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Shen Build Guide by xXFire_Lord_OzaiXx

Middle Restoring the honor of your family [Shen Mid]

Middle Restoring the honor of your family [Shen Mid]

Updated on November 15, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXFire_Lord_OzaiXx Build Guide By xXFire_Lord_OzaiXx 15,455 Views 1 Comments
15,455 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xXFire_Lord_OzaiXx Shen Build Guide By xXFire_Lord_OzaiXx Updated on November 15, 2017
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Press the Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Introduction: You killed my father, now you have to die

First of all only pick Shen mid vs Zed. Otherwise you will lose hard. You´ll probably lose either way, but vs. Zed you died trying to restore your family´s honor. But if you are able to succeed in the probably most important mission of your life and the enemy zed has a KDA like this

then you know that you have revenged your father´s death and now he can rest in peace.
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For your keystone you want to take Press the Attack, which is in combination with the AA reset on tiamat plus your taunt pretty damn strong and effective for early, mid and late game trades.

Next on the list is Triumph which will earn you bonus gold if you revenge your father´s death, which then allows you to kill this traitorous bastard more often. Which results in even more gold. You see where this is going.

After that you pick Legend:Bloodline to increase your lane sustain and trading capabilities.

The last rune for the primary tree is Coup De Grace which is basicly the old merciless mastery. And because you don´t show any mercy to the man who killed your father he will always be low life in lane.

For your secondary tree pick domination, it give you acces to Sudden Impact which allows you to with the help of the bonus lethality to demonstrate superior, merciless, brutal but fair judgement towards the traitor.

The last rune for this page is Ravenous Hunter which gives you bonus healing from abilites like a mini Death´s Dance. The heal scales with your bounty hunter stacks up to 15% at 5 stacks.
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It´s extremly important to follow this core build order. Strictly.

--> -->

Choose depending on the rest of the enemy team


For the last item´s you can choose what you want, but only from these carefully selected:

/ / / /

If you don´t follow it you´re not better than this guy.
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To sum this guide up:

If you hate playing against zed mid and want to have fun try this out.
It´s pretty funny if you can actually get a lead against zed and deny him the joy of playing an assassin. To make it even funnier constantly type in the chat something along the lines of:

You killed my father, now you have to die!
You dishonored my family!
I will revenge him!
Only one of us can leave this lane alive!

Or anything that sounds like a revenge-seeking-ninja facing his ultimate enemy.
So try it and have fun :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXFire_Lord_OzaiXx
xXFire_Lord_OzaiXx Shen Guide
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Restoring the honor of your family [Shen Mid]

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