly create picks by clearing enemy vision around Dragon/Baron pits, then popping R to catch stragglers.
3. Tempo & Transition: Keep the pace high. Silver teams often dont know how to come back from early deficits, so constant pressure typically results in a snowball.
Main Takeaway:
Silver players are marginally more aware, so you must learn basic jungle tracking and objective play. Keep punishing mistakes and use your R to create unstoppable picks.
Common Player Habits
- More consistent warding and occasional coordination with pings.
- Enemy junglers will attempt to track you, but many still struggle with efficient clear speed.
- Laners might start playing safer once they fall behind.
How to Abuse This
1. Efficient Pathing & Counter-Ganks
- In Gold, you will encounter junglers who can clear faster. Make sure your clear is optimized. Try not to get behind in farm.
- Rengars dueling is still strong; if you see the enemy jungler show top, you can instantly respond or make a cross-map play (invade bot side or gank bot).
2. Tactical Ult Usage
- Gold players do watch for your R icon to disappear. They may group or back off together.
- Bait out their movement, sometimes pop R and move around a bush, forcing them to clump or retreat, then switch targets or head to another lane.
3. Deeper Vision & Smart Rotations
- Start placing Control Wards in deeper spots to conceal your approach. Gold players are less likely to facecheck but can still be caught off-guard.
Priority Goals
1. Balance Ganks & Farming: Don’t fall too far behind in CS while trying to gank. Rengar scales with items; you need those power spikes.
2. Snowball Your Strongest Lane: Identify the ally lane performing best and funnel them kills plus tower plates.
3. Set Up Baron/Dragon Traps: By mid-game, use your lead to ambush the enemy with your ultimate near objectives.
Main Takeaway:
In Gold, refine your pathing efficiency and learn to use your ultimate strategically rather than always "on cooldown". Snowball the game but respect better warding.
Common Player Habits
- Players are fairly decent at punishing mistakes. They understand wave management better.
- Junglers will often invade if they see an opportunity.
- Teams start to group more effectively around objectives.
How to Abuse This
1. Adapt to Enemy Jungle Knowledge
- Expect the enemy jungler to know Rengar’s power spikes (level 2–3 and level 6). They might place wards or set traps.
- Mix up your pathing to avoid being too predictable.
2. Aim for High-Value Targets
- Platinum ADCs and mid-laners deal consistent damage. Focus them in fights. Don’t waste your ultimate diving an enemy tank unless you’re massively ahead.
3. Vision Denial
- Platinum players use wards more effectively. Keep an Oracle Lens and buy Control Wards regularly. Sweeping key bushes before ulting can win you picks.
Priority Goals
1. Precise Objective Timing: Watch for Dragon and Rift Herald spawn timers. In Plat, teams do respond more quickly to objectives, so be there first or plan a flank.
2. Know Which Lanes to Gank: Don’t just gank losing lanes out of pity. Prioritize lanes that give you guaranteed kills/assists or big snowball potential.
3. Play Around Power Spikes: Rengar is item-reliant. If your Mythic is completed and the enemy mid laner still hasn’t finished theirs, punish them.
Main Takeaway:
In Platinum, you need smarter pathing, better vision control, and precise targeting in fights. Mistakes are punished harder, so refine your ganks and objective setups.
Common Player Habits
- Players generally have a decent grasp of their champions combos and can execute them more reliably, though not as flawlessly as Diamond.
- They typically understand wave states, objective rotations and basic jungle tracking. However, you will still find lapses—like delayed rotations or overcommitting to losing fights.
- Teams are more diligent with wards than in Platinum. They will place and defend vision in key areas (dragon/baron, pixel brush), but sometimes forget side-lane or deeper jungle wards.
- While better at grouping than Platinum, they can still tilt or fail to coordinate if things go south. Focused shotcalling and consistent pressure can unravel their synergy.
How to Abuse This
1. Exploit Overconfidence in Mechanics
- Emerald players often trust their mechanics but may overestimate their ability to 1v1 or survive burst. As Rengar, look for windows to instantly kill them if they step too far forward.
- Keep your combos clean—Emerald opponents usually won’t back off unless they see a direct threat.
2. Bait Out and Capitalize on Macro Mistakes
- Although they have a basic macro understanding, Emerald teams might rotate late or split incorrectly at times.
- Use your ultimate and fog-of-war positioning to collapse on isolated carries or punish late rotations to objectives.
3. Control Deeper Vision
- Emerald players often ward standard spots (river bushes, objective pits). Placing Control Wards or sweeping deeper into enemy territory can catch them off-guard, as they may not expect advanced ward setups.
4. Force Skirmishes When You Have the Advantage
- Since they understand grouping more than Plat players, they will come to fights, sometimes too eagerly.
- If you are ahead, dont hesitate to force 3v3 or 4v4 skirmishes in the jungle where you can easily leap from bushes. The chaotic terrain favors Rengars burst and resets.
Priority Goals
1. Efficient Jungle Pathing & Timely Ganks: Maintain a solid farm advantage while still pressuring lanes. If you fall behind in levels, an Emerald enemy jungler will punish you with superior mechanical execution or counter-ganks.
2. Set Up Vision Traps: Use Oracle Lens and Control Wards aggressively around choke points, side-lane bushes, and objectives. Rengar’s threat level skyrockets when the enemy can’t see your approach.
3. Play Around Key Power Spikes & Summoners: Watch for your Mythic item completion versus theirs. If you spike first, force fights; if they spike first, be patient and look for picks. Keep track of enemy Flashes—Emerald players rely heavily on summoners to survive your assassination attempts. Once they’re down, it’s easy kills for you.
4. Close Out with Macro Discipline: If you secure a lead, push it methodically. In Emerald, players are still susceptible to flips with bad Baron calls or poorly executed splits. Use Rengars strong pick potential to secure a numbers advantage before major objectives.
Main Takeaway:
Emerald is a transitional tier where players have solid mechanics and an improving macro game but theyre not quite at Diamonds level of consistent high-level play. By consistently demonstrating superior jungle pathing, sharp mechanics, and well coordinated team pressure, you will stand out in Emerald and move closer to Diamond.
Common Player Habits
- Diamond players have decent macro awareness, typically ward well, and track the jungler through deduction.
- Teams are more coordinated in fights and will peel their carries.
- Mechanics are generally sharper, and they know how to punish a Rengar who overcommits.
How to Abuse This
1. Out-Jungle the Enemy via Tempo
- Efficient clearing, timely ganks, and well planned recalls. If you master tempo, you will be consistently ahead in levels or items.
- Utilize windows where the enemy jungler shows top lane to force a 2v1 or 3v2 bot lane or secure an uncontested objective.
2. Set Up Takedowns with Patience
- Diamond laners will stay back when they suspect a gank. Use your R to apply pressure and wait for them to step up or burn mobility spells.
3. Exploit Fog of War
Rengars greatest asset is surprise. Diamond players will watch common flanks so use unconventional angles or deeper wards to find picks.
Priority Goals
1. Coordinate with Your Team: Even if solo queue can be chaotic, ping your engages. Diamond players usually respond better than lower Elos if they see a clear plan.
2. Teamfight Positioning: If you can’t instantly assassinate the carry, hover in a side bush during a skirmish and wait for the perfect moment to jump in.
3. Extended Win Conditions: If assassinating the carry is impossible due to heavy peel or tankiness, consider split-pushing with Rengar’s dueling potential.
Main Takeaway:
In Diamond, its about tempo management, intelligent ganking, and clean assassinations. You cannot afford repeated over-extensions. Vision control and patience are key to landing decisive picks.
Master & Grandmaster:
Common Player Habits
- Players have strong mechanics, game knowledge, and coordination, even in solo queue.
- They punish every small misposition.
- Junglers are extremely good at tracking and mind-gaming each others pathing.
How to Abuse This
1.Mind Games & Fake Pressure
- Sometimes just going missing on the map or popping R can force enemy laners to back off, losing CS. You dont always have to commit.
2. Advanced Timing
- Watch wave states carefully. At high Elo, the slightest wave disadvantage for the enemy can be a prime time to gank.
3. Adaptive Builds
- You must build situationally. If the enemy mid is a fed AP mage, consider Maw earlier. If the support is Janna or Lulu (heavy shielding), consider Serpents Fang.
Priority Goals
1. Carry Through Clean Mechanics: Execution mistakes are rare here, so perfect your Ferocity management (leaping with 4 stacks, using Empowered W to cleanse CC, etc.).
2. Set Traps: Master+ players rarely facecheck alone. Force them to rotate into dark areas or fight around your wards.
3. Flex Your Macro: Sometimes it’s better to force side lane pressure while your team feints Baron. Use your ultimate to quickly collapse if needed.
Main Takeaway:
Master/GM is about outsmarting and out-executing equally skilled opponents. Every advantage matters—be it wave state, item timing, or mind games with Rengar’s ultimate usage.
Common Player Habits
- Challenger players rarely make unforced errors. They have top-tier mechanics and macro knowledge.
- Junglers track every movement, and teams respond instantly to any threat.
- Everyone wards, and carries stick with peel or build items to survive burst (Zhonyas, Guardian Angel, etc).
How to Abuse This
1. Exquisite Timing & Patience
- You must exploit the few mistakes that do happen. Lanes will push advantages aggressively, but they also know how to ward.
- Remain hidden until you see a guaranteed kill window.
2. Coordinated Team Play
- In Challenger, "solo carry" becomes harder because teams rarely let their carries be isolated. You need synergy with your laners—chaining CC or coordinating flanks is crucial.
3. Truly Optimal Pathing & Mindset
- You must perfect your first clear and subsequent routes. Challenger teams punish even minor pathing inefficiencies.
- Be prepared to constantly adapt: if the enemy jungler changes strategy, you do too.
Priority Goals
1. Flawless Mechanics: Challenger-level Rengars never miss the leap combos or empowered ability decisions.
2. Unpredictable Pressure: Alternate between ganks, counter-ganks, and shadowing your lanes.
3. Vision Mastery: Every significant play is preceded by accurate ward placement or denial. You can’t rely on luck to find picks.
Main Takeaway:
In Challenger, its all about being the better jungler in terms of micro and macro. Your leaps, your ultimate usage, your pathing, and your team coordination must be near perfect. Even then, you will face heavy resistance. Its all about consistency.
- Iron–Bronze: Exploit poor warding and lack of map awareness with early ganks and invades.
- Silver–Gold: Refine pathing, learn basic jungle tracking and use ultimate to punish overextensions.
- Platinum–Emerald: Balance farming with aggression and improve your mechanics and macro.
- Diamond: Perfect your combos, focus on cleaner tempo, sharper vision control and punishing mid-game mistakes.
- Master–GM: Master tempo, advanced mind games and adapt item builds/runes to each match.
- Challenger: Flawless mechanics, macro, synergy and unpredictability in your playstyle.
By scaling up your approach at each tier, becoming more sophisticated in your pathing, vision, team coordination, and mechanical precision. You will find yourself consistently climbing. Rengars lethal assassin toolkit can dominate the Rift at every level of play if you apply these principles. Good luck on your journey to Challenger!
Mindset & Tips for Climbing
Master the Fundamentals First:
- Mechanics (Leap combos, Ferocity management).
- Jungle basics (pathing efficiency, early ganks, objective control).
Be Proactive: Rengar is not a champion that can sit back and farm until 30 minutes. You want to constantly look for picks and keep the enemy team on the back foot.
Snowball Factor: If you secure early kills, press that advantage. Invade the enemy jungle, steal camps, take more control wards, and hamper the enemy junglers ability to farm.
Dont Overcommit: With Rengars "jump in and burst" style, its easy to overchase or dive too deep. Learn to pick your moments.
Always Track Summoners & Enemy Ultimates:
Knowing when the enemy Flash or Key Ultimates are out is down is crucial for guaranteed kills.
Adapt your Style: Sometimes you cant oneshot a fed enemy tank or bruiser—focus on the squishy carries or wait for a better angle.
Low Elo: Aggressive, punishing mistakes every minute.
Mid Elo: More balanced approach, farm enough while still creating kill pressure.
High Elo: Deep vision, advanced mind games, near perfect execution.
Communication & Shotcalling:
Even if your team doesnt always follow, pinging your intentions sets a precedent and helps them move.
By Diamond+, players will listen more if they see you are making smart calls.
If you havent pinged, checked positions nor checked wave-states and blame your Team for not following you, its your fault!
Watch Pro / One-Trick Rengar VODs:
Seeing how top Rengar mains path, gank, and set up kills is invaluable for improving quickly.
Rewatch your own VODs:
Reviewing your mistakes outside of the game will make you think more clearly about what happened and how you can improve next game.
- Mechanics (Leap combos, Ferocity management).
- Jungle basics (pathing efficiency, early ganks, objective control).
Be Proactive: Rengar is not a champion that can sit back and farm until 30 minutes. You want to constantly look for picks and keep the enemy team on the back foot.
Snowball Factor: If you secure early kills, press that advantage. Invade the enemy jungle, steal camps, take more control wards, and hamper the enemy junglers ability to farm.
Dont Overcommit: With Rengars "jump in and burst" style, its easy to overchase or dive too deep. Learn to pick your moments.
Always Track Summoners & Enemy Ultimates:
Knowing when the enemy Flash or Key Ultimates are out is down is crucial for guaranteed kills.
Adapt your Style: Sometimes you cant oneshot a fed enemy tank or bruiser—focus on the squishy carries or wait for a better angle.
Low Elo: Aggressive, punishing mistakes every minute.
Mid Elo: More balanced approach, farm enough while still creating kill pressure.
High Elo: Deep vision, advanced mind games, near perfect execution.
Communication & Shotcalling:
Even if your team doesnt always follow, pinging your intentions sets a precedent and helps them move.
By Diamond+, players will listen more if they see you are making smart calls.
If you havent pinged, checked positions nor checked wave-states and blame your Team for not following you, its your fault!
Watch Pro / One-Trick Rengar VODs:
Seeing how top Rengar mains path, gank, and set up kills is invaluable for improving quickly.
Rewatch your own VODs:
Reviewing your mistakes outside of the game will make you think more clearly about what happened and how you can improve next game.
To win games on Rengar jungle, you need to master:
1. Early Pathing & Aggression: Use his strong level 2–3 to gank or invade.
2. Ultimate Usage: At level 6+, look for kills in sidelanes or mid. Rengars Ult can force fights on your terms.
3. Bush & Vision Control: Rengar excels at surprising enemies from unwarded bushes.
4. Clean Combos & Ferocity Management: Know which empowered ability to use depending on the situation (burst vs. root vs. sustain).
5. Item Builds & Snowballing: Prioritize assassin Items (or their replacements) and adapt with situational defensive items if needed.
6. Macro Decisions: Once you are ahead, pressure the enemy jungle, look for picks around objectives, and ensure your kill threat translates to leads for your team.
Master these fundamentals, and you will be well on your way to dominating the Rift as Rengar Jungle, no matter what the season or patch changes may be. Good hunting!
1. Early Pathing & Aggression: Use his strong level 2–3 to gank or invade.
2. Ultimate Usage: At level 6+, look for kills in sidelanes or mid. Rengars Ult can force fights on your terms.
3. Bush & Vision Control: Rengar excels at surprising enemies from unwarded bushes.
4. Clean Combos & Ferocity Management: Know which empowered ability to use depending on the situation (burst vs. root vs. sustain).
5. Item Builds & Snowballing: Prioritize assassin Items (or their replacements) and adapt with situational defensive items if needed.
6. Macro Decisions: Once you are ahead, pressure the enemy jungle, look for picks around objectives, and ensure your kill threat translates to leads for your team.
Master these fundamentals, and you will be well on your way to dominating the Rift as Rengar Jungle, no matter what the season or patch changes may be. Good hunting!
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