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Rumble Build Guide by Troy Sin

Rumble In the Jungle

Rumble In the Jungle

Updated on October 27, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Troy Sin Build Guide By Troy Sin 7,423 Views 0 Comments
7,423 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Troy Sin Rumble Build Guide By Troy Sin Updated on October 27, 2016
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Rumble in the Jungle!

Rumble as a jungler is pretty strong atm, since jungle camps has pretty low MR.

The reason i wrote this guide is because of my mastery selection:

I have been trying some different masteries out. And I find this 12-6-12 mastery quite nice. Mostly because you get a really good early clear, which seems like his greatest weakness.

Obviously Deathfire Touch is really good on Rumble, but it doesnt help him in the jungle.

Strenght of Ages is pretty good, but since Rumble doesnt have any kinda of scaling with HP and you already are buying quite allot of HP (Liandrys, Rylais)it really doesnt seem that usefull to me.

I think Stormraiders can be good in some cases, like if the enemy team has lots of slows or are very mobile and squishy.

But with my masteries you get a great early clear and you can even buy a pink ward lvl 1 + a pot.

You are quite dependent on a good leash lvl 1, optimally you can ask for either smiteless blue or krugs.
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Ofcourse you should always try and keep ur "heat" above 50.

At lvl 2 its nice to overheat, get ur heat to 70 and then W+Q for the overheated shield and Q. Also later on this is a good way to clear fast and stay healthy.

Make use of the Hunters Talisman passive, by using Q or E when passing by jungle camps. And then run off using W.
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I would love some feedback on this :)

Best regards
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Troy Sin
Troy Sin Rumble Guide
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Rumble In the Jungle

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